Guardians of the Galaxy

By SethCauble

39.2K 917 73

Blake Slader is Peter Quill's, A.K.A Starlord's, partner in crime. They went on adventures together as ravang... More

Blake Slader
Endings and Beginnings
Unexpected Turn of Events
Meet Peter Quill
Retrieving the Orb
Meeting the Guardians
In the Kyln
Meet Drax the Destroyer
Making a Deal
Prison Escape
Making Friends Everywhere We Go
Split up and Dominated
Making a Compromise
Plan out
The Battle Part 1
The Battle Part 2
A Clue
It's her. It's really her.
Day in the Life of Danger
High Priestess Ayesha
Wounds and Scars
It Can't Be
The Truth
The Talk
The Ravengers
Not what it used to be
The Escape Plan
Come a Little Bit Closer
We've gotta Save Quill
Let's End This
Final Battle Part 1
Final Battle Part 2
Final Battle Part 3
Goodbye Yondu
A Ravenger Funeral: Father and Son
The Christmas Special
Birth of a New Guardian
A Hurting Brother
An New Familiar Foe
A Kill Switch?!
No Way
Mission Preparation
Breaking into OrgoCorp
Hard to Cooperate
Planning Our Next Steps
Analogies and Metaphors
A Really Weird Planet
Not a Creator
It's a Face-off
The End of Counter-Earth
Ride or Die
Saving Rocket
Let's End This
No Sleep Till Brooklyn
Saving the Children
Rocket's Origin
I Guess This is Goodbye
Let's Celebrate

Rocket, you Idiot

370 11 0
By SethCauble

When we got to the cockpit, we noticed there was an armada of Sovereign fleet ships.

Quill: That's weird. We've got a Sovereign fleet approaching behind us.

Blake: Are they attacking?

Gamora: Why would they be doing that?

Drax: Probably because Rocket stole some of their batteries.

He said mindlessly.

Rocket: Dude!

He must've felt betrayed.

So did we.

Blake: What?

Drax: Oh, you're right. He didn't steal those. I don't know why they're after us. What a mystery this.

Then the space battle started.

Quill: What were you thinking?!

Zoe: Are you crazy? We just helped those people and you stole from them?

Rocket: Guys, they were really easy to steal.

Blake: You call that an acceptable excuse?

Rocket: Come on, you saw how that high Priestess talked down to us. Now I'm teaching her a lesson.

Quill: Well, I didn't realize that your motivation was altruism. It's really a shame the Sovereign mistaken your intentions and are trying to kill us.

Rocket: Exactly!

Quill: I was being sarcastic!

Rocket: On no! You're supposed to use a sarcastic voice. Now, I look foolish.

Blake: You're already foolish to begin with.

Rocket: We're gonna go there?

Gamora: Can we put the bickering on hold till after we survive this massive space battle?

Blake: Oh, we might not survive so we might as well get it out, now.

Quill: More incoming!

Rocket: Good! I wanna kill some guys!

He screamed while he shot at them.

Gamora: You're not killing anyone. All those ships are remotely piloted.

Blake: Well, isn't that convenient?

We used evasive maneuvers to dodge blasts, but we got hit.

I could tell that Peter was getting anxious.

Quill: What's the nearest habitable planet?

Gamora did research.

Gamora: It's called Berhart.

Quill: How many jumps?

Zoe: Only one. But the access point is 47 clicks away and you have to go through that quantum asteroid field.

We looked and saw asteroids that disappeared and reappeared in a pattern.

We drove towards it.

Drax: Quill, to make it through that, you have to be the greatest pilot in the universe.

Quill: Lucky for us

Quill and Rocket: I am.

Quill looked at Rocket.

They kept driving, but they were fighting over the controls.

Rocket: What are you doing?

Quill: I've been flying this rig since I was ten years old.

Blake: You crashed us one time.

Quill: No, that was you while eating a bag of chips.

Rocket: I was cybernetically engineered to pilot a space craft.

Quill: You were cybernetically engineered to be a brain fart.

Gamora: Stop it.

Blake: Yeah. I'm with her this time. Do you need me to come up there and separate you two? I'll drive.

Quill: Blake, shut up and keep your butt in a seat!

Rocket: Quill, later on tonight, you're gonna laying down on your bed, there's gonna be something squishy in your pillowcase. You're gonna be like "What's this?" And it's gonna be because I PUT A TURD IN THERE!

Zoe: That's the best threat that you could come with?

Blake: Please don't. I'll probably smell it. Plus, it won't be pleasant to clean.

Quill: You put your turd in my bed, I shave you.

Rocket: Oh, it won't be my turd. It'll be Drax's.

Drax laughed.

Drax: I have famously huge turds.

Gamora: We're about to die and this is what we're discussing?

They kept fighting over the controls.

Quill: Dude! Seriously!

Rocket: Hey, let me-

An asteroid hit us.

We felt a cold turbulence.

We spun out of control and Groot was getting thrown around.

Quill activated the shield so to not cause anymore damage.


My guess, that could've Nebula.

Rocket: Well, that's what you get when Quill flies.

I've had enough.

Blake: Ok! That's it! You're in a time out! Get out of the seat!

Rocket: Hey! Come on, man!

I grabbed him out of the seat the put him in a corner.

Blake: Stay there and don't say a word while I'm driving!

Gamora: We still have a Sovereign craft behind us.

Quill: Our weapons are down.

Gamora: 20 clicks to the jump!

Then Drax put Groot on Gamora's shoulder.

Gamora: Hold on.

Zoe followed him.

Zoe: What are you doing?

Drax: I've gotta take out that ship. You know guns.

Zoe: Yeah?

Drax: Good.

Nebula was about to reach for a fruit but Drax kicked it away.

Drax: It's not ripe.

He attached a wire harness to him and Zoe and put on the spacesuits.

They grabbed guns and activated the shields.

The ship fired and hit the the thrusters.

Blake: We're taking fire!

Gamora: 15 clicks to the jump.

They jumped out.

Gamora: 10 clicks.

Drax and Zoe aimed.

Drax: Die spaceship!

He fired and destroyed it.

Gamora: 5 clicks!

But unfortunately, there were more ships that appeared.

Blake: Oh, come on.

Quill: Son of a-. They went around the field!

We began taking more fire.

Blake: We're not gonna last much longer!

Rocket: Can I get back up there, now?

Blake: No!

But luckily, and strangely enough, a bright light destroyed the ships.

What just happened?

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