A girl like you.

By Yoyohansson

325K 9.1K 5.3K

G!P y/n is Sebastian's younger sister, she is intersex and 28 years old and uses the pronouns she/ her. She i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43.
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.

chapter 47

3.6K 113 25
By Yoyohansson

"Baby, come on wake up." "Lizzie honey I love you but I'm tired so let me sleep." I groaned turning over so my face was buried between the pillows. "y/n it's 11 am if you don't get up now, we're going to be late for brunch." "five more minutes...?" "Fine, five more minutes then we'll get up, you lazy shit." Hmm, I love you too." I giggled pulling her body closer to mine. "I love when you're all sleepy and cuddly." "I vote that we ditch brunch and just stay cuddled up in bed all day." "I would if I could, but we've already said were coming now plus toms going to be there." "True he'll probably annoy me about it for weeks if we don't go." "Come on, let's get up before you fall back to sleep, I know what you're like." She giggled kissing in between my shoulder blades. "who's going to be there today?" "Scar, Chris, tom, seb and erm brie." "Oh great, that sounds like such fun." I scoff getting up out of bed making my way into the bathroom to brush my teeth. "Baby?" "Hmm." "What was that about?" she questioned as I just pointed to the toothbrush in my mouth.

"Now you're done care to explain what that was about?" "I'm just not excited to be having lunch with brie and seb that's all." "I know I said we have to go but if you don't want to, we can just stay here I don't want you to be in a situation you don't feel comfortable in." "I know, but I have to meet everyone at some point any way we may as well just go and get it over with. There's going to be other people there it'll be fine. I'll be fine." "Are you sure baby?" "I'm sure, come on let's get ready before we have to go out." I smiled pecking her lips before going to get myself dressed.

Once our uber pulled up outside the café there were already paparazzi standing outside so at least we're not the first ones here. I fucking hate paparazzi they pictured us Friday night at dinner then going back to Lizzie hotel so there are rumours but we both keep denying it until we're ready nobody needs to know. We kept our heads down ignoring the cameras until we made our way inside towards a booth at the back.

"Hi, guys." "Hey y/n." Chris smiled pulling me into a hug. "it's been so long." "true I think the last time I saw you was on my birthday." He laughed as I saw Seb and brie come through the main entrance. Kind of weird they came together but sure. "Yeah, I think it was your birthday, that was such a good night honestly, especially when you started throwing up in the middle of the club." "Hey, you threw up in the uber." "True, maybe we just can't handle our alcohol." "True, oh hey seb." "I'll let you catch up with seb." I smiled as I took a seat next to Lizzie and scar. "Hey, baby." "Hi, love, hi scar how have you been?" "Yeah, I've been good so are you going to tell everyone else you're together or are you waiting until you tell the world?" "Honestly, I'm fine with it either way." "I mean I trust everyone here to keep it to themselves. So, when everyone gets here ill tell them." "Are you sure baby?" "Yeah, I'm sure." She smiled softly grabbing my hand under the table.

"Oi bitch." Tom smirked as he walked towards our table. "Took you long enough you're the last person to arrive like always." "I'm a busy man." "Busy doing what, sleeping?" I laughed pulling him into a hug. "Okay, yes I might've overslept." "Same here, if Lizzie didn't wake me up, I probably would've missed this." "Wait how did Lizzie wake you up?" seb smirked causing my eyes to widen once I realise what I said. "She erm she called me a few times until the sound of the ringing woke me up." "Babe it's fine, we were going to tell you anyway but erm y/n and I are together." She smiled softly as I saw brie roll her eyes. "Congrats guys, even though I already knew." "of course, you knew you were the first person to know." I laughed playfully punching Tom's arm as I sat back down. "How long have you guys been dating?" "Just over a week." I smiled back towards seb. Despite the bad blood today is about Lizzie spending time with her friends and I won't be the person to ruin it.

Throughout most of the conversations, I see brie casually giving me dirty looks which were getting harder and harder to ignore until I felt Lizzie's hand rest on my thigh. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, never better," I whisper back as I see the waitress making her way over with the rest of our food.

While I'm eating, I notice brie keep looking at me, so I smile back biting my tongue as everyone continues their conversation. "what's her problem?" tom whispered nodding over towards brie. "Honestly no idea; she's been looking at me like that the entire time I've been here. I honestly don't get what her problem is." "Maybe she's jealous?" "Jealous of what?" "The fact you're with Lizzie." He laughed as I shook my head. "Well maybe if she kept her lips off of my brothers, she wouldn't have a reason to be jealous." "Really, you're telling me that you would still be with brie. Even if Lizzie told you how she felt." "Honestly I have no idea but there's no reason to think about what-ifs. Things happen for a reason and honestly, I'm glad they did because now I'm dating one of the most wonderful women I've ever met." "You really love her don't you." "of course." I smiled softly entwining our hands.

"If you'll excuse me, I'm just going to nip to the toilet." I smiled softly placing my fork back on the empty plate. "Which one?" brie laughed causing me to freeze in place. "Excuse me?" "You heard me which one?" "The women's actually which is quite ironic considering my dick is probably bigger than most of the men on this table." I spat back as I heard scar choke on her food. "What brie? What did you want me to say? Most of the people on this table know anyway so stop acting like a child or like you're so much better than everyone else on this table eat your food and leave me alone." "I'm sorry." "Whatever." I laughed dryly before making my way to the bathroom.

What the hell did I just do. I tried to bite my tongue and ignore her trying to be the better person, but I ended up ruining brunch; all because I couldn't keep my temper under control. I was brought out my feelings when I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. "You okay baby." "Yeah, I'm okay, sorry for running brunch." "What? No, you didn't ruin anything you tried your best but brie being brie couldn't keep her mouth shut but thank you for trying I saw her looking at you throughout the meal I'm surprised you didn't say anything sooner." She giggled resting her head between my shoulder blades. "I know, it's like she's been trying to get under my skin the entire time she's been here she even arrived with seb. I tried my best to bite my tongue because I didn't want to ruin your time with your friends, but the bathroom comment just got to me, I'm sorry." "You have no reason to apologize if you didn't say something my glass was going at her head." "Oh god, at least you didn't punch this one ay." I laughed turning to face her, so her head rested on my chest as she whined. "Well in my defence that girl deserved it and a lot more." "Honestly I think it's cute when you get all overprotective." "Really?" "Yeah, you're cute no matter what you do. Now come on let's get back before they think we climbed out the bathroom window." "Like your big head could fit out the window anyway." She giggled as she jogged out of the bathroom. God this woman is going to be the death of me one of these days.

As I made my way back over to the table, I notice brie and seb were gone, nice to know who's more important. What a dick. "where's brie?" Lizzie questioned as we both sat back down. "She said something about not feeling well." "Well, we all know that's a lie, more like she felt guilty for being a bitch." Tom laughed as I tried to hide my smirk. "Well, I'm sorry for running brunch." "she's the one who should be sorry not you." Scar smiled as I took a sip of my drink.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you Lizzie's coming home with us for Christmas." "No way, that's so cool I'm actually so excited to go back home I miss everyone." Tom smiled softly as I pulled him into a hug. "Well, we'll be back home soon enough don't worry and I miss everyone too at least in the meantime you have me to annoy you." "you've annoyed me since we went to school together nothings changed." "I disagree I feel like we've changed a lot." "Especially you, I remember when you used to be terrified of performing in front of people now look at you living the dream." "What about you, you got to play spiderman." "we're all living the dream" he laughed as we fist-bumped. "Damn right we are." 

"This was so much fun; we should do this again sometime soon." Chris smiled as we stood outside the café. "We really should, maybe sometime after Christmas since y/n and I won't be in la for Christmas." "Sometime after Christmas, it is, I should get going it was lovely to see you all again." Scar smiled before we all said our goodbyes.

Once Lizzie and I got home we both got changed into comfier clothing since we decided on having a lazy Sunday for the rest of the day. Marvel movies, snacks, and cuddles sound like a dream to me.

"Oh, before I forget I've got good news." Lizzie smiled as we settled down into bed. "Oh yeah, what news?" "I've found an apartment it's roughly five minutes from here." "Wait really?" I questioned cuddling into her with a huge smile on my face. "yes really scar and I went to look at it the other day I figured it was about time I found somewhere since I've been staying in a hotel for the past couple of weeks not that the food isn't great I just miss the feeling of a home you know." "I know what you mean, I feel like when I was a kid my dream was to live in a hotel never having to cook my own food or clean my own room but now I think I'd just miss the feeling of coming home and relaxing. I'm glad you found somewhere though and it's only 5 minutes away I'll get to see you all the time." "I'm here like every day anyway." She laughs playfully hitting my chest. "I know I should probably get a restraining order soon." "you wouldn't dare you love me too much." "I really do." I smiled as our laughter died down. I notice Lizzie start playing with her rings as her gaze drifted towards to window. "Olsen where's your head at what's wrong?" "are you sure Nikki and dom won't mind me coming for Christmas?" "is that what's got you all worried?" "yeah, I guess I'm just overthinking I don't want to intrude." She admitted as I took her hands in mine. "are you kidding me, Nikki won't stop banging on about meeting you whenever I speak to her on the phone. I mean I can call her now if you want me to ask her?" "please, it would just put my mind at rest." She smiled as I pulled my phone out.

"y/n hi, you're calling pretty late what's wrong?" "Hey Nikki, you know how you keep asking when you're going to meet Lizzie?" "yeah why, wait is she with you? Do I finally get to meet the famous Lizzie?" "Yeah, she's here." I smiled panning the camera over to Liz. "hi Lizzie darling it's nice to finally meet you I've heard so much about you." "hi Mrs holland it's nice to meet you too, y/n speaks very highly of you." "oh please call me Nikki." "Okay, Nikki." Lizzie smiled as I moved so we were both in the frame. "anyway Nikki I was just wondering if it would be okay for Lizzie to come back home with me for Christmas." "are you kidding of course you know how much dom and I want to meet her, of course, you're welcome Lizzie!" Nikki exclaimed with a bright smile on her face. "thank you, Nikki." "it's okay darling I cant wait to see you both." "me too, we're going to go to bed but thank you again I'll call you soon okay."I smiled warmly as I got comfortable in bed. "okay, goodnight love you." "goodnight love you too." "Okay, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be." Lizzie laughed finally snuggling up to me under the covers. "see I told you, honestly I have known their family for half my life and they're the most amazing people I've met apart from you obviously." "she seems really nice now I'm just really excited to go." "same here Christmas just needs to hurry up." I Chuckled as the tiredness started to sneak up on me. "goodnight baby." "night love."            

A/N: I don't really like this chapter but it's a filler also does anyone else hate brie? same. anyway, today's question is have any of you watched agents of shield I was thinking about watching it so I'm just curious about your opinions on it.

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