Let Me In | Herophine Fic

By LonelyGhost0701

150K 8.3K 11.3K

After heartbreak, it's hard to give anyone the key to your heart again. Prime footballer, Hero's heart has a... More

Inspired By Them
Start Of The Season
Match Day
The Start We Needed
That's... Different
Actually You?
Kindness Costs Nothing
You're Distracted
Is That An Accent?
You Don't Have To Tell Me
Through My Phone
Back To Normal
Who's Got You Smiling?
Maybe Because We Won
I Can Actually See You
In Person
Too Pretty To Eat
Is It A Date?
Out Of My Depth
It's Tradition
I'm Okay With It If You Are
A Nice Surprise
I Had To See
I Thought I Was Dreaming
Your Smile Says It All
It's Been A While
What A Way
Fishing For Compliments
It Feels Real
It's Been Years
So Much More
It Really Happened
You're All Wet
All About You
An Early Present
Second Nature
Not Like Him
Something's Wrong
I Don't Like This
What Did I Expect?
Some Things Just Can't Wait
It's Late
Never Again
Splashing Out
Majorly Early Days
Even More Magical
A Special Place
What A Mix
So Much To Look Foward To

Only If You're Sure

3K 175 224
By LonelyGhost0701


Wiping the towel over the plate I used for my pasta bake dinner, my MacBook begins to sound the all familiar FaceTime tone from by the couch. I pace over, collecting the computer before placing it on the counter and accepting the call, excited to see the two faces on the other side.

"Well, this is a nice surprise," I smile, leaning down on the counter. Hero texted me earlier saying Mila wanted to ask something of me but not over text, so I told him to FaceTime after dinner and before her bedtime. To be honest, we've kinda dropped the FaceTiming seeing as we see each other almost every weekend and text often.

"Yeah, it's nice to see you in the week for a change. You good?" I nod yes, sighing.

"Yeah, I'm good. You?" he nods yes, telling me that he's just going to get Mila. I'm assuming she's upstairs playing in her bedroom. He stands and disappears from the usual kitchen counter we sit at when we dine and I hear his voice in the distance call her name. The screen stays as it is for a short while before I hear him tell her I'm on FaceTime. Even from a distance, I hear her gasp and the scurrying of little feet draws closer before she appears on screen, climbing onto the barstool.

"Princess Jo!"

"Hi, sweet pea. How are you?" Rather than sit down, Hero stays standing behind her but leans in so I can see them both.

"Good, I want to ask you something," she looks over her shoulder to Hero, smiling excitedly. Their smiles are so similar, his mirrors hers.

"So I believe. Ask away, princess," she turns her head back around to the camera and I wait expectantly. I've no idea what she's going to ask me, I suspect it's something different to am I going down this weekend. I'm barely here on a weekend now. It's not really big enough for three of us and it doesn't have any of Mila's things to keep her occupied.

"Daddy's playing football tomorrow. Will you come and watch it with me?" Wait, what? I feel my head pull back like I'm attached to a string as my eyes widen in surprise. Has she asked me to go to the match with her? As in go to the London Stadium and watch Hero and West Ham play Chelsea?

"You want me to go to the match with you, sweet pea?" Eagerly, Mila nods yes, quickly looking at her father before moving back to me.

"Usually, Auntie Mercy comes with me. But I want you to come tomorrow," is it wrong I have no idea how to answer? Is Hero okay with this? He'd be leaving his daughter with me. On our own, in a stadium, I've never been in. Granted, Mila has been in there probably countless amounts of times but she's four. I'm twenty-four.

"Have you asked your daddy about this?" I do my best to keep my tone of voice even and somewhat serious. I'd be on my own with her. Hero seems more than calm. His serene expression behind his daughter confirms she's already spoken to him about this. I've no idea what the fuck to say. This was the last thing I expected to hear from her when I found out she wanted to ask me something.

"She has. And I'm fine with it if you are?" Fuck... They're both two steps ahead of me. Not that that surprises me. Not one bit. He trusts me with his daughter. That means... A lot.

"Only if you're sure, Hero?"

"I am. And so are you, aren't you, princess?" Mila nods excitedly, looking at me and then at her dad. I'd get to go and watch him, be in the stands, soaking up the stadium's atmosphere all while having his daughter with me. It's an opportunity and something I simply can't pass up. I love spending time with her, even if it's something crazily mundane like curling up or watching TV. But it's the truth and I know I'd have a great night with her by my side.

"Well, I was just going to curl up on my couch and watch it but -"

"No, please," I smile as does Hero, knowing I'm toying with her. But her little voice sounds desperate.

"I'm joking, I'd love to come, sweet pea," a wide smile covers Mila's face as she claps her hands excitedly in front of her.

"Shall I text you the arrangements? Just come here after work with an overnight bag and I'll sort the rest tomorrow," Hero sounds happy too and his smile matches his tone of his voice. I nod yes to his question, unable to ignore the excitement coursing through me. All because of his little girl. She's well and truly got me and her dad wrapped around her little finger. Not that it took much - for me, anyway.

We don't stay on the phone much longer as Hero has to do Mila's bedtime ready for tomorrow and I have things to sort out too. Namely packing an overnight bag and grabbing a certain jersey...


During lunchtime, I received a message from Hero telling me all the arrangements for tonight. It's been on my mind constantly, all day. Lingering in the corner while I've been teaching. So we don't spark any rumours, he's worked it all out for us so we can arrive without him but leave at the same. He said he'd text me more of the details, the guy's worked out a full-on operation which I'm really grateful for so I'm happy to go along with whatever plans he's made for us.

Stepping off the tube at Chigwell, I tap out of the station and begin the walk to the private road where Hero's home is. The first step of our plans is for me to go there, meet Mila and Mercy who picked her up from school before we head to the stadium. Apparently, he's arranged a private car for us, courtesy of the club so we can get out and go straight into the stadium. It'll save us a good walk from what I gather. The stadium's slightly set back from the road so we'd have to wander with the crowds. And with Mila in my company that's the last thing I want.

Heading down the straight road from the station, I feel a buzz in my back pocket. I reach around myself and my backpack with all my things in for an overnight stay and pull out my phone. My face changes into a smile as I see his name sitting attached to a notification. I slide my thumb across the screen, unlock my phone, and load up our messages.

I hope you're excited for tonight, Mila certainly is. Mercy's with her now but she'll be leaving just after you've arrived, she's got a meeting she needs to leave for. The car will be there in about an hour so you can chill for a bit before leaving xx

My smile widens and a wave of warmth washes over me. I'm touched he's trusting me with Mila. He's really allowing me into their lives, well and truly. As I walk, I type out my reply.

Of course, I'm excited! All sounds good, I'll get us both ready for the match. Thank you for trusting me with Mila xx

I hit send, but keep my phone in my hand, knowing a reply from him will likely land soon. Just a few minutes later, the vibration from my phone travels through my hand and up my arm, signalling his reply has arrived.

As I've said, Mila absolutely adores you. You never have to thank me for letting you spend time with her. I know she's safe with you. I'm looking forward to seeing you after the game xx

A smirk grows across my face. This is the first time I've stayed over on a 'school night' and, for some reason, I want to mark that. Lately, especially after his wake up call on me last weekend, I've wanted him. Much more and much quicker than I thought I would. I've wanted to feel him, feel him on top of me, holding me beneath him while our bodies explore one another's. I want him, selfishly. Even though I have to be guided by him in everything we do. Like tonight - granted it came from Mila but he was okay with it. But, I suppose, it doesn't hurt to be a bit suggestive with him.

I'm excited to see you too. And, on a school night. Hmm... Should I incentivise you to win tonight or will that be too much of a distraction? xx

The corner of my mouth curls into a smirk as I hit the send button, seeing the sent status quickly shift to delivered. The dots begin to dance up and down as I round the corner onto Hero's private road. A fresh wave of excitement fills me as his house comes into view, the buzzing of my phone adding to the feeling.

It takes a lot to distract me when I'm focusing on my job but you've certainly got my attention, Miss Langford. What did you have in mind? xx

Before wandering through the gate to his home, my thumbs type out my response rapidly.

Win and I'm yours to do with what you want. I'll let your imagination run wild. I've just arrived at yours, speak to you later, skipper ;) xx

I hit the send button one last time before sliding my phone back into my back placket and pressing on towards the front door. When I'm here, I knock on the door that's soon opened by the familiar little girl who never fails to put a smile on my face.

"Princess Jo! You're here!" As always, Mila launches herself into my arms and curls her legs around my waist. Her arms lace around me, hugging me tightly to her as I do too. I've missed her. I've found I'm missing them both more and more...

"I am, you look very ready for the match, sweet pea," she's wearing a worn pair of white, Nike Air Force One trainers, dark denim jeans and a West Ham hoodie. Underneath, in the scoop neck, I catch the familiar collar of the current season's jersey. She looks adorable, although her hair definitely needs some attention. I'd love to know what she gets up to at school for it to be like this afterwards. She giggles, nodding before telling me she is.

I close the door behind us and wander into the kitchen area, seeing Mercy there, typing away on her phone. As I walk in with Mila on my hip, she smiles widely, quickly stuffing her phone into her pocket.

"Ah, perfect timing. I'd love to stay and have a brew and a catch-up but I've really got to go. Have a great night tonight. Be good for Princess Jo, missus," surprising me, Mercy wraps her arms around us both briefly, places a kiss on Mila's cheek and smiles before pacing out into the hall.

Knowing she's in a rush to get going, I take Mila over to the breakfast bar, quickly realising I'm now on my own with her. I'm fully responsible for her right now. But that's okay, I can deal with it. She's a good little girl and I know we're in for a fun night together. We're watching her father and my boyfriend - as much as I hate that word - play football tonight.

"Shall we have a drink before we get going?" Mila nods and looks at me, coyly.

"Will you braid my hair for me before we go too, please?" Smiling, I nod yes and instantly, just like last time she bolts out of the kitchen and up to her bedroom to get the things for me. Her hair always needs taming. Maybe I should try and teach Hero how to do this.

She comes back into the kitchen with her brush and the two bobbles in hand before sitting at the breakfast bar again. I stand and take my place behind her, doing my best to tame her locks.

"I do wonder what you get up to at school for your hair to be this messy, sweet pea," she laughs as I manage to sort through some of the knots.

"I don't know, but I've not been dragged through a hedge backwards like daddy says, I promise," I can't help but laugh at her words. It really is the only phrase that can describe how messy it is. But it's her and I know Hero wouldn't change it... and neither would I.

"Let's get you sorted, have a drink then go and watch the football," I continue to brush her hair, doing my best not to hurt her.

"Are you wearing the jersey daddy sent to you?" I tell her I am, to which she giggles. Knowing her hair is as combed as it can be before I braid it, I place the brush down and Mila quickly turns around to me, wrapping her arms around my neck as she did before.

"Thank you for coming with me tonight," she pulls away and places a soft kiss on my cheek, really catching me off guard. This little girl really is something.

"Thank you for asking me, darling."


The car arrived at the exact time Hero said it would and it's wasted absolutely no time in bringing us right to the front of the stadium. Specifically, our stand. Stepping out, I slide out first before taking Mila's hand in mine and heading in the direction of the ground. In front of us, the London Stadium stands proudly with the words West Ham United on top. A rush of adrenaline courses around my body just at the sight of the stadium. Hero is in there. In the stadium getting ready. Where we'll be, watching them play against Chelsea. It's a big game and we're here in person.

The driver pulls away after instructing me where to go, leaving us to head into the stadium.

"Ready, sweet pea?" Mila nods excitedly, pulling the white, claret and blue bobble hat over her ears, protecting herself from the cold.

"Oh, daddy told me to give you this," she reaches into the back pocket of her jeans and pulls out a wad of cash. Placing it in my hand, she smiles sweetly up to me, while I work out how much money Hero's given us for tonight. £100. Jesus Christ, I know the stadium will be expensive but I wouldn't have been bothered. I'm going in for free.

"He said it's for food, drinks and for you to get a souvenir if you wanted," I sigh, stuffing the money into my pocket. I should have expected this, really. But £100 seems a bit excessive for one night. It's fine though, I'll give him back what we don't use.

"Let's get going," I grasp her hand in mine again and we walk across the bridge towards the stadium. The buzz of the crowd adding to our excitement. I can't wait to see him play in person.

We follow the signs for hospitality and as soon as I hand our names in, we're guided up into the stands and escorted to our two seats. We're not too high up and have a great view of the pitch. Mila looks so at home here, I can only imagine it's because of how many times she's been here with Mercy. Her eyes aren't wandering around every corner of the stadium like mine are, they're focused on sitting down and drinking the drink I got for her as we passed through the stand. I can't focus on anything. The place is so big. It's not even half full and the atmosphere is electric. I'm still in disbelief that I'm here but I am and I'm genuinely so happy I'm here with Mila. She keeps hold of the drink but moves closer to me on the chair.

"Have you been here before, Princess Jo?" I shake my head no, causing her eyes to widen in surprise.

"No?" Wait... her voice.

"Say that again," she repeats the word, exactly the same way and now, it's my eyes that widen. She sounded like... me. Her voice dipped as she said no. The 'o' is a much more rounded sound than usual. She looks at me with confusion written across her face.

"You said no like me, sweet pea," I didn't think she'd pick up on my accent at all. Or rather I didn't think she'd develop part of it. It's a substantial change. Am I really spending that much time with them?

"I do? I sound like you, Princess Jo? Does that mean I'm from Australia like you now?" I can't get over her excitement. She doesn't even draw breath in between all her questions, it's hard to keep up.

"Not quite, darling. But you do sound like me when you say no. Maybe I'll have to teach you a few more words," she giggles, causing me to laugh with her. She hops off the seat and climbs onto my knee, pushing back so she's comfy. Holding her like this, just talking with her feels so right. As terrifying as it sounds, a very, very small part of me compares it to what it would be like if Mila was mine. The thought has never crossed my mind once, I could never replace her mother. But what would it feel like if she were mine and Hero's?

"Can we take a picture? For daddy at halftime," she looks over her shoulder at me, her eyes soft and searching. I nod and pull out my phone, loading up the camera before telling her to smile. Both of us automatically cuddle closer together, our heads touching as my hold tightens on her around her waist. I click the screen to capture the image, both of us smiling together at the camera.

"Another!" Quickly, she turns her head, and with her right hand, she cups my cheek as she places her lips on the other. Through the corner of her eye, she sneakily looks at the camera, the smile still on her face as she kisses me. Matching her soft smile, I hit the capture button and pull her closer to me.

"You're adorable, sweet pea. Let's send them to daddy so they're waiting for him. They'll be warming up soon," she nods but doesn't move. And I don't want to. I adore this little girl. Hero is so incredibly lucky to call her his... Just as I am that he's letting me spend time with her. 

Just as the halftime whistle blows and both teams are level, the crowd erupts into applause as the teams wander off the pitch and down the tunnel. It's currently 1-1, but our defenders are tired. Chelsea have worked them hard, their number 11's speed can only be compared to shit off a shovel and Hero and the other midfielders have barely seen any of the ball. But there's still forty-five minutes left to play, so still plenty of time for a win.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket as I grab the attention of one of the staff members. Being in hospitality is great, we've been able to request food and not have to move.

"Do you want anything to eat, sweet pea?"

"Ohh, can I have a hot dog, please?" A hot dog does sound great right about now so when the attendant comes over to me, I ask for two hot dogs and two more drinks. I hand him the money, collect the change when it's ready and then grab my phone out of my back pocket seeing his name attached to a text notification. Mila notices me on my phone and asks if he's texted back to which I nod yes. I unlock my phone and open up the message, seeing the two photos above his latest text.

These are just what I needed. My girls. At the end of the match, go to the West Stand. Hand your name in and I'll meet you both in the tunnel when I'm done changing. My car is being brought here from Rush Green so I can drive us home. Speak to you later, cheer for us, we need it xx

I smile softly, letting Mila read his text. The two words that stick out to me the most, form the second sentence. My girls.

"We need to be extra loud for daddy so he can score, Princess Jo," she sounds so concerned, God love her.

"Yeah we do, let's make sure we're extra loud so daddy can hear us in the next half," Mila nods agreeing. I think carefully about what to write for my - or rather, our - reply. As Mila seems just as invested and has done since the first whistle blew. As always Hero did his usual ritual before the game started, he kissed her tattoo and pointed to the sky. Mila didn't say anything, she just continued to hold my hand a cheered irons at the top of her lungs with the rest of the stadium.

We'll be extra loud for you and the rest of the irons. That's fine, we'll see you later. Good luck xx

I hit send and just as I do our hot dogs arrive. Perfect timing.


This team really is something special. We're on an amazing run. Whatever the manager said to them during halftime, worked. Because we're finishing the match with a win, three vital points and a scoreline of 3 goals to one. The second goal was a header by one of our overworked defenders and the third, well that was just special. Primarily because Hero was involved in setting it up. It came from the left-wing, back to Hero in midfield who pinged it perfectly to our number 20 who left-footed the ball into the top left corner. It was a beauty and in the dying minutes too. It put the game to bed and sealed the victory. He kissed Mila's tattoo and pointed to the sky as he always does if he scores or is involved in a goal. On the screen I saw him look in our direction, he didn't need to do anything for me. Seeing him play in the flesh is more than enough. She went absolutely crazy, she's definitely well on her way to being a mini football hooligan. But I didn't have the heart to stop her. Seeing her so happy and cheering loudly with the crowd only spurred me on. 

Exiting the stands, I keep a tight hold of Mila's hand as we weave through the crowds. We're heading to the West Stand as Hero's text instructed us to do. It doesn't take very long thankfully, my body is so tired and my voice is hoarse from all the cheering we've been doing. I don't care though, that atmosphere was incredible.

I head to the security guard at the front of the West Stand, Mila's hand still tight in mine. She looks up at me as I tell him my name and hers and as soon as I do, he gives me a set of directions to follow. This part of the stadium is different from the rest. Exposed, white painted brickwork lines the walls until we turn into the left corridor and it changes to something much more fitting considering where we are. It's covered in the team claret with a blue thin stripe in the middle trimmed in white. The words West Ham United are printed in bold white lettering above the stripe, we pass by a large crest and various other words with years attached to them before turning right to the player's area.

I feel so out of my depth here. We won't just see Hero, that part is clear with other familiar faces passing by. The whole team will be down here and while that excites me there's only one person I want to see now and congratulate on his win.

Mila and I press on, her looking totally unaffected until I see him turn out of one of the doors, a smile covering his face as he sees us.

"Daddy!" Swiftly, Mila lets go of my hand and runs over to Hero who crouches down to catch her. He wraps his arms around her, burying his head into her shoulder.

"There's my princess. Did you enjoy the match?" She nods yes as they both pull away. He lifts her into his arms and places her on his hip before walking over to me. His free arm laces around my waist before he dips his head to join our lips.

"And I take it you enjoyed it too?" I nod yes. Leaning my head against his chest. My arm wraps around his waist, resting on his back.

"I think you're both going to have to come to the match now, this is the best way to finish a match night. Shall we go home?" Both Mila and I nod yes against him and just before he places him down, a distinct voice grabs our attention.

"Hey, princess. See you later, skip," my head lifts up and I see one of the players, walk past us all. Mila's head lifts up, following in their direction and her face lights up.

"Trent!" Mila scrambles down from Hero and runs over to him. Hero smiles down at me, laughing as she reaches up for Trent's hand. Of course, she knows the players. She's probably been down here before and to Rush Green. We just watch as she slides her hand into his and they walk in front of us.

"She has a bit of a thing for Trent. Not that you can tell," Hero rolls his eyes as they walk in front of us. I can't help but laugh. It is rather obvious, the way she went over to him and how she was screaming before says it all.

"Absolutely not. When we get in the car, ask her to say something that she'll answer no to. You'll like it," Hero looks down at me, smirking knowingly before he agrees and says okay. Rather than catching them up, he stops walking, letting a bit of distance grow between us before he looks down at me.

"Thank you for bringing her tonight and thank you for watching. I'll definitely be cashing in that incentive, don't think I've forgotten about that, Miss Langford," I laugh, reaching up to place a kiss on his lips.

"Although I may save it for this weekend, I'm not sure,"

"Well, you can cash it in whenever you want. Let's just go home, all that screaming has tired me out,"

"That's not the only thing that can tire you out," he looks down at me, his eyes darker than usual and his right eyebrow cocked up. Fucking hell... a rush of heat dives down deep into my core, causing all my hairs to stand on end. He'd better cash it soon. Because there are plenty of things that can tire both of us out.


Happy Friday 🥳

Very happy to say I think I'm over the worst of Miss 'Rona, thank God. Thank you all for your kind get well messages and comments. I've never been so ill, so all of you please, please take care of yourselves and loved ones. It's not gone anywhere 🦠

As always, a big big thank you for your love and support up to this point... Things will be heating up again... Soon 😏

Until the next one, Jen 💜

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