The Reverend's Daughter (Book...

By Jaidesmamasmama

1.3M 62.6K 4.5K

Violet Petals has found a maid that touches his heart. Charming, funny, and extraordinarily handsome, the pir... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six Part One
Chapter Six Part Two
Chapter Seven Part One
Chapter Seven Part Two
Chapter Eight Part One
Chapter Eight Part Two
Chapter Eight Part 3
Chapter Nine
Nine Part Two
Chapter Nine Part Three
Chapter Ten
Chapter Ten Part Two
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Eleven Part Two
Chapter Twelve
Twelve Part Two
Chapter Thirteen
Thirteen Part Two
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fourteen Part Two
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Fifteen Part Two
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Sixteen Part Two
Chapter Seventeen
Seventeen Part Two
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Eighteen Part Two
Eighteen Part Three
Chapter Nineteen
Nineteen Part Two
Nineteen Part Three
Chapter Twenty
Twenty Part Two
Twenty Part Three
Twenty One Part One
Twenty One Part Two
Twenty One Part Three
Twenty One Part Four
Twenty Two Part One
Twenty Two Part Two
Twenty Two Part Three
Twenty Two Part Four
Twenty Three Part One
Twenty Three Part Two
Twenty Three Part Three
Twenty Four Part One
Twenty Four Part Two
Twenty Four Part Three
Twenty Five Part One
Twenty Five Part Two
Twenty Five Part Three
Twenty Six Part One
Twenty Six Part Two
Twenty Six Part Three
Twenty Seven Part One
Twenty Seven Part Two
Twenty Seven Part Three
Twenty Eight Part One
Twenty Eight Part Two
Twenty Eight Part Three
Twenty Nine Part One
Twenty Nine Part Two
Twenty Nine Part Three
Twenty Nine Part Four
Thirty Part One
Thirty Part Two
Thirty Part Three
Thirty Part Four
Thirty One Part One
Thirty One Part Two
Thirty One Part Three
Thirty One Part Four
Thirty Two Part One
Thirty Two Part Two
Thirty Two Part Three
Thirty Two Part Four
Chapter Thirty Three Part One
Thirty Three Part Two
Thirty Three Part Three
Thirty Three Part Four
Thirty Four Part One
Thirty Four Part Two
Thirty Four Part Three
Thirty Four Part Four
Thirty Five Part One
Thirty Five Part Two
Thirty Five Part Three
Thirty Five Part Four
Thirty Six Part One
Thirty Six Part Two
Thirty Six Part Three
Thirty Seven
Thirty Seven Part Two
Thirty Seven Part Three
Thirty Seven Part Four
Thirty Eight
Thirty Eight Part Two
Thirty Eight Part Three
Thirty Eight Part Four
Thirty Nine
Thirty Nine Part Two
Thirty Nine Part Three
Chapter Forty
Forty Part Two
Forty Part Three
Forty Part Four
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty One Part Two
Chapter Forty One Part Three
Forty One Part Four
Chapter 42
Forty Two P. 2
Chapter 42 P. 3
Forty Two P 4
Forty Three
Authors Note *Not an update
Forty Three Part 2
Forty Three P. 3
Forty Three Part Four
Chapter Forty Four
Forty Four Part Two
Forty Four Part Three
Forty Four Part Four
Forty Four Part Five
Forty Five
Forty Five Part Two
Forty Five Part Three

Thirty Six Part Four

7.9K 430 39
By Jaidesmamasmama


The King said his farewells to Violet, and Elizabeth, knowing he would soon see them again. He planned to ride out to Shelly Hall in a few days time, early in the morn, to check on his men's progress with the foundations, and to take his falcon to hunt.

The King was sorry to see the two couples leave the castle. Marcus and Katherine were gone already, Violet and Elizabeth were leaving and would be taking the boys, the halls would seem awfully quiet without the group of youths trekking throughout the castle.

As it could not be helped, the King thought that he could always check in on the progress of the Wench, and spend more of his time visiting with his ward.

The King felt badly that he had not allowed his ward, Tomas, to meet the boys. Every day that he had spent time with the cabin boys, or when he had spent time with Tomas, the King had thought on how well they would all get along together.

The King knew that Tomas must be lonely for other children's company, yet it was so very important to keep him safe. Especially after the attempt the other eve that the boys had thwarted.

The King knew the boys could probably be trusted to keep knowledge of Tomas to themselves. However, he did not want to have to ask them to, nor to have to ask them to lie about Tomas's presence, if it ever came to that.

The King had realized that night, when the man breached his walls, that he very well may be putting these people at risk in allowing them to be so close to himself.

He had forgotten for a while, that people who came too close to him, sometimes got hurt. He would be beyond devastated, if harm came to any one of them.

He lost Alex already, long ago.

Marcus, and his family were the first people the King had allowed to get close to him in a very long time.

Yet, if someone were to take Elizabeth, to force his hand in order to save her life, or if she were to be harmed, or the boys, or even the pirate for that matter, he would never forgive himself.

That was the problem with being King. You could not have relationships without risk.

His heart pained him as he wondered if he would have to distance himself once more.

The King looked from where he stood upon the drive, up, to the westerly walls. Finding the nursery windows, he was surprised to see Tomas looking out.

As the King watched the window, the curtain fell back into place and the boy was hidden from view.

A couple of hours would bring the noon meal. He would have his dinner with Tomas. Mayhap, walk in the garden with him afterwards, as the boy needed more sunshine and fall was fully here. It would be getting colder soon, and the outdoors would not hold so much of a draw.


Violet instructed the boys where they could and could not go as they rode out to Shelly Hall. He then turned them loose when they arrived at the estate.

The boys needed to run off some steam, and Violet wanted to take Betsy inside the manse to show her what had been done so far.

The staff had thrown themselves wholeheartedly into ridding the place of Gwendolyn's heavy hand. The attic had never been so full, the manse had never seemed so light and airy.

The windows were open at mid morning, the heavy draperies had been thoroughly cleaned, before being swept wide open, the sheers left in place to flutter in the breeze.

All inside the manor house had been dusted, scrubbed and polished. Over half of the furniture had been removed, stored away to make the rooms less cluttered.

The staff and Violet had worked side by side, choosing the more sturdy pieces of furniture, as fragile, spindly pieces would not weather rambunctious children very well.

Violet had been inspired. His pleasure at finding the inside of the manse, behind all the clutter, to be much as his uncle Damien's home, had made it easier for Violet to picture what he ultimately desired.

He left some of the rooms and planning for Betsy, as he did as much as he could in the short amount of time he had been able to invest so far.

By now, the staff all recognized the tall, handsome man who roamed their halls. They all recognized Violet's voice, smooth, caring, and authoritative, one and all could tell he would not be a hard master, yet, he was a decisive one.

All approved of the new young master and his ideals. The staff being of a lesser class, most of them had their own extended family that resided in the town of Shelly, they welcomed the opportunities for more souls to be employed at the estate.

The thought of being able to help unfortunate children from below their own stations in life, also appealed to them, most of them having grandchildren, or children of their own. Those that did not, still had younger siblings, or nieces and nephews, and the thought of them being cold, and hungry, was not a pleasant one. All of the staff were willing to help children who were.

Violet found that he had the complete approval and enthusiasm of the staff, as they began to suggest their own ideas and offer him advice.

Violet's appreciative
smiles were beyond stunning, flummoxing many a maid, be they sixteen years or sixty.

It was to this home, and to this staff, that Violet brought his bride.

Violet watched as the boys ran towards the stables, the groom coming out to greet them, waving at Violet, as Vi returned the gesture.

The boys would be supervised as long as they were around the animals. ️Violet had spoken to the grooms, and also to Marcus's hired men. They had assured Violet the boys were welcome to visit the barns and stables, and learn how to care for, and be safe around the creatures.

Violet had a feeling that the boys were headed to the stables to try to weasel a visit with the puppies, but he knew the groom would watch carefully over them.

Violet placed his hand at the small of Betsy's back, "Shall we?" He inquired with quirked brow.

Betsy reached up
and traced Violet's brow with her fingertip, she loved that brow of his, not to mention the things it did to her stomach when he used it on her. "Yes, let's do."

Betsy could tell Violet was excited to show her inside, and she found his excitement was contagious.

Violet guided Betsy up the steps to the wide landing, crossing it quickly, Violet swept the grand door inward, allowing Betsy to enter the foyer.

It was wide and welcoming, and had a new touch that had not been there before.

Between two doorways, a small shelf now ran along the left wall, halfway up, with two dozen hooks that ran in a line below it. "For small coats." She smiled up at Violet.

"And hats, mittens, scarves, each child shall have their very own place. And there is room for more as we need them." Violet indicated the wall to the right, which remained empty, the wood paneling polished to a glossy sheen. "We should have Miss Merry paint us some pieces to brighten this space." Violet suggested.

"A wonderful idea, Violet." Betsy agreed, she could just see pictures of the sheep in the meadow, the lake front of the manse, with its willows and geese. That is what she would like to see, the outside, inside.

Violet went to the right and opened the door to what used to be Gwendolyn's parlour. "Our receiving room."

Betsy looked in to the comfortable room, white, smooth plaster covered the walls, comfortable chairs, and settees graced the room. Small tables sat next to them. "For visitors, benefactors, prospective parents, interviewees...." Violet took a breath, "Anyone who is admitted will await us here."

" 'Tis very nice." Betsy could even see herself, Katherine, and Eleanor enjoying the space at tea, or while taking a stitch. The lighting was bright, the large windows allowing the sun's rays to penetrate deep into the room.

"The dining room is across the foyer, we shall go there for the noon meal. Let me show you upstairs..." Violet all but pulled her along in his impatience to show her what he had been dying to show her for two days now.

But first..... "Let us go up one more." Violet pulled her along, as she laughed, being propelled up to the top floor.

He showed her the boy's room, where four swinging bunks occupied the two corners of the far wall. An extra cot resided along the left wall for Elias.

To their surprise, Elias had elected to leave his 'brothers', to continue to sail with Brutus, he would only be staying with them temporarily.

Elizabeth adored the swinging hammocks that had been hung in the corners of the room for the boys who would be staying. It brought tears to her eyes as she thought about the Wench, and how, if the boys felt as she did, they would like their beds, as it would make them feel more at home.

"Do you think they will like it?" Violet asked hopefully.

Bright tapestries hung on the walls depicting the ocean. Ships sailed, birds flew, and the sun shone upon the sea.
There were wooden swords mounted upon the wall, small hooks to hang slings, small shelves for their knives.

Violet had given them their very own weapon wall.

Betsy smiled through emotional tears, as she turned sparkling, honey eyes up at her husband, "I know they shall love this, Violet."

Violet saw the same feelings upon her face that he had felt days ago.

When he had taken the desk from his cabin, the large chair that he loved from it's space, the table and chairs where she had spit her goo upon him. All of their things being removed from the room where they had fallen in love had pained him.

The bureau, the washstand.....The bed.

It had affected him greatly to do away with their home upon the sea, so much so, that he had done something about it.

Violet reached for Betsy, taking her up into his arms, he carried her down the staircase.

Quite surprised when he lifted her, she wound her arms around his neck, burying her face there and inhaling his scent. At least he was familiar, and he always would be.

Turning right, upon reaching the landing, he went to the first door to their left. Opening the door, Violet swept through, then closed it by leaning back on it until it clicked.

Elizabeth's lifted her face and looked about, a smile growing bright along with a pleased sparkle in her eyes. "Why, Violet!"

He set her upon her feet.

It was exactly the same as the outer room of their cabin aboard the Wench except it was more spacious. The inner door lay on the right instead of the left, yet his desk was in the same place, his weapons, yes, his weapons hung behind the desk in their rightful place. His chair sat well left of the window, as did the table and chairs, to the right of it.

Violet had found a bench the right width and length providing her a window seat as she had aboard ship.

Betsy felt drawn to investigate immediately, she passed Violet's desk and opened the door at the far wall of the room. It was not their bed cabin, as she had assumed, it was a grand dressing room. She and Violet's things had been hung, she saw all of her brightly colored dresses the King had insisted were hers, all of Violet's laced cuffs and jackets hung on his side.

"My goodness, Violet, we do not need all of this room." Betsy saw the empty racks as wasted space, as between them, her and Violet's things barely filled half the space allowed.

"Just wait...." Violet led her to a door upon their left, he opened it, then awaited her reaction.

"Oh, Violet!" Betsy entered the room to look down into the deep tub and to peek behind the privy curtains. "Now this room, I shall use!" Betsy saw that their things graced the washstand top, the same washstand they had used aboard the ship.

Betsy had noticed Violet's bureau in the dressing room, each room holding something that had been in their cabin.

Violet reached past Betsy to open the bedroom door, she came up beside him and saw his small desk and their bed with their furs upon it.

She noted the windows, the sheers blowing in the breeze, as muted sunshine brightened the dark wood panelling that covered the walls floor to ceiling.

Aye, she could be very happy here, indeed.

Betsy now knew why he turned the rooms around. The dark paneling in this room, so close in color to the wood that had been in their bed cabin, made Betsy felt as though she were home already. She pushed Violet a smidge and closed the door behind them.

A huge, satisfied grin lit her face as she spied the claymore hanging on the back of the bedchamber door. Aye, she was home.

Violet traced a finger down her neck, as she closed her eyes and drew in her breath sharply.

"Would you care for a toss upon the furs, madam?" Violet's smooth voice causing shivers to run up and down her spine.

"But Violet, 'tis only mid morning...." Betsy drawled, as her head lolled back upon his chest.

"I see I have been lax in your studies, Kitten, if you believe I will wait for the darkness of eve in my own home." Violet chuckled softly, as he bent and nuzzled her neck.

Betsy could barely think a'tall when he did that, "Oh, good..... More lessons......" Betsy's arm lifted, her hand cupped Violet's head, as she turned in his arms for his languorous kiss.


Hope you were as pleased with this update as Elizabeth was ;)

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