A girl like you.

By Yoyohansson

325K 9.1K 5.3K

G!P y/n is Sebastian's younger sister, she is intersex and 28 years old and uses the pronouns she/ her. She i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43.
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.

chapter 44

4.5K 118 55
By Yoyohansson

It's about 10 am Monday morning, for the first time in the last couple of days I woke up alone and I hate it I was getting so used to waking up to her next to me but I knew she needed to go home she had been wearing my clothes all weekend plus she had to get up early this morning for work and she said she would've felt bad waking me up at 6 am. Luckily though I get to spend lunch with her.

Once my lazy body allowed me to get out of bed, I made my way into the shower allowing the cold water to shock my body into waking up before completing my morning routine and heading back into my bedroom to get changed into jogging bottoms and a hoodie, which are somehow the only clothing items that manage to keep me warm when riding my bike in the cold winter weather. I made my way into the kitchen quickly whipping up some BLTs and another one for Tom of course I don't need to hear him saying I don't love him anymore; he is a big baby sometimes. I put the food into separate tubs before placing the tubs in a reusable bag making my way outside towards my bike and slotting them into the seat compartment.

I decided to leave a little earlier than I was meant to, so I didn't get caught in the busy la traffic which of course today there wasn't any. So, now I'm standing here waiting for the same stupid security guard as the last time to let me in; apparently, someone needed to come get me. surely if I was some crazy fan I would be freaking out. Thankfully I saw tom jogging towards the gate.

"Oh, thank god, see he's, my friend." I laughed as tom crossed his arms. "I'm sorry do I know you?" "I hate you; I bring you lunch, and this is how you treat me." "I'm kidding, josh let her through." He laughed as I rolled my eyes. "Sure, okay go through." "Thanks, mate," I replied sarcastically as he rolled his eyes. I mean why doesn't he like me, am I that unlikeable. "So, did you bring me lunch or was it a ploy to get through security." "I did, blts to be exact." "I love you, honestly I'm so hungry right now I kind of need a pee too." "Oh my god have they still not given you a zip?" "No, they keep saying it'll be noticeable on screen." "I'm going to tell Nikki to scare them into giving you one." I laughed as we made our way towards Lizzie's trailer. "Please do otherwise by the end of filming I'm going to have kidney failure." "Would that be so bad?" "Yes y/n yes it would." He laughed punching my arm as I saw scar walking towards us.

"Hey, y/n Lizzie's just getting unhooked then shell be out." "Unhooked do I even want to know what that means?" "Probably not, anyway how have you been?" "Yeah, I've been good just trying to finish my album you know, what about you, how have you been?" "y/n!" I heard Lizzie yell from behind me as I flashed her a warm smile before turning around to carry on my conversation. "Erm yeah, I've been good, busy with work and looking after rose." Scarlet smiled as tom leaned over to whisper something in my ear. "Bad move." "Bad move? What do you mean bad move, what have a done now?" I laughed until Lizzie came over hugging everyone but me. "Hey, Liz." "Scar, did you want to get lunch?" Lizzie smiled completely ignoring me, and what does she mean get lunch she's the only reason I'm here. "We don't have the time they need me and tom back on set don't they tom." "Yeah, yeah they do y/n?" "What?" "My food? If I don't have time to eat with you I'm going to take it with me." He laughed as I handed him his sandwich. "you're welcome by the way." "Okay come on we need to go." Scar smiled as she practically yanked tom away from us. "Hey love, I made us both BLT's if you're hungry?" "Don't hey love me, what the hell y/n?" "I thought you liked BLT's I swear you've made them for us before." "No, not the stupid sandwich, why did you practically ignore me." "First of all, it's not a stupid sandwich it's like the best sandwich ever and when did I ignore you? Are you on about just, because I smiled at you?" "I've been so tired all day because sleeping without you is harder than I thought it was going to be and the one thing getting me through my way was thinking about spending my lunch with you. I practically ran at you, and you just smiled at me. I mean tom seemed more excited to see me than you did." "Will you just let me explain before you rip my head off?" I chuckled but by the look on her face, I'm guessing she didn't find it funny. "Go ahead." "you have no idea how happy I was to see you, I felt the same after spending the weekend together sleeping alone felt weird like I needed you next to me to have a good night's sleep and the only reason I didn't kiss you right there and then is because I didn't want to do anything that would make anyone suspect anything since we aren't public so I didn't know what I could or couldn't do." "Ohh that makes a lot more sense, I'm just tired and I wanted a hug I'm sorry for getting so mad at you when you're only respecting the fact I want to keep this private." "Did you think I didn't miss you? If I could kiss you right here, right now I would but we can't well not yet anyway, so I thought a friendly smile was the best move." "No, you're right can I at least hug you?" "You never have to ask to touch my Olsen." I laughed as I pulled her in so her head rested on my chest and I melted at her touch. "You have such a grip on my heart Olsen," I whispered into her hair as she hummed into my chest. "Sorry, what was that love." "I said and I'm never letting go." She spoke softly as I kissed her forehead.

We reluctantly pulled away from each other and made our way into her trailer. "Thank you for bringing me, lunch baby." "I thought it was a stupid sandwich." I chuckled against her lips. "Okay for the record I didn't think the sandwich was stupid I thought that adorable smile was stupid." She laughed as her thumb ran across my bottom lip. "I love you." "I love you too darling, now eat the sandwich before you have to get your cute little butt back to work."

"So, how was your day?" I questioned taking a bite of my sandwich. "It was pretty fun, but I was really nervous this morning. When I came in, they told me I needed to be attached to these wires as I lowered towards the ground which made me nervous." "I mean you have a right to be nervous I couldn't do what you do no way, being so high up all day even the thought scares me." "Yeah, but I've been doing it since 2015 you'd think I would've got used to it by now but nope. I mean every time I do it, it worries me a little less so hopefully at some point, I won't get nervous at all." She explained with a soft smile as I kept one of my hands entwined with hers as my other held my sandwich. "Well, I'm proud of you love and I can't wait to see you on the big screen." "Did you want to go to the premiere with me, I mean you don't have to but well be public then and I'd love for you to go with me if you're not busy with music that is." "I would love to go with you, are you kidding me. We do need to get a move on watching these movies though otherwise, it'll make no sense I mean which one are we on now?" "Guardians of the galaxy I believe." "you're not in that one, are you?" "No, I'm not." She laughed as there was a knock at the door. "Miss Olsen you're needed back on set." "She laughed standing up throwing her rubbish in the bin. "Okay, that's my cue, I'll see you Wednesday?" "No, I'll see you tonight." I smiled pulling her back in pecking her lips. "Tonight?" "Yeah, I hate sleeping without you so I can either come over and stay at your place or you can stay at mine?" "I'll come to yours, it's always so warm." She giggled as her arms rested around my neck. "Miss Olsen, they need you on set!" "Okay I'm coming!" she yelled back as I placed a chaste kiss against her lips. "Okay, I'm going to go before the poor man out there gets the full wrath of Anthony Joshua." "Wow, that bitch deserved a punch and ill do it again if anyone disrespects my y/n again." "I know baby and I love you so much I'll see you tonight, okay?" "Tonight, and I love you too." She laughed as she finally opened the door. "I'll see you tonight y/n." "bye, Liz."

A/N: hey guys today's question is which is your favourite infinity stone? Mine would probably be the mind stone.

Also, I previously mentioned my TikTok, but I've changed my username since then its now @yoyohansson anyway have a good day (: 

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