DC Universe Gets A Clean Up

By La_Flame20

280K 7.1K 3.4K

After Accidentally Killing The Joker, Y/n Is Forced To Deal With The Consequences That come With Killing The... More

Day 1
Day 2
Day 2.5
Day 2.6
Day 2.9
Day 9
Day 9.2
Day 9.2 (Harley)
Day 10
Day 16
Day 16.2
Day 18
Day 19
Day 21
Day 22
Day 22.1
Day 41
Day 41 (night)
Day 42 (Dawn)
Day 42.1
Day 43
Day 43.1

Day 41 (night 1.2)

3.1K 96 32
By La_Flame20

Black mask: Do it already, kid. Or do you really wanna try me?

My right eye twitched rapidly as my irritation grew. Batman patted me on the back and I glanced at him.

Batman: So, what do you do in a situation like this? Do you want to give in? There aren't a lot of things you can do, you know.

Y/n: This isn't a teaching moment, B. I have a team of snipers-

Black Mask: Tell all your men to stand down* he held the trigger close to his chest, right by his heart* any shots would definitely kill me. And we don't want that do we?

I groaned and snapped my fingers twice in quick succession. As the room was rather quiet, it was easy to make out the sound of people moving around.it was quiet again in a few seconds.

Y/n: There. Fucking asshole ruining my perfect night. Happy now?

Black mask: Not yet. The contract, kid.

Y/n: I can't. It's a soul bond. Basically till death. Besides, you can't do any magic so that much magical energy would kill you.

Black mask: Like I would believe that.

Y/n: Believe, Don't believe. your problem, not mine. Plus you don't seem suicidal so go fuck yourself.

He seemed to be thinking about something before shrugging and raised the trigger to press it and I freaked.

Y/n: Okay, fine. I'll do it. *He relaxed and I smirked* is what you think I'll say, bitch! Behold my true power! *I raised my arms in the air and declared* ZA WARUDO!

After a few seconds of nothing happening, I heard someone cough "nerd" and I folded my arms and looked away. I could literally feel Batman's stare pointed at my back.

Black mask: What was that? Nothing happened. I don't feel anything.

Y/n: I thought I could stop time. All the OP characters can.

Black mask: Am I a joke to you?

Y/n: Yes, and a big one too. What kinda dumbass name is black mask? It's like if I went around calling myself 'human face'.

Batman: Y/n. Take this seriously. So many lives depending on you and you're still playing around.

Y/n: Fine, I give up. Let's see you do better.

Batman: like I said you don't think things through. In a situation like this, the first thing to do * his hands suddenly flashed and I barely saw the batarangs he threw at Black mask.*

One stuck to the trigger in his hand, releasing a kind of glue and netting that wrapped around his hand, the other stabbed into his chest, though not that deep.

Black mask: What the hell? *The batarang in his chest activated and a second later, he was down on his knees, spasming from the electric shock.

Y/n: Oh. That works.

I performed a B-twist and kicked him in the head. I pressed my foot against his head with a grin.

Y/n: Aww, Don't cry, you tried so hard, it's just bad luck. *To the others in the room* thanks for viewing today's performance. Oh one more thing, *I snapped my fingers and my men stepped out of their hiding spots* find the bombs and *he stopped and looked off into the distance* I've gotta go. See you later, B.

Batman: Where are you going?

Y/n: Leo, *a shadow appeared behind me* Batman's in charge. And the keys to your bike.

He tossed them to me and I grabbed them as I run out the building, ignoring Batman attempts to stop me. I could hear the sirens getting near but none of the other criminals came out. Wise decision on their part.

Hey can you hear me?


Really, that's what we're doing?


Fine. Whatever.

I hopped on the bike, revved it up and soon I was going as fast as I could down the road. I doubted that Jason would have any men with him since he liked working alone and with the two weeks constant surveillance, most of my men were either resting or spread out too thin.

I sighed when he didn't answer when I called. I didn't know why but I had a bad feeling about this.


Red Hood grunted and propped himself up on his elbow while enduring Deathstroke straining his other arm. He had snuck in here a while ago and had come upon the generic gang of thugs unloading a shipment of guns. He dispatched them swiftly and ruthlessly but he had been jumped by Deathstroke, leading to his current situation.

Slade: So, where's your partner? *He pressed down even harder on the shoulder* I heard you move around together. I really wanted to meet him.

Red Hood: What's it to you. Already looking for a new protege to trick and betray? Sorry, he's already taken and I don't share.

Slade: Really, ain't that a crying shame. Still want to meet him. So where is he? Tell me.

Red Hood: Hmm, I think I'll pass. He is a pain in the ass, but he owes me five grand and hasn't paid yet, so-Gahh!

Slade: Kids today, I guess I just have to beat it out of you.

Deathstroke suddenly released his arm and jumped away, just as a gunshot sounded and smoke trail appear where his head was.

Y/n: Oy oy, I'm the only who gets to do that. What's up, buddy? Looks like you need a hand. *To himself* fuck! Forgot to make that pun.

Red Hood: For your information I had him right where I wanted him.

Y/n: Yeah yeah, you're the best. Hold on a sec, Holy Shit! Is that Deathstroke. Oh my God, I can't believe. Ok, y/n deep breaths *he took out his phone* gotta call Batman.

Slade: That's not happening. *Deathstroke threw a kunai right into Y/n's phone.* It'll be a bit troublesome if he gets involved.

Y/n: What the hell, dude! That was the latest UPhone. It cost me five thousand dollars!

Red Hood: That's what you spent it on?

Y/n: Ehhh, nevermind that. Hey, look, Deathstroke. I have to say I'm a big fan of your work. To meet you here is truly an honor.

Slade: That's unexpected.

Red Hood: I know, right. That would explain the sword and mask he keeps hidden under his bed.

Y/n: Gah. Would you shut up. Sheeesh. Anywho,

He jumped down and stuck the superhero landing, slowly standing up to his full height and placing his hands in his pockets.

Y/m: What are you doing in Gotham? Here for a contract?

Slade: Yes. You. And I would appreciate it if you came willingly and quietly.

Y/n: Hmmm. Here's the thing, I would love to but... I've got stuff to do so I'mma have to say no. But here's my card. Call me some other time and I could fit you in my schedule.

Slade: It's a cash on delivery deal and Papa needs a new safehouse. So you're coming with me now.

Y/n run his hands through his hair before unbuttoning his coat and tossing it aside. Red shifted his shoulder back in place and moved it around a bit.

Y/n: Can you still fight?

Red Hood: Eh, had worse. *He straightened his helmet and gloves.* But I don't mind the assist.

Y/n: That's what I wanted to hear. *He stroked his chin for a bit then grinned* how about the fusion dance?

Red Hood: What? Now?

Y/n: Yeah. We don't get many strong opponents so this is the perfect time. C'mon, please, please please please please please please please, pretty please with a cherry on top.

Red Hood: Fine! Sigh. Just this once.

Y/n: Yay! Alright, let's do this. *He struck the pose and Jason sighed one last time before following his lead.

Both: Fuusion... HAAA!

Their finger tips touched and then they folded their hands in, before stretching them out, fists pointed at Deathstroke. Their aura suddenly turned deathly and sent shivers down his spine but he was always up for a challenge. Deathstroke smirked under his helmet and pulled out his sword.

Slade: Alright, I'm hyped now. Come on, kids. Show me what you got. Don't disappoint me.

Y/n and Red Hood, despite not actually fusing, laughed out loud at the same time then Red Hood stepped in front while Y/n shook his arms as if to loosen them.

Both: Oh, we'll show you something alright. Do us a favor...don't hold back!

Red Hood dashed forward whiles Y/n fired his grapple hook into the wall and used the momentum to rocket across the room in a wide arc at Deathstroke, foot stretched out forward.

Deathstroke swung his sword at Y/n but he missed by a hair and turned to slash at Red Hood when his sword was kicked out of his hands by Y/n's other foot just as he flew by. Red Hood kicked out at Deathstroke's feet then his head and then his chest.

He parried all the blows and was about to counter when his instincts told him to dodge. He did and a hand slashed past him before it turned and threw a knife at him. He slapped it aside but Red Hood jumped up and kicked it's handle, sending it right back.

He sidestepped but he felt a heavy kick land on his lower back. He twisted around to counter but he quickly had to block as Red Hood threw a right hook for his face. He blocked it and grabbed the arm, but before he could do anything, another kick landed on the side of his head. Then a second one hit before he jumped backwards to get some room.

That's when he noticed Y/n swinging at him with his wrist blades extended. He drew a knife to block it but he heard a single beep and his eye glanced to the side just as the grenade attached to his helmet to explode.

The damage was miniscule but it stunned him for a second. His instincts reacted again and he ducked down while punching straight up. A fist met his and even overpowered it, hitting him with enough force to crack ground under his feet. He gritted his teeth as his instincts once again warned him of another incoming attack.

He kicked out and felt his leg make contact but rather than the feeling of hitting a person it felt like metal. He jumped back again and blinked his eye. Now, he could see Y/n diving in from above he side stepped and kicked him in the face, then chopped down on Red Hood's hands, before punching him in the gut then kicking him aside.

Slade: You're good I'll give you that. But if that's all you've got this will be easy.

Red Hood: Relax, Gramps. We thought we'll let you warm up first. Or is it already time for your nap?

Slade: Oh please, I could take you on even if I was an old man with one hand tied behind my back.

Y/n: Oh no, I wouldn't want that. Fighting you at your best is more than enough for me. Now we switch to attack c.

Deathstroke closed his eyes for a second to analyze the situation. He was still feeling fresh and although he had lost his sword and gun, he had no injuries while Red Hood is exhausted and already has a dislocated arm. Y/n however is in top shape and with his suit that allows for extra defense and extreme maneuverability plus his rumored healing factor. But he is slowed since he is syncing with Red Hood.

He opened his eyes when he heard the telltale hiss of the grapple hook and shifted to the side as it was aimed at his head. He quickly drew another knife and stabbed forward, knowing Y/n would be swinging on the grapple, cutting through the armor and into the arm.

'And now a kick at Red Hood and block Y/n's kick. Then a swift exchange of punches then a parry and vault. Kick. Slide. Double kick. Elbow to the face. Side step Y/n. Kick him in the back. Attack Red Hood's arm, twist and release.'

He acted as he calculated and easily countered all their attacks.

'Jump back and block Y/n's kick then counter with a few gut punches then jump to the side to avoid Red Hood. Now, parry both of them, kick Y/n aside and take down Red Hood. A few blows to the head for good measure.'

Deathstroke: And that leaves Y/n, who will try a kick *parry* another one, *parry* and then a swipe at my head.

He prepared himself to duck underneath and tackle Y/n by the neck when he felt three punches land squarely on his back, the pain stunning his enough for Y/n to cut across his helmet. He followed it with fast but heavy hooks, battering Deathstroke left and right until with a kick, sent him right into Red Hood's waiting clothesline.
Deathstroke rolled clear as Y/n corkscrewed and stomped for his head, getting back to feet as Red Hood reached him and kicked rapidly at his legs.

'I don't understand, I knocked him out that's for sure but he's still standing. It's not just that, his arm... It felt fine when I dislocated it again. Can he heal too?'

His hands and feet worked together as fast as they could but Y/n and Red Hood were relentless, each one going for any openings they could find, their movements neither blocking nor interrupting the other.

Slade: So that's what that was.

He ducked a punch but was kicked backwards into a wall, then grabbed and slammed into it again and again. Everytime he tried to fight back, one of the two stopped him with a heavy hook to his gut, chest or head. A kick knocked his knees out from under him and that's when the real beat down began.

He took hit after hit, blow after blow, punches and kicks raining down on him, his suit ripped and torn in many places. Their hits coming faster than he could block, yet, his mind was working at full speed.

'Red Hood recovered from his injuries after his dance with Y/n, including his fatigue. So maybe a healing ability? No, he isn't healed so much as evened out as he doesn't seem to be taking damage. Neither of them are.

His eye darted everywhere when he caught a glimpse of a thin, almost invisible trail just before a punch hit him. He ignored the pain and focused, this time seeing it a bit more clearly. It was a tube that ran from the base of Y/n's neck to Red Hood's.

Deathstroke: Found it.

He feigned a grab and when Y/n kicked his hand away, he twisted around and jumped in between them and flicked his wrist at the right moment, slicing through the tube and collapsed to the ground.

Y/n and Red Hood let out screams of pain and fell to their knees and clutching their heads. Deathstroke barely raised himself onto his elbows and called out.

Slade: Now, Frost!


Y/n yelled to Red Hood but it was too late as he was encased in a block of ice. Y/n turned and looked up at killer Frost who was dropping onto him. He dodged her ice attacks and fired his grapple at her, knocking her into a support beam. move left. He obeyed and managed to avoid the sword that swiped at his head and grabbed the arm, coming face to face with a female Deathstroke albeit shorter.

He raised an eyebrow in confusion but the girl grinned and hit him with open palm strikes before flipping behind him and kicking him forward. jump. He was turning around when he heard the voice and obeyed, jumping up and swinging away with his grapple. Ice spikes formed where he was standing. release, now!
He tried but he was hit in the arm, the chest and the neck by three consecutive ice spikes. He dropped and tumbled on the ground. sorry, kid. His eyes widened and he glanced to the side and saw a hand touch his shoulder.

Deathstroke took deep breaths as his healing factor kicked in, repaired enough of the damage for him to stand up and turn around just as Frost blew Y/n backwards and froze his body to the wall.

Y/n: Ow.

Red Hood: Yeah, sucks, huh? And the headache isn't helping.

Killer Frost approached him as he cracked the ice around his hands and began cracking the ice on his other hand but she froze him again. He grinned helplessly and sighed.

Y/n: Well hello, beautiful. My name's Y/n and though I know your name, I don't think it suits you well so can I call you mine?

The only response was a raised eyebrow and a cold look. The girl Deathstroke laughed and began poking, stretching and toying with his face.

Ravager: Handsome, strong, flirty, a good fighter and balls of steel. Ooo, feel that *she squeezed his bicep* hard as a rock.

Y/n: Keep touching me and soon that wouldn't be the only thing that's hard.

She tilted her head slightly and looked at him with a confused expression while Frost coughed lightly. Deathstroke shook his head and went to pick up his sword and guns.

Y/n: Wow. Killer Frost, Deathstroke.Then we have Deathstroke 2.0 the cute edition. That's three. My report said there were six of you. Where's the rest.

Ravager: What makes you say that. I alone am more than enough to get you.

Y/n: Sorry sweetheart but the grownups are talking. Why don't you wait and I'll give you all the attention you want, aye?

Ravager: Look who's talking about attention seeking.

Y/n: Honey, your whole look screams Daddy issues. You don't wanna start with me else I'll bend you over my knee and teach you some manners. How old are you anyway?

She shrugged carelessly and stepped back. Y/n looked killer Frost up and down before looking away when she glanced at him.

Y/n: Hey, Bro, when killer Frost is turned on does it turns frosty or is it snowy instead? Oooh, I bet it tastes like Ice cream.

Red Hood: How should I know. She's right in front of you, ask her.

Y/n: Okay. Hey, Elsa, when you-

A blast of cold air and his mouth was frozen shut. His grin only widened and he cracked the ice by moving his jaw. He held onto the slice of ice with his teeth flashed a seductive wink at Frost, then slowly swallow it, licking his lips in satisfaction.

Y/n: Ahh. I was feeling thirsty. May I have some more, Mommy?

Frost: Shut it kid. You know you're somehow even more annoying than Boomer wang. If the Boss didn't need ya, you'll be dead already.

Y/n: And you act like a massive cold hearted bitch who is soo over everything, when it's all just to hide the fact that what you really want is someone to give you the love mommy and daddy never gave you. But you're so scared to open up and let someone in only for them to hurt you so you keep on being a bitch which pushes everyone away even further. *She stiffened visibly and he gulped* Fuck! Did I say that aloud?

Frost: You can't shut up, can you? I hear you're immortal, so it shouldn't matter in what shape we bring you back. Not in one piece that's for sure.

She formed an ice lance and was about to stab me when Deathstroke stopped her, holding onto her arm.

Slade: Don't.

Frost: What! Why? He's immortal, no?

Slade: Didn't you read the dossier? He has a demon in him. Once he dies, they switch. And I don't have to tell you what happens next. So keep it together.

She glanced at Y/n and when she saw him looking straight at her with a mischievous grin she grunted and stepped aside. Y/n and turned to Deathstroke.

Y/n: So that failed. Anyway you caught me now, why are we still here? Hmmm, supposedly six people, but I see only three. So the others are off doing something else. What could they be doing I wonder?

Slade: You're smarter than you look.

Y/n: Thanks. We could go for drink and you could tell me what your plan is. Well we'll have to leave the kid, I don't think she's old enough to drink.

Ravager: I'm old enough to do more than that, you know.

Y/n: Oookay. You done yet, cause the FBI might be coming here soon.

Red Hood: Yep. Nice distraction.

The three turned as they heard a loud hiss of steam. He broke out of his ice shell and threw smoke bomb every where and a batarang at Deathstroke. He dodged and it instead stabbed the ice encasing me.

Y/n: Watch the merchandise!  Haven't you heard, I'm valuable.

Red Hood flexed his palms and his discarded pistols came flying into his hands. He immediately opened fire at the three attackers while moving backwards. Deathstroke and his protege turned to rush him when they felt a wave of heat behind them. The batarang had melted the ice on Y/n.

Y/n grinned as he fell to his feet and also dropped a smoke bomb. Frost groaned and run at him while firing ice blasts. He easily avoided them all and backed up into the smoke. With a wave of her hand, she cleared it and locked onto him.

He ducked and weaved through her blast until he got close enough. He brushed her hand to side just as she released another blast. He held her arm up and in one motion turned her and sealed her lips with his own. Her eyes widened in surprise before they blanked out and her expression dulled.

Deathstroke shifted his body as the ice spike flew past. He glanced back and in the time it took for him to turn, Red Hood punched him across the jaw.

Y/n let go of Frost and ducked as Ravager kicked at him. He punched back but she kicked his hand aside and gut checked him. He grinned grabbed her arm but she flipped around and tossed him over her shoulder then jumped back suddenly, dodging the blade Y/n shot at her.

Ravager: Nice move. *she grinned and drew her swords.* Let me show you mine.

She dashed and slashed both at Y/n, who countered with his wrist blades, locking them in a standstill. He kicked at her feet but she jumped and locked blades with his again.

Y/n: Precog, huh? Fun trick, but it doesn't change the most important thing. *He pressed down on her sword with a grin* I'm stronger and faster.

She backed up but he chased her, putting more strength behind every slash. She blocked them but she was still taking damage. He knocked her swords to the side and kicked her in the head.

Y/n: Now, Frost. *An ice beam struck her while she was dazed knocking her into Deathstroke. He caught her and rolled out of the way of Frost's follow-up ice blast.

Slade: Are you okay?

Ravager: Yeah, dad. I'm fine. My head hurts a little but I'm fine.

Red Hood: Game Over. Insert coin to restart.

They approached the two assassins with menacing looks on their faces, Y/n releasing and retracting his wrist blades, Red Hood keeping his guns aimed at them and Frost waiting with her hands out stretched.

Slade: What did you do to her?

Y/n: Oh that? A little gift from the plant goddess herself. She'll be fine in an hour or so. Now start talking. Who's the second target?

Slade: Are you sure you don't want to just come with us? The next few days are going to be painful if you don't.

Red Hood: Which days aren't.

Y/n: Nice. Now, who is the second target?

Slade: Let's just say we'll be seeing you soon, y/n. You won't have much of a choice. Ravager,

She turned over quickly and threw a grenade at them. Frost created an ice shield and when the smoke cleared, the two assassins were gone.

Y/n: What the fuck was that. What did he mean?

Red Hood: A team of meta-humans. Someone you would miss. I'm right here--- Ivy.

Y/n stiffened and quickly tapped his wrist comunicator.


Brian: Sir, I was just about to call you. A team of meta-humans just attacked Ivy's lab. Our men were defeated and Harley and Ivy are gone.

My hand dropped and I sat down on the ground, my mind only thinking one thing.

Y/n: Oh.

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