Quiet In Beverly Hills - YB I...


21.3K 369 2.1K

My second YUNGBLUD book, I'm back, my chickens! All types of requests are open, fluff, smut and angst! Reques... More

Fool [F]
First Time [S]
Nesting [F]
Asthma [A]
Bookstore Girl [F]
Like A Virgin [S]
Baby Blud [F]
3rd Party [Poly S]
Nanny [F]
Tattoo [F]
Bunny [S]
Tattoo - 2 [S]
Places We Don't Talk [A]
Masquerade [F]
Vienna [A/F]
Time To Heal [A]
Disneyland [F]
Teacher [A]
Double Date [F]
Disneyland Pt 2 - [S]
Graduation [S]
Skinny Dipping [F]
Lick Of Paint [S]
Lotus [S]
Interviews [F]
50 Shades Of Fuck-No [A]
Stretch Marks [A/S]
Anniversary Trip [A]
Carmilla [A/N]
Dom's Adoration [S]
Good Boy [S]
Being Dad [S]
Boyfriend Material [S]
Intimate Scenes [F]
A Day Of First [S]
Body Shot [S]
Gala [S]
Sweeney Todd [S]
Announcement/Final Chapter

Massages [S]

1.9K 21 41

Summary: You and Dom didn't expect that the couples massage included teaching how to do it

Smut Warnings: Massage?? gentle Dom, praise, soft sex, pet names, aftercare, accidental overstimulation

Word Count: 6,000

Your eyes adjusted slowly to the bright light of the early morning, as they opened. The sea of white sheets underneath you shone in the same sunshine, lighting up the rest of the bedroom.

As you looked over in bed, the space that Dom lay, was empty. That was quite odd. A quick look over at the time on your phone, the glare of the phone light showed that it was just past nine in the morning.

Looking over in bed, Dom wasn't laying there. That seemed odd. A quick look over at the clock across the room showed that it was only 9 in the morning.

At this time in the morning, when you and Dom both didn't have anything to do, Dom would usually still be in bed, or have been the one instead who woke you up. He hated being awake without you.

He'd admitted that himself, he loved spending time with you, you were probably the person he liked spending time with the most.  

You heard the noise of metal clashing together, downstairs, from the kitchen. In an odd way, it offered itself as a comfort that Dom was still in the house, and, as far as you knew, everything was okay in the house.

You assumed that Dom was doing something, but whatever it was, you had no clue. 

Pulling the silk sheets back over you, you pulled the covers back over yourself, flopping back down in the mattress. This was far too early for you to be awake, by yours, and most others standards.

You could have possibly fallen asleep, but your eyes were encouraged to open again, by Dom's gentle, velvet like voice, slowly cooing you awake. "Good morning, my love," Dom said, in a soft cooing voice.

Dom's hands stroked through your hair, his hand moving down to cup your cheek, as the sight of him was the first thing that met your barely awake eyes.

Sunrise shone behind him, illuminating in front of you. He looked angelic, maybe showing how much he really was. As you sat up a little, your heart skipped beats, seeing the tray that Dom had held.

Dom had make you breakfast in bed. 

"I made you waffles. The bottom one may be slightly burnt at the edges, but it should still taste just as good," Dom said, placing the tray of food over you in the bed, it adjusting to the sides of your form.

His love was overwhelming, as he also passed you the cup of tea, that he'd made for you. Tea, was one of things that Dom would never, ever, be fought on the fact that his tea wasn't the best. His tea was his pride and joy.

Passing you his beloved cup of tea, you sat up in bed, enjoying the waffles that he had made for you, a big smile on his face. Sitting down on the bed next to you, Dom cozied straight up to you, burying his head in the crook of your neck.

"Is there something up with you?" You asked, with a soft laugh on your lips, as you took another bite of the waffle. The waffles were good, soft, and sugary. 

"What do you mean, love?" Dom asked, as he kissed along your jawline, his lips daring to lower to your neck.

"You're being so affectionate. You've either broken something, or you're hiding something, a surprise of sort," You said, enjoying putting a more exaggerated tone, as though you were in a drama, in the last few words.

Dom's laugh escaped his throat, as he wrapped his arms around your waist. "Maybe," He cooed, in a sing song voice, his chin resting on your shoulder.

"What have you broken, Dom?" You asked, and he shook his head in some form of indignation. "Nothing!" He insisted, neither of you were able to hold back a laugh.

"I actually did something nice for us, something romantic," He said. You were intrigued, taking a bite of your food, letting Dom speak further. 

"I know obviously neither of us were happy about the fact that you couldn't come on tour with me, I was on tour with ya for two months," He said, and you nodded, visualising your agreement.

You had made it clear to Dom that you were not happy about the tour situation. During the American leg of the Life On Mars tour, you couldn't be on tour with him. 

While the two of you were on call from the moment he got off stage, to when he had to get back on stage again, nothing could ever replace how Dom felt. "So, I felt we needed a bit more... intimacy," He said, his hand rubbing your thigh softly.

"What are you suggesting?" You asked, and Dom realised how much more intense he had made it sound, in comparison to what it probably meant.

"I booked a couple's massage for today! For the two of us," He said, and your eyes widened. You'd never done anything like that before, not with anyone. That was not to suggest that you weren't open to the concept.

"You're not going to get jealous with someone else massaging me?" You said, in a slight teasing fashion, taking a sip of your drink. Dom rolled his eyes playfully. "I'm sure I'll manage," Dom said, as you finished your food, and drink.

Slowly getting up from the bed, he took your tray and drink, as he began to carry them away, you assumed, downstairs, to the kitchen.

"Now, the appointment is for 11am. So, you get ready, I'll do the dishes," Dom said, as he quickly went downstairs. He quickly made his way there, leaving you to get ready for the appointment.

Opening your wardrobe, you went through your clothes. You had no clue what to wear, but came to the conclusion something that would be easier if it was something that could be taken off a little easier, just lifted up.

You settled on a t-shirt, a blue plaid skirt, knee high socks, and a black coat to go over it. You put two dainty pearl earrings in, but decided on no further jewellery. You grabbed the white bag, on the bedside table.

That bag was always where you kept it, fully packed. Grabbing the white bag, you went downstairs, where you and Dom kept your shoes. Dom had clearly just finished the dishes, as he made his way into the hallway.

He smiled widely as he saw you, wrapped his arms around you. "You look absolutely incredible!" He complimented, as he realised you were practically ready to go. Going into the hallway, with what he always left with.

Keys, wallet, phone and mask. "Y/N, I'm ready to go," He called. You grabbed your own mask, just in case. You followed Dom past the already open front door, as you sat in the shotgun seat of the car.


You were immediately hit by the warm smell of incense. A mix of different scents swirled around your nose, as you absorbed the atmosphere of the spa.

There was the typical spa music playing quietly, the typical vibration music, etc. Accompanying the smell of incense, there was the smell of various body oils, some slightly obnoxious posters about breathwork and other things, and crystals seemingly thrown around the surfaces, clearly displaced.

Sitting behind the desk, was the welcoming receptionist. She was wearing a white t-shirt, on it a name badge with "Alicia" scribbled on it. Dom made his way up to the front desk, knowing you didn't like being the one who does the talking, in situations like this.

"How can I help you?" Alicia asked, her eyes looking up, and meeting Dom's. "We booked a couple massage, the appointment is in 15 minutes," Dom said, as he lifted up his hand, his fingers interlocked with your own.

Small PDA, things like that, were always things that made you feel so in love with him.

"The last name?" Alicia asked, as she took a pen, placing it between her fingers, her phone rest up to her ear by her shoulder, as she typed furiously on her computer, the mechanical noises of her keyboard clears louder than they should been for an environment for a spa.

"Harrison," Dom stated, as he looked over at you, checking you weren't uncomfortable. You nodded softly, giving him a smile, to show that you weren't uncomfortable, not one bit. 

She typed out Dom's last name into her keyboard, her eyes glazing over her computer, as though she was seeing but not processing the information. "The massage therapist will be with the two of you in a moment,"

She gestured over to two seats which were sitting by the wall, in the corner of the lobby. You didn't argue with her, as you sat down in one of the seats, waiting patiently. A few moments later, you saw the new therapist.

A woman, slightly shorter than Dom, but taller than you, walking up to the two of you. "Mr and Mrs Harrison?" She said, looking down to the two of you before he asked, and you nodded.

You loved being addressed as Mrs Harrison, despite the fact that the two of you weren't married.

Dom and you stood up, as he lead you forwards. "That's us," Dom said, a gentle beam on his face. "My name is Kathy, and I am going to be your massage therapist, for your session today," She said.

Kathy began to lead you away from the heavily crowded lobby. You were led down an array of corridors, door opening and closing right behind you the moment that you stood behind them. Soon, you were led into a small spa room.

It was the absolute image of a spa room. The spa music that was playing in the lobby was repeated in the room, and you could appreciate it more with the peace and serenity. There were some crystals across the room, and candles.

There were two white massage tables, with a fluffy pillow laying on the front, a space made for your head to lay. There were two sheets laid out, one to lay over the bed, and the other to cover whatever necessary.

Two hooks were on the wall, holding up two different white fluffy dressing gowns. "Now, which one of you would like to go first?" Kathy asked, as she went into a drawer that was tucked away. It was tucked away so neatly that you hadn't even noticed it before.

"My love, you can go first," Dom said, whispering softly to you. "I'll go first," You spoke, being the one to say it first. Dom took your bag from your hand, without you asking.

"Oh! Forgive me, first, how about you take these, and change? There's a changing room just over here," She said, as she took off the two previous fluffy bathrobes, that were on the hook. Dom nodded, taking both of them.

"Do we need to be naked?" Dom asked, being braver to ask than you were. "You can be naked if you like, it's a full body massage," Kathy explained, as you decided which would be best.

You decided that you'd pick when you got to the changing room. "Maybe I'll be the one giving you an ass massage," Dom said, making you half laugh, half giving you horrible strong butterflies.

The room was slightly smaller than you had originally expected, especially for a changing room that was designed for two people.

Dom clearly wasn't wasting any time, quickly taking off his shoes, then followed by his t-shirt. You felt your cheeks quickly heat up, as he was stood shirtless, nearly pressed up against you.

He'd been getting a little more in shape recently, which had just happened naturally, being on stage, dancing all night long on stage, the muscles and abs on his stomach starting to come in, his v-line on show, arm muscles too.

So much, a tugging in your soul, wanted to grab him, make out with him, spend hours upon hours admiring every. Single. Inch, of his body, and kiss it down, not leaving a single place left alone.

But, that was probably something to be saved for the comfort of your own bedroom.

Dom took off his jeans, then his boxers. He tied his bathrobe around his waist, as he didn't notice that you were a little nervous to take off your own clothes. It didn't matter how long you'd been with Dom.

You'd been going out for months now, but still, you were a little nervous, whenever you were nearly, or completely naked. Not wanting to make it a big deal, you took off your shoes, sock, then skirt.

As you were taking off your bra, Dom was clearly in a more playful mood than you anticipated.

"Let's get these off!" Dom teased, as he grabbed the sides of your underwear. You squealed out, giggling, but Dom hadn't pulled then down yet, he was just holding them. You did as he was suggesting, taking them off.

Without even realising, you were stood completely naked, beginning to tie your bathrobe around your waist. Dom's jaw was dropped down onto the floor. 

"Oh my fucking God, Y/N," He said, as you finished putting the robe on. "What?" You asked, looking over at Dom. "You're fucking perfect," Dom muttered, red grazing across his cheeks, with nothing but truth laced in his gentle voice.

Dom's compliment never failed to give you a bit of an ego boost, as it was just so truthful. You and Dom left your clothes in the changing room, as you made your way back into the main room, the two beds close to you.

"Now, I assume that the two of you know that this is a teaching session," Kathy said. She got out various massage oils, and you tried to stop yourself from your jaw dropping. That was not something that Dom had told you.

"Yes," Dom said, in a plain voice, as he looked over and saw your reaction, your cheeks beginning to get hotter. Your cheeks flared up, as Kathy finished preparing one of the beds.

Dom had nothing except a proud smirk across his face, an expression that just screamed that he had won. He'd gotten his way, if his way was nothing more than just the simple need to want to please you.

"Which of the two of you would like to go first again?" Kathy asked, looking over at the two of you, as though it were to gauge your reaction, in some possibly odd form.

"I'm going first," You said, taking a step forward, moving yourself closer to the massage bed. "Now, if you'll just take your robe off, and lay down, I'll lay this over your lower back," She said, clearly avoiding saying ass, as she picked up a towel.

You undid the robe as she instructed. You quickly laid down, feeling the sheet cover your front chest. The soft fabric covered it, as you felt the towel fabric covering your ass. You laid your head on the cushion, facing towards Dom.

"Comfy there, lovey?" Dom asked, his hand on your bare higher back, and you nodded, moving over to grab his hand, a little non verbal assurance that you were okay, and comfortable. Dom loved knowing you were safe.

"Now, Dom," Kathy said, having figured out his name from you speaking to him, as she motioned for him to go over to her side. "You come here, and I'll show you where to start," Kathy explained.

Butterflies were building in your stomach, your head swimming with different thoughts, as the butterflies seemed to be crashing into each other, your stomach doing absolute flips.

Even though you were laying on your side, you looked up at Dom, always wanting to see him. Dom smiled softly at you, as Kathy passed you three separate massage oils, in smaller bottles. "Which of these smells do you like best?" She asked calmly.

You sat up a tiny bit, not moving much. You smelt each of the three in turn, as then you decided that you like the second one the best. It smelt warm, if that was any way to describe it. It was a relaxing smell, not overwhelming you.

"This one," You said, as you passed her the second bottle. She nodded, going into the drawer and putting away all three of the oils, and getting out a larger version of the second oil out, as she put it down on the side table that was near to the bed.

"Take off your rings," Kathy instructed to Dom. "Then put some of the oils on the palm of your hands," She instructed, putting some on her own hands first. Soon, you felt her hands on your upper bag, beginning to massage.

The massage was good, just as relaxing as every other massage that you'd ever been given. You instantly relaxed into the massage bed, but your head was absolutely swimming with the knowledge that Dom was going to be the one doing it.

It was going to be Dom's hands on your back. This was all going to be his doing, no-one was going to be able to stop it, or take it away from you. It was yours alone. 

"See how I'm doing it"? She asked Dom, and you saw Dom nod. "Yeah, just like move my hands up, and then hold tighter on the way down?" Dom asked, and Kathy nodded, to show that he had the right idea.

She lifted off her hands off her back. She put some more of the massage oil on his hands, as he prepared. "You ready, Y/N?" Dom asked, and you nodded. Immediately, your body shook slightly, as you felt Dom's hands against your back.

"Let me know if this feels good," Dom said, as he took a moment to let his hands rest against your back. His, warm, large, soft hands massaging your back. You would've been happy for him to just keep his hands there the whole time.

But, it felt even better when his hands started to move against your back, keeping the same pressure there. He gripped even tighter when getting to your lower back, but with how tense you were, it brought no pain.

There was nothing except relief. Nothing except the pure pleasure that Dom was fully capable of giving you, even in not explicitly sexual ways.

This was better than any massage you had ever been given. The absolute best thing you had ever had done to you, massage wise. Kathy may have been a trained professional, but Dom brought so much more intimacy to it.

The music in the background, the smell of the incense suddenly far more welcome, as he rubbed your back, moving to the other side of your back, as he moved to your lower back, moving his hands from the middle of your back to your sides, and continuing.

Feeling him push down on your soft muscle, even with the awareness that Kathy had been in the room, and you were being actively watched, you'd never felt so warm and fuzzy, you were so turned on and relaxed.

You bit on your lower lip, to try and stop yourself from moaning, or whimpering out, but Dom noticed. He didn't mention it, or point it out to Kathy, that would be the complete opposite of what he's wanted to do.

He wanted to please you, nothing else. Dom's focus was nothing else by that.

As he'd massaged every part of your back, he seemed hesitant to massage anywhere else next. "Where should I massage you next, Y/N?" He asked, in a soft and gentle honeylike voice, coaxing a reply from you.

"Arms or legs?" Dom asked you, as you paused for a moment to consider, but the decision when it came down to it was so simple. "Legs," You replied.

This answer was mostly influenced by the prospect that it would be Dom massaging your thighs, which were pretty easily one of the sensitive parts of your body when Dom was touching them personally, arousal was far easier to reach with it.

Putting more oil on his hands, putting his hands down on your thighs, squeezing your upper thigh tightly, working down, slowly loosening his grip as he worked his way down your legs.

You were in absolute heaven right now, practically in heat. You felt as though you were floating. You never knew that Dom possessed the ability to make you feel so good.

Your eyes flickered, and you knew your eyes were going to roll back. Your eyes seared shut, as that was more socially acceptable, even in this sort of setting, for that.

His massage on you continued for the best part of another half hour, and you were completely blissed out, almost struggling to get up as you sat up. You tied the robe around you again, as Dom took his place on the other bed.

Robe long abandoned on the floor, Dom was only in his boxers, as he laid down. "How about I massage your front, so you lay on your back?" You suggested. Dom seemed a little surprised, but did just as you had asked for him.

Laying on his back, he laid down, his abs on show. His legs were lightly spread, and, you suspected, potentially already slightly hard, from just touching you.

Dom was always the type to get easily flustered like that. A couple of kisses, a brush of the jawline, and a few touches where he loved being so most, and he was putty in your hands, having to wait a few moments to stop himself from getting hard.

You didn't know how Dom would really react to you massaging his front, and, without telling him, his thighs. Dom's thighs were very easily teased. When you were giving Dom oral, brushes of his thighs drew out so much sensitivity.

You put the same oil on your hands, getting used to the texture, as you laid your hands across Dom's abs, with a slight amount of pressure. Dom's breath quickly got heavy, his breathing quicker.

Rather than working to the sides, you worked down slightly more, massaging his abs, working down to his v-line, rubbing soothing circles. You were covering Dom from Kathy's view, and you could see he was growing harder in his boxers.

Dom's eyes were fluttering, as he was trying his absolute hardest to keep his legs still, instead of bucking his hips up into absolutely nothing. "Does that feel good?" You asked, and Dom managed to open his eyes, and nod.

"Uh, huh. So nice, Y/N," Dom cooed, as you decided that it was time to move down to Dom's legs. You moved your hands down onto the top of his thighs, and Dom instantly whimpered.

He blushed a deep shade of red at his very vocal expression of how good he felt, and how good he could make you feel, but Kathy, who had long let you take control, didn't seem phased. She had seen far worse, you assumed.

You moved your hands from the top to the bottom of his thighs, caressing the back of them, holding them tight. Dom's thighs began to shake slightly, as he bit down his lower lip, desperately determined that he would not whimper again.

But, it failed. He did, again.

"Sorry love," Dom said, quickly apologising. "But it just feels so good," Dom said, as you saw his legs squeezing together slightly. You knew he was trying to give himself silent relief.

You were drinking up every inch of Dom's reactions. It was one of the best things that you had ever laid eyes on.

The massage time simply flew by, until you were being ordered back into the changing room, getting changed back into your clothes. As you and Dom went into the car, you noticed Dom's legs spreading in his seat.

"Fuck me, Y/N, that was good. Swear you've gotta be a witch or something. Siren, something like that," He said, as he began to drive back home. Dom's so genuine rambles and odd compliments were some of the best things sometimes.

"Says you?! Your hands are actually magic," You complimented, as you saw Dom initially smirk lazily, his first reaction to a compliment like that. 

"Still, you were the one that made me physically fucking whimper, in front of somebody else!" Dom said, and you could see that he was slightly embarrassed about it, as well, a slight bit of pride in you for being able to do it.

"Your whimpers are pretty though," You complimented. Dom smirked a little. "That's good to know," Dom said, with the same lazy smirk, gently hazing on his lips.


Hours had passed since the massage, which had finished at 12pm, and Dom had treated you like his princess the whole day. Dom had made you lunch and dinner, done any and all the housework for you, etc.

Now, you were laying in the bath, the warm water washing over you, as you were sitting in Dom's lap, him sitting in the bath with you. Your hair was tied up, out of your face and away from the water.

"You're so pretty," Dom complimented, seemingly randomly, as his hands slowly rubbed down your thighs, bubbles covering his hands. Your cheeks flushed slightly, beginning to feel a little exposed.

"Shut up," You murmured, but Dom knew you weren't being serious. "C'mon, you know you love it," Dom cooed, and you knew he was absolutely right. Turning to face Dom, his lips called out to you.

The pink of his thick lips, wet from the water, glossy. There was nothing you ever wanted to kiss More. Bubbly water graced Dom's cheeks as you cupped his face with your hands, thumbs grazing his neck as you leant in, and kissed his lips.

His hands tightened around your bare waist, as he pressed his lips further into yours. Tongue slipped into your mouth, and you didn't resist it, as you did the same with him. You two relaxed into each other's arms, relaxing further.

"God, I need you," You whined out, your voice showing your desperation, as your legs relaxed into nothing but Dom's body. He would always keep you up, keep you supported.

"Let's get out of here, and straight to bed. I can take care of you, like the princess you are," Dom said, as he kissed you again, quicker this time. You loosened your grip around Dom's waist, to let him get out of the water.

Water dripped down Dom's muscles, mainly along his chest and arms, as they dripped down from his shoulders and neck, then down to them. His hair was messy, slightly damp at the end.

Dom quickly grabbed a towel, quickly drying himself off, as well as his hair. Tying his towel around his waist, it still showed his v-line, making your heart beat a little faster in your chest.

Either ignoring it, or not noticing, Dom grabbed a second towel, as he walked a little closer to the bathtub. "My love, c'mere, let me get you ready," He cooed. You listened instantaneously, as you got up, instantly feeling the cold. 

Dom immediately scooped you up in his arms, picking you up, as he immediately dried your body down quickly with the towel. Your hair was dry from being tied up, so Dom mainly focused on your body, as he wrapped his arms around you.

As you were dried off, Dom picked you up, and carried you straight to the bedroom. There was no point getting dressed, you both knew exactly what the two of you were going to be doing anyways.

Getting to your bedroom, Dom lifted you down on the bed, as he untied the towel, throwing it onto the chair in the corner of the room.

Laying himself on top of you, he pulled you into a kiss. "God, my love," Dom moaned into your mouth. "I need you so badly," You whined out. Your whines quickly grew louder, as you felt Dom's hands circling your v-line, near massaging again.

"I think you underestimate how much I need you," Dom said, as he lowered his head, his hands holding your thighs, softly. You knew where this was going, seeing the red mess of hair, and the forest green eyes looking from between your thighs.

"Please, can I? I need to taste you," Dom whined, almost begging. You smirked, as your hand found its way into his hair. "Go ahead, baby," You said. A few moments after you gave the consent, Dom buried his head.

He gently pressed kisses to your lower thighs at first, before pressing a gentle kiss to your clit. Your body shook as a response to what he was doing to you, as your hand rest in his hair, holding it in your hands, not enough to cause pain.

His tongue circled around your clit, before lowering to your hole, his tongue teasing in and out of it, as he licked up and tried to taste any possible inch of your arousal that he could possibly taste.

Dom moaned out as he tasted you, and it encouraged him to go further, trying everything he could to make you finish on his tongue. "Fuck, Dom, you're doing so good!" You moaned out, as your body squirmed on the sheets.

"Oh God, I'm so close, I'm so close," You said, after a few minutes, your chest rising, your breath quickening, your legs closed tightly around Dom's head. "Dom, please, please don't stop," You said, as your hips bucked onto his face.

"Please come for me, please," Dom said, in a desperate voice, as he wraps his arms around your waist, as he kissed your clit over and over. As he did so, that was your end. You moaned out, back arching, as you came onto Dom's face.

Dom held you through your orgasm, holding you tightly to him, making sure you were safe, and comfortable. As you calmed down from your orgasm, he looked up, his lower face covered with your release. 

"Fuck, Dom," You said, laughing out a little, as you wrapped your arms around him. "You taste so fucking good," Dom said, as he kissed you.

Dom pulled the covers back and the two of you got quickly into the bed, the sea of sheets surrounding you as you saw how hard Dom was. Pre come was already leaking out of the tip of his cock, as he kissed you so gently. 

"Y/N, do you want to ride me? Or would you prefer me making love to you?" Dom asked, as he reached over for the bedside drawer, and grabbing a condom.

"You on top of me," You said. "I assumed you'd say that," Dom said, as he finished putting on the condom. "Should've expected nothing less from my princess," Dom said, as he slowly positioned himself on top of you.

He slowly began pushing himself into you, having to stop for a second as he just pushed into you, just stopping in front of your hole, moaning as he was overwhelmed from the feeling, drawing a whimper out from you.

Dom slowly pushed himself fully into you, and you moaned out. Feeling Dom fill you up, your hands gripped onto his shoulders, to pull yourself closer to him and stabilise himself. "God, fuck, Y/N, fuck," Dom moaned out.

He was so gentle with you, no matter how good he felt, he would never ever take it out on you, never going too harsh, or ever making you feel like he was just fucking you, like it wasn't about him being fully devoted to you.

Dom slowly held a hand down on your lower stomach, as he thrusted his hips into you quicker and quicker. "Does that feel good, Y/N? Not too much?" He asked. "Feels so good," You managed to say through moans and whimpers.

It didn't take either of you very long before you were so close to your end. "Dom, I'm so close, so close," You managed to moan out, your eyes beginning to roll back a little bit. "Come for me, Y/N, come for me, now," Dom said, as he sped up a little more.

As you came around him, that was the only other encouragement that Dom seemed to need, as Dom wrapped his arms around you, burying his head in your shoulder, as he came into the condom.

Holding onto you through his orgasm, his eyes met you as he calmed down, pulling you into a hug. As he pulled you in, he stretched you out more than he meant to, and you let out a wince of pain.

"Oh, God, sorry, love," Dom said, as he pulled out of you. He held you close to him in a hug, as he rocked you in his arms, slightly. "I'll go to the bathroom, I'll clean you up," Dom said, as you lay down on the bed, completely fucked out.

Dom came back, the condom he was wearing in the bathroom bin, and a towel in hand. "C'mon, you should go have a piss don't want a UTI," Dom said. You slowly got out of bed, as you went into the bathroom, doing as he asked.

As you came back, Dom used the fresh towel to clean you up, something he would always do, which was something you always love. You never felt that you weren't cared for. "Let me get you some of my clothes," Dom said, getting up from the bed.

He grabbed two pairs of his boxers, two of his hoodies, and another two of his joggers. And he passed one of each of these to you, as you slowly got dressed, avoiding standing up or getting up from laying against the bed, as much as humanly possible.

Once you were dressed, Dom wrapped his arms around you, pulling you under the covers again. Instantly you relaxed against him, being extremely tired. "You alright, Y/N?" He asked, as he kissed you gently.

You were practically laying on top of Dom, your head on his chest, your waist just a little further down Dom's body than his, your legs just about intertwining with the others. "So fucking tired," You said, as your eyes closed.

"Why's that? Was I too much? Please be honest?" Dom asked. 

"No, it's not that. You were completely fine each time. There's just been a lot today. The massage, the bathtub, this, everything, just a lot of sexual focus on today," You said, explaining.

Dom nodded, in an understanding tone. "Alright, thank you for telling me," Dom said, as he kissed your lips softly. "Just let me take care of you, okay?" Dom asked, and you nodded. You couldn't argue with him, never in that case.

You always wanted Dom in that way, and Dom to take care of you. You were always the one who preferred to be taken care of, rather than that the opposite. Dom beamed at you, as he wrapped his arms around you. 

Dom dimmed the lights in the bedroom, as you saw him getting something up on his phone. You were slightly confused what it was, before hearing the narration. It was an audiobook of one of your most nostalgic books, Coraline.

You'd gotten Dom into the book as well, and this audiobook was one of your personal favourites. Dom took pride in his fact that he could always give you, or rather bring you non sexual aftercare, where it was just romantic.

Listening to the audiobook, you felt Dom's hands playing with your hair, wrapping your arms around his waist, as he played with your hair. You relaxed listening to the gentle voice of the reader, as Dom held you to him.

"I know I've done a good job taking care of you," Dom said, seemingly out of no-where, and you were slightly confused. "What do you mean?" You asked, and Dom smiled softly. 

"You always just fully give out underneath me, you're not scared to put your body weight on me. Usually means you're ready to fall asleep," Dom said, and you smiled, seeing that Dom had even noticed.

"I am tired," You said, as you wrapped your arms around him, letting your eyes finally close. "C'mon love, you can fall asleep, I'm right here for you," He said, as he kissed you gently. "Goodnight, Dom," You said.



I missed all of you so, so badly, it felt so weird not writing after doing it for so long! I am so glad that I'm back <3

How cute is the picture of Dom in the cover 🥺

Feel free to leave your requests to start this story off!

Hope you all have an amazing Valentine's Day, whether you have a s/o or not, and if you don't (like me) at least you know for sure you're not getting cheated on! 😌

Love you all endlessly,

Lana 💐

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