The Reincarnated Hybrid

By VictoryForVictor

117K 2.4K 818

A guy who loved Fairy Tail, survived the end of the world with slight mental problems, get a chance at life a... More

The End, and The Beginning Of Reincarnation
A Place Your Always Welcomed
Our Paths Will Cross Again.
Conquering the Desert, and Noticed
Being Watched, and Rescuing a Ice Queen.
Fairy tales and, More Mysteries to be Discovered
The Fairy and The Spriggan
The Regional Tournament!
The Eternal Flame, and a Fellow Magic user.
The Chess Board
The Wizard, and Helping a Black Cat
The Fall Maiden
Reunion and Beacon.
Meeting the Black Wizard, and Team Troubles.
The Talk Of The Gods.
A Normal Day At School.
The Nightmare, and Forever Fall Forest.
The Black Dragon, Acnologia!
Moving Forward.
Training, and more Mysteries yet again..
New Arrivals.
New Arrivals Pt. 2
Fusion Magic.
Going To Meet an Old Friend.
A Secret Art? and Penny again!
The Adventures of Vic and Weiss! (A Small Side Story)
Confession, Secrets Revealed, and The Dance.
First Quest!
The Lesson From the Strongest Fairy.
The Sad Story of a God
The Fall of Beacon

Mother-Daughter Reunion and The Declaration of War

1.5K 39 10
By VictoryForVictor

Vic sat awake, he had woken up a bit ago, but he recalled yesterday's events in his head.

Arriving here to meet Raven, finding out about more of Salem's pawns, finding out those pawns were Zancrow and Bluenote, fighting and killing them, and then Raven wanting to meet Yang again.

It made him go back to a question he's thought a lot about, who else is here. Since Zancrow was here, Hades might be as well as other members of Grimoire Heart who died.

He didn't know how Bluenote got here, and to his knowledge he didn't die at all, Natsu beat him after the 1-year training, but he wasn't killed. The God that sent Vic here is up to something, is it a test? A trial? Something? He doesn't know.

Vic went over the fight in his head next, he has no doubt, if Bluenote and Zancrow worked together and combined their attacks better he would have had a more difficult time. He was sad about having to kill them though, but he couldn't let them live with the powers they have and how dangerous they are to normal people. Though a part of him was happy as well, he got revenge on the people they killed in their world and in this one.

Vic thought about what Bluenote said, 'Against... M..' Vic heard Bluenote say in his mind, the only person he knew who could make Bluenote wish him luck would be Mard Gear. He needed more evidence and research for it to be proven true.

Vic sniffed the air, and caught Raven's scent somewhere outside, seeing as he was awake, he got up silently and left the tent he and his team were sharing that Raven had set up.

The sun rose in the distance as Vic exited the tent, he looked around, he didn't see Raven around, he took another sniff of the air, tracking her scent. He saw Vernal nearby, and she saw him and walked over.

"Is everything alright Vic? Do you need something?" Vernal asked him.

"Yep, just woke up and was looking for Raven, do you know where she is?" Vic asked her.

"Can't say that i do, she disappears like this randomly." Vernal said as she shrugged.

Vic sighed, and sniffed the air catching Ravens scent again, "It's fine, I found her, see you around." Vic said as he did a small wave before disappearing in a blink of an eye.

'I didn't even see him leave... Just how fast is he?' Vernal silently thought to herself as she went back to what she was doing.

Vic followed the scent and found Raven nearby on a small hill that overlooked the rising sun.

He walked up to her, letting her know he's there, "Nice view." He told her as he stood beside her.

Raven nodded, "It is." she told Vic.

"You Nervous?" Vic asked her, referring to meeting Yang.

"I am. I haven't seen her in a long time. She most likely hates me." Raven said to Vic.

Vic shrugged, "Maybe, maybe not. We may also need to come up with a sort of white lie story as to how we met, and why you've been away..." Vic told Raven, causing her to look at him.

"You've got an idea?" She asked him.

Vic nodded, "I hate lying to her, as well as the rest of them... But..." Vic looked at his palm as he made a fist as he paused, "I can't let them know about Salem. Yet... They aren't ready to know." Vic told Raven.

"I understand, I don't want them to have to even think about facing Salem, you have a plan for facing Salem, don't you?" Raven asked him.

Vic smirked as he nodded. "Yeah. I've got a plan and back up plans if the main plan doesn't work." he told Raven as he punched his palm.

"Well, it seems you're prepared, when exactly are you going to go and face her?" Raven asked.

Vic smirked as he looked at Raven, a chess board formed from out of nowhere, bringing back memories from last time he was here, but this time it's different, there are some knights on the dark side.

"Right now, we are waiting for each other to make our moves and she knows this... She has knights now, those two from before confirm it." Vic told Raven.

"So, you are being cautious?" Raven asked Vic.

"Well yes. If one of these knights are going to make their move, I'm going to need to make a move of my own. I also need more fire power, right now I've got Lucy and Rogue who are on my side and willing to help me, which is basically a separate faction from Ozpin for now." Vic told her.

"Interesting... I may just join this... Separate faction from Ozpin, I'm not dealing with him as a boss anymore, but maybe." Raven said, causing Vic to look surprised and then smile.

"You're welcome to join if you want, that's completely up to you." Vic told her.

"I'll think about it, but first... I need to talk to Yang, and then repay you for this." Raven told him, and Vic was surprised.

"You don't need to thank me or repay me; all I did was give you a push into the right direction." Vic told her as he looked at the rising sun, "sometimes all we need is just a small push, to keep going."

"I have a pride, you know this. I won't back down from repaying you. My pride won't allow it. I will pay you back." Raven told him.

Vic sighed and looked at Raven, he didn't really need anything from her. He didn't want anything from her to begin with.

Vic tried to think of something small that she could do, but he didn't want to get anything or have her do anything for him.

As Vic thought, a large gust of wind came in blowing hair in his face a bit, he moved it out of the way as he finally thought of something. He looked at his hands as they glowed green for a moment, this went unnoticed by Raven.

He wondered if it would work, he may not have another chance to try, he had an idea. "So, you'd give me anything?" Vic asked Raven as he looked at her.

Raven nodded, "if it's within my power, and nothing too serious." She told him. she wasn't really sure what to expect.

"You can use Wind Magic, right?" Vic asked her.

Raven nodded, "Yes. as a maiden I can use elemental magics." she told him.

Vic smiled, he wanted to test it, and seeing as he knows someone with Wind Magic, he can test his theory if it will work.

"Can you use a bit in the palm of your hand for me?" Vic asked her.

Raven grew a confused look, she wondered if the boy was crazy, but complied. Raven put up her palm and summoned a small gust of wind in it which twirled around in her hand causing both of them to feel it.

Vic smiled, "Now trust me on this." he told her, she shrugged and nodded.

Raven had 0 clue what Vic was going to do with the wind spell, but she can't lie, she is curious.

Vic put two hands near the wind ball, out from his palms water and blue lightning came from it surrounding the wind ball, Vic moved his hand taking the ball of wind with blue lightning and water surrounding it.

"What did you..." Raven was about to say but she stopped as she saw Vic's hands glow a green color.

'Combining Wind, Lightning, and Water... I'll make a version of sky dragon slayer magic...' Vic thought as he smiled as the wind, blue lightning, and water slowly combined

'Fusion Magic Make: Tempest Dragon Slayer Magic!' Vic thought to himself as the 3 elements in front of him and Raven were covered in a green aura as they slowly fused with the wind, as well as he fused the magics that came from him with the magic that came from Raven, making it into his magic so his body wouldn't reject it.

The wind got stronger and bigger, he even saw black lightning sparks come from it, causing Vic to smile wider. The wind moved towards Vic, and he took it in as he felt himself gain something, his senses of the air around him go further.

He sniffed the air, he could tell things were different, he could tell a storm was going to happen in an hour or two. He inhaled a bit, he could taste the air, it tasted pretty good.

"What just happened...? Do I want to know?" Raven asked him as Vic smiled.

Vic smirked as he wrapped his arm in the wind, he could control it at will somewhat. "Thanks for that, you just helped me become more powerful, I can use Wind Magic now, or well a type of Wind Magic." He told Raven as he dispelled the wind around his arm.

"How...?" Raven said as she was completely confused.

"Maybe I'll tell you in the future." Vic told her with a smile.

Raven knew Vic wouldn't give up his secrets that easily "Guess I'll wait till then." She said with a nod.

"Yep, now I've got a trump card up my sleeve." Vic said with a smile.

"I hope I don't regret what I did, but I did repay you, so we are even now." Raven told him

Vic nodded, he looked at his scroll, it was around 6am, Mistral is around 4-5 hours ahead of Vale. "Let's kill some time and pack and all that, we've still got 4 or 5 hours till it's morning time in Vale." Vic told Raven.

"Good idea, I still have to sort out some things for my tribe while I'm gone, seeing as I have no clue how long that will be." Raven said as she started to walk back to her Tribe.

Vic didn't move as he looked at the rising sun. He felt another gust of wind and felt the air around him. He had a feeling his Enchants would become better, but he now had more things to train, Glass Dragon Slayer, and Tempest Dragon Slayer.

He wasn't sure if it was smart or dumb, but he wanted to gain a Sky/Wind based Dragon Slayer Magic, though he wasn't sure how until he had that idea.

Raven had left the area by now as he stared at the sun, another gust of wind blew. 'Jeez it's windy today...' Vic thought as he sighed and fixed his hair, maybe he would cut it a bit.

Vic inhaled deeply, consuming the air, 'Wendy... Grandine.. I hope to live up to your legacy.' he thought as he finished inhaling, "Tempest Dragon's Roar!" Vic roared as he shot out the magic roar from the power, he gained from consuming the air around him.

The roar went straight into the sky as slowly vanished as it went further and further until it became a part of the sky once again.

He smiled, he now had another card up his sleeve, and this one... Will be one of the best cards up his sleeve. Never underestimate the power of a Sky based Dragon Slayer.

Vic turned around, and took one step before disappearing, making his way quickly towards the camp.


It had been 5 hours since everyone had gotten up, Vic decided to keep his new magic a secret for now, so he can surprise Lucy and Rogue as well as the rest later.

Though now he sees the... Cough cough benefits of what this magic could do in the wrong hands. No, he wasn't thinking something perverted, what are you talking about?

Moving on.

If he was being honest, he had no idea how Yang would react to seeing Raven, he and Raven had thought of a white lie to tell, one that didn't involve her being able to use magic. Vic of course added his own twist to it, which will be told later.

Vic walked out from the shared tent him, and his team had, he had his things fully packed and ready to go. He was upset about his cloak, it was burned pretty badly, but he had some idea for it, to reuse it to make it something else, luckily, he had a guy for that.

He put the backpack in his shadow as he did with Lucy and Rogues things.

"Are you both Ready?" He asked them both.

"Yep! This was fun! Though I wish we could've gone to the main part of Mistral." Lucy said.

Vic sighed, "I promise you, within the month we will go visit Mistral, and it will be my treat." Vic said to them with a smile.

"I'll hold you to that." Rogue said to Vic, who nodded.

"I will as well! I hope everything goes as planned with Raven and Yang..." Lucy said to Vic.

"I do as well. I have a plan though so we should be good! Though you both can't be around for it. It just needs to be me, Yang, and Raven." Vic told them.

"We understand, don't worry!" Lucy said, giving a thumbs up and Rogue nodded.

Vic smiled, and he saw Raven walk up to them with a small bag full of things.

"Great timing Raven, we are all ready to go." Vic said to them.

Raven nodded, she was nervous, she was going to meet Yang again today, she didn't know what to expect, but as odd as it is, she trusted Vic, though she won't admit it aloud.

"Letsa go!" Vic said as he covered them all in shadows.

In an instant all 5 of them appeared in a forest, it was a bit deep into the mountain range of Vale, the sun looked like it came up an hour ago.

"Where are we?" Lucy asked, slightly confused.

"Somewhere I trained in the deep mountains of Vale." Vic answered, "Raven, you wait here, I'm sure you can take care of yourself till I get back with Yang?" He asked, looking at Raven.

Raven nodded, and Vic smiled.

Vic looked at Lucy and Rogue, "let's return to Beacon." he told them, and they nodded.

Vic covered Lucy Rogue, and Frosch in a shadow and in an instant, all appeared in the courtyard of Beacon. Vic gave Lucy and Rogue their things from his shadow.

He smiled, "I'll see you both later!" Vic said as he ran off, Lucy and Rogue wave as they made their way to their dorms

They silently wished him good luck.

Vic knew Yang was at RWBY's dorm room since he could smell her there. He made his way quickly, arriving at the door.

Vic knocked on the door, "It's me!" Vic said loud enough for them to hear through the door.

The door opened quickly as a red blur appeared and hit Vic.

"Vic!" he heard the red reaper muffled as she hugged him.

Vic smiled as he patted her on the head, "Yep! I'm back, but I do need to go again for a bit." Vic said as he noticed the other members of team RWBY making their way towards the door.

"Where are you going now?" Weiss asked Vic as Ruby looked at him as she stopped hugging him.

Vic smiled, "I'll explain it later, but." Vic said as he paused and pointed at Yang, "You're coming!" Vic told her.

"Wait, why do you need to bring Yang along?" Blake asked.

"As I said, it will be explained later, come on Yang." Vic said as he smiled and started walking away.

"Must be important, don't worry guys we'll be fine!" Yang said to her teammates before running to catch up with Vic.

Yang ran after Vic catching up with him.

"So, what did you need?" Yang asked Vic who just smiled.

"You're about to find out, but we need to go elsewhere." Vic said to Yang as he covered them both in shadows.

They both appeared in the middle of the forest, Vic knew Raven was close by, within earshot, as he could sense her.

Yang looked confused as she looked around and saw trees as well as nearby rocks, "So why did you bring me out here?" Yang asked Vic.

"Well, short and long story, as well as you might punch me." Vic said to Yang, who looked more confused.

"Why would I want to punch you besides for training?" Yang asked Vic who sighed.

"Well, depending on how you act, it's a possibility." Vic said as he scratched the back of his head.

Yang was confused, what could Vic have possibly done to make her want to punch him, and this nervous about it?

"Come on Vic, you can tell me, I'm sure you're just overreacting about what is going on." Yang told him.

Vic smiled a bit, he was happy to hear that, but he doesn't think he's overreacting at all. Especially once he tells her what's going on.

Vic took a deep breath, "I think it's better if you just come out yourself." Vic said aloud, he knew Raven was nearby and watching.

Yang looked at Vic confused as she heard footsteps nearby and looked to her right to see a figure walking out from the tree line, she knew who it was as the morning sun revealed Raven.

Yang's eyes went wide as she saw her mother, her dad had shown her pictures of her before and countless thoughts went through her mind, "Mom?" she asked aloud.

Raven nodded, "Hello Yang..." She said to Yang.

"What's going on? Why are you here?" Yang asked Raven.

"I am here to see you, Yang." Raven told her.

Yang looked at her mother, with anger and confusion, "You're here to see me? Why now? After all of these years you're here now?!" Yang asked her, she clenched her fist.

Vic understood why she was feeling this way, he thought about using magic to help her calm her down the same way he did with Blake and Weiss, but it didn't feel right to use it with this.

"I've been wanting to come and see you and Tai for a long time, but I couldn't." Raven said as she looked down, she knew it would be difficult telling the truth, deep down she knew all along that she wanted to see Yang and Tai, but... Because of Salem. She knew they wouldn't be safe.

Yang looked at her mother, "Why couldn't you!? Do you know how long I've been searching for you?" Yang asked her mother.

"I do know how long, Vic told me, and... I know no number of words will make up for it, but... I'm sorry..." Raven said to Yang.

This came as a surprise to Vic a bit, he never thought he'd hear the day Raven would say the words 'I'm sorry' in the same sentence next to each other.

Yang looked at her mother and then at Vic, "And you! You knew where she was?! For how long and you never told me?" Yang said to him.

Vic looked at Yang and was about to say something but was interrupted.

"I asked him not to." Raven said, causing Yang to look at her, "It's a long story, but It's a part of the reason I was gone." she told Yang.

"Then, why did you leave? What's the reason?" Yang asked, she wanted to know, she needed to know.

"There were dangerous people after me, another tribe was after me, and anyone connected with me." Raven told her, this caused Yang to look surprised, Raven looked down at the ground, "I didn't want to put you and Tai in any danger... And I knew I couldn't protect you, so, I left. I never wanted to leave you or Tai though." Raven told Yang as she looked back up at her.

Yang didn't really know what to say, her mom was protecting her?

"Vic got involved after he found me 4 years ago in Mistral... He knew who I was right away, and beat some sense into me, and I told him about it. I asked him to not tell you for your safety." Raven told Yang.

"But what about the tribe that's after you?" Yang asked her mother.

"I dealt with them." Vic said, causing Yang to look at him, "it's why I was over there, Raven asked me to come and help, so i did. I did it so you could meet her again, Yang." Vic told Yang.

Yang knew what Vic meant by dealing with them, she wasn't an idiot. She looked down at the ground, she was still angry at her mother for leaving her and her dad, how could she not be? She wanted to forgive her, but she didn't want to at the same time.

Raven walked closer to Yang, "I know I don't deserve it, but I want to have another chance." Raven said to Yang, as she stood in front of her.

Vic smiled; he knew it was a lot for Raven to admit that with her pride. Vic hopes Yang will accept it.

Yang looked at her mother, she's been waiting to see her for so long. She was happy, but also mad, tears threatened to come out as she spoke, "One more chance... that's all you get." Yang told her

Raven smiled softly as she looked at Yang, tears also slowly came out as well, she was happy to hear those words come from Yang.

Vic smiled as well; he was really happy to not be punched by Yang.

Yang and Raven slowly got closer and closer before hugging each other.

"I'm home. Yang..." Raven said as they hugged.

Yang's eyes went wide once more, she hugged her mom tighter, "Welcome home... Mom..." Yang told her.

Vic smiled as tears threatened to come from him as well, he was happy for both of them. Vic was glad he could do this for them both, but he knew something big was going to happen soon.

Vic wishes these happy moments could last forever, the moments where he could make people happy, see them happy. But... he knew they wouldn't... Or couldn't while Salem was around. He would fight, fight for a tomorrow where he could see them all smile and have fun.

Vic looked up at the sky, 'It's your move... Salem.' Vic thought in his mind.


In the land of darkness of Remnet we can see a large castle, floating in the sky nearby, we can see a large cube, with water and rocks, the water seemingly defying gravity, on top of the cube a building could be seen.

Inside the large castle, one room full of chairs surrounding a large table could be seen, two people were sitting at it.

A pale woman with red eyes, white hair, and a black dress with a bit of red, this woman is Salem, the Queen of Grimm

Next to her on one side of the table a young man could be seen, his hair was a dark purple and long, it was tied up into a very large ponytail. He wore a long black jacket as well as black pants, this man was known as Mard Geer, the King of the Underworld, and Master of the Dark Guild, Tartaros.

"These dumb humans don't know what they are in for." Mard Geer spoke aloud as he looked at the plans Salem had, they were not up to his standards, but they would work, it would spark chaos in Vale. With the white fang pups on their side, it would work even better.

"Indeed, and it will be the fall of Beacon and soon the rest of the world, as well as Ozpin..." Salem spoke as she grinned.

"Indeed, and with the help of my forces added to the puzzle it will bring a new era..." Mard Gear said to Salem with a grin of his own, "We do have to remember, we have some problems we will have to deal with..." Mard Geer said to Salem as he looked at her.

"That damn brat..." Salem said as she remembered Vic, and his words to her, it made her pissed off.

"There is another problem." Mard Geer told Salem, causing her to look at him, "Acnologia..." he told her.

"This is the first you mentioned of this person... Who is this Acnologia?" Salem asked.

"On Earthland, he was known as the Black Dragon of Apocalypse, The Dragon King, the Ender of Era's, and a few more things, he is an incredibly powerful individual." Mard Geer told Salem.

"How powerful is he?" Salem asked Mard Geer.

"He's more powerful than both of us combined." Mard Geer told her, "He is an Arcane Dragon, he can eat every magic in existence, and is resistant to it... And my Curses won't have any effect on him at all, that's how powerful he is. We wouldn't stand a chance against him." He told her.

Salem eyes widened taking all of this information in, she wasn't expecting this, "Why did you say sooner! Are you sure he is here?" Salem asked him.

"Because I didn't know until now... One of my scouts spotted him crossing the ocean yesterday, and just got back to me today about it." Mard Geer told her. "We shouldn't have to worry about him though, he doesn't like people at all. He most likely won't interfere with us at all." He told her.

"What happens if he decides too?" Salem asked.

"We'd have no choice but to sit back and watch, maybe he might even destroy everyone for us." Mard Geer told her with a grin.

"That is good to hear, perhaps we could use him to our advantage." Salem went on but was cut off by Mard Geer shooting her a look.

"Do not anger him, it's the last thing you want to do. Your immortal, yes, but he will torture you for as long as he would want to, forever." Mard Geer warned her.

"Then we will keep going as planned until we can gather more information about Acnologia and his goal here." Salem told Mard Geer.

"Sounds like a plan. Moving on... We have another dragon to deal with... Vic was his name correct?" Mard Geer asked.

"Yes, that damn dragon brat... He has no idea what he has gotten himself into, I will make sure he suffers." Salem said to him as a dark aura admitted around her, she was tired of Vic trying to get in his way, she told Mard Geer a bit more about him and what he has done.

"Interesting... From what you told me; it appears he can use Dragon Slayer Magic... And multiple at that..." Mard Geer said as he put a hand on his chin.

"Dragon Slayer Magic?" Salem asked, this was the first she heard of this, she heard of Mard Geer speaking of Devil, and God Slayer Magic before, but now Dragon Slayer Magic?

"Yes, it gives its user the power to slay dragons, it's from Earthland, and the most powerful of the Slayer Magics in my opinion." Mard Geer told her. "The interesting part is, I don't ever recall hearing of a wizard named Vic from Earthland." Mard Geer told her.

"Are you saying he's from a different world entirely than Earthland and Remnant?" Salem asked.

"It is possible, and the most likely case... We will have to gather more information on it.." Mard Geer said. "Moving on, the maidens' powers for your subordinate. What was her name? Dinder? Binder?" Mard Geer asked as he tried to remember but couldn't.

"Cinder, and Yes, she currently has half of the fall maidens' power, you sent two of your subordinates to retrieve the Spring Maiden did you not?" Salem asked Mard Geer who nodded.

"Yes, I did, Zancrow and Bluenote. They haven't returned yet, I sent a scout to go retrieve them, the scout should be back any time now..." Mard Geer said as knocking could be heard on the door.

"Come in." Mard Geer spoke loudly as the doors slowly opened and a tartaros cultist member entered and went up to Mard Geer and bowed.

"Master Mard Geer and Mistress Salem." he spoke, as he bowed.

"Speak, where are Zancrow and Bluenote?" Mard Geer asked the member.

"I apologize Master, but it appears they've both been killed, and the Spring Maiden has also vanished from where they were." the member spoke.

"What?!" Salem exclaimed.

"Calm down... Speak, did you check everywhere in Anima?" Mard Geer said to the member.

"I did, I went to their last known location, and all I found was what seemed like the remains of a battle, there was some blood left over, but as soon as I touched it, it froze completely and smashed into pieces. I could no longer sense their magical signature nor the maidens." The member told them both. He was sweating, he didn't want to give bad news to them, he knew he would most likely die.

Mard Geer took a sip from a wine glass, "Interesting, the maiden most likely was not powerful enough to take down Zancrow or Bluenote.. Did you check for any other traces of magic left over?" Mard Geer asked.

"I did, and the only magic I could pick up was traces of Dragon Slayer Magic..." The member told them.

A black aura admitted from Salem as Mard Geers wine glass cracked a bit. Mard Geer grinned, "It seems... This Vic... is going to be a problem for both of us. If he could kill Bluenote and Zancrow then he is somewhat of a problem..." he spoke as his wine glass was crushed.

He knew Zancrow and Bluenote had gotten more powerful than when they were on Earthland, he ordered them to train, and Zancrow even developed a Secret Art of his own. All of them had gotten stronger since arriving, he wanted everyone to be stronger.

"Indeed..." Salem said as the black aura kept admitting from her, she was pissed off that this boy kept getting in her way.

The cultist member sweated bullets as he was worried for his own life.

Mard Geer smirked, "Well... I wonder how powerful he is. Two of the Nine Demon Gates are in Vale right now helping your subordinate... If this Vic keeps being a problem, he will most likely try and stop what they are doing. Though, I have faith in the Nine Demon Gates that they will stop him if he does." Mard Geer spoke aloud.

"I hope you're correct. Though if he does put a stop to them, it won't cause us much delay. We will keep going as planned. If this whole thing goes as planned." Salem told Mard Geer, and he nodded.

"You may leave, go see if any of the Nine Demon Gates need assistance." Mard Geer told the cultist.

"Yes sir!" the cultist said and got up slowly, bowing one more time before making his way to the door.

Mard Geer felt a presence, one he hadn't felt in a long long time, he looked towards the door, just as the cultist member was about to open it, both doors were sent flying open, sending the cultist member flying at a fast speed behind both himself and Salem

Mard Geers eyes went wide with terror as he saw Acnologia with his foot up as he just kicked the door open, he had a grin.

"Acnologia..." Mard Geer spoke aloud, catching Salem off guard.

Salem nor Mard Geer felt his presence enter the area until now.

"Hello there..." Acnologia spoke as he walked into the room, he held a smile, "I hope you don't mind me dropping by." He said to them, his voice sounded normal as if he was messing with them, of course he was.

"What are you doing here Acnologia!" Mard Geer asked as he stood up, he was on guard now, Acnologia was unpredictable.

"Don't be rushful, Mard Geer," Acnologia said as he looked at Salem, and in an instant the table was thrown across the room and Acnologia was standing in front of them both. "It's so nice to finally meet you, Salem, Queen of Grimm." Acnologia spoke in a jokeful way.

"So, your Acnologia. The Dragon King." Salem asked as she looked at him, she didn't sense anything from him at all.

"Former. Former Dragon King." Acnologia said, catching Mard Geer off guard.

"Former? Who could be strong enough to take that title away from you?" Mard Geer asked him.

Acnologia smiled, "The Son of Igneel, it's how I got here, he killed me, and I gave the title up." Acnologia said to Mard Geer. "Moving on from that, I'm not here to fight or kill you both." Acnologia said as he turned and walked away a bit.

"Then why are you here?" Salem asked as she stood up.

Acnologia turned his head toward them as he started laughing aloud as a dark blue magic aura surrounded him, causing wind to stir around them.

Salems went wide as she saw the magic aura cover him as it grew larger and larger, if her face could go any paler it would. Mard Geer's face did pale as he saw this, this show of power he had over them both.

"I'm here to declare war, though should i say, declare war for someone else in their place. Or should I say to join the war, the one between you, Salem, and I guess now Mard Geer, versus Ozpin and his group." Acnologia said as he turned back around facing them both.

"You... are doing something for someone else?" Mard Geer questioned, this surprised Mard Geer completely, Acnologia doing something for someone else other than himself.

"Let's just say, someone interesting has come around in this life. He is joining this little war you guys have going on." Acnologia said as he smirked. "I will not be joining the war myself, because he has asked me not to. And I don't need to." he told them as he laughed.

"Who is this someone?" Salem asked as Acnologia looked right at her, and chuckled.

"You know him well; Vic is his name." Acnologia said as both Mard Geer and Salem's eyes went wide.

Vic has connections to Acnologia? Mard Geer didn't expect this, the Acnologia he knew before would never do this, what has this world done to him?

"Though I won't tell you more. Vic is declaring war and will do anything to protect the people of Remnant. I've seen his determination firsthand, he won't give up no matter what you throw at him... Be warned, there is no stopping him now." Acnologia told them.

"Let him come! I'll cut him down myself!" Salem spoke with authority as a black aura admitted from her.

"Oh? you will? I see..." Acnologia said as he smirked which turned into a laugh, "Well, I've been here long enough... Goodbye." Acnologia said as he turned around again and walked out of the room. Acnologia's laugh echoed through the hallways of the Castle and into both Mard Geers and Salem's ears.


No i am not dead... Yet anyway, sorry it took me sooo long to get this out, I've been busy lately and writer's block didn't help.

Anyway, I hope Ya enjoyed the chapter and look forward to the next one, which i hope i can get done within next week.

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