Pregnant by a Weasley: Fredxr...

By marauderserafan01

192K 4.6K 2.3K

Y/N has spent the summer as usual at the place that she feels home, the burrow. She attends Beauxbatons, and... More

Chapter 1- Y/N Lily Wood.
Chapter 2- Sore Loser
Chapter 3- Egypt
Chapter 4- Charlies assistance
Chapter 5- the hogwarts express
Chapter 6- gryffindor!
Chapter 7- An idea
Chapter 8- Smells like shite
Chapter 9- First game of the season.
Chapter 10- the boggart.
Chapter 11- The trance
Chapter 12- the truth
Chapter 13- Hope
Chapter 14- always
Chapter 15- The christmas gifts
Chapter 16- hello big brother
Chapter 16- older Weasleys
Chapter 18- Summer
Chapter 19- Charlies in charge
Chapter 20- Truth or dare
Chapter 21- Caught in the act
Chapter 22- Fred likes someone?
Chapter 23- hello
Chapter 24- hello Dudley
Chapter 25- the cup
Chapter 26- quidditch cup 2
Chapter 27- nightmare
Chapter 28- train ride
Chapter 29- the prank
30- Snape
Chapter 31- the unexpected
Chapter 32- help
Chapter 33- Its my birthday
Chapter 34- Meeting with dad
Chapter 35- Dragons!!!
Chapter 36- Moodys lesson
Chapter 37- preparations
Chapter 38- the first task
Chapter 39- lets party
Chapter 40- new team
Chapter 41- Ammortia
Chapter 42- a date?
Chapter 43- dance lesson
Chapter 44- finding THE dress
Chapter 45- getting ready
Chapter 46- the Yule ball
Chapter 47- confessions
Chapter 48- morning
Chapter 49- the truth
Chapter 50- THE BLACK LAKE?
Chapter 51- Grimmaud place?
Chapter 52- seeing them again
Chapter 53- christmas
Chapter 54- world cup
Chapter 55- interview
Chapter 56- astronomy date
Chapter 57- the second task
Chapter 58- recovery
Chapter 59- the future
Chapter 60- preparations
Chapter 61- the breakfast before
Chapter 62- the final task
Chapter 63- The graveyard
Chapter 64- I seek comfort in you Fred
Chapter 65- The letter
Chapter 66- cheer up
Chapter 67- a date
Chapter 69- Good morning
Chapter 70- run Harry
Chapter 71- Angry/ thankful
Chapter 72- The hearing
Chapter 73- Caught in the act
Chapter 74- that bitch
Chapter 75- new friends
Chapter 76- umbitch
Chapter 77- detention
Chapter 78- Birthday part 1
Chapter 79- Birthday part 2
Chapter 80- very educational
Chapter 81- we need a plan.
Chapter 82- New Ammortatia
Chapter 83-dumbledores army.
Chapter 84- Mr Weasley
Chapter 85- Plan of action
Chapter 86- A free man
Chapter 87- The joke shop
Chapter 88- good job Neville
Chapter 89- caught
Chapter 90- detention again
Chapter 91- weasleys departure
Chapter 92- reunite?
Chapter 93- ministry pt.1
Chapter 94- ministry part 2
Chapter 95- back from the dead?
Chapter 96- Weasleys wizard wheezes.
Chapter 97- I'm pregnant.
Chapter 98- im going to be a dad?
Chapter 99- Georgie
Chapter 100- WEASLEY!
Chapter 101- a special surprise
Chapter 102- a cave?
Chapter 103- Whatever his fucking name is
Chapter 104- stop crying
Chapter 105- weirdest feeling.
107- Oops
108- Madeye Moody.
109- bloody fool
110- Promise
111- mistake.
112- ill get the sword
113- Tired
114- RAB
115- unfair
Chapter 116- fucking disgusting
117- little bastard
Chapter 119- Not worth living

Chapter 106- What are you... stupid?

1.2K 26 17
By marauderserafan01

"Well I don't care what fucking Dumbledore thinks!"


"No! I don't care! Who honestly thinks that Dumbledore has a clue what he's doing?"

"I do! He's managed to defeat a dark wizard before!"

I stared at the majority of the order, appalled. How they honestly thought that Dumbledore knew the fuck what he was doing, I didn't know.

"No come on!" I laughed sarcastically, "if he knew what he was doing he wouldn't have taken Harry into a fucking cave for something he won't even tell us. Force Harry to reach out for me to come and save them and then leave me there with fucking Voldemort!" I shouted, "forgive me if I don't trust his judgement!"

"Y/N. He's trying to keep Harry safe by sending him to live with muggles."

"BULLSHIT! Doesn't he realise where the majority of the death eater attacks are happening? You seriously believe that he won't find him there? HE FOUND FUCKING JAMES AND LILY!"

I grew silent at my dads raise of voice, the sadness in his eyes and the frown on his face. "Now is not the time, Y/N."

I shook my head at their stupidity, "No. I'm not going to sit here and listen to him anymore, dad. You all can follow whatever orders you want but you can count me out. I'm not sitting here and fucking listening to you all praise the fucking bastard for his efforts in the war. HE'S DONE FUCK ALL BUT SIT ON HIS ARSE WHILST PEOPLE ARE OUT THERE DYING!"

I stormed upstairs to my old room. It was luckily, I'd kept everything the same as when I was living here. Which meant, that if I reached into my second drawer, on the write hand side there should be a bag of floo powder that I used to use to travel to meet Fred.

I emptied the remains out into my hand, concluding that it might just get me to where I need to be.
I snuck into the living room, past the kitchen where I could still hear the faint mumbles, most likely of people chatting shit about me and my 'little outburst'.
I was fuming.

I didn't bother being quiet when I reached the fireplace, ending up knocking over an old statue or two on my way. Oh I wish I could have seen my grandmothers face.

I stopped into the fireplace, minding my hand and throwing down the powder as my voice rang out through the room, "McGonagall's office. HOGWARTS!"


I think it's likely that I scared the older woman when I landed in the middle of her fireplace. She was busy reading her book at her desk, a cup of tea in front of her and a biscuit in her hand half dunked.

I winced as the half landed in her tea, wondering whether I should summon a spoon for her to fish it out with.

I grinned innocently as she looked up, though her face lit up as she realised it was me. She rushed to her feet to greet me, pulling me into a tight hug and her first question being, how are you coping?

"I'm alright, Minnie." I laughed, "though I'm afraid I can't stay long. Urgent meeting with Dumbledore and all that."
She frowned, though her eyes showed more anger than anything. "Don't even get me started, I'm ready to slap the man."

I raised a brow, "so you aren't agreeing with this Harry thing either?"
She sighed, pointing to a seat across from her that I kindly accepted, anything to take the weight off of my back.

"I personally think that the best place for the boy is right where we can keep an eye on him. If he's with us, he can be protected. It was the same thing I said to Dumbledore 16 years ago."

I grinned wickedly, perhaps this could work in my favour.

She reluctantly followed me to the office, mumbling the password to the gargoyle that guarded the staircase.
We didn't bother knocking on the door, wondering in the room to find Dumbledore doing exactly what I had expected he was doing, lounging at his desk with a bowl of sweets to his right.

This is what the greatest man in the world, the one who was going to get us past this war, was doing in his spare time.

He jumped to his feet, combing his beard and when he sat back down he made sure to sit straight to increase intimidation. Yet it didn't work one bit.

I got straight to the point, ignoring his formal greetings and how he pretended to care about the well-being of my unborn children.

"Sending Harry to a muggle village?" I cried, "what are you... stupid?"

The man looked at me, actually daring to role his eyes at me, I could have killed him there and then. 
"Well?" I glared, "Are you going to answer me?" 

He rolled his eyes, "I was acting in Harry's best interest, he will be safe away from all of this." 
I gaped at him, "You honestly think that moving him to a muggle village, which I might add, is the most common place for attacks these days, is honestly going to help him?" 

After he didn't say anything, I continued my lecture, "Why not take him to the burrow? Put up the protective enchantments around the house? There's a house filled with fucking order members right there, why not keep him safe? Even take him to Grimmaud place. Anything's better than him living with those stupid twats." 

The headmaster sighed, "I didn't realise you felt that strongly on the matter, Miss Black." 
"What are you implying?" I wondered, my brows creasing, "In case you haven't noticed, Harry is like my brother. Always has been, always will be." 

He pursed his lips but reluctantly nodded. 
"So then?" I dared to ask. 
"Well are you going to do something about the fucking, Harry situation?" 

He thought for a moment, "Alright. If you can get a team of aurors together within two days, each willing to protect him with their lives, then yes. I will allow Harry to stay at the burrow." 
I rolled my eyes, mumbling under my breath, "Wasn't like I was asking for permission anyway." 

"What was that?" 
"Nothing Dumbles. I'll be going now." 

I ran out of his office as quick as possible, surprised to find myself running into something hard, almost knocking me off my balance if their arms hadn't had caught my waist. 

When I looked up, I didn't know how to act. There he was in all his glory, the man who had told me that he was here for me, but that he wouldn't see me in a while. 
The man who I had found out was my godfather all along. 
Though, I still hadn't told him I knew that. 

I grinned up at the dark-haired man, his piercing eyes wide in shock, but I'm sure that I could see the slight trace of a smile. 
He didn't say anything at first. But when he did, it was unexpected. No 'hello Y/N, how're you?' or 'It's been so long, how are you doing'. 

All I got was a stare, followed by a "You're pregnant." 
It took me a minute to respond, trying to think of the best possible way I could. Because, what do I say that that? 
"Great thanks." I said sarcastically, "It's that noticeable?" 

He shook his head, going to explain himself but stopped when I began to laugh. I rested against the wall, smiling at the man, "Yes I'm pregnant." 
"How?" He gaped, "Wait, don't answer that." 

"Well when two people love each other....." 

I laughed, "I'm about four months along." 
He nodded his head, "How's it going with the morning sickness, I can make you some potions. Or cramps and back ache? I know that your mother went through......." 

Haha. Caught him. 
I played innocent, plastering the best confused look on my face, containing furrowed eyebrows and my crinkled nose, "You knew my mother?" 
"No." He denied, "Course not. Not at all. I meant that, my mother. Yeah. My mother told me about it when I was just a boy." 

I nodded, even knowing full well that his mother didn't tell him any of these things. 
"Well I don't want to bother you with any potions.... I'm doing fine really." 

"Nonsense." He said quickly, "I'd be more than happy to help you. Besides, if I don't get time, I'll bribe Slughorn to make them you. I am the professor of Defence against the dark arts, now after all." 
I rolled my eyes at his grin, laughing slightly as I knew he'd been after this job for so long. 

"When's your due date?" He asked and I was genuinely wondering why he was so interested. 
"Sometime at the beginning of April. I'm hoping that they won't be born on the twins' birthday though." 

"They?" He asked, and I gasped realising that I had let the information slip. 
"You can't tell anyone, no one knows yet." 
He nodded his head but said nothing, simply staring at my stomach. I placed my hand over my growing bump, feeling the two sods kicking again. 

"I'm sorry, I've got to go." I yelled already running down the corridors, "But I'd love you to come to the baby shower! I'll owl you." 
I made my way straight to Minnie's office, from where she had returned to at some point during my lecture. 

"Minnie!" I yelled as I ran into the room, I hadn't looked around or even bothered with knocking, simply staring directly ahead to her desk, "Kicking!" 
It was a cough that caught my attention, as I slowly turned to meet quite a few confused faces before me. 

Fred, Dad, uncle Moony and of course Minnie, stood before me, the latter looking far more interested than the rest. 
The woman rushed over, her hands finding my stomach straight away as she stared in concentration, waiting for a kick. 

Me and Fred made eye contact, smiling happily at one another as he waited to see if our children would kick. 
"What's going on?" My dad asked confused, looking at his partner for some sort of help. 
But uncle Moony didn't need to reply, for Minnie's screams said it all. 



My dad's eyes went wide and he suddenly seemed to forget all about how angry he was at me for going out. He rushed over to the two of us, uncle moony on his tail as they crowded around me. As much as Fred wanted to join in, he seemed to realise that they were having a moment, he'd already felt his children kick before and could at any point. 

"That's my grandbaby?" Dad asked, his voice much quieter than usual. 
"That's your grandbaby." I nodded, hating lying to them about it only being one baby, but I knew that the surprise would be amazing when everyone did eventually find out. 

I pretended not to notice as his eyes welled up with tears, and as he dropped to his knees to feel the baby kick better. But it was one of those moments that I would treasure forever, even if it was in the place I had received detention over 1000 times. 

Standing up, dad kissed the top of my head, whispering into my ear, "I love you." 
And that was enough to know that my dad wasn't as angry at me as he was before. 


Hello Everybody!Two chapters again! There's definitely something wrong.

So an awful lot has happened in the last two days and I must admit I'm shocked.

So we reached 52.6k and I can't believe it, thank you all so much! I really appreciate it.

We also reached the trending #1 of fredweasleyxreader which I also can't believe and nearly screamed when I saw.

So thank you all for that. I hope you are liking the story, but I am sad to announce that there's not long left now. Still enough to keep us going for a while though!

You've had four chapters out this weekend, so it will be a little slower during the week, especially with my A-levels approaching, but I'll try to write as much as possible so that I can get at least one chapter out.

Anyway, here's your question.

If you could use 1 wand, which characters would it be and why? 

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