His Path Of Redemption

By Manhattanwannabe

4.3K 543 1.3K

Prologue How do you fix something that is beyond repair? How do you stop your heart from breaking each time y... More

Chapter- 3
Chapter- 8
Chapter 10
Chapter- 19
Character aesthetics.
1K? 1K.
Chapter- 38
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55


59 6 27
By Manhattanwannabe

Blaze's POV:

We had landed in Greece and were on our way back home. Olivia seemed pretty normal.

For the first time in so many years Me and Accardi had an heart to heart, over a girl. Trust me I would've never seen that one coming, ever.

"Um, Blaze?" I heard Olivia and turned to her.

"Hm?" I asked whilst driving.

"You told me Dante almost gave up the mafia for Katherine, what did you mean?" She questioned.

I sighed.

"Dante and Katherine got married 2 years back. Dante met Katherine at a club and they had a scene until she got to know he was the Italian mob. She accepted him regardless and things were fine. There were certain ups and downs. Things started getting bad when Dante spent more time with the mafia business, Katherine didn't like the shady stuff and killing and torturing. Katherine eventually got pregnant and told Dante, they were happy. She asked Dante to leave the mafia, Dante disagreed. They had a fight she left had a miscarriage, Dante didn't know for 6 months until they met again and Dante was on his knees begging her to marry him and promised to leave the mafia. She felt bad because she didn't wanna change who Dante was and agreed to marry him regardless. The end" I concluded.

"I- WOW." She said

I smirked.

"No doubt people are ready to give up anything for Love." Olivia said.

"It's insane. You can't just give up your mafia like that, this shit ain't no joke." I said.

"Well, if you really really really love someone and want to spend the rest of your lives together I don't see the problem in a fresh start." Olivia said.

"If someone actually loved me, they wouldn't want me to change. They'd be on the run with me, all the time." I said looking her straight in the eye.

"It's just scary. I'm use to it but for a normal person it's scary. Besides, the person has to give up everything for keeping this a secret." Olivia almost whispered.

"Well, if love exists, it's that for me." I said.

"Seeing the other person suffer only to be with you?" She asked.

"No, trying to understand, that if I had a choice I would've left, but I don't." I muttered.

"What are the chances they'll always stick together? What if they're too different?" She asked.

"Regardless, he will always promise to be there. Try to atleast, be there." I said.

"She'll get very annoying and even desperate for attention sometimes." She whispered again.

"Then she'll get all the attention in the world." I whispered too.

"What if she isn't who he thinks she is?" She asked.

"Well, he can assure her that in his hell full of demons, she will always stand out as an angel." I said.

"What if she isn't an angel?" She questioned.

"Then, she'll be his Favorite demon." I smiled and she chuckled.

She looked at me and smiled.

"Well, being on the run sounds okayish then." She whispered.

"It does." I said.

This didn't anymore feel like we were talking about Katherine and Dante or any third person. It felt like we were talking about each other. Together.

Together. Sounds good.

The rest of the ride me and Olivia both had a smile on our faces.

∆ ∆ ∆ ∆

We had reached and were almost entering home when I heard some yelling from the house.

I recognised one voice, Shawn. I couldn't really figure out the other one.

I put the key in the lock and opened the door.


"I will literally rip you apart and feed your heart to the lion." I saw Shawn pinning her to the wall by her neck.

"That's enough." I said as all heads snapped to us.

"OH THANK THE HEAVENS ABOVE." The girl yelled again and ran towards Olivia and almost jumped on her.

Keyword: Almost.

"D... you're...choking me." Olivia struggled to talk.

Get off her bitch.

No shit, for real.

"Oh yea, sorry, hi" The girl spoke.

"Why do I have a screeching girl in my house?" I asked looking at everyone else.

"Boss, we tried to stop her but she kicked us in the..." He trailed off.

"In your balls? You saw that coming do not ever touch me or I will actually take those balls out and play cricket with them." The girl said.

"If you utter another fucking word I will bend you over this table and make you keep your mouth shut." Shawn said.

"You wouldn't dare." The girl warned.

"Oh trust me I would and it won't be pretty." Shawn assured.

"Alrighty! I see all of y'all have met Danica. I had spoken to Blaze about letting D join us so...yea. She's gonna join us." Olivia said.

"Awesome, I love her." Stacey said.

Danica dramatically put a hand on her heart.

"Cool with me." Asher said.

"Whatever." Jace said.

Marcus and Tyberias just looked at each other and nodded. It's not like they have a choice.

"Well make sure to stay away from or I'll actually fuck that bitch out of you." Shawn growled.

"If you even dare to I will cut your dick and fry it." Danica threatened as she glared at Shawn while he just smirked.

"Um, okay. Meeting with Dante was a success we got what we needed." Olivia said while I made a disgusting face.

We told the others whatever Dante told us.

I assigned everyone their respective jobs and asked them to give me an update by tommorow morning as they all scattered.

"You can go take some rest if you want." I told Olivia.

"Not really I have few e-mails to check." She said and I nodded as she left.

I got into my study and switched on my laptop.

My phone rang.

Unknown number calling...

Emanuel fucking wastes sim cards.

"What Emanuel?" I picked up the call and asked.

"I must say, moving to Greece with your little bitch was a good move." My jaw clenched.

"Call her a bitch again and I will rip that tongue out." I gritted.

"Blaze, I can assure you. She will come to me, be my little bitch to play with, with her own will." Emanuel said.

"No she won't." I said.

"Oh but she would. Give up already Blaze. I will take her by hook or crook. Stop being an obstacle in my way. You know I'll wipe off your existence." Emanuel said.

"Emanuel, you and I both know, you're all bark but no bite. Try taking what's mine and see what happens. Olivia has officially taken my mafia's throne. She has officially embraced my mafia. She is the Queen of my mafia. So if anyone, it's you who should quit. If you touch as much as a hair on her body I will put 5 bullets right through your skull, then take it out and break it into 10 pieces." I said and cut the call.

I took a deep breath.

I need a fucking drink.

∆ ∆ ∆ ∆

Emanuel gets on my nerves.

Here I am at the private bar with Asher and Shawn.

"I really don't see why we can't just kill him." Shawn said.

"It isn't just us, it's about her now." I said.

"Yea so? She ain't no princess Blaze, she can fight." Shawn said.

"Shut the fuck up Shawn. I'm not risking her life." I said.

Shawn rolled his eyes and took a sip from his drink.

"I'll be heading back tommorow to New York Blaze." Asher said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Sage is alone back there. I need to go" Asher explained and I just nodded.

Now that I have a girl who's life is more important to me, I know, how terrifying it is to leave her alone.

"Both you guys look so whipped for real." Shawn said.

"It wouldn't take a second for me to shut your motherfuckin' mouth." I growled.

Shawn shut up while Asher chuckled.

"How's Liv taking the whole 'Emanuel' thing?" Asher asked.

"Okay, I guess." I said and he just nodded.

Her name alone makes me smile.

"You guys know what? She's honestly so grumpy and stubborn. She bites her nails when she is nervous. She does this weird thing with her nose where she constantly pulls it up so she can stop herself from blushing. She has this weird thing of giving me animal names. She loves flicking her middle finger all the fucking time. She's so awesome at torturing and making people talk. She's so easy to converse with, y'all know what? She and Katherine got along immediately, crazy right? I know. She has these small tattoos scattered on her hands and even though they're small I know each one holds a meaning. She literally carried the blue stone with her all the way to Greece. That stone, it's only importance in my life was because of dad. She treats that stone like it's the most precious thing in the fucking world. She'd fight me if I tried taking it from her. She values things so much. She-" I was cut off.

"Woah woah woah slow down." Shawn said.

"Since when do you talk so much?" Asher asked.


"And what's with that soft look on your face. We didn't know you could smile." Shawn said.

I quickly replaced my face with the cold look.

"Well, um." I said.

"Didn't know you loved her that much." Asher said.

"I don't love her." I said.

"Sure sure." Shawn said.

"Blaze, it's okay. It's okay to let someone be there and care. It's okay to care for someone. It's okay to have a little good in life." Asher said.

I gave a sarcastic smile.

"Good doesn't go with me. All good things in my life are taken away the minute they step in." I said.

It was true. Good things weren't meant for me. I destroyed the good in people. I'm a curse and I know that. I'm okay with it.

Are you?


You still want her. You know you're a curse and you still want her. You're selfish and it's okay to be selfish for once.

I sighed.

"Blaze, don't give up. That's all." Asher said.

Yes, don't give up. Hold on. For her.

Everything I've been doing for a while is for her.

I love Blaze.
That's it.


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