addicted. markhyuck


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markhyuck ┅ fuck drugs, have you ever been addicted to you best friend? ❝this is a healthy addiction.❞ ▬ COM... More



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the sunlight illuminating the whole room was what made donghyuck stir from his bed. slowly lifting his eyelids, he first examines the room, and the first thing he saw are clothes on the floor and at the end of the bed which made him look down on his own body. lifting the duvet, he saw himself only wearing shorts and a plain white shirt and he can tell that it's not even his by how large it is on him, it's obviously from mark.

did he put that on himself last night?

gradually turning his body around, he saw an empty space beside his bed. he pouted and assumed that the older woke up first before him.

the room still felt cold for some reason and the bed feels extra comfy so this made it harder for the tanned male to leave the bed, yet, when he saw the time on his phone, it was best to leave the room.

after what feels like an hour to sprung his body up from the bed, he finally approached the bedroom door and went straight downstairs.

approaching the kitchen, he met his hyungs—doyoung, taeyong, and mark talking to each other while eating toasts.

"good morning," he greeted them, looking at his hyungs with a cheeky smile. his eyes immediately landed on mark that is leaning against the counter and without thinking twice, he immediately wrapped his arms around the male's waist, giving him a morning hug, "and good morning, mark hyung."

mark looked down and shoots him a small smile, "morning, sunshine." he whispers and brushed the younger's bangs while the two hyungs are busy preparing breakfast for donghyuck.

"and you're finally awake." taeyong looked back and greeted him too, "most of them are still asleep upstairs but the dreamies are hanging on the pool but anyway, cmon, let's eat." he offered.

doyoung gave him a plate of toast that he prepared earlier while the younger is still asleep. "does your head hurts?"

donghyuck took the plate and at the same time, he shook his head at his hyung's question, "no, why?" the younger looked at him confused.

"well, you drank a lot yesterday." taeyong said, thinking about the full bottle of beer donghyuck was holding last night.

he started looking around, avoiding his hyungs' eye contact. oh yeah, he did remember that, it's surprising that his head didn't hurt and he also didn't get drunk... now remembering the things that happened last night, made him blush.

"oh yeah... but i-it doesn't hurt actually..." he shoots the two of them a nervous smile and immediately took another bite of the toast in an attempt to hide the redness of his cheeks.

expecting that, that's where the conversation ends, well donghyuck thought wrong. "did you know how funny you look?" doyoung teased, letting out small chuckles and also made taeyong laugh when he remembered last night's event, "was surprised where you pulled that bottle of beer from." the older said in between his laughs.

their breakfast went on, with mostly taeyong and doyoung leading the conversation while the two—haechan and mark—nervously stood in front of them, nervous about what topic of conversation can they pull out.

"yeah i remember that!" taeyong said in between chuckles. he pointed at donghyuck, "oh! and you're also saying something about your deepest darkest secr—"

"donghyuck hyung!" a voice coming from behind them appeared that made all of their attentions averts away. they saw the dreamies approaching them—well donghyuck specifically, "you're awake finally, let's swim!" jaemin cheered.

and perfectly, his toast is one bite away from finishing it. so he took the last bite and gave them a nod, "t-thanks for the toast, hyung!" oh, what a perfect way to get out of the situation.

the last thing they saw, is the dreamies dragging donghyuck's body out of the beach house and ready to be thrown on the pool. well, being thrown in the pool with his sleeping clothes on is still better than being cornered by his hyungs' conversation, apparently.

doyoung shook his head looking at the dreamies teasing the life out of donghyuck again. he then looked back at mark behind him, "glad you and donghyuck finally solved your quarrel."

"uh.. y-yeah." mark said, earning a nervous chuckle afterward, "um uh i'll g-go upstairs." mark told before dashing his way out of the kitchen.

"you're not joining the dreamies there?" doyoung tries to catch the younger male by his shout.

but thankfully mark did hear it, "maybe later!"


and just like that, the day flew by so quickly again, the moon is just as ready to replace the sun.

the members mostly spend thier day in the pool as usual, but not all of them though, some of them prefrred to stay in their own rooms and decided to be lazy through out this day, since there's not much to do anyway.

"okay yeah, that's it." johnny said, which made the continuous splash of water on him stop. he walked closer at the male who's the cause of it all, "come here."

"no wait! i was playing!" taeil said, trying to swim away from the taller, as he knows the moment he got closer to him, he'll sink to the ground by this man who's three times his size.

"i wanna play with you too!" johnny sarcastically said, while still trying to get closer to the shorter male.

while these two are busy teasing each other, the other members started hopping off the pool leaving the two beat the life out of themselves.

"do you guys mind." jaehyun, that is walking at the side of the pool said after being unintentionally splashed by the two.

on the other hand, a running donghyuck came downstairs and seems like he was searching for someone. he frowned when he failed to find the one person he was looking for and decided to walk to the back door, where he noticed only taeil, johnny and jaehyun are the ones left.

seeing that the three is walking closer towards him, donghyuck went and asked, "have guys perhaps seen ma—"

"oh, mark?" jaehyun cuts the younger off before he can even finish his question. although the younger was confused how jaehyun guessed that, he simply nodded as a reply. "he's there."

the older pointed towards the beach chairs, and all of their heads turned where jaehyun is pointing at, and there he saw a familiar figure sitting at one of them.

"ooh!" he excitedly reply, but immediately hid his smile before his hyungs can even look. he nervously coughed, "i-i mean... oh, okay. thanks, hyung." the younger gave them an awkward smile before making way for the three to get in.

after seeing the three successfully got in the house, donghyuck immediately hurried towards the beach chairs where there, he located mark sitting peacefully while watching the waves of the water.

slowly moving beside the older, he took a seat beside him, "hi..." donghyuck started, and finally caught the latter's attention.

"hi, baby." mark smiled, he pulled donghyuck's side and made him sit closer to him. and by now, the younger's back is now pressed against his hyung's toned chest.

"what are you doing here alone?" the younger continued to ask, playing with mark's fingers. he's been noticing that the older has been spacing out a lot today and he seems pretty quiet. he tried making conversations with him throughout the day but the older always gave him small nods and smile as a reply.

"just wanted to look at the beach." the older simply replies, doing circles on donghyuck's thumb.

the latter didn't reply for a second and just stared straight at the beach. thousands of thoughts are running inside his head right now, and his tongue is running out of words to say, so he just nodded as a reply.

and same goes to mark. his mind has been lost for the whole day as the same thought kept flying inside his head. "want to go for a walk?" mark asked in his small voice but donghyuck still managed to hear it.

once again, mark only received a nod from donghyuck, so he took the younger's hand on his own and they walked closer towards the shoreline, only letting their feet get wet.

they can see a clear view of the sun setting and the beautiful orange and pink sky.

neither of the two let a word out for the whole walk and only listened to the peaceful waves of the beach.

their members might be searching for them at this hour since they know it's close to dinner time, but maybe none of them cared. they were too mesmerized by the presence of each other that this is the only thing that feels interesting to them.

"hyung," donghyuck voiced out, yet his voice came out more like a whisper. he contemplated whether he would say this or not, but it's just been bugging him for the whole day, "a-are you..." pause, "are you avoiding me? did i do something wrong last night? did you not like i—"

"baby." mark calls out when donghyuck when he started bombarding him with questions, "where's this coming from?"

the younger looked down too afraid to make any more eye contact with the latter. "well..." he sighed, "you seem to be avoiding me for the whole day..." that's what he noticed. mark's actions confused him that's why he assumed.

"i'm sorry, baby..." mark held the younger's hand tighter, lifting it and placed a peck on the back of his hand. "i guess i have a lot of things in my mind right now, i didn't notice—but i wasn't trying to avoid you donghyuck, i can't do that."

the younger lifts his gaze when he heard the older's statement. "mark, you know can always tell me what's bothering you," he stopped his tracks and the older can visibly see the worry on the younger's eyes, "you can let it all out on me.."

the older guessed donghyuck can't remember what he said last night.

mark chuckles and ruffles the younger's hair with his free hand, "do you want to know what's going inside my head?"

"of course mark, i'm always ready to listen to you." the other replied, the worry in his eyes is still visible.

"it's you." mark plainly said before stealing a peck from the younger. pulling away, he shoots donghyuck a small smile and continued his walk.

leaving donghyuck standing there, dumbfounded.

after snapping out from his thoughts, that's when he realized what mark just said,"what?!" he chases the older that is now meters away from him, "hyung, stop playing! are you trying to change the conversation or something?!" he's not believing mark's response.

donghyuck got in front of the older, stopping him from his tracks, "hyung, i'm serious."

"and i'm serious too." mark said, looking down at the younger. donghyuck halts when he saw the older's face. he assumed the older was just joking around but it seems like he did get the wrong idea.

"i like you donghyuck, like a lot..." mark said trailing down his words. he lifts his hands to play with the younger's hair and continued to look at the younger's pretty features.

the latter was taken aback by the sudden confession, well it's not like this is his first time hearing these words from mark, but now, he just didn't expect it.

mark sighed, not knowing what words to use. "for the whole day all i kept thinking was you." the older continues, making donghyuck more confused with his words, "you, running inside my head and how can i make you mine."

"hyung..?" was all that donghyuck can say at this very moment. he was very confused, but he had all ears to mark.

"hyuck—baby, i don't want us to seem like we're just fuck buddies and nothing more, i mean yeah, we did confess about our feelings to each other but.." mark lets out a shaky breath, " the thing we kept doing... i don't want you to get the idea that i'm just using you for pleasure." his hands traveled down on donghyuck's cheeks, cupping it and started softly stroking it. "i like you so much and i want to show you my feelings in many different ways..." 

the worry and confusion on the younger's face started fading away once he started to get what the older was trying to express. 

"so if you're wondering what's been mind the whole day is because i want you to be officially mine..." mark beamed, and started to get lost in donghyuck's beautiful eyes, "i want to be your boyfriend."

mark was met with silence and let his eyes close, feeling the wind blows away on his face. "donghyuck, it's fine—i-i... you don't have to answer right away, i can wait for you—as long as you want...i'm always ready for your answer."

just when mark was feeling defeat, he felt an arm wrapped around his neck and a small peck against his lips, "well, i guess you don't have to wait for long." donghyuck whispers and let their foreheads touch, "cause i say i want you to be officially mine, i want you to be my boyfriend."

the older finally opened his eyes after hearing those words from the younger. a smile immediately painted his face and can't help but pull donghyuck in for a long and passionate kiss.

they pulled away but still let their faces close, "so you're my boyfriend?" mark asked.

"i am." donghyuck immediately replied.


placing the last plate down the table, taeyong's eyes immediately explored the whole dinning table, and the more he looked at it, the more it feels like someone's missing.

he walked back in the kitchen where he met taeil and johnny, "hey, have you guys noticed mark and..." he looked back on the table, again, "and donghyuck?"

"oh those two?" a voice coming from behind taeyong appeared, that caught their attention. "donghyuck went to the beach to call mark i think, but they'll be back." said jaehyun, and received a small 'okay' from taeyong.

the leader then went back in the table to continue eating.

the taller—johnny—looked at jaehyun with furrowed brows while squinting his eyes, "what?" asked jaehyun, noticing johnny's eyes on him.

"how did you hear that?" johnny questioned, still had his eyes squinted, "and where did you even came from."

"uh... i got ears, I guess?" jaehyun just shrugged his shoulders, exiting the kitchen before taking a seat in the dinning table.

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