His Path Of Redemption

By Manhattanwannabe

4.3K 543 1.3K

Prologue How do you fix something that is beyond repair? How do you stop your heart from breaking each time y... More

Chapter- 3
Chapter- 8
Chapter 10
Chapter- 19
Character aesthetics.
1K? 1K.
Chapter- 38
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55


56 7 23
By Manhattanwannabe

Olivia's POV:

"GET THE FUCK OUT MARCUS" I yelled for the 100th time as I picked up my slippers and threw it on his face.

1 week. 1 whole fucking week. I had not seen Blaze, God alone knows what he was upto. He fucked me one night and the next day morning pretended like nothing ever happened. I thought maybe, just maybe, Blaze isn't the guy people make him look as. Maybe, he's the guy I think he is but I was so wrong. He's nothing more than an arrogant, selfish and heartless jerk.

I hadn't heard from him since that day but he did send Marcus to guard me. Bitch thinks I need protection. I would first shoot Marcus then whoever it is who wants to hurt me.

The entire week I kept cursing and throwing things at Marcus. I threw all my daggers at him, I shot him on the shoulder, I punched his eye and yesterday I scratched him. He didn't budge.

I was getting pissed now, I wanted to leave. I even tried leaving but Greta asked me to stop. She said if Blaze has sent someone home for protection, something isn't right.

Now, I couldn't take it anymore. Today morning I packed my bags and was all ready to leave but this giraffeass won't move.

"Marcus, I swear on baby jesus if you don't fucking move right fucking now I will cut your dick and attach it on your fucking forehead" I threatened.

"Queen, it's bosses orders, I can't let you out of my sight letting you go home is out of question." He said.

"I don't give a fuck about what your boss thinks I am leaving and you're gonna let me go" I tried again.

"Queen, I'm sorry. Please co-operate." He said.

Let's just shoot him.

You shut up hoe, all this is your fault.









It's okay Livvie, try again.

I took a deep breath.

"Alright, Marcus could you be so kind to drop me home?" I asked.

"Queen, please, I'm begging you to drop it, I can't help you" He was actually begging.

"Marcus list-" I was cut off.

"What's all the chaos at home" I heard his deep husky voice.

I immediately turned around and Marcus walked towards him.

Both of them spoke something as Marcus got out and he came to me. He saw my suitcase packed and gave me a questioning look.

"And where are you planning to go?" he asked.

"Home" I said.

"You're coming with me. We're going to Greece" He announced.

Is he fucking real?

"You can't disappear for days and expect me to come with you anywhere you ask. I won't be coming with you anywhere." I cleared myself

"Olivia, I wasn't asking" He said, coldly.

"Yea well, I wasn't either" I retorted.

He took my neck and pushed me to the wall roughly.

"Listen to me very carefully Olivia, I'm letting you talk to me this way doesn't mean you go disrespecting me. You will be coming with me to Greece or else-" I cut him off.

"Or else what? Murder my parents? Go ahead, do it." I said and pushed him. I reversed our positions and now I was hovering him.

"You listen up Blaze, I'm no house mat that you kick around wherever and whenever you want. I'm an independent woman and I will live on my terms. I'm leaving, NOW" I said looking him dead in the eye.

"Olivia-" gunshot.

Both of us got alert and looked at each other.

"Boss, we're under attack" I heard Marcus.

"Fuck" Blaze muttered under his breath.

He looked at me and pulled me by the arms as we started walking.

"Hey! Leave me" I yelled.

"To die? No" he said calmly.

He took his phone out and called someone.

"Tyberias we're under attack get the airplane ready on the rooftop right now and I want you here with the core team and fly the minute we leave" He said and cut the call.

We were still walking when I saw a bulled coming his way.

"Move!" I said and jumped while pushing him as he landed on the floor and I was on top of him.

He held me by the waist as I looked into his eyes, they were beautiful. I could stare at them all day, there was something about those eyes.

BITCH get up for real.

Fuck, yes.

I quickly got off him and he did too. I knew now wasn't the time to fight so I asked him to lead the way.

We soon reached the roof top and were waiting for the plane. I saw someone aiming a red laser on my belly. I saw towards the direction and a guy was standing with a gun in his hand. I swiftly took my dagger out and aimed his hand as the gun fell down.

Meanwhile, I saw Blaze had already shot two guys and their blood was all over the place.

Soon the plane arrived we got settled down immediately. Blaze called Marcus and asked him to kill every single one and make sure nobody inside the house is harmed and then fly with the rest of the core team to Greece.

"Who were they?" I questioned.

"Emanuels men" he answered.

"Who's Emanuel" I asked.

"You'll know soon" he said.

I sighed and decided to take a nap as this flight is gonna go long.

∆ ∆ ∆ ∆

We had arrived in Greece and had settled in one of Blaze's ancestral house which for your information looked nothing like an old ancestral house.

It looked like it was made of some stone and had 1 bedroom a kitchen and a small living room. It was at a height so there was a small jacuzzi at the outside while we could see the sunset.

Blaze was waiting for his core team to arrive.

That's when I remembered, I didn't bring my suitcase.

"Blaze my suitcase-" I was cut off.

"Stacey's getting it" He answered.

Alright then. I was looking for my phone in my backpack when I saw the blue stone.

I smiled. Somehow looking at that stone made me smile. It was so beautiful. I took it out and admired it.

"You bought it with you?" Blaze asked.

"I was gonna take it with me while leaving" I said.

"I don't see why you're carrying a piece of stone everywhere" Blaze stated.

I smiled.

"Something about it is very precious. It wasn't always mine but I want to protect it no matter what. Someone has put its very strong believe in the stone and me" I admired it more.

"Who?" he asked.

"Someone" I smiled.

"Olivia?" he called.


"I want to tell you, believe me I want to but now isn't the right time" He said.

I smiled a little and looked down.

"It's okay Blaze, I'll wait" I said.

His head snapped up.

"You will?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Even if you have to wait to the moon and back" he whispered now.

"I'll wait to the infinity and beyond too" I said

For the first time in so many days I saw a small smile on Blaze's face.

"To the moon and back" he smiled.

"To infinity and beyond" I smiled.

For some reason I felt this was no more about the stone but I pushed it aside.

Blaze, I will always protect this.

∆ ∆ ∆ ∆

The core team had arrived and now we were all sitting and waiting for Blaze to speak up.

"So, Olivia here needs to know who exactly Emanuel is" Blaze said.

I nodded.

"Well, as of now all you need to know is, we have to kill him. He's done bad, worse even and I want to kill him with my owns hands. Of course he knows that and has already started plotting and today's attack was a warning" He said.

I slowly nodded taking in the information.

Blaze continued and started assigning everyone some or the other work until he came to me.

"Um. You can help wherever you feel like" he said and left.

Everyone got to their tasks as I went up to Stacey.

"A'ight imma come with you" I said.

Stacey grinned and nodded.

We left the house as Blaze had assigned Stacey to one of their bases in Greece and dig in some information from the time when his dad was in charge which I had no clue about and inform the TBM members of an immediate meeting.

At the moment we were at a base and there were lots of papers here. Most of them were of deals and allies.

"Hey, um Stacey?" I called out.

"Yea?" she asked.

"Why does Blaze so badly wanna kill this Emanuel guy?" I questioned.

Stacey stopped shuffling through the papers.

"Well, sorry Olivia, it isn't my place but all you've gotta know his Emanuel has done bad to Blaze. The cold and ruthless guy Blaze is today is because of Emanuel." Stacey said.

I made an O shape with my mouth.

"Why are you helping him?" I asked Stacey.

"Well for starters, I want Emanuel dead too. He killed my parents and left me to die until Blaze came up to me and asked me to join his mafia which I agreed cause I wanted revenge too" She explained and I nodded.

"Hey Olivia? Don't get Blaze wrong okay? You're new here he won't open up to you immediately it'll take time but he will open up eventually. Blaze isn't the guy he shows himself as. Deep down he's struggling, he wants to live, he wants to be happy, he wants to smile, he wants to have a reason to live. I know it's hard, but maybe, you can be those things for him" she said.

I darkly chuckled.

"He hates me" I said.

"He doesn't, that's his way of adapting." She explained.

I just ignored and continued with my work.

"Olivia, Emanuel has broken Blaze, his fear is in every corner of Blaze's veins. Blaze is very strong no doubt but when it comes to Emanuel, it's something he's still getting out of, the trauma of his family's separation"

"Oh" I said.

"Blaze isn't a bad guy Olivia, he's done a lot of bad things but he isn't a bad guy. He has so much love inside him but doesn't know how to show. He's struggling. His sins haunt him. He has done bad, I agree but he's always had a reason but maybe, you could be his redemption. His path of redemption. "


His path of redemption. Sounds like the start of a not so easy journey.

I sighed and gave her a smile.

Maybe, he isn't that bad.

*Dramatic music*
Ugh I miss D, Stacey and Livvie seem to get alone, those 3 together would be badass.


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