Late Night Sessions | JJK X O...

بواسطة Yoonreverie

176K 9.1K 1.9K

Cassie has been dreaming up certain tattoos for herself and she thought there was no better time to do it tha... المزيد

Welcome & Disclaimer
1. Last Minute Booking
2. First Tattoo
3. Hair Appointment
4. Feelings
5. Second Tattoo
6. Partner-In-Crime
7. Meltdown
8. A Date?!
9. Entourage
10. Blushing Idiot
11. Give Me Details, Man
13. Heat of the Moment
14. A Lot of Fun
15. Revelation
16. Mine For the Night
17. Couldn't Resist
18. Standoffish
19. Best Friend
20. Open Bar
21. What If?
22. Confirmation
23. Truth
24. Let's Go to My Place
25. Three's A Charm
26. Motherly Advice
27. Want To Come Over?
28. One-On-One
29. Dinner Conversation
30. Not What I Expected
31. Hear Me Out
32. The Past
33. All In
34. Thumbs Up
35. Sushi Date
36. Hurts So Good
37. Small World
38. Cuddles and Conversation
39. Delectable
40. Before Closing Time
41. Speaking Out
42. Craving
43. A Lot On My Mind
44. After Hours
45. What Did You Say?
46. Emergency
47. Lips Sealed
48. Second Wind
49. Date Flop
50. Video Chat
51. Nervous Wreck
52. Love
53. Not Fully Accepting
54. Quality Time
55. Celebration
Other Stories To Check Out!

12. Change of Plans

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بواسطة Yoonreverie

Cassie's 1st Person POV

The past three Sundays, I've had the pleasure of spending time with Yoongi by having some fun food adventures. First, it was at the seafood restaurant he was raving about and I was beyond impressed by the food there.

The second time we went out to dinner, we went to a Mediterranean restaurant that Jin had introduced to me years ago and that I fell in love with. Luckily, Yoongi is an adventurous eater and was up to checking it out. And, we left with him giving me a positive review, saying he's most likely going to eat there a lot from now on. Sneaky Yoongi tried to pay the bill at the end, but I beat him to it, reminding him that I was paying that time around.

Our third dinner outing was at a Thai restaurant that I had also suggested. From our second dinner adventure, we found out that we both love Thai cuisine, so we made tentative plans. A week after that, we ended up being able to go to my favorite Thai place that my parents took me to all the time when I was a kid. Penelope and I are regular customers there. And, now it seems Yoongi will be a frequent customer at that restaurant now.

During our dinner at the Thai place, I told him a lot more details about my closest friends. When I mentioned how Jin owns a Korean fusion restaurant, Yoongi was intrigued and asked if we could eventually go there, and since I enjoy his company, I agreed immediately.

It's now Saturday, and Yoongi had messaged me last night, asking me if we could have dinner tonight instead of our usual Sunday outings. I was more than fine with the change. He said he would only be able to meet at 9:30pm since the tattoo shop closes at 9pm. My weekend schedule is flexible so I told him I was totally up  for meeting up at that time. Plus, Jin's restaurant  closes at midnight, thankfully, so we'll have plenty of time to eat. I already informed Jin and he said he'll make sure to have a table ready for us by 9:30pm. It's just one of the many perks of being Jin's best friend.

It's now 7pm, so I have a couple hours until I have to be at Jin's restaurant to meet up with Yoongi. About a half hour ago, I had Penelope take a picture of my Zooey tattoo. I haven't posted a picture of it because I wanted it to heal, and now that it's looking better, I decided it's time to share it on Instagram. It's been up for a while and a lot of people are liking it. Just now, I get a notification informing me that Yoongi commented on my post.


Liked by hdubs91 and others

hairgurucassie My amazing tattoo of my baby Zooey is healing well! Thank you, @min_genius, for this incredible work of art!  I honestly still cannot get over it!

View all 67 comments

_handsomejin_ You made Cassie's dog look perfect! Beautiful work, @min_genius. 😍
—>min_genius Thank you!

min_genius I'm really glad you love the tattoo! It was fun working on it, and you sat through it like a champ.


I smile as soon as I read Yoongi's comment. Honestly? I grin like a crazy person anytime Yoongi comments on my Instagram posts or whenever he sends me a text message about something random. It's just hard not to smile when it comes to him.

Am I developing slight feelings for Yoongi? I think I might be. If things do develop with him, naturally, I think I'm willing to let it happen. But, as for now, I want to remain single.

I'm still trying to get over being hurt by Ian. I think I've moved on and my feelings for Ian are now non-existent. But, he betrayed me and made me feel like I wasn't worth it. Because of that, I've been slightly insecure and have not been as trusting. I'm working on it, though. I know not every person is as conniving and careless like Ian.

As I'm liking random pictures on Instagram, I get a notification from Jeongguk, so I pull it up to read it.

Cass! I haven't seen you in a while. I know we've both been so busy. Are you free for dinner tonight?

It's true, I haven't seen Jeongguk for a while since I've been swamped with working with a lot of high-profile clients, even during my weekend mornings! And, Jeongguk is juggling two jobs, though he is going to start working part-time at the gym since his tattoo bookings have been building up tremendously! He's been getting a lot of clients who are asking specifically for him. Plus, I'm sure his free time is spent with going out on dates or hookups.

I do want to see Jeongguk tonight, but, I'm already planning on going out to dinner with Yoongi. So, I inform Jungkook through text.

I want to hang out, but I actually already made plans with Yoongi.

Jeongguk quickly replies back.

Is it a date? If so, have fun

I don't know why, but I frown at his text message.

It's not a date, Kook. Yoongi and I are just friends. We actually have a lot in common.

About a couple minutes pass. I'm waiting for Jeongguk to reply. But, instead, I receive a text from Yoongi.

Hey, Cass! Kook's at the shop and he asked me what I was up to and I told him you and I were having dinner. He asked if he could tag along...I'm not sure. I assume that's okay?

Did Jeongguk ask Yoongi before or after I informed him that I was going out to dinner with Yoongi? Either way, I decide to reply to Yoongi.

Hey Yoongi! He texted me, too. I think it's fine if he joins us, if you're okay with it.

I get a quick response from Yoongi.

It's fine by me! Haven't really spent much time outside of work with Kook, so it should be fun.

It's settled. I'm going out to dinner with Yoongi and Jeongguk, that is if Jeongguk agrees to join.

It will be! I'll let him know!

Okay! I'll see you at 9:30

See you then!

After I'm done texting back and forth with Yoongi, I send Jeongguk a text.

Kook, if you want to come with us, you should! The more the merrier.

Is it ok? I don't want to be the third wheel

Kookie! You wouldn't be the third wheel. It's just us friends going out to dinner!

Okay. 👌  I can pick you up. Yoongi has his car so he said he'll meet us there. Yoongi says I can leave the shop a little earlier. It'll take 15 minutes to get to Jin's restaurant, from your place, so I'll be there sometime around 9pm?

That sounds good, Kook! I'll see you then!

Yes you will 😄


It's now close to 9:30pm and Jeongguk and I arrive at the restaurant. Jeongguk is walking a little ahead of me and my eyes shamelessly wander down to his butt. His ass looks amazing in the blue jeans he's wearing along with a black hoodie and black combat boots.

Once we are inside the restaurant, we see Yoongi sitting in the waiting area.

"Hi, Yoongi!" I greet him as I walk closer to him, with Jeongguk beside me. Yoongi gets up from the bench.

"Hey, Cass," Yoongi says in his deep, sonorous voice. After he hugs me, I notice him looking me up and down, studying the tight black dress I decided to wear that I paired with a black leather jacket and black ballet flats. The way his voice sounds when he greeted me mixed with the way he's looking at me has me more affected than I expected.

I think I just unconsciously bit my lower lip as a natural reaction to him and he just smirked at me.

What the fuck? I need to get it together.

"Hey, Yoongi," Jeongguk says to the older man and I'm taken out of my unexpected impure thoughts of wanting to jump Yoongi's bones.

Yoongi is dressed in a white t-shirt, army green jacket, black pants, and sneakers and I'm so drawn to how he's carrying this particular style. And, the way his raven-black hair frames his face is perfection.

"Hey, Jeongguk! Are you two hungry?" Yoongi asks us as we all stand in the corner of the waiting area.

"I am starving," I reply, patting my stomach for emphasis.

"We should be seated in 15 minutes. It's pretty busy tonight," Yoongi informs us.

"Yes, Jin's food is amazing that it brings in a lot of customers," Jungkook proudly shares to Yoongi about Jin's successful restaurant. As he speaks, I'm group-texting Jin and Jimin, letting them know we are here.

After a couple minutes of us chatting about how our days have been, Jake, one of the servers I'm familiar with, approaches us.

"Hi, Jake!" I warmly say to the young man who's now standing next to me.

"Hi, Cassie! Jin sent me out to collect your party! He has a table all ready for you all. Follow me!"

"Awesome!" Jeongguk cheers and we all follow Jake to the table that Jin has reserved for us.

"I guess we really didn't have to wait that long," Yoongi says in an impressed tone.

"Pays to be best friends with the owner," I say as I jokingly flip my hair and I get Yoongi to throw me a gummy smile.

From the times I've spent with Yoongi, I've learned that I'm a sucker for his smile.

"Jin always has your back," Jeongguk says as he flashes his adorable smile at me and I instantly blush.

How I got so lucky to be in the presence of these two ridiculously handsome men, for dinner, is beyond me.

Jake quickly jots down the drinks we ask for. And, instead of handing us menus, Jake told us that Jin already has food being prepared for us.

"I feel like I'm getting the royal treatment," Yoongi chimes out as Jake walks away from our table.

"Get used to it when you come here with us!" Jeongguk tells Yoongi and they glance at each other warmly.

After a few short minutes of banter between the three of us, our food arrives with Jake and another server placing all the food at the center of the table. They also place a plate in front of each of us.

"Smells so good," I utter out as my mouth waters.

"And, it all looks amazing," Yoongi adds on.

"Let's dig in!" Jeongguk commands us all as he grabs the platter of japchae and places a generous serving on his plate. Yoongi and I follow suit and grab different dishes of food and fill up our plates.

We all heartily eat and converse with one another.

"You two have quite the appetite!" Yoongi comments as he observes Jeongguk and I scarfing down food. I pause and widen my eyes as I look at Yoongi, realizing I probably look like a pig.

"I can't help but stuff my face! The food is just that good!" I say out loud, sounding a tad embarrassed.

"Oh, you're fine! I like that you have a healthy appetite," Yoongi says and flashes me a wink. I'm dumbfounded at the attention he's giving me. I want to respond but I'm drawing a blank just because I'm mesmerized by his cute soft smile he's giving me.

"Cass! Kook!" We all of a sudden hear our names and then we see Jimin sauntering over to our table.

"Jimin!" I get up from my seat to hug him, and Jeongguk follows along and hugs him after me. Yoongi also gets up from his seat and I notice a shocked expression on his face.

As Jimin turns to face Yoongi, a similar shocked expression appears on his face.

"Yoongi?!" Jimin utters out in a surprised tone.

"Jimin...what a surprise seeing you here," Yoongi says to Jimin and they both nod at each other.

"Do you guys know each other?" Jeongguk questions the two men.

"You could say that," Jimin mutters with a cheeky grin.

"Oh?" I look at Jimin then over to Yoongi.

"We had some business classes together at CSU Long Beach," Yoongi explains to us.

"Oh, that's cool! You guys know each other well?" I ask them.

"Um...we kind of were seeing each other back then," Yoongi awkwardly admits while rubbing his ear.

"No way!" Jeongguk booms out, surprised. I'm even shocked at the revelation.

"Yes, but that was a long time ago!" Jimin says to us.

"Wow," I say in awe.

"How are you, by the way?" Yoongi kindly asks Jimin.

"I'm well! Jin and I opened this restaurant and it's been amazing! I have taken the role as the general manager here," Jimin bashfully shares.

"That's awesome to hear," Yoongi genuinely says to Jimin as they exchange smiles.

"And, Jimin and his partner, Eric, are going to have a daughter soon!" I squeak out.

"Congratulations!" Yoongi says to Jimin.

"Thank you! We will be adopting a beautiful daughter. She's two years old. Eric and I are beyond excited!" Jimin gushes and I am smiling brightly because of the joy on Jimin's face. He's been wanting children forever.

"I cannot wait to spoil your daughter!" I joyfully say as I bounce in my seat.

"Oh, I know you'll go crazy with dresses!" Jimin says and chuckles then continues, "Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and see if everything is to your satisfaction."

"The food is always amazing, Jimin!" Jeongguk lets Jimin know, following it with his bunny grin.

"Good to hear! Well, I'll let you guys enjoy the rest of your meal! Jin will try to come out to see you all, but it's been busy! Cass, hit me up soon! I want to start shopping for my kid's room and I'll need your help!"

"I'm on board!" I respond wholeheartedly.

"Hey, what about me?!" Jeongguk whines and pouts at Jimin.

"If I take you, I'll end up with a baby gym," Jimin jokes and we all laugh because it could happen if Jeongguk is involved in shopping for furniture for the child's room.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," Jeongguk rolls his eyes, eliciting more laughter from me and Jimin. Yoongi watches our interaction with an amused face.

"Anyway, I need to go and work! Bye guys!" Jimin says as he backs away slowly and waves at us.

"Bye!" Jeongguk, Yoongi and I say in unison.

"What a small world! You and Jimin dated?" Jeongguk questions Yoongi as he looks at him with his doe eyes.

"Not so much dated. We just had a few flings back then. But, he and I were such workaholics with our then-jobs and both of us focusing on school that it just naturally fizzled out." Yoongi tells us then takes a sip of his water.

"We work together but I don't know a lot about you, Yoongi. Are you currently in a relationship?" Jeongguk inquires.

"Not right now. The last relationship I had ended a year ago. I was with this woman, Chaelin, for a year. Then she met this man, Bobby, who I was taken with. Chaelin suggested a polyamorous relationship, which we tried to do, but it didn't last long. The two of them are still together," Yoongi shares and shrugs as if it's nothing to him now.

"Oh, sorry to hear that," I sympathetically say to him.

"It's been a year. I'm over it now," he reassures me.

I nod. Then, in my crazy mind, I imagine being in a polyamorous relationship with Yoongi and Jeongguk.

That could never happen.

Only in my dreams.




Hi Bunnies and Kittens!

Here's Cassie's outfit!

And, might as well include pictures of the men's outfits!

* Image of the Labrador tattoo was found through Google images. Credit goes out to the original owner!

Also, I know a lot of ARMY aren't fans of the person who originally did Savage Love, but I've been thinking of this video of JK singing the song ever since I heard it pop up on my Spotify when I had BTS songs on shuffle last night. Anyone else love this video as much as I do?! I remember watching it over and over when it was first posted on Twitter in 2020!

Thank you for reading this story that I'm having so much fun writing! XOXO!

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