His Path Of Redemption

By Manhattanwannabe

4.3K 543 1.3K

Prologue How do you fix something that is beyond repair? How do you stop your heart from breaking each time y... More

Chapter- 3
Chapter- 8
Chapter 10
Chapter- 19
Character aesthetics.
1K? 1K.
Chapter- 38
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55


53 7 36
By Manhattanwannabe

Olivia's POV:

I don't understand why does the sun shine so bright. I'm trying to sleep and the sun shining isn't helping. After good 10 minutes of struggling I finally decided to get up. I sat straight and saw Blaze wasn't next to me but was to my right side standing in front of the mirror with all his glory. He wore a black shirt and black trousers with black shoes and I saw a black Blazer lying on the table and boy...didn't he look like the hottest man on the planet. I couldn't help but stare at how hot he was looking.

Imagine ripping those clothes off and touching those abs while he fuc-

Alright that's enough.

"Next time make sure to sleep at your side" I heard his cold voice.

"Huh?" I asked.

"I woke up with you wrapped in my arms and snuggling. Make sure next time you stay at your side or sleep on the floor" He explained.

How can someone be so grumpy early in the morning and spoil someone elses morning too.

I got up from the bed and faced him on the mirror and flicked my middle finger.

"Good morning to you too" I said and left for going to the washroom, before I could touch the knob I felt two hands pushing me to the wall harshly.

"Olivia, this is the first and the last time I'm ever letting you disrespect me. After this if I ever come across any such behavior I will make sure to teach you a lesson and trust me you won't be able to walk for days" He said looking deep in my eyes.

This was enough for my knees to go weak.

"Am I clear?" He whispered in my ears.

I just nodded my head.

"Words" He said.

"Y-yes" I stuttered.

He left me and went back to wear his blazer and left the room.

I left a breath that I didn't even know I was holding, this guy makes my breathing difficult.

I pushed whatever just happened aside and went in the washroom to do my business.

After an hour when I finished having bath and getting ready I went down to eat breakfast. Blaze was nowhere to be seen so I assumed he left.

I went and sat down on my usual seat as Greta served me breakfast. I had my breakfast and thanked Greta as I left for work.

∆ ∆ ∆ ∆

Honestly, I love working alright? It's my dream job but nowhere did I include being the queen of a fucking Mafia.

I had gotten a call from Stacey saying I was needed immediately at the HQ for an important meeting. I had to re-schedule my entire day because according to Stacey it will take my whole day.

I had left for the HQ and reached there around 30 minutes later.

I parked my car and got out as I started walking towards the entrance. The guards as usual greeted me and I did the same.

I stepped inside the Elevator and went on the 45th floor as that's where the core team sits.

The elevator dinged open as I got inside. I saw Stacey, Jace, Asher, Shawn, Marcus and Tyberias waiting for me.

I walked towards them as all their heads snapped up to me.

"What is so important Stacey?" I asked as politely possible.

"Well, umm...you see...we kinda have a very important meeting with the Mexicans. Blaze normally deals with it but he hasn't picked up any of our calls since morning so we have no clue where he is and the meeting is in 15 minutes." Stacey explained.

"Well he did leave from home early, though if he's not here I have no idea where he is. How can I help exactly?" I asked clueless.

"Yea, about that. You need to meet the Mexicans as Blaze isn't here. In absence of Blaze you're the only one who can attend these meetings." She said.

Is she nuts? I don't even know what this deal is about how the fuck am I suppose to deal with it?

"Stacey, I barely know anything about what deal this is and what relationship both the mafias share. How am I suppose to attend it?" I queried.

"Oh don't worry about that we'll give you an insight." She stated.

Still, how do I even do this. I'm an assassin not a mob owning the biggest and most feared mafia.

"Umm, give me a second let me try and call Blaze" I said.

"Go ahead we've been trying for 2 hours now." Where is this guy?

I tried calling him. He didn't pick up the first time. I tried again for 5 times straight and he still didn't pick up.

Where is this dickass.

I turned to Stacey and said.

"I don't think I have much of a choice here, let's do this" Stacey nodded.

"Awesome, some basic things you gotta know about the Mexicans is they're perverts. They will eye you from top to bottom even try to hit on you so if you get too pissed feel free to shoot em" She said.

I- Okay.

"Shut the fuck up Stacey. Olivia you can't kill them that will lead to war and especially not in Blaze's absence. You're the queen do not worry just alert us we'll take care of them" Jace spoke up.

"1. If it becomes intolerable I will but a dagger through their dicks and let them bleed.

2. I don't need people protecting me I can manage, thankyou." I tried to be as nice as I can.

Jace just nodded as Stacey continued.

"Secondly, this deal is about the drugs we've been shipping to the Mexican mafia. Our contract for the year is about to end so this is about the renewal. The Mexican mob will insist on raising the supply but not raise the pay, you of course will say no. He won't try to argue but will give a better option and will want to become allies for human trafficking. The entire TBM is against human trafficking, it's not what our mafia does, so you will disagree again. He will try to convince. You say no." I nodded.

"Lastly, You would sign the renewed contract but not give it to them immediately but wait for Blaze to go through it again if there is any changes" She concluded.

"Alright" I agreed.

Shawn's phone rang. He picked it up.

"Yes? Okay. We're coming" He hung up.

"They're here let's get going" Shawn said as we all nodded and made our way to the Elevator.

You got this Livvie.

∆ ∆ ∆ ∆

I entered the conference room. Yes he had a proper conference room for such meetings.

I saw four men seated on the chairs at the right side while the core team sat on the left side and the chair at center was supposedly for Blaze to sit. I headed towards the center.

"My apologies. Blaze can't attend today's meeting as he's busy with other matters. I however, as the mafia Queen, will do business with you today." I spoke.

"Well, isn't it a pleasure to meet the Queen herself. However, Blaze shouldn't be so careless, such matters shouldn't be handled by females. The mafia queens are always out of business." He said, casually.

Oh boy, that was a wrong move.

"Mr.?" I asked.

"How doesn't the queen know the Mexican mobs name?" he asked.

"Well, Blaze has made sure to introduce me only to relevant people. I certainly don't remember meeting you" I stated confidently.

He coughed a little and gave me a glare.

"Diego. Diego Lopez." He introduced himself.

"Mr. Lopez, right. Shall we begin?" I queried.

He nodded and began.

"This is about the renewal of the drug contract. Here it is." He said and kept a contract on the table.

"Ah yes, I would like to go through it once" I took the contract in my hand and started reading.

"Olivia? Is it? I see you don't trust us." He said.

I smirked.

"no" he was astonished.

I knew he couldn't insult me because insulting me meant, insulting Blaze, insulting Blaze meant insulting the American mafia, insulting American mafia meant war which I'm pretty sure they'd lose.

I went through the contract roughly as I knew Blaze would go through it again.

I was about to sign it when Diego spoke again.

"Olivia, I was thinking how about we increase the supply of the drugs?" He asked.

"Sure, why not. How much though?" I asked.

"Well as of now we are being supplied drugs worth 1 million dollars. I suggest we get a supply to 3 million dollars" He made himself clear.

"Alright. I want the transaction in an hour. The drugs are yours" I cleared.

"About that. We want the drugs worth 3 million dollars in 1 million itself." No doubt Stacey hates them.

"Well, Diego. This is business. 3 million dollars isn't a joke. There won't be any changes with the money." I made myself clear.

"I have a better deal then. We've been doing human trafficking for years now. There would be a great supply of money if the American mafia became our allies for the same." Yea no.

"Well I'm sure Diego, you're aware about how the American mafia doesn't do human trafficking since the beginning. So no, that's out of question" I said.

"C'mon Olivia, I know you can convince Blaze. Imagine how much profit it'll get us" He said.

"Diego, I'm sorry but this isn't possible" I cleared.

"I don't understand how long is Blaze planning to stay in this tradition his ancestors started of not doing human trafficking and Prostitution. He sells drugs, guns, bullets, daggers and lot more. Human trafficking is gonna get him more business." He concluded.

"Well Diego, I can assure you Blaze has great supply of money. He's the King. He owns America's biggest industry. He owns the most feared mafia in the world." I stated.

"And yet the big bad mob is being a pussy about human trafficking" One of the four men said while the others laughed.

That's it. They hit the nerve.

I swiftly took the knife dagger from my back pocket out and hit him straight in his throat.

All the men stood up and pointed a gun towards me while our mafia pointed a gun at them.

"Don't even try to Diego. You know you'll be dead before you even know it" Stacey threatened.

I ignored all of them and went towards the guy who was now struggling to breathe. I held him by the collar.

"Whatever your name is mexichino. YOU know nothing about who or what Blaze is. He would end the entire Mexican mafia in 10 seconds and make sure no one ever even knew it existed. Do not ever, and when I say ever, I mean never ever forget who he is. He is the King. He is the mafia. Just because he doesn't wanna be a part of your little trafficking business and be the real King and focus on what he is doing doesn't mean he's a pussy. It means he's a man. So the next time you ever talk about him, think at least 100 times. I'm letting you go this time but I will assure you if I ever even come to know that you even dreamt about anything of what you said today. I will rip you apart" I whispered the last part in his ear and got up.

I took the dagger out of his throat and threw it somewhere in the room.

I turned and went back to where the contract papers were kept. I took them in my hands and tore them apart.

"This contact doesn't exist from here on." I concluded and left.

I headed straight to the top floor and waited for the others to come.

The elevator dinged open after 5 minutes and I saw everyone coming out.

"OH MY GOD OLIVIA THAT WAS SO COOOOOLLLLLL" Stacey squealed like a fangirl.

"That was honestly very bold of you Olivia, I must say, the shadow is braver than we thought. I just hope Blaze isn't mad on you" Asher said.

Oh fuck yes.

"Yea, I hope so too" I chuckled nervously.

"Anyway, I'm glad we're done with the Mexicans" Stacey said.

I saw the time on my phone and realized it was 10pm. Blaze still hadn't returned any of our calls.

Where is he?

"Umm guys, I should leave now, so should all of y'all. Goodbye" I said as they bid their goodbyes to me and I left.

I was at the parking lot when I heard someone call my name.

I turned and saw Shawn coming towards me.

"Olivia, Thankyou" He said.

"Thankyou? For what?" I asked.

"No one has ever taken Blaze's side. We tried doing it once but he didn't like it, apparently 'I don't need people to defend me' but today what you said actually made all of us happy. People are scared of Blaze because of how ruthless his ways are. He thinks he's heartless, trust me he's not. He has a heart, although it's full of darkness but he does have one. He's been through a lot in his life which has led to him being this way. But trust me, he isn't a bad person. Thankyou for defending him today." I was speechless.

"Umm..it was nothing honestly" I didn't know what else to say.

"It was more than anything Olivia" he said.

"Well, you're welcome I guess?" I chuckled.

He chuckled too and nodded as he said bye to me and left.

I sat inside my car and left. The whole drive I couldn't help but think.

Why did I get so mad? Why did it trigger me so much that someone insulted him?

Why did I almost take a life for him?

Because there's this thing called heart and there's this guy who's slowly making his place there. Slowly taking over.

No, that's impossible.

Deny it as much as you want.

Definitely not. I would never believe that in a million years.

Alright, don't. Keep thinking as to why you almost took a life then.

Yea, why did I?

Blaze what are you doing to me?

∆ ∆ ∆ ∆

I had reached home and had dinner and was already to hit the bed. Blaze still wasn't back and I was worried now.

I had asked Greta if she knew anything but she didn't know either.

It was past midnight and I had called him over 20 times and sent like 50 messages. No response.

I was beyond worried now. I was about to call Marcus when the main door opened and in came a very stumbling but controlled Blaze.

I got up swiftly and ran to him.


"Stop fucking yelling at me." He said.

"That's all you've gotta say?" I asked disappointed.

"What else are you expecting? Olivia you aren't my...girlfriend stop pretending like one I don't need to tell anyone where I go or what I do" he said and started walking towards the bar.

Oh hell no you ain't drinking no more.

"Blaze stop it, you've had enough for one night" I said taking the glass away from his mouth.

"Olivia fucking stop it, give me the glass back" he said calmly.

"No, I won't. You need sleep" I said.

"Olivia, don't test me right now" he said dangerously.

"Blaze I'm not letting you drink anymore" I concluded.

He got up in a swift moment and took the glass from my hand and threw it on the wall in the front and held me by the waist and pushed me to the wall.

He was dangerously close to me.

"Listen to me carefully Olivia, I'm beyond angry right now. I had gone to the HQ and tortured a guy in the dungeons so bad that I made sure to separate every organ from his body. I suggest you go back to the room and leave me the fuck alone or I swear I'll take all my anger out on you and I promise it won't be in a good way, don't make me fuck you." He said.

Even though Blaze was threatening me he I could sense the anger but other than that I could see a little sadness on his face too.

Livvie it's okay he's disturbed.

I put my right palm slowly on his right cheek and caressed it.

"Blaze, what's wrong?" I asked.

I saw his face soften for a second until he put back the dangerous face.

He put my hand away and held me by the neck.

"It's none of your fucking business." He said.

He pulled away and went towards the bar again and took a bottle of alcohol and started drinking.

I went towards the wall he threw the glass earlier at and started picking up the glass pieces so that it doesn't hurt him or me.

He probably saw me.

"Don't do that, the maids will do it tomorrow" he said.

I ignored him and continued. I don't want the maids to know what he did tonight.

"Olivia I said leave it" I continued.

I was almost done as I took the last piece of glass which pricked me. I didn't make a sound because I've bared more pain than this, this was nothing.

I went in the kitchen and threw the pieces in the dustbin. As I turned around I saw Blaze standing right behind me.

He took my hand put it under the water.

"Which part of don't do it did you not understand?" He asked.

" I didn't want the maids to know what you did tonight. It doesn't look right" I said lowly.

He looked at me for a split second and continued to wash the blood off. He soon bought a first aid kit and put a bandage on my wound.

"Let's just go and sleep now" he said.

I was glad. I nodded.

We headed to the bedroom as he changed and lied down to his side while I did the same thing on my side.

I was about to switch of the light when Blaze said he'll do it and got up as he first pulled the curtain to the side so that moonlight can make its way in and then switched off the lights.

I was about to sleep as I heard him say.

"I'm sorry for today" this the second time he's said sorry to me.

"It's fine. I was just worried" I said.

He didn't reply and I didn't ask further I was too tired. Sleep slowly took over me but I think I heard someone say.

"You're too good for me Olivia. I'm trying so hard to not fall but I can't help it anymore. Stop caring so much for me. I don't deserve it" I heard as sleep completely took over me.

Bro wow I crossed 3000 word count this was one big as fuck chapter.

Bros I'm sick asf and it's 2pm rn and I'm struggling to sleep fr😭

However, where was Blaze all this while?


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