Butterflies || MarkKit

By starrytown

39.3K 2.3K 1.9K

❝Me? Fall in love? In your dreams.❞ ♡ Kit is a Medical student aiming to become a doctor. He's hard-working... More

CHP 1 || Mark.
CHP 2 || A Change of Heart
CHP 3 || A Proposition
CHP 4 || Kid, No Less
CHP 5 || Round and Round
CHP 6 || Brink Of Collapse
CHP 7 || Deal?
CHP 8 || Smooth Bastard
CHP 9 || Impossible, Really.
CHP 10 || What's This?!
CHP 11 || Yes or No?
CHP 12 || Absolutely Not!
CHP 13 || Cutie.
CHP 14 || Friends?
CHP 15 || Kit.
CHP 16 || Missing... Something.
CHP 17 || Kit Wants An Explanation
CHP 18 || Such An Annoyance
CHP 19 || That One Kid
CHP 20 || Annoying, Annoying, & Annoying!
CHP 21 || Peace of Mind
CHP 22 || Stuck With You
CHP 23 || Strangely Beautiful
CHP 24 || The Evening After
CHP 25 || Heavy On My Mind
CHP 26 || Way Into My Heart
CHP 27 || I'll Prove To You
CHP 28 || Are You Falling in Love?
CHP 29 || The Moon Under My Care
CHP 30 || Not So Cliche, Not So Romantic
CHP 31 || He's Not Attractive to Me!
CHP 33 || P'Kit's Gorgeous to Me
CHP 34 || Fervently, My Heart Approves
CHP 35 || Intoxicate Me
CHP 36 || A Look I Can't Fathom
CHP 37 || Before I Fall
CHP 38 || Fully to You, I'm Addicted
CHP 39 || His Touch of Fire
CHP 40 || Fight.. or Flight
CHP 41 || Bane of My Existence
CHP 42 || I Confess to You
CHP 43 || My Addiction
CHP 44 || The Beauty of the Moon
CHP 45 || Kit, My Love

CHP 32 || Secretly, My Weakness

612 39 38
By starrytown



I heaved out a weary sigh, pressing my crossed arms even closer against my chest as I tried to shut my eyes. But as expected, I shortly flinched, for the loudness around me was far more than just overwhelming. 

"Damn, can someone get a shut-eye for a moment here?" I muttered, pulling my hooded top further down my face.

"What did you say, Phi?" Mark, who was sitting next to me and who was also associated with the racket, piped up as bubbly as ever, his loud tone making me cringe again.

"Nothing." I turned my face away from him, focusing on the speeding passing scenery. 

"Do you want to sleep? I-"

"Of course I want to sleep, it's four in the fucking morning. Don't you have headphones? Who watches anime at this hour?"

"My headphones are in my suitcase, P'Kit. I asked you if the sound was bothering you and you said no, so I didn't mean..." I heard him turn down the video a few tads, just enough to keep the hum of the bus rather steady in my ears, "I'm sorry na."

I let out a tsk, closing my eyes again and turning to the window.

"Shut your phone off and go to sleep, Mark." I muttered under my breath.

I was so cold and sleepy. We were a few hours into our road trip and we had taken a super early bus to Phuket- which honestly wasn't something that made me jump for joy. But I mean, I guess it does make sense if we want to spend full days there. I had met up with Mark and a few of his classmates earlier at the bus station today; and as I got told, a few other friends will be following us with the noon bus.

Honestly, I wasn't paying attention when Mark was rambling off about his plans. I was way too busy trying to relax my mind so I can catch a few hours of sleep on the bus. Of course, for the first few hours, I was wide awake. But right now, I really wanted to sleep.

"But I'm so excited, P'Kit!" Mark replies with his same bubbly tone and I really want to slap him.


"Come here. Do you want to lay on my lap?"

"Lay on your lap, my ass. I'd rather die."

"Owh... so grumpy na, P'Kit."

Of course I'm grumpy! I'm tired, cold, and sleep-deprived!

But at least now, Mark had turned down his volume on his stupid phone, and I could steal a few zzz's. Making myself comfortable against my seat, I shut my eyes again, letting a soft hum of content.

Dreamland... here I come.


I was abruptly awoken by the sound of something that resembled nothing but a dropping bomb.

"Holy- what the fuck is that?!" I had jolted up with a rapidly beating heart, my hand automatically flying over my chest in reflex, "Are we- are we in a crash?!"

"Shh shh! Calm down, Phi." I felt steady hands grab at my writhing self, "They're unloading the luggage at the back and I think someone dropped something and the domino effect followed. Calm down, it's okay."

"Where... are we?" I breathed out, catching my breath, and suddenly realizing how the sun rays streaming into my eyes were making me grimace, and the fact that the bus wasn't moving anymore.

"We're in Phuket!" Mark piped up happily.

"...What?" I straightened myself properly against my seat, looking around.

I was slowly processing things, but sure enough, once I had peeked outside, I could see that we were in a parking lot, and around us was everything that screamed tropical, including the screeching of the seabirds up above.

I averted my gaze towards Mark, which didn't last long, for I focused on the surroundings around him for longer.

"Where the hell's everyone?"

The bus was empty. If it wasn't for the driver and some other workers chattering about by the door, the bus was fucking empty and Mark's friends were nowhere in sight.

"They're in the hotel, probably eating breakfast by now."

"How long have we been here?"

"Oh not for long, probably twenty minutes since we've arrived."

I was wide awake by now.

"Why didn't you wake me up? Damn it, Mark." I was embarrassed, "Letting me sleep like an idiot."

I was already standing up, taking a step over Mark's long legs, wanting to reach for the overhead lockers to grab my backpack. I emphasize long legs because really, he was taking up all the space with his legs alone; he was almost trapping me there. It wasn't helping that I was seated by the window, either. But then again, I liked the somewhat sense of privacy in my seat.

"Because you were asleep so soundly and I couldn't bear to wake you up." I heard Mark coo.

Damn. So embarrassing. Everyone probably saw me knocked out like a sack of rice while they went off to do what we actually came here to do.

"And plus, you were asleep on my shoulder and because of that I definitely couldn't wake you up because you looked so cute."

"What? That's not true."

"Aw, see I didn't want to tell you because you'll deny it. Anyways, you were so cute! Now let's go and have some breakfast. Hup hup, Phi!"

He slipped past me, sending over a glimpse of a naughty smile, his height nearly backing me against the row of seats, but he was already skipping out of the bus before I could blink. And that is when I also realized he had swung my backpack over his shoulder, somehow taking it out of my hands when I didn't notice.

"Mark." I rushed behind him after waii-ing the bus driver with a guilty smile over my face, "Mark! Damn... wait up!"

I was met with the ambiance of fresh ocean air, before it quickly merged into the smell of the refreshing essential oils which were conveniently emitting from the water fountains at the hotel's reception. Mark didn't actually let me pay anything for this trip. He insisted that it was a company's treat and that they got everything under control. I didn't keep arguing, because it was getting exhausting, but surely I will find a way to pay for it later.

"I'm not so big on oatmeal but look at this- it looks delicious, don't you think?" Mark spoke up as I suddenly found myself ushered from the reception and into the restaurant, where I was following Mark around the buffet. He quickly used his spoon to sample the bit he had served himself before he let out a sound of approval, "Mm, it is good. Try it!"

"Mark, I left my suitcase back on the bus." I seethed, trying to stop him from going around the rows of counters.

This buffet room was huge and all the smells were far more than just delicious, but I can't relax without knowing that my things were safe.

"I already sent up your suitcase and your backpack to your room. Don't worry."

"Wha- when?" I spluttered, following him again as he began helping himself to some pastries, "Focus with me for a moment here."

Mark raised his eyebrow at me before leaning over to grab a plate off a stack. He then gave me the plate, which I took subconsciously, and he placed a croissant onto it.

"I got everything under control, P'Kit." He said softly, pausing by my ear, "Relax and breathe. The suitcase was taken with our other luggage while the backpack was sent up just now, okay? I didn't invite you on this trip to stress you out about anything, why would I do something that I know would purposely add more anxiety to your nerves? Relax."

I then felt a gentle hand press against my lower back, just for a few seconds, encouraging me.

"Now go ahead and serve yourself some breakfast. We're all hungry and tired from the drive, trust me. But we want to relax by the beach soon. Will you do that for me, Phi?"

Something about how softly he was talking had sent a mild shiver down my back.

"You.." I was left standing there with my plate, watching as Mark advanced down the rows of food.

What was that? What the heck was that? I'm letting him be far too comfortable around me! Talk about personal space; speaking close to my ear like that and touching my back like that. I think I've yet to scold him, but right now I feel way too dazed for anything. 

I don't even know if it's true that I slept on his shoulder back there on the bus... but I don't even want to think about it. 

After I had piled my plate with a moderate amount of food, I gravitated towards an empty table which was located by the window, giving me a pretty view of the outdoor boardwalk and the ocean. I hadn't even begun eating before someone pulled a chair out of the same table, setting his plate down in front of mine.

"I like your choices. I'll steal one of those tarts later." Mark's eyes twinkled as he smiled at me, "I bought you some orange juice, by the way."

He slid the beverage closer to my side.

"Thanks." I say in a monotone.

I try not to look at his face too much and focus on my food.

Mark's eyes were way too intense, nearly blinding, for a simple morning such as this one. Heaven knows why.


True to Mark's words, when I had gone to my room after breakfast, both my suitcase and backpack were set neatly next to the bed. We all had different rooms, but we were located on the same floor. For a single-person room, as I had gotten previously informed by the housekeeping staff, the room was quite vast in my eyes. The bed was a queen size, there was a writing desk and a flatscreen to accompany it. I had a balcony, one which looked over at the swimming pool below and the ocean view further away. And of course, there was a bathroom, with a large bathtub- which honestly looked very tempting to just sit in right now.

Mark told me that the group was planning to meet up outside after an hour and to bring my bathing suit. For now, we had some time to rest and settle in, and thank god for that, for I had flopped on my bed as soon as I've entered. 

I can't believe it. Earlier today, or shall I say yesterday, I was in Bangkok. And now... I'm in Phuket. Something that I would never think would happen if it weren't for Mark's nagging. I'll never admit it to him, but I'm actually glad I joined this little trip today. Aside from the fact we're in a wonderful city in my country, I also really needed this. Some time off from studying and college and exams.

I actually hadn't bought my study material either. I bought myself some books to read, but nothing really associated with studying. I'm not specifically a bookworm, really, but just for now I'll admit that I am. I'm a sucker for books, and I always need to bring one with me if I'm on trips like this. Not that I go on trips very often.

An hour passed, and I was feeling rather relaxed in my bed, and I suddenly didn't want to move. Would it really hurt if I slept in instead of swam?

An uncomfortable nagging feeling that was accompanied by Mark's whining face began poking at my head.


The hanging sun found me walking out into the open air, my beach bag over my shoulder. My manly beach bag, okay? I had to bring my sunglasses and my sandals and an extra towel. Oh and a book, of course.

"Hi P'Kit!" Mark's face lightened up as he waved over at me, bounding away from his classmates, "Glad you came, I was waiting for you!"

"Mm. That's... an interesting shirt."

"Oh, this?" Mark looked down at his shirt, where vibrant-looking watermelon and peaches were so bright I had to look away, "Do you like it? I bought it from the gift store!"

"It's definitely a shirt." I grumbled, taking off my shoes and replacing them with my sandals instead. 

He had followed me all the way over to a nearby lounge chair, where I placed my things onto. The sand was feeling so soft under my feet so I was contemplating removing my sandals and staying barefoot instead. But honestly, I didn't get too long to think because Mark was already blabbering.

"Are you ready? Let's go swimming!" He said excitedly, beginning to unbutton his shirt.

"Wait, don't put your things on my cha- oh, um, okay-" My words halted as he began to strip right in front of me and I automatically averted my eyes away, "Just... put your things on the other chair, okay?"


I could hear him shuffling about and I suddenly had the urge to not look.

I don't even know why. 

"I'll wait for you."

"You don't have to. Just go ahead."

"Why?" He whined.

Because I can't fucking get out of these clothes with your gaze fixated on me and yes I can feel your gaze on me because your eyes are like fucking lasers!

"Mark." I still didn't turn around, but I added a heavier tone of warning to my voice.

"Fine, fine... I'm waiting for you in the water."

I heard him skip away, and I breathed out a sigh of relief. I quickly peeked around, of course, just to make sure. When I saw that he was already making his way into the water, I began removing my own clothes. I had already worn my bathing suit back in the hotel, so I just had to remove my pants and unbutton my shirt. After neatly setting the clothes on my chair, I pushed my sunglasses down over my eyes before I heaved out another sigh, making my way towards Mark instead.

I had only made it halfway through the crashing waves before Mark came floundering towards me again. On instinct, I raised my arms and crossed them against my chest, staring at him with a tinge of self-consciousness.

I'm not used to showing off my skin, okay? At least, not in front of him. I've been to the beach multiple times and I have no problem with being shirtless. So fuck knows why I'm feeling like this now! 

"Cold?" Mark was panting as he reached me, water trickling down his chest and his whole aura looking like someone who has just stepped out of a beach magazine.

"No." I grumbled, "You're here to swim, go swim already!"

He cackled, "Under the sun like this with a gorgeous landscape like this and you're still cranky, Phi!"

I muttered a few curse words under my breath, my arms still crossed against my chest. I don't know why he was just standing there, staring at me. Or, do you know what? I don't want to find out.

I waded around him, pushing further into the sea, just enough till I had submerged my chest underwater. I had a convenient side pocket in my shorts, so I took off my glasses and slipped them inside. From somewhere behind me, I can hear that Mark was blabbering yet again, saying something about how he can't decide for today's barbecue. But honestly, this wasn't the time to talk about the barbecue.

Giving Mark one last steady gaze, narrowing my eyes just a little bit when he looked like he was about to approach me yet again, I dove underwater and began swimming away with strong strokes. I was not going to stand there and wait for him to blabber on and on with that naked chest of his.

Not that I was staring at his chest! But maybe, just maybe, I can understand why he was selected as the Moon. He has a well-structured body. I mean... from what I saw back there, as close as I was standing, he had a firm stomach and firm-looking pecs. His biceps were quite apparent, especially when he had his arms crossed against his chest, and his waist is pretty slim and fit. His thighs were also firm and quite... strong-looking. I can't usually see all that when he's in his uniform. I mean- I guess I did have a sense of his biceps when he towered over me a few days ago when he was wearing his Engineering jacket. But still. It doesn't matter anyway!

I'm not bad myself. I go to the gym and I am quite firm, especially in my stomach. I have decently sized arms and I'm not weak. I may be shorter than him, but I have strong legs and I can run for miles. I'm a good swimmer too. I used to do it all the time back in my childhood. I wonder if Mark used to swim as much as well. I mean, I glimpsed him when he was swimming. He really, er, he really knows his strokes.

Okay, that sounds so fucking wrong. And anyways, what am I doing right now comparing myself to Mark, let alone the fact that I'm analyzing Mark's body?! I immediately tore my gaze from the figure who was frolicking about in the water behind me. I don't even know when I had started to stare! This is not me!

But... on the subject of staring, I can see how a few girls were beginning to gravitate towards him. I mean, no wonder, he looks stupidly attractive right now, especially in those black shorts.

Attractive to the girls, I mean. Not to me!

I should probably stop analyzing the situation, but I can't seem to take my eyes away. My eyes were like a magnet, focused on what the girls and Mark would do next. I could see as one of the girls approached him. He's in the process of slicking back his hair. Either he was showing off, or either he truly can't see with his wet bangs all over his eyes. Who cares. 

She's talking to him now. I'm not that stupid to not realize how she's posed, trying to show off all the right angles of her body. Ew. I can't see his face, I can only see his back, but he's talking to her. Hmph, he's probably going to follow them back to shore. 

I had completely stood still by now, just gazing, not caring that the waves were crashing against me. 

There... he's following them back to shore. I knew it. They started walking, and he was following after that same girl. I can't even tell if he's doing it willingly or if she called him for something. I can suddenly hear him begin to laugh, but he's not walking with her anymore.

I waded a little bit closer, my eyes stinging from the saltwater but my stubborn self refusing to look away.

"...smart of you, but I'm afraid I can't do that, miss, when my eyes can't seem to register anyone else."

"But..." The girl's voice drowned out with the sound of a wave and I never wanted to kick the ocean so bad as I wanted to right now.

"...absolutely gorgeous to me, and I.." Mark's words drown out as well.

What am I doing right now? Why am I eavesdropping? This is not appropriate.

I began backing away, intending to busy myself with swimming again, but this time, I hear Mark call out.

"Phi! P'Kit!" 

To me.

I turn around, plastering the most incoherent look on my face. He's waving at me, smiling and beaming, and that is when I realize the group of girls is also collectively glancing over to stare at me. 

"Is that him?" I overhear the girl say.

Is that me? What? What's happening?

Mark doesn't answer her. He's smiling at me, for a moment his smile was more blinding than the sun.

"What? What's going on?" I waded closer, hesitant and rather confused.

I don't like that everyone's staring at me. What the fuck is happening?

"Mark?" I grumbled, finally getting close enough without needing to yell, "What-?"

"Let's go to a different area, P'Kit." His hand shoots out to wrap around my wrist, tugging me closer.

"Exc-" I'm baffled, "What did I say about dragging me around? Mark!"

My protests proved nothing as Mark and I walked together, his grip still on mine. He was holding me way too strongly to the point I couldn't wriggle myself away, dammit!

"Mark, okay stop. What's going on?" I blurted snarkily when we were finally far enough for his liking.

My hand was still in his grip, and I'm only just realizing that his thumb was now under my palm while his four fingers were over my wrist. He was holding to me firm enough so that I couldn't pull my hand away, but gentle enough that it didn't strain. 

"I'm so blessed that you're the person who decided to take my breath away."



I couldn't move, I couldn't even speak, for my hand was lifted up to Mark's lips before I could even open my mouth. I can feel his lips against the top of my hand, gentle and soft, pressing a small and lingering kiss against my skin.

"Bless you. God bless you." He murmurs.

My legs are weak again, but this time, a rush of blood is arising in my face. I can feel heat prickling at my ears before it slowly moved down to my neck, growing over my cheeks. I know that my hand was trembling slightly in his hold, and the fact that I could feel it trembling only confirmed that I wasn't just imagining things.

Mark just kissed my hand. Mark, who was surrounded by attractive women not even a minute ago, had pulled me all the way over here and kissed my hand. The Moon has kissed my hand. And I can feel my walls crumbling down again. Down, down, down.


●○● A/N: 01.01.22 - First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! ^w^ May 2022 be a good year for us all. <3 Second of all, this chapter was somewhat like a new year's special, with more insight into how fast Mark is falling for Kit- but in Kit's POV! By now we know how whipped Mark is for Kit, and how Kit does miss Mark when he's not around. But... how will they face each other once feelings slowly move up to the surface! Now Mark has taken the next step, what will Kit do? I honestly don't blame Kit for blushing.. >< scream scream screaaaaaaam. but once again, HNY!!!

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