Kings Game

By CeciliaOgilvy

3.8K 801 85

[Updates Daily] THE FINALE BEGINS!!! After losing friends and family, fighting in two wars, and suffering thr... More

Chapter 1 - All I have to do is die (1)
Chapter 1 - All I have to do is die (2)
Chapter 1 - All I have to do is die (3)
Chapter 1 - All I have to do is die (4)
Chapter 1 - All I have to do is die (5)
Chapter 2 - Kell (1)
Chapter 2 - Kell (2)
Chapter 2 - Kell (3)
Chapter 2 - Kell (4)
Chapter 2 - Kell (5)
Chapter 3 - Calm before the storm (1)
Chapter 3 - Calm before the storm (2)
Chapter 3 - Calm before the storm (3)
Chapter 3 - Calm before the storm (4)
Chapter 3 - Calm before the storm (5)
Chapter 4 - Murder (1)
Chapter 4 - Murder (2)
Chapter 4 - Murder (3)
Chapter 4 - Murder (4)
Chapter 4 - Murder (5)
Chapter 5 - The deal (1)
Chapter 5 - The deal (2)
Chapter 5 - The deal (3)
Chapter 6 - Nul (1)
Chapter 6 - Nul (2)
Chapter 6 - Nul (3)
Chapter 6 - Nul (4)
Chapter 6 - Nul (5)
Chapter 6 - Nul (6)
Chapter 7 - Karyn (1)
Chapter 7 - Karyn (2)
Chapter 7 - Karyn (3)
Chapter 8 - Going alone (1)
Chapter 8 - Going alone (2)
Chapter 8 - Going alone (3)
Chapter 8 - Going alone (4)
Chapter 8 - Going alone (5)
Chapter 8 - Going alone (6)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (1)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (2)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (3)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (4)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (5)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (6)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (7)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (8)
Chapter 10 - Aftermath
Chapter 10 - Aftermath (2)
Chapter 10 - Aftermath (3)
Chapter 10 - Aftermath (4)
Chapter 10 - Aftermath (5)
Chapter 11 - Hounds (1)
Chapter 11 - Hounds (2)
Chapter 11 - Hounds (3)
Chapter 11 - Hounds (4)
Chapter 11 - Hounds (5)
Chapter 12 - Turning point (1)
Chapter 12 - Turning point (2)
Chapter 12 - Turning point (3)
Chapter 13 - Preparations (1)
Chapter 13 - Preparations (2)
Chapter 13 - Preparations (3)
Chapter 13 - Preparations (5)
Chapter 13 - Preparations (6)
Chapter 14 - The Iron Gauntlet (1)
Chapter 14 - The Iron Gauntlet (2)
Chapter 14 - The Iron Gauntlet (3)
Chapter 14 - The Iron Gauntlet (4)
Chapter 14 - The Iron Gauntlet (5)
Chapter 15 - Favors (1)
Chapter 15 - Favors (2)
Chapter 15 - Favors (3)
Chapter 16 - The troll's gambit (1)
Chapter 16 - The troll's gambit (2)
Chapter 16 - The troll's gambit (3)
Chapter 16 - The troll's gambit (4)
Chapter 16 - The troll's gambit (5)
Chapter 17 - Blood debt (1)
Chapter 17 - Blood debt (2)
Chapter 17 - Blood debt (3)
Chapter 17 - Blood debt (4)
Chapter 17 - Blood debt (5)
Chapter 17 - Blood debt (6)
Chapter 18 - Family (1)
Chapter 18 - Family (2)
Chapter 18 - Family (3)
Chapter 18 - Family (4)
Chapter 19 - The reaper (1)
Chapter 19 - The reaper (2)
Chapter 19 - The reaper (3)
Chapter 19 - The reaper (4)
Chapter 19 - The reaper (5)
Chapter 19 - The reaper (6)
Chapter 19 - The reaper (7)
Chapter 20 - Home (1)
Chapter 20 - Home (2)
Chapter 20 - Home (3)
Chapter 20 - Home (4)
Chapter 20 - Home (5) [End of Part 1]
Chapter 21 - Moving Forward
Chapter 22 - History
Chapter 23 - Focus Markings
Chapter 24 - Death
Chapter 25 - Topple the Tower
Chapter 26 - Sentinels
Chapter 27 - The King's Army
Chapter 28 - Departure
Chapter 29 - Balaki's Dagger
Chapter 30 - Ice and Snow
Chapter 31 - Into the Dark
Chapter 32 - The Lower Crags
Chapter 33 - Darling
Chapter 34 - Labyrinth
Chapter 35 - A Father's Request
Chapter 36 - Kellsinora of Uhlara
Chapter 37 - Akanos the Librarian
Chapter 38 - Ascension
Chapter 39 - The Tomb
Chapter 40 - Foundations
Chapter 41 - Running from Shadows
Chapter 42 - Reunion & Chapter 43 - Custodian
Chapter 44 - The Duel
Chapter 45 - Phalyn the Spear Maiden
Chapter 46 - Defeated
Chapter 47 - Descent
Chapter 48 - Capture
Chapter 49 - Options & Chapter 50 - Rendezvous
Chapter 51 - Castle Uhlara & Chapter 52 - The Keeper of Lost Knowledge
Chapter 53 - The Fel Miner
Chapter 54 - Relatives
Chapter 55 - Storm Breaks [End of Part 2]
Chapter 56 - Letters from Abroad
Chapter 57 - Homecoming
Chapter 58 - The Invitation
Chapter 59 - King's Court
Chapter 60 - Diminished
Chapter 61 - Saboteurs
Chapter 62 - Disoriented
Chapter 63 - Brittle Edge
Chapter 64 - A Small Cache
Chapter 65 - An Excuse
Chapter 66 - The Pantheon
Chapter 67 - New Hand
Chapter 68 - Old Acquaintances
Chapter 69 - That Which is Lost
Chapter 70 - Blood of my Kin
Chapter 71 - Still Alive
Chapter 72 - The Devil of Chains
Chapter 73 - A Little Party
Chapter 74 - The Queen's Ball
Chapter 75 - The Archives
Chapter 76 - Royal Conundrum
Chapter 77 - First Blooms
Chapter 78 - King's Blood
Chapter 79 - Fog of War
Chapter 80 - Heart's Blood
Chapter 81 - Ashes [End of Part 3]
Chapter 82 - Off to War
Chapter 83 - The Old Man and the Sea
Chapter 84 - Flesh and Bone & Chapter 85 - Tasos's Wrath
Chapter 86 - Godspells
Chapter 87 - Storm Chasing
Chapter 88 - Blood and Steel
Chapter 89 - The Kingfisher
Chapter 90 - Mandella
Chapter 91 - The Courtesan and the Sellsword
Chapter 92 - Siege
Chapter 93 - An Offer & Chapter 94 - Sailor's Melancholy
Chapter 95 - Awkward Favors
Chapter 96 - Burning Isles
Chapter 97 - Dream of the Shore & Chapter 98 - Bartering
Chapter 99 - Like Father Like Son
Chapter 100 - The Sentinel and the Kingfisher
Chapter 101 - The Immortal
Chapter 102 - The Death of a Reaper [End of Part IV]
Chapter 103 - Death's Flesh
Chapter 104 - Nightmares
Chapter 105 - Ghosts
Chapter 106 - To Kill a God
Chapter 107 - Revisiting the Past
Chapter 108 - Stormfront
Chapter 109 - Old Wives Tale
Chapter 110 - Poor Decisions
Chapter 111 - Suffering
Chapter 112 - Fracturing
Chapter 113 - The Crownsguard
Chapter 114 - Sidelines
Chapter 115 - Soulstone
Chapter 116 - Final Request
Chapter 117 - Insanity
Chapter 118 - The King of Storms & Chapter 119 - Companion
Chapter 120 - Blank Canvas
Chapter 121 - Forgotten Cities
Chapter 122 - Traps
Chapter 123 - Final Moments & Chapter 124 - The Oncoming Storm
Chapter 125 - Kingslayer
Chapter 126 - A New Adventure [End of Kings Game]
Author's Diary: One Year Later (Updated 3/7)

Chapter 13 - Preparations (4)

14 5 1
By CeciliaOgilvy

"Wake up, I need something from you."

Roran opened his eyes to find Kamil standing over him. He wished people would respect his need for sleep, or at least sit next to him when they wanted to talk at him. Sitting up, Roran rubbed the sleep from his eyes. It felt early and most people were still asleep. A little ways away, Murrin and Dorval were watching them, their eyes red and bloodshot from lack of sleep.

"On your next trip to the surface, I need you to pick up some herbs for me."

"Okay. I don't have any money though."

Kamil scowled at him. "Won't your sponsor pay for it?"


"Why not?"

"Why would she?"

"Because she wants you to win."

"How would buying you herbs help me win?"

"Don't sass me!"

Roran stared at her, not bothering to respond.

"I'll see about getting some favors from Murrin. I need the herbs to help Toth."

"Haven't you been buying the healing salve?"

"We're almost out of favors and your last performance was less than sufficient to support us. Just get me the damn herbs and stop arguing."

Roran shrugged. It didn't matter to him. He was effectively on his own at this point. "Okay, if you give me some favors I'll get the herbs."

Kamil nodded then returned to Murrin and Dorval. Roran couldn't hear them talking but he saw a horrified look cross Murrin's face. He looked at Roran then back at Kamil. Kamil whispered at him, gesturing frantically. Murrin's face fell into a scowl before he reached into his pocket and forked over a couple favors.

Kamil returned with the favors and a slip of paper, handing them to Roran.

"Bring me these herbs before the event."


Kamil stared at him, waiting for him to say anything else, but he just stared at her, waiting for her to leave. Finally, she turned and left.

Roran slipped the favors into his pocket and perused the list of herbs. Some were common herbs, used to make medicines and salves, but a few he'd never heard of before. One that surprised him was bergamot, which he had only ever used for tea. Oddly enough, it wasn't the type of tea Kamil liked. She preferred chamomile and mint. Roran pushed the thought from his mind and went back to sleep.

The next day he left as soon as the rations cart arrived. Murrin didn't bother harassing him this time, letting him pass with little more than an annoyed glance. Roran was careful as he flashed his marker medallion but worried that Murrin would eventually catch on to it.

When he made it to Kell's apartment, and knocked on the door, nobody greeted him. Instead Kell yelled for him to come in. She was at the stove and Nul was, once more, commiserating over a cup of coffee at the table.

"Don't bother knocking," said Kell, "Just come in next time."

"Are you sure? I don't want impose."

Kell shrugged. "I don't care and Nul hides in their rooms unless they're decent."

"You won't think I'm an intruder and accidently attack me will you?"

Nul snorted but Kell shook her head. "Woe to whoever tries to intrude on our home."

"Fair enough," said Roran, noting that Kell's spear was leaning against the counter within easy reach.

Roran sat down and Kell plopped a plate in front of him. There was more food than last time.

"Eat up, you're going to have a busy day."

Fighting his stomach, Roran did as he was told. His body still wasn't used to large meals but he wanted every ounce of energy he could get into himself. Despite his stomach's protests, he was able to clear the plate. His appetite was increasing.

"Today will be mostly calisthenics and agility drills. Once your hands heal we'll do more swordplay. Any questions?"

Roran paused, downing a large gulp of coffee, before saying, "I need to find some herbs before I go home."

Nul perked up. "Herbs?"

"It was a request from my town's herbalist. They wanted them to make medicine."

"Can't they buy that with the favors they steal from you?"

"They spent most of them already."

Kell rolled her eyes. "Those people will bleed you dry."

"I know."

"Did they give you any money?" asked Nul.

"Just a couple favors. I figured I'll trade them for coin and buy what I can."

"We can sort that out this evening," Nul said, " You won't get much for a couple favors though."

"It will have to do."

Kell continued to scowl but returned to shoving food into her face. Roran glanced at Nul who only shook their head. The three finished their meal in silence. Roran offered to clean up while Kell and Nul got ready. By the time they left the apartment, Kell had moved on and was once more cheerful and excited to run Roran into the dirt.

She took him back to the old training arena and made him run laps until he was gasping for air. Then she pushed him through a series of agility exercises, running and jumping and diving. Finally, she grabbed a wooden training sword and chased after him, making him dodge her blows.

After what felt like an eternity, Kell let Roran collapse on the ground. She tossed him a water skin and grabbed another for herself.

After taking a long drink, she said, "How you feeling kid?"

"Fine," Roran said between gasps.

"Great, sounds like you're ready for more laps then."

Roran groaned but proceeded to push himself to his feet.

"Relax kid, I'm kidding. We're done for the day."

Roran fell back to the dirt with a thump.

Nul went to his side and squatted next to him. "Does anything hurt?"

"Everything hurts, but I don't think I'm injured."

Nul smiled. "You're a good sport. Give me your favors and tell me what herbs you need."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I buy herbs and artifacts all the time. I need them to etch in the focus markings. Getting a handful of healing herbs should be no problem."

"If you're sure, I don't want to impose."

"It's no problem, besides, do you honestly think you'll be able to wander around the shopping districts in your current condition. Let me take care of this for you."

"Thank you," said Roran as he handed over the favors and the list of herbs.

Nul scanned the list and frowned. "You said this was for medicine?"

Roran nodded.

"It's an odd collection of herbs for medicine. Are you sure this person knows what they're doing?"

Roran nodded again. "She was our town herbalist before I was born. My mother always said she made some of the best salves and potions."

"Okay, I'll take care of it. In return you babysit Kell for me."


Kell grinned wide. "Great! Let's go find a bathhouse!"

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