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By -saintsiren

155K 7.2K 11.1K

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Act 1 ā”ā” Ninteen Ninty One
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ACT 2 ā”ā” Nineteen Ninty Two
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Act 3 ā”ā” Nineteen Ninty Three
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Act 4 ā”ā” Nineteen Ninty Four
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Act 5 ā”ā” Nineteen Ninty five
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Act 6 ā”ā” Nineteen Ninty Six
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Act 7 ā”ā” Nineteen Ninty Seven
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11.4K 266 150
By -saintsiren

"It is often said that the Seramore family lived somewhere between life and death, doing what was needed to survive, Defying all odds and achieving the greatest. You always wanted them on your side, because winning a battle without warriors was just a losing game. They didn't need to rule the world because they were already pulling the strings of the people that did."


The Seramore's are a wealthy pureblood family and one of the members of the sacred 29. For the last 2 centuries, they lived in Seramore Manor in Maidenhead, England.

They are also related to another pureblood family called the Zabini's. Many of the Seramore's who went to Italy instead of Britain, had many interactions with the Zabini's that stayed there. Also, some of the Seramore's and the Zabini's married over the years.

Traditionally they were all sorted into the Slytherin house.

ADRIEL SERAMORE was a Bajan born wizard who arrived in Britain in 1798, as Barbados was part of one of the first countries that were colonised by England.

He was the first Seramore to arrive in Britain, he built and own the Seramore Manor in Maidenhead, at the time it was unusual to see a man of colour own such a huge house, especially in the 18th century, especially one who was a free slave.

He had built his manor from the ground upwards, with his bare hands because he knew he wouldn't get any help, and didn't have much money to buy his own, he had to of course use his magic but the muggles didn't need to know that.

His piece of property would go on to become Seramore Manor and would be the home of the Seramore family for the next two centuries. Later members of the family would expand the estate even further by annexing more property from the surrounding muggles.

Soon he had started his own business, to keep up muggle appearances and made a fortune, whilst learning more magic. Also once other wizards and witches had heard about the Seramore buildings, they asked him to build theirs.

Another pureblood family; The Malfoy's had asked him to improve and alter their manor.

It Had been rumoured that Adriel and his company improved the Slytherin quarter at Hogwarts, due to the request of the headmaster at that time and also at the request of his children that were in Slytherin when they had been accepted to go to the school. Maybe he even built a secret room for his descendants to find.

Adriel also worked in the Ministry of Magic, being a translator due to him being bilingual, he was fluent in both Italian and French, Many of his children and grandchildren did the same job as well, due to the big paycheck and sense of achievement.

Adriel had attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, he was only welcomed due to his pureblood status, therefore many ignored the colour of his skin, whilst some were fascinated by his exoticism.


Adriel is a Hebrew name, meaning "belonging to God"

The word Seramore comes from Greek mythology, 'Sera' is an anagram for the word 'Ares', who is known as the god of war, so their family name means, "more war" or "endless war".

Therefore, the name Adriel Seramore could be taken to mean "man that belongs to war," or warrior, which could describe any (or most) of the Seramore descendants including Artemis.



Hope you enjoy guys
- Liv

darlingmurdock for the new banner and cover. pls check out their work, they're amazing <333

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