Ivy milkovich

By cameronmonagh4n

102K 1.5K 122

Ivy finds herself back in the place she grew up in, Chicago , she wasn't planning on staying for long but tha... More



1.3K 23 5
By cameronmonagh4n

"You wanna go Veronica!" Ivy yelled as she sat on top of lips shoulders and v was on top of kevs. "Kev is a literal giant this is unfair."

"Life's not fair Ivy haven't you learned?" Lip grinned , Ivy and Veronica started pushing each other "come on Ivy take her down!"

"Hold on there girl you're going down!" Veronica yelled as she pushed Ivy into the water "I don't play!"

"Ivy you gotta get stronger your so weak." Ian teased as he stood lent against the pool.

"Oh shut up." Ivy chuckled as she splashed water all over him.

"Hey guys!" Fiona smirked as her and Adam joined everyone but not in the pool

"Who's this?" Kevin questioned

"Oh. Kevin meet Adam , Adam meet Kevin." Fiona introduced the pair

"Nice to meet you." Adam put his hand out and Kevin went to shake it but purposely splashed him with water as he did so.

"Oh sorry bro." Kevin laughed

Ivy then looked over to the side to see Karen angrily walking over, she quickly tapped everyone in the pool to get their attention to Karen.

"Whys she here?" Ivy shot her a dirty look as she approached lip who had just gotten out of the pool.

"Hey you okay?" Lip asked Karen but seconds after was greeted by a knee to his dick

"Why the fuck was one of your little girlfriends at my house trying to screw jody? He turned her down and told me what happened." She snapped

"Because he's a fucking pussy." Lip argued back only to be kicked again

"Fuck you" Karen spat.

"Hey hey." Fiona tried to break them apart but nothing was working so Ivy stepped in.

"Get the Fuck outta here and leave lip alone" she slapped karen round the face and karen went to fight back but was held back by Kevin and Ivy was held back by Ian

"Fuck you lip! Stay the Fuck away from jody! Stay the fuck away from me and stay the fuck away from this baby."

"Well done lip." Ivy spat before walking away from everyone


"Out of milk . Bev wants breakfast" Carl said before snatching the bowls of cereal Ian had made for him and Ivy.

"Oh come on." He snatched them back "what about those house sitting jobs."

"Got any Virginia slims?" Carl asked hank

"Let's try the neighbour's." Hank replied as they walked away .

"Where can I get knifes and blunts?" Debbie asked Ian , Ivy watched her grab Carl and ask him shit loads of questions most likely about Hank.

"Alley behind the Otb . Ask for raoul but bring a rag. Sometimes he doesn't bother to wipe the blood off of the blade ." Ian replied to Debbie as if everything he just said was perfectly normal.

"You know what Ian I'm not gonna question why you know that." Ivy gave him a weird look

"Lip up?" Fiona asked everyone as she walked down with a basket full of washing only to see that Carl had put stuff in the washing machine , everyone shook their heads in response to Fiona's question and she then sent Ivy upstairs .

"Everyone's wondering if you've got ptsd ." Ivy joked as she sat on Ian's bed, gaining lips attention.

"Late night working in the ice cream truck." He lied.

"So Karen knocked up has nothing to do with the hermit thing?" Ivy could always see right through lip when he was either lying or being genuinely honest and he knew she could tell but always thought to try.

"Pass me my shirt." Lip begged avoiding the question.

"Not until you tell me why you have been huddled up in here All morning." Lip then sighed before sitting up

"Karen's a dick. I really loved her you know and I'd do anything for her but Jody had to come in and ruin everything." Lip mumbled, she could tell he was pissed.

"I swear you two just hooked up nothing more" lip sighed at her words before jumping down and grabbing his top himself.


Ivy was rummaging through the fridge when the door opened , she turned around to see a very dirty looking Frank .

"Ian. Daddy needs an alibi for a few months ago." Frank slurred his words as he tried to get Ivy to help him.

"Ivy. I'm not ur kid and no" she corrected, lightly pushing Frank away from her so she could continue to get her food.

Lip then walked down the stairs

"Son I need your help." Frank turned to his actual son who still had a face of a slapped ass.

"Not really in the mood right now frank to bail your ass out ." Lip disputed not wanting to help his dad.

"Heh I got a problem."

"Karen's pregnant." Lip huffed.

The room then went silent as frank stared at the two that stood there staring back at him, Frank seemed more in shock then both Ivy and lip.


"Yeah oh frank now go find someone else to help you with your problem" Ivy patted his back as she walked past him with lip following behind her.

"How you feeling?" Ivy asked lip as they sat in the living room together

"I've felt better." They both chuckled a bit before turning the tv on. "Ian's missing out you know."

"The Fuck you on about?" Ivy felt her heart drop, she didn't know what was about to come.

"I mean look at you Ivy. You're so hot." Lip then leant forwards and kissed Ivy but she didn't pull away until they heard a cough behind them.

"Woah , was not expecting that." Frank laughed to himself once he had both teenagers attentions.

"Fuck lip that was a mistake what the hell is wrong with you!" Ivy slapped him round the face before running up the stairs.

She sat on Ian's bed and cried as Liam laid in his crib so peacefully, Ivy wished she was him.

"Liam I wish I was still your age yknow, you have such an easy life. lip just tried to kiss me, yeah your brother whose like my brother which just makes that wrong. I didn't even wanna kiss him." She ranted to the baby who just babbled back at her.

She stopped talking to Liam when she heard footsteps coming towards the boys room.

"Ivy?" She heard Ian call

"Go away Ian." He ignored her and entered the room to see her now sat on his bed with tears slowly streaming down her face.

"What's wrong?" He said as he sat beside her but she stayed quiet "you're shaking Ivy your clearly stressed."

"You're gonna hate me."
She began to cry even more.

"Ivy i would never ever hate you." He pulled her in for a hug until she felt comfortable to say what had happened.

"Lip kissed me." She muttered

"Holy shit. Like full on? Did you kiss back? Are you okay." Ian panicked, sending Ivy off into more of a panic.

"Ian do I look okay? Yes I kissed back and I regret every fucking second of it I wanna go home." She stood up and grabbed her shoes and walked out of the room and down the stairs she saw lip as she walked through the kitchen

"Ivy." He begun

"Fuck off lip." She interrupted before swiftly moving towards the front door.

"Where are you going ?" Frank asked

"Home." She ran out of the house and heard Ian yet again chasing her like last time when she tried to go home.

"I'm embarrassed." She whispered as Ian caught up to her.

"Ivy it's okay ." He hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head

"I'm going home Ian , I'll be back in a couple days ." She pulled away and left.


"Mickey?" She called , he then walked around the corner to see her sister in such a state

"Fucking hell Ivy what's happened?" He shut the door behind her, ready to beat the shit out of anyone that had upset Ivy.

"Lip . He kissed me and he's like a brother to me and I feel grim and I regret it mickey I really do." She started to bawl again, too everyone else this wouldn't be seen as such a big deal but with the bond that Ivy and the gallaghers shared it was never seemed for any of them to try and get together.

"Why'd he kiss you?" He asked as he threw himself on the sofa and signalling for Ivy to sit next to him.

"I don't know mick I honestly don't know." She sighed.

"Well stop panicking and sort yourself out. I'll go speak to him tonight." He promised, his sister already looking a lot more calmer.

"The fuck is she doing here?" Terry asked as he walked into the living room

"She's your daughter she can be here if she wants." Mickey barked back.

"Not when she's making that much noise, quit whining." He scoffed as he walked away.

"I'm gonna stay here for a
Few days." Ivy stated.

"You do you Ivy." Mickey shrugged.


Ivy was chilling in the living room until she heard a knock at the door
She opened it to see Debbie standing there looking horrendous with the makeup she had put on

"Help me look like you." She begged.

"Come in." She guided the younger ginger inside.


They sat in mickeys bedroom doing Debbie's makeup as Mickeys room had some sort of desk that Debbie could sit at.

"Two things Fiona says are a waste of money : makeup and bras." Debbie waffled.

"If I believed my older siblings I'd still think I was a botched abortion. You know debs you have great eyes." Ivy complimented.

"Thanks , but eyes don't stop a teenage boy I need boobs or some junk in the trunk you know?" Debbie said making Ivy cringe hard.

"How old are you again?" Ivy quickly questioned not wanting her little Debbie to want to grow so fast.

"Eleven. If I were Jewish I'd be a women next year." Debs babbled on.

"Why the rush Debbie you are perfect the way you are?" Ivy tilted her head at the girl, she truly was perfect the way she was and growing up to fast in a place like this wasn't always all that good.

"You sound just like Fiona, Ivy" Debbie complained not getting the answer she wanted.

"Yeah well there's plenty of time to be disappointed by men." Ivy replied, talking from own experiences.

"Why does everyone else get to grow up but me?"

"One day you'll look back and wish it didn't happen so fast. Trust me , there." Ivy sighed as she passed Debbie the mirror

"Will this get his attention?" She asked whilst admiring the makeup Ivy had done for her.

"If I doesn't then he's not worth it."

Terry then walked past mickeys room and smirked at Debbie

"Who's your friend?" Terry snickered from the doorway.

"Fuck off terry. Also is this about lil Hank?" Debbie nodded "alright well let me know how it goes."

They then walked to the front door together, to make sure Terry didn't try and harrass Debbie on the way out.

"Are you gonna come home?" Debbie asked Ivy, she wanted her sister back.

"I'm not sure yet debs . I love you okay." She kissed her forehead before shutting the door.


A few days later Ivy found herself finally going back to the
Gallaghers . Her actual home was becoming too much for her plus half the time barely anyone was home.

While walking she noticed an old friend

"Who the hell let you back in the country?" She laughed , it was Jimmy .

"They were patting down a 90 year old diaper and I slipped by." He joked, he always got along with Ivy.

"Where the hell you been?" Ivy pondered as she'd missed Jimmy being around


"What did you get the works or just a tummy tuck?" Ivy giggled.

"Just a dick reduction. Still too big. I see Tony's got a live in huh?" Jimmy replied, the pair always knew how to joke around together.

"Yeah second one this summer. What do u want with Tony?" Ivy sensed some sort of jealousy or some genuine issues.

"Family stuff . Business you know." He lied.

"No I don't know. What kind of business?" Fiona butted in from the top of the porch

"I'm not backing you up here"
Ivy whispered to Jimmy

"Morning." Jimmy replied

"Ivy where you been the past couple of days?" Fiona turned to Ivy.

"Looks like I'm not the only guilty one here," Jimmy then returned the whisper back to Ivy.

"My house." Ivy yelled back.

"You've been staying with the milkovichs?" Jimmy asked

"Well yeah , I am a milkovich. Anyways good luck" she patted jimmy's back before walking in the house sharing an awkward smile with Fiona as she walked past her

"Hello everyone." Ivy yelled . She had to step over many kids to get to the kitchen "Ian you okay?" He sat there in silence

"The army people came over the other day" he said yet he didn't look too happy about it.

"Oh my that's great news!" Ivy clapped.

"For lip. Not for me."

The room went silent.

"I'm gonna kill him." Ivy groaned, another reason to be pissed off with  lip

"You guys made up yet?" Ian asked referring to the kiss that happened a week ago.

"Not yet . Haven't spoken to him since."

"You know Ivy, Fiona will eventually catch on that something's happened I mean you disappeared for ages." Ian wasn't wrong, Ivy already thought Fiona thought she was suspicious especially after getting confronted at the door not even 5 minutes ago.

She smacked his arm before drinking his coffee . He got up and grabbed his coat

"Where you going?" Ivy questioned.

"Work you coming?"



The two sat in the kash and grab chilling but then lip walked in and Ivy felt chills go down her spine.

"Grammys back." He blurted , he placed the beer he was buying on the counter as Ivy and Ian stayed quiet "just showed up in an ambulance , you know she uh she didn't even call . How fucked up is that? That's it. Nothing? You both just gonna give me the chin?" Lip then stormed towards the fruits and picked them up and started smashing them everywhere

"How about now?" He smashed another  "really? Stil nothing?"Then another "no?" Then a watermelon.

"Screw you lip." Ivy mumbled

"She speaks!" Lip clapped his hands "ran home all because of a kiss."

"You're like a brother to me lip! Plus I don't wanna be another one of your whores." Ivy boomed.

"Well you are a whore Ivy, your family really gave the name a reputation," He spat as he walked out leaving the gingers in the messed up shop

"Ivy-." Ian placed his hand on ivys arm only for her to swipe it away.

"No Ian , I'm not gonna cry or anything I'm fine just move on we need to clean this shit up."

She then began to clean up the mess, by herself.

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