Late Night Sessions | JJK X O...

By Yoonreverie

176K 9.1K 1.9K

Cassie has been dreaming up certain tattoos for herself and she thought there was no better time to do it tha... More

Welcome & Disclaimer
1. Last Minute Booking
2. First Tattoo
3. Hair Appointment
4. Feelings
5. Second Tattoo
6. Partner-In-Crime
7. Meltdown
9. Entourage
10. Blushing Idiot
11. Give Me Details, Man
12. Change of Plans
13. Heat of the Moment
14. A Lot of Fun
15. Revelation
16. Mine For the Night
17. Couldn't Resist
18. Standoffish
19. Best Friend
20. Open Bar
21. What If?
22. Confirmation
23. Truth
24. Let's Go to My Place
25. Three's A Charm
26. Motherly Advice
27. Want To Come Over?
28. One-On-One
29. Dinner Conversation
30. Not What I Expected
31. Hear Me Out
32. The Past
33. All In
34. Thumbs Up
35. Sushi Date
36. Hurts So Good
37. Small World
38. Cuddles and Conversation
39. Delectable
40. Before Closing Time
41. Speaking Out
42. Craving
43. A Lot On My Mind
44. After Hours
45. What Did You Say?
46. Emergency
47. Lips Sealed
48. Second Wind
49. Date Flop
50. Video Chat
51. Nervous Wreck
52. Love
53. Not Fully Accepting
54. Quality Time
55. Celebration
Other Stories To Check Out!

8. A Date?!

3.7K 187 86
By Yoonreverie

Cassie's 1st Person POV

It's been a little over a month since the last time I saw Ian. It was the night he was on my doorstep and I told him to leave without hearing him out. The whole week after that he would try to call a couple times and texted incessantly that I eventually blocked him.

Sounds harsh. But, not when you consider the fact that he admitted to seeing someone else while he was with me.

Tara said her boyfriend, turned fiancée , who became friends with Ian while I was with him, showed her a picture Ian posted of himself in Chicago. I no longer follow him on any social media accounts because I have no interest in seeing him or being aware of what he's up to. So, Tara's little bit of news informed me that he's in a completely different state and I can really move on. It's good we aren't in the same city anymore.

Part of me feels like I'll honestly die without ever finding the right man. Being in so many failed relationships is just beyond discouraging.

I am a catch. I have a job I love and I feel like I'm constantly gaining more experience and moving upwards in my profession. I can afford to live in my own place that I chose to share with Penelope because neither of us like the idea of living alone. I can very well afford a small apartment fit for me, but it's a lot more fun living with my best gal. I know what I want in life. I don't like to toot my own horn, but I think I'm pretty bad ass. So, why am I attracting the wrong guys?!

It's hard to stay positive when I feel like I'm constantly being screwed over in relationships. I can easily get myself sad just thinking about never finding the right partner.

Ever since that last time I saw Ian and cried my eyes out to Jeongguk, Jeongguk has been there for me. Besides Jin and Penelope, I'm so used to crying on his shoulder and I just feel comfortable around him. Jin has been out of the country for vacation this past week and Penelope has been really hot and heavy with Jay. So, Jeongguk has been stepping it up and being present, even when I tell him he doesn't need to be burdened with my sad girl presence. But, he insists on being there for me.

I never feel like I am being judged by him so I always feel like I can open up to him, and vice versa. It's always been like that between us.

The first week after seeing Ian that night, Jeongguk would bring me food and make sure I would eat because he knows I don't have as much of an appetite when I'm down. He'd hang out and watch movies with me during the little time he has off. And, over the past couple weekends, we've fit in going to the bowling alley and playing miniature golf.

Jeongguk knows how to cheer me up, take my mind off things that gets me down or offer me his perspective as well as advice.

Sometimes I can't help but wish we were more, but he's my best friend, and what we have means so much. If by some miracle he actually has feelings for me the way I feel for him- then what would happen if we got together and it ends the same way as all my past relationships?

I don't think I can risk my valuable and meaningful friendship with Jeongguk.

I've been sitting in my kitchen, just letting my mind wander with all these thoughts. I've also been slowly eating my roast beef sandwich I picked up at a deli near the condo. Zooey is sitting right next to my chair hoping to get fallen scraps of my sandwich.

It's about 2pm and I have a couple hours until I need to be at the tattoo shop since I was able to make an earlier appointment with Yoongi.

Today is the day that I am going to finally get the portrait of Zooey on me and I'm teeming with excitement.

Who knew that I would be getting multiple tattoos, but I think I've become hooked. It can be painful but I am surprised I can sit through it all. It's nice being covered in gorgeous art or getting something tattooed on me that has personal meaning.

As I take the last bite of my roastbeef sandwich, I switch from looking at my Facebook account to scrolling through Instagram. The third picture I come across is one of Jeongguk at the gym he works at as a trainer, as well as where he personally works out himself.

Gold Fitness

Liked by mintchocokookies and others

jk_ink Boxing session was much needed. 🥊

View all 73 comments

fifiefo_fiona Nice stance.
—>jk_ink Thanks 😉

kandibun You're making me want to start boxing.


I think I stared at that picture longer than I planned.

It's honestly hard to not be attracted to Jeongguk, no matter how hard I try to push away my attraction and feelings that I have for him.

I shake my head and scroll through more pictures. I'm mentally telling myself that I will get up in a few minutes to get ready. I've been lazy all day, only having left once to get food at the deli in my pajamas. I definitely need to shower and not look gross when I'm near Yoongi.

Speaking of Yoongi, I see a post Namjoon made and I crack up at the sight of the picture. I also couldn't help but comment. After a couple minutes of scrolling through more posts, I get a notification that Yoongi replied to my comment.

Black Cat Tattoo

Liked by alexafierce and others

namtatz Co-owner @min_genius working hard at the shop.

View all 67 comments

min_genius I should've locked the office door.

hairgurucassie You better be ready for my tattoo now that you've had a nap! 😋
—>min_genius Oh, I'm well-rested so I'm 
100% ready.


I smile to myself as I read Yoongi's comment. Then, I look back at the picture and giggle at how cute he looks when he's sleeping.

Do I find Yoongi attractive? Yes, I do. I'll admit it- he's a fine specimen of a man.

Yoongi and I have interacted a lot through Instagram. We either comment on each other's posts or message each other random videos, mainly of animals doing adorable or hilarious things. I didn't peg him as the kind of person to watch animal videos, but he certainly is. He especially loves cat videos.* We also talk about current events through messages and he really is able to hold my attention.

He's an intriguing man and I don't know. A part of me wants to continue getting to know him more- whether as a friend or more- I haven't decided. It also depends on if he'd actually find me attractive, both my mind and physically.


I have been at the tattoo shop with Yoongi tattooing me for a couple hours now. I'm in awe at what he already has on my skin. And, although Jeongguk has been gentle when he tattooed me, Yoongi is way less heavy-handed when tattooing. Then again, he's been doing this for a lot longer.

"So, any plans for the rest of your weekend?" Yoongi asks me.

"Not really. I'm just grateful I get Saturdays and Sundays off from the salon. I might do errands tomorrow since I usually do them today." I speak in a lower volume since there are other customers around the shop.

"That sounds productive," Yoongi says, and he seemed like he was about to say more until I hear my name.


Yoongi pauses the work he's doing on my leg and he and I turn our heads in the direction of where the voice is coming from.

We see Jeongguk heading to Yoongi's station with a woman walking beside him.

"Hey, Kook!" I greet him as I wave at him from the chair I'm sitting on, with my leg propped up. Jeongguk waves back with his usual bunny smile on his face.

"I thought you're off from the shop today. What brings you here?" Yoongi causally questions him.

"We were having a late lunch nearby and I thought we'd stop by since I knew Cass would be here. Plus, I wanted to show Fiona the shop." Jeongguk explains to us as he observes my tattoo.

Both Yoongi and I look over to the mystery girl who we now know as Fiona.

"Oh, Fiona- this is my mentor and the co-owner of this shop, Yoongi." Jeongguk points Yoongi out to her and they wave at each other. Jeongguk continues, "And, Fiona, this here is one of my good friends, Cassie."

Fiona holds her hand out and I politely take it for a handshake.

"I've heard so much about you. It's a pleasure to meet you," Fiona says as she makes eye contact with me.

"It's nice to meet you," I kindly say and I continue with a question. "Are you two on a date?"

"We are! I know it might be strange with Jeongguk taking me to his workplace, but I was curious to see the shop!" She smiles as her eyes travel all around the big shop.

"Oh, well, welcome to the shop! Do you have any tattoos?" Yoongi asks Fiona.

As the three of them continue to talk, I quietly observe Fiona.

She's shorter than me, but not by much, She appears to look way shorter next to Jeongguk. She has a slender body type, and has platinum blonde hair that ends right at her shoulders.

She has a strikingly beautiful face. She kind of comes off as dainty, especially in the light pink summer dress and lavender flats that she's wearing.

Am I feeling slightly jealous? Maybe, but I think I always get this way when I initially meet a new gorgeous lady that Jeongguk is seeing. But, I know the jealousy will pass. As long as Jeongguk is happy, that's all that matters.

"Cass?" Jeongguk's voice takes me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, yes? Sorry, I was just thinking of another errand I need to do tomorrow." It's the only excuse I could come up with since I wasn't paying attention to anything they were talking about.

"Oh, I asked you what you were up to tomorrow. Fiona and I were thinking of going to Universal Studios. I know you, Jin and Penelope have year passes. You guys should come! Unless you're busy with your errands." Jeongguk looks at me, hopeful.

"I think Penelope has plans, but I can check with her. And, I'll see what Jin is doing since he's back from South Korea. I can always do my errands during the week." I softly smile at him.

"I really hope you can all join us," Fiona says, and she sounds sincerely sweet when she speaks.

"I'll let you know!" I reply as I look at her first then over to Jeongguk, who's still smiling.

"Sounds good! Well, Fiona and I are heading to the beach. Just call or text me to let me know, Okay, Cassie?" Jeongguk arches a brow to show that he's waiting for a response.

"Yes, I promise I'll let you know, Kook."

Jeongguk and Fiona say their goodbyes to us and they head out of the shop. Yoongi goes back to working on the tattoo of Zooey.

"Why do you have a frown on your face?" Yoongi asks, having paused, yet again, to observe my frown I didn't realize I was showing.

"It's nothing," I tell him and he just nods and doesn't push more about why I look sad all of a sudden. He just continues on my tattoo.

After a half a minute, I blurt what's on my mind. "I just don't think I want to be around Jeongguk and Fiona, to be honest."

"Oh, why's that?" he curiously asks as he focuses on his art on my body.

"I'm still getting over a break up even though it's been way over a month. The wounds are still fresh and I just don't want to be around cute couples right now." I withdraw the part where I have a thing for Jeongguk and I'm slightly jealous of Fiona.

"Plus, you have errands, right?" Yoongi smirks at me.

"Exactly, adulting is top priority!" I lightly giggle after my statement.

"Remember when we were talking about seafood the last time you were here getting your orchid tattoo?" Yoongi asks, still with the tattoo gun in his hand, diligently working on Zooey's face.

"I do, though I still haven't been able to check out the restaurant you recommended," I simply reply as I'm watching him at work.

"I can have my evening free tomorrow. Maybe we can go have dinner at that restaurant after you're done with your errands. Unless you decide to go to Universal Studios, that is." He pitches the idea while his eyes are looking at the tattoo.

"Actually, dinner after errands sound great," I say with more enthusiasm than I expected to come out of me. This causes him to pause and look up at me.

"Great, we'll exchange numbers before you leave?" He offers, with a questioning tone.

"Sounds good!" I naturally beam at him.

"It's a date, then," Yoongi says and my eyes widen as he looks back at my leg.

A date?!




Hi Bunnies and Kittens!

*I thought of the Run BTS episode where they're at a hotel for a staycation. At one point Yoongi is watching some show about cats. So, that part of the chapter is because of that Run episode!

Thank you so much for reading!


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