Kamen Rider x Boku no Hero Ac...

By Kaitou-Saikyou-Zeta

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This is the continuation of my Kamen Rider x BNHA in the old account. Hope you enjoy it. (A/N: This story is... More

Bio of Tatsumaki Takeru
Bio of Seiryuu Musashi
Bio of Sawatari Kazumi
Bio of Shiroki Yumi
Bio of Kurogami Daigo
The Encounter & Fate
Grease & Red Riot
The Unpleasant Meeting
Here We Go
Charging In
Passion of Grease
Dangerous Jaw & Hopping Rabbit
Saving Eri
Farewell & New Beginning
Win Over the Kids
He Return but Not the Same
School Festival
Preparing for the School Festival
Gentle Criminal
Let's Enjoy the School Festival
The Japanese Hero Billboard Chart
Endeavor, Hawks & Saber vs Hood
Special Chapter - The Smart Hero
Challenge By the No.9 Hero
The Joint Training of Class A & Class B
Class A vs Class B: First Match
Class A vs Class B: Second Match
Class A vs Class B: Third Match
Class A vs Class B: Fourth Match
Class A vs Class B: Fifth Match
Class A vs Class B: Sixth Match - Part 1
Class A vs Class B: Sixth Match - Part 2
New Power & All For One
Takeru's Birthday
Heroes : Rising Part 1
Heroes : Rising Part 2
Heroes : Rising Part 3
Heroes : Rising Part 4
Heroes : Rising Part 5 (Finale)
Merry Christmas
Power of AML Lieutanents
Off to Endeavor's Agency
One Thing at A Time
Seal, Dragon & Bat
Kurogami Daigo: Origin
Get Ready

Rise of New Enemy

631 16 5
By Kaitou-Saikyou-Zeta

Now the winter is in the corner, everything is covered in snow. And the same time, new evil has rise. The incident that happen in Deika City was called the Revival Celebration of the infamous villain group called the Meta Liberation Army. They pick a fight with the League of Villain, and they lose badly as Shikaragi Tomura has completely awakened and desire to destroy everything. Tomura is now the grand commander of the newly merge villain group called the Paranormal Liberation Front. Gigantomachia, the huge personal bodyguard of All For One has accepted Tomura as the successor of his master, and a friend of All For One, Dr. Kyudai Garaki who named himself as Ujiko Daruma, decide to give Tomura support. Before the battle, Dr. Garaki has make another duplicate of All For One before kept the original one until Tomura now has prepared to have it. The villain has slowly start their progress, while others will also emerge from the shadows.

(U.A. High)
(Class 1-A Dorm)

The students are having an early morning routine like they always did. And Iida take his role as the class representative again.

Iida: Good morning, everyone! It's a nice day today again!

Kaminari: You as loud as always, Iida...

Mineta: At least let us have a break for a while, man...

Iida: What are you talking about?! Even if today is a weekend, that doesn't mean we can rest all the time! Just that one second is very important!

Cross-Z Dragon: Rawr! Rawr!

Kaminari: See?! Even Cross-Z said you're way too loud!

Iida: Cross-Z-kun, can't you consider what need to be done?!

Cross-Z Dragon: Rawr!

Iida: I know you're a dragon, but you still a living being like everyone here!

While Iida argueing with Cross-Z Dragon for no reason, the others are doing their own stuff. They also watching television.

Yumi: There those two again.

Kazumi: They seriously won't stop until one of them was beaten, huh? Well, though Cross-Z Dragon always the one who win it.

Uraraka: Hey, do anyone see Takeru-kun this morning?

Sero: Yesterday he went to his café. Today he went to the Support Department to ask if he can use the lab there.

Seiryuu: His Build Driver was destroyed last time and mine and his Sclash Driver also damaged. He's now creating a new one.

Ojiro: It is hard to be him. Being a genius and yet very busy all the time.

Hagakure: Hey, hey, Jiro-chan, don't you have time to go on a date with Tatsumaki-kun?

Jiro: *blush* Wha--?! Don't ask that all the sudden! Also... we don't have time to do that like last time...

Ashido: Aww c'mon! At least tell us about the date was ended up like that!

Jiro: We only went on a date once! Don't ask any of this anymore!

She run away as she close her face with her hands.

Ashido: Ahhh! Don't run away!

When they watch the television, it shows the BOARD has rivaled with Detnerat Company over the hero related industry. The Kougami Foundation even expend their business overseas.

Kirishima: Man... Two company that support hero industries and yet they rivaled each other...

Kazumi: This might be a manly battle.

Then the news change to the image of a large tall building with the sign that says "SMART BRAIN Institute," among the most famous institute in Japan though it just recently established few years back.


(School Gate)

At the U.A. High school gate, it shows a young man in casual outfit. Purple jacket, black shirt inside, long dark purple pants with white belt and black shoes. The man put the sunglasses he wear at his forehead. He has a fang like tattoo at his cheeks and a pierce at his left ear.

???: *smirk* Though I just graduate last year, and yet it feels like so long. Well, today is my dayoff, so it's better to slacking around here than other place.

He walk into the school ground.

(Development Studio)

In the other side of the lab, Takeru is using the tools that are provided by the lab along with the tools he brought from the lab in Nascita. Takeru follow the exact instruction of constructing the Build Driver that was left in the database.

Takeru: *in mind* Thank goodness there's the instruction for this. I still need to remember and see clearly how to make the exact belt.

???: So, how did it go?

He take off the goggles as he turn around and saw Power Loader.

Power Loader: Is it doing well?

Takeru: Oh, Power Loader Sensei! Yeah, thanks for letting me use this lab.

Power Loader: You welcome. But it is hard to make sure Hatsume didn't come here all the time.

Takeru: *sweatdrop* Sorry for troubling you...

Power Loader: It's okay. You can use this lab as much as you need to. It is rare to have RG students in now days.

Takeru: By the way, Sensei, do you know about RG?

Power Loader: Well, not fully but I do know some from Subaru.

Takeru: I see.

Power Loader: But compare from years ago, this is the first time U.A. has six RGs.

Takeru: Is there any RG in this school before?

Power Loader: Yeah, about two or three. But there is this one RG who's the U.A. worst delinquent and yet able to graduate into a fine hero.

Takeru: Huh? Kinda sound like Katsuki all the sudden?

Power Loader: No, that guy is even worse than Bakugo. He just slack in class, skip class and yet his grades are above average. He's Mic's student during second year.

Takeru: Ahhh... *smile wryly* I guess Present Mic Sensei didn't let his student go easily, huh...?

Power Loader: That's right.

After done, Takeru put all the stuff he created and place it into a box. He thanked Power Loader for letting him use the Development Studio and left.


Takeru: I think I need to get hurry back. They might wanted me and Sato make cake again.

???: Hey, you.

Takeru: *turn around* Huh?

He look behind him and saw the same young man at the gate.

???: You're a student in this school, right?

Takeru: Yeah, I am. And who are...?

After his Quirk automatically analyze the young man, he instantly know who he is.

Takeru: W-Wait, you're...!

《Shiroki Sora》

(A/N: Sora is belong to VelzardSimp.)

Sora: *smirk* I never expect to see the new Build is just a young guy like ya. Slacking in U.A. again surely has it's worth for.

Takeru: *sweatdrop* ...

Sora: Also, can you show me your dorm? I'd like to see someone.

(Time Skip)
(Class 1-A Dorm)

After a while, they finally reach the dorm. Takeru opened the door and entered the building with Sora following him from behind.

Takeru: Hey guys, I'm home.


They greet him just as he entered the living room.

Iida: Good timing, Tatsumaki-kun! You arrive just in time before lunch! And we haven't cook anything yet!

Takeru: Do you have to rely on me about that?

Kirishima: Well, sorry about that, man! *notice Sora* Huh?

They start to notice Sora.

Kaminari: Hey, Tatsumaki, who's this guy?

Takeru: He came to visit, Yumi. You guys may not realize it, but he's a U.A. alumni.


Sora: Yo.

Aizawa: *enter the building* It's afternoon. You should get going to the gym after done with--

Sora: Huh? Hey, if it's it Aizawa Sensei!

Aizawa: *deadpan expression* ...

Sora: Sensei, you just going to give me that face?

Aizawa: Just what are you doing here, Shiroki? You come to slack here again?

Sora: Hahahahaha! Sensei, you really know what I like!

Aizawa: I better should tell Mic that his favorite student is here.

Sora: You better not tell him! I don't want to listen to his all ranting or whatever he speaks! I almost break into pieces the last time I heard he speak at me using Quirk!

???: Huh? That voice... it can't be...

Sora turn around and saw Yumi who's holding Cross-Z Dragon along with Seiryuu and Uraraka.

Yumi: Sora... anii-sama...?

Sora: Yo, Yumi! How's my little cousin is doing?!

Yumi: *annoyed expression* What are you doing here?

" *in mind* Huh? Yumi get annoyed? This is suprising!"

Sora: C'mon, don't wanna give me a hug?

Yumi: Why would I?

Sora: You're being hurtful like always...

Midoriya: Ahhh! I know you!

He's in his fanboy mode when he saw Sora.

Midoriya: The young hero who's reach Number 17 and one of U.A. High top graduater! The Dark Knight Hero: Dark Kiva! He's one of the few Riders who apparently still active in this era! Despite not having an agency or any sidekicks, he's a good friend with Best Jeanist, Hawks, Mirko and some more heroes! Even though he is know for being one of the most ruthless hero and rank fourth in hero look like villain, he still an aspiring hero who can capture the heart of woman!

Sora: ...

Takeru: Izuku, stop it. This guy is not interested with that can of thing.

Sora: *glance at Aizawa* Hey, Sensei. What the heck with that kid? For some reason, he kinda piss me off.

Aizawa: That's how Midoriya always been. You'll get use to it.

After that, Sora have a talk with Yumi in her room. The others gathered at the living room as Aizawa call them all.

Aizawa: Like you all know, the one just now is Shiroki Sora. And Midoriya, you put wrong one thing about him.

Midoriya: Huh?

Aizawa: Compare with Bakugo, Shiroki is even worse. Which is why he is called as the hardcore delinquent of U.A.

Bakugo: Hah! I'm better!

Aizawa: It is not wrong he's an aspiring hero and a former Class A student. But he is an infamous hero for beating a lot of villains half to death or even nearly killed them. He has personal hatred toward villain.

Hagakure: Personal hatred toward villain?

Ashido: What do you mean?

Aizawa told them about Sora which few knows about. Sora has a terrible past with villains, and he was saved by a certain hero who give him inspiration to become a hero.

(Yumi's Room)

Sora and Yumi are facing each other as they talking about many things. He even told her about his day off and his visit to U.A. High.

Yumi: I see. So, why are you here anyway?

Sora: Because you're a family. What's wrong about me visiting a family member? Not to mention, you transfer to the school I enrolled until I become a pro hero.

Yumi: So you come here to brag about that?

Sora: Of course not.

Yumi: Geez... Anyway, how's home?

Sora: Everything is fine there. And you can go home during the New Year, though.

Yumi: I know. But I've been worrying about everyone safety.

Sora: Don't worry, everyone is safe. Shiroki and Yamabuki family has survive for years, even during the time during All For One's reign. And he is not someone we technically fear.

Yumi: Yes... That's right. But even locked up, he still a threat. After all, our enemy isn't human, that is why Riders never show up since the start of hero era.

Sora: Yup. By the way, are you dating with that Togaru kid?

Yumi: *angry expression* How many time I have to say that we're not dating? And last time, I was so angry that you tried to kill him last time even though I said that!

Sora: Ah I see.

Yumi: Hey, listen to me!

Sora: Anyway, next year, your parents will went overseas for business stuff. At least spent some time with them and Tsubasa during the New Year.

Yumi: I know. I'm not a kid, you know.

Sora: I know. I just reminding you. And Christmas is getting closer.

Yumi: Yeah.

Sora: Don't you want to give any of your friends any present?

Yumi: I have. You don't have to ask that.

Sora: You're as mean as ever.

(Time Skip)

After the talking, Sora walk out from the room with Yumi. As they walk through the hallway, it shows Seiryuu who heading at his room at the floor.

Seiryuu: Yumi, Shiroki... senpai?

Sora: Drop that. Call me Sora or Dark Kiva. But don't call me by the name I hate.

Seiryuu: *sweatdrop* How am I suppose to call you by the name you hate if I don't know?

Yumi: I'm heading to the living room first.

She walk away. When Sora look at Seiryuu who keep looking at Yumi, he smirk as he fling his right arm over Seiryuu's shoulders.

Seiryuu: Hey, Sora-senpai, what was that fo--

Sora: You like Yumi, aren't ya?

Seiryuu: *blush* Huh?! What are you--?!

Sora: I know, I know. Don't worry, I won't say anything. Anyway, give me your number.

Seiryuu: What?! Why?!

Sora: *dark smirk* Just give it to me, and I'll give you mine. Good deal, huh?

Seiryuu: Y-Yes...

After they exchange numbers, Sora walk away while Seiryuu stand there with dumbfound expression.


It shows Aizawa is sitting on the bench outside the dorm as Sora walk out and walk down the stairs before he saw Aizawa.

Sora: Oh, Sensei. You still here?

Aizawa: Of course. I can't let your influence hit those kids.

Sora: Hahahah! You're as cautious as ever, Aizawa Sensei!

Aizawa: And you still a delinquent like I always remember.

Sora: Yeah, I know. Anyway, before I leave, he's a present for you.

He take out a green book and hand it over to Aizawa and he look at the book.

Aizawa: "Revelation of Quirkless"? You're into this kind of stuff?

Sora: Well, it sounds interesting. After all, the Meta Liberation War books are in the best sell right now. Though the Revelation of Quirkless aren't much, there's people who buy and read them.

Aizawa: You seriously--

Sora: Well, see you later, Sensei. I'll be in touch.

Aizawa: Wait, in the report said that Beat Jeanist went missing. And then it said you take over his agency for a while.

Sora: Yeah, that's how it works. Jeanist told me if he's busy, I'll be the one who look after his agency.

Aizawa: *sigh* I don't even know why he let someone like you hang out at his place.

Sora: Then later. *walk away* For that book, I suggest you read 'til the end. The last part always the good ones.

He keep walking until he disappear from the view.

Aizawa: *in mind* Geez... I can't believe Mic has that kind of student.

He look at the book Sora gave him.

Aizawa: *in mind* Reading this kind of book... Just what is he thinking? That boy-- Wait...

He remember what Sora said. Sora said Aizawa should read it until the end and the end always the good ones. He narrow at the book before entered the dorm and went to his office.



Somewhere else...

Unknown Location...

In a hallway like area, it shows Rai, Gai and Hebichirou are following a certain man through way.

Rai: Boss, are you okay with this? Aren't you say you going to assist All For One?

???: True. But Tomura-kun is a different matter. And the deal you three work for him is now over since the Paranormal Liberation Front as been created.

Gai: But isn't that going to make our relation with them troubled? And their number is...

???: Hahahah. Gai-kun, war isn't about quantity. It's about quality. Also, I have two group under my command.

Heibichirou: Well, if boss said so.

???: Hey, you're troubling Master.

They look ahead and saw White Venom.

White Venom: Listen, we must do what he said and complete the task given.

Hebichirou: You've been like that. After Master saved you and gave you purpose, you just listen to him only.

???: Now, now. No fighting when I'm here.

Gai: *in mind* Damn it... If we have enough power, we can remove this guy. All For One can destroy and reshape this world, but this guy... is a complete destroyer. This world won't save if he still alive.

In a large room with underground like feature and some pillars are shown, about nearly three hundred people are there. The four guys stand at the back as the man who they follow take a seat at the throne like chair. After a while, the light lit up and show four people more on a stage.

《Tenki Souta - Codename: Weather》

Weather: Everyone, thank you for coming tonight! Right now, we must speak about the existance of Quirk that has been disturbing out life!

《Shishiga Ryou - Codename: Leo》

Leo: People Quirk and Quirkless are treat different! This system is broken, and we must change it! We must make people realize that they're humans!

《Ryuu Hidara - Codename: Hydras》

Hydras: They keep saying that they're better than us and yet they still have many fatal flaw. And it our job to make them realize. Quirk is nothing but sickess that need to be remove so everyone will be treat as equal.

《Sengoku Ryouta - Codename: Duke》

Duke: For years, we've been fighting against the Meta Liberation Army and keep losing. And they merge with the League of Villain, and become a new villain group called the Paranormal Liberation Front. But there's no need to fear them! Why?! Because we have gain more power than before! Even with our numbers are very little, our power are equal to the world! Even though we have some people with Quirks among our rank, if they also wish for the Quirks to disappear, then they are our allies! And now with us here, is the one who gave us power to survive and keep moving! And this is man, our savior, our true king who will destroy the Quirk for us!!

As the light lit up at the center of the stage, it reveals the man on the throne as he smirk.


This man is Evolto himself in his new look.

Duke: His name is Evolto, the Destroyer! Our grand commander! Our true savior, Evolto-sama!

All the people cheer for Evolto. He smirk more and stand up.

Evolto: Everyone, as you can see, this world has been infected by the cancer we know as Quirk. People who have Quirk with us also wish for their power to disappear. That is why... we must destroy every single Quirk in existance. And our true target is the Paranormal Liberation Front! They are the true cancer, the people who called as villains and fake heroes are!

The people cheer even more.

Evolto: Now, together, with all the power I gave you, rise! Rise to fight for your own rights! Rise up, the group who will show the world the true meaning of human! Anti Meta Liberator!

The light at the wall shine and show the flag of their symbol.

《Anti Meta Liberator》

(A/N: The idea of this group was given by Doctmar123.)

Then Evolto take out the Evol Driver and place it at his waist. He take out the new item, Black Hole Can, before he shake it and open it.

Evolto: And with this...

He insert the can at the belt.

Black Hole! Revolution!

Evolto: Everything shall be liberated.

He crank the lever as it create a techno sound.

Are you ready?

Evolto: Henshin.

Black Hole! Black Hole! Black Hole! Black Hole! Revolution! Fuhahahahahah!

《Kamen Rider Evolto Black Hole》

(A/N: Instead of Evol Bottles & Black Hole Trigger, imagine he use new item called the Black Hole Can.)

Evolto: And with this power, no one will be in our way!!

The people in the hall cheer loudly.

Evolto: *in mind* *smirk* Now, show me how you all can be useful. Make sure all the items I provide you won't go to waste.

He can't help himself but laugh loudly as the people keep cheering for him. Hebichirou give expressionless smile, White Venom smirk under his mask, and the twins are feeling troubled.


At other place...

It shows the mountain side. The mountain area face toward the city which shine brightly at the area. At the cliff, it shows a figure of a young man standing there while looking toward the city.

???: I see... The world will be soon in chaos again...

The wind blows and his hair move by the wind.

???: I guess I need to move again, Sento, Banjou... I need to fix the mistake I and my friend have done...

He shine in blue before transform into an eagle and fly away. A storm will sooner come. The storm that will bring down this world.


"I want to spent time with you two."

"I'm really glad you still care for us..."

"Finally a real holiday with everyone!"

"Let's trade presents!"

Next time: "Merry Christmas."

"Go Beyond! Plus Ultra!"

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