Something About You

By rosiecoochies

111K 5.4K 1.5K

Both being idols and girls in SK, where homosexuality is not really accepted. My first book, do correct me if... More

2 : We Aren't Lovers
3 : In the Car
4 : Selfish
5 : A Little Jealous
6 : Australian Breakfast
7 : Drive Home
8 : Highschool Crush
9 : Music Award
10 : Meeting Parks
11 : The Gay Daughter
12 : "Please continue."
13 : Water Fountains
14 : Dating App
15 : Just with A Fork
16 : It's Not A Phase
17 : Live
18 : Buy Some Drinks
19 : Happy Birthday
20 : YSL
21 : I Can't Stand
22 : We Didn't Say Good Night
23 : When The Time is Right
25 : Massage
26 : Rumors
27 : What Matters The Most
28 : Him Again
29 : Rules
30 : Wish (Christmas SE)
31 : Dispatch
32 : Something Is Wrong
33 : Can Never Be Mad
34 : Love is Love
35 : Night Walk
36 : When Did You Start to Like Me
37 : I'll Call You Back
38 : Bad Day
39 : Be Honest
40 : Leaving
41 : Love Blinds
42 : Answer
43 : Action Speaks Louder
44 : Plane
45 : Sunrise
46 : Love You More
47 : Break Up
48 : Coming Out

24 : Cramp

1.7K 93 17
By rosiecoochies

"You don't really have to come along. Just take care of yourself here and I'll be back soon, okay?" she put a hot pack on my stomach before kissing my forehead. I was lying flat in bed and she was combing her hair in front of the mirror.

I groaned when she was being serious of not letting me come with her just because my stomach was hurting. "It's not that bad. Can I come with you, please?"

"It's just a fashion show, not a concert. I ain't performing any belly dance. There's going to be a lot of people there and I don't want you to be uncomfortable with that stomachache. Do you need anything? I can bring them on the way here or just call for Francesca."

"No.. but I really want to see you in the fit I chose that day."

"That's not a problem, babe. You can see the live on Youtube and people will be taking pictures of the models."

I sighed. "You don't understand."

I turned around, not wanting to face her. I was a bit moody. It's true that my stomachache was quite bad but Rosé not allowing me to come along made me even frustrated.

"Are you mad?" she appeared in front of my face with a wide smile before giving a quick peck on my lips.

"Ughh, what's that for?" I had to act unhappy though I was about to smile.

"So you would be less moody. Don't be mad at me, hehe. I will ask Francesca to bring you a carrot soup later. Bye!" she waved at me before closing the door.

I was left alone in the hotel again. I don't like being alone when it's raining. The rain wasn't heavy but it's still cold. I adjusted the comforter, wrapping it around my body.

"Shit. I'm so bored."

I don't feel like playing with my phone. I don't feel like watching TV. My bellyache got worse but it's something bearable for me. I got used to it as I oftenly got bellyache.

I removed the comforter and tried to stand still with the hot pack on my stomach. I put it on the table for a while to dress up. I wanted to see Rosé.

I took again the hot pack and my phone and put them in my sling bag. I ordered for a cab as I thought Francesca wasn't next door, she probably had some duties too at the fashion show with Rosé and other models.

I forgot it was raining and only noticed it when the driver had started moving. "Sir, can you understand English?"

"Yes, young lady. Why?"

"Thank God. Do you know any hypermarket or small store here? I need to buy an umbrella first."

"Sure, we'll be there in 5."


The driver dropped me at the main entrance. It was a quite large venue and there was a lot of people. I wasn't sure how to find for Rosé in the crowds. It was raining but it's fine as I already got the umbrella.

The people were everywhere and I assumed that the show just ended. I was searching for Rosé but it wasn't easy as it's night and most people were wearing black.

I walked through the crowd while trying to call her on the phone. Duhh, I was already frustrated that I only arrived when the show had ended. It's making me even frustrated that Rosé didn't answer my call.

My bellyache got worse and I felt like crying. Fuck.

I just stood still while everyone was walking past by me. I was holding back my cramps and felt the urge to put my hot pack on my stomach but that would only make me look like a weirdo.

I sighed while trying to call her for several times again but she didn't answer. All I could do was to look around, hoping that she would be here. I looked clueless and stupid.

"Excuse me, are you Sunyoung?" a guy approached me. He's probably a mixed Korean and by judging his outfit, he could be one of the models here.

"Yes, I am." I tried to smile even though there's an unbearable pain in my stomach.

"I'm a big fan! It's nice to see you here. But, why? Do you just casually attend this show?"

"Not really, I'm searching for a friend. Have you seen Rosé? She's one of the models for tonight if you noticed."

"Yeah, I just had a chat with her. Wait.. wait.. WHY ARE YOU CRYING?!" he started to panic when I slowly began to pout and my eyes went watery.

"No, I'm not. Ugh.. I'm just having a bad stomachache. Do you mind helping me to look for her?" I asked.

People were looking at us when we stood in the midst of the crowd, probably thinking he's breaking up with me.

"Alright, alright. Just hold on, I'll look for her. But, is it okay to leave you like this?"

I nodded, telling him that it would not be a problem. He quickly left and went to find Rosé.

Not even a few minutes, when my eyes were looking around in hope that I would come across Rosé, my eyes caught her figure. She was walking with a man, who I assumed to be her personal bodyguard for that night. I tried to call for her but my voice cracked when my stomachache started wilding.

The guy I met earlier paced towards Rosé and it looked like he was explaining what happened earlier. Rosé's expression quickly changed from calm to worried. The model pointed over me to Rosé and she turned around to see me.

"What the.." she straight away walked towards me, leaving her personal bodyguard who was holding the umbrella for her.

"How did you get here?" she held both my shoulder, looking at me with disbelief. She sounded so stern and not gonna lie, she's not joking when she's mad.

I couldn't think of anything when I noticed her eyes were looking through me, as if she wanted to kill me. Shit. Was what I did too wrong?

She sighed when she saw my frowned face, figuring out I got scared when she did that. Her eyes went lower and touched my belly. "It still hurts? I'm sorry for leaving you, okay? Should have taken care of you instead of being here. But do you even know...."

I casually pulled Rosé closer when she stopped being like a Cinderella's step mother. Her blabbering stopped when I did that.


"It's raining. This umbrella is a bit small and this is the only way we both can fit under it."

Her serious face faded away and her lips curved, smiling when I blushed. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"Being this close, we might kiss." she said.

She was too stunning that night with the glossy blazer I chose for her, and how her make up matched the outfit. She had her eye make up so fine, making them looked mysterious and anyone would want to dive inside. Her lips were shaded with natural tint but it looked very inviting for me. I liked how she chose her scent, sweet and expensive. I didn't know what got inside of me but what she just said sounded so romantic that I had to close my eyes, waiting for her lips to meet mine.

"Alright, let's go to the pharmacy nearby."

I sighed when she just turned around and called for her bodyguard to drive us to the hotel. What was I thinking?

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