Ivy milkovich

By cameronmonagh4n

102K 1.5K 122

Ivy finds herself back in the place she grew up in, Chicago , she wasn't planning on staying for long but tha... More



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By cameronmonagh4n

Season 2.

Last year when Fiona was meant to leave she never did she came back the following morning in floods of tears because she couldn't bring herself to leave . Ivy and Ian had been to see Mickey in jail many times and surprisingly Ivy kept Mickey being gay as a secret so he doesn't know she knows still . Eddie Jackson , Karen's dad, is missing after the whole daddyzgirl thing . Ivys been telling everyone he killed himself but nobody believes her but anyways it was now summer and summer meant fun and that's exactly what Ivy needed.


She stood outside with Debbie and Carl as the pool man filled up the pool that sat in the garden

"Thanks lieutenant." Debbie smiled as the man walked off.

"Pools open!" Ivy yelled making everyone run towards it

"Cannonball!" Carl said as he jumped in splashing everyone

"Carl! I'm soaked." Ivy complained as Carl continued to splash her "you asshole!"

"Ivy there's kids." Debbie hit her arm.

"You know where Fiona is?" She asked Debbie whilst trying to look around past the flood of kids.

"At that club that she got a job at with Veronica." Ivy shrugged her shoulders as she walked off .

She knew that Ian and lip were at this fighting thing that she had no interest in so she stayed home well at the Gallaghers . She also knew Mickey was getting out in about a week and that she would probably have to watch him like a hawk for awhile so she tried to make the most of staying at the Gallaghers until she had to head home .


"You gotta be looking forward to having Mickey home again." Lip joked .

The boys had arrived home from the fighting thing and wouldn't stop going on about it until they brought up mick

"I guess." Ivy replied knowing life wouldn't be any different when he came back.

"Hey Ian I wanna stage another fight night next week go round to the dojos round up some more scrappers."

"Sure . Where you going?" Ian asked as lip got up to leave

"Karen's." Everyone moaned at him.

"I thought you gave up on her lip." Ivy scoffed at him

"Oh well , see ya." He then ran out leaving Ivy and Ian alone

"I am going to bed , it's been along day helping with the pool and having like a million kids around only for you two to come home and I'm on duty for cleaning lips cuts. So goodnight ian." Ivy kissed his forehead before going to sleep.


"Up up up!" Lip clapped his hands together making Ivy and Ian wake up , she launched her pillow at lip making him laugh .

"Sounds like a lots going on downstairs." Ian sighed as he got changed

"Should we go check it out?" He nodded and they both went downstairs "What we talking about ?"

"Moving Liam into our room." Lip groaned as Debbie sat at the table looking happy as ever.

"No fucking way . There's 4 of us in there we don't need any more." Ian added

Debbie then had to answer the door for her daycare stuff she did leaving Ivy Ian and Fiona

"Traumatic transformation." Ian giggled , he was on about what he overheard when they were upstairs.

"Oi your not a girl you don't know what it's like." Ivy responded

"you grow tits and have a period, easy but where are yours guess you haven't had your traumatic transformation." Lip laughed and Ivy flipped him off

"They're right here bitch." She said as she ran at him pretending that she was gonna pull her top down but he ran out of the house and she wasn't going outside. "Asshole." She mumbled

All of a sudden there were like a million kids once again in the living room.

"I cannot deal with this. Let's go Ivy." Ian said before dragging her out and to his work at the kash and grab .

"It's about time . You see kash last night?" Linda asked as they walked in

"No." Both gingers replied.

"He didn't come home" and with that Ivy shot Ian a look to say 'where is he' but Ian shrugged his shoulders at her "had to open the shop by myself. Homeless winos 10- deep at the door trying to trade stolen recycling for 40s and mad dog . Can you handle the store by yourself well with your friend Ivy aswell as I have to get upstairs . The twins are gonna be late for swim team at the mosque . And no free breakfast you guys!" She said as she walked off to the back room .

Immediately Ian and Ivy went over to the doughnut stack and took two for breakfast then kash walked in and Ivy looked at Ian.

"You liar!" She smacked him really hard making him groan from the pain

"Linda gone?" Kash panicked as he stared at the security camera hoping Linda wouldn't look at them.

"Yes kash she is gone but I could easily call her down." Ivy snapped she never liked kash.

"Been waiting across the street for an hour." Kash complained.

"Late night?" Ian asked

"Why do you care."

"He doesn't kash he's just being nice." Ivy replied

"Where the hell have you been!" Linda asked over the intercom "kash! I waited up until midnight you know the doctor wants me in bed by—," kash then turned the thing her voice was coming through off

"Someone's in trouble." Ivy joked as she finished her doughnut .

"What are you looking at ? Microwave me a burrito and stock the cooler." He demanded , Ian then went and did what he said to do.

"You're just mad he won't fuck you anymore ." Kash then scoffed as someone walked in and towards the back making kash follow

"Ian cover the register." Was all he said before disappearing.

"I mean atleast he found someone new aye?" Ivy grinned as she pushed Ian and took over the register "I've never done this stuff before so move I wanna do it."


A few hours later of Ivy and Ian chilling at his work another man walks out.

"Done at 5, mind if I split? Kash I'm off can I go?" But kash didn't respond so Ian started to walk out only to stop when he heard kash crying "you good?"

"I cant do this anymore , live this lie . Linda our marriage , this life of a lie . What am I gonna do?" He grabbed onto Ian's hands

"Ey ey hands off buddy. Let's dash Ian." Ivy took his hand and left the shop "that man confuses me." She chuckled .

"Same Ivy , same." He huffed.


"Yo." Lip said as he entered the boys room where Ivy and Ian were .

"Get the truck running?" Ian asked as he got changed and lip nodded

"Truck? What truck?" Ivy looked confused

"This thing me and Kev are doing sell drugs and stuff brings in extra money." Lip replied "how was work?"

"Weird." Ivy responded

"You went with him?" Lip pointed between the pair as he asked.

"Yep did and wish I didn't." Ivy rolled her eyes before slouching into the bed.

"How was it weird?" Lip chuckled wanting to hear this story.

"Not saying!" Ian said before leaving to go to the bathroom for a shower

"Hey don't jerk off in there!" Lip yelled "what's this?" He asked as he pulled out this magazine looking thing that stuck out of Ian's bag

"Whatever it is we shouldn't snoop lip." Ivy went to snatch it but lip stormed off into the bathroom so she followed . He pulled the curtain back revealing Ian only to shout at him and Ivy quickly covering her eyes.

"What the hell is this?" He held the magazine up practically waving it in his face

"Fuck , lip it's an admissions packet." Ian turned the shower off to listen to the lecture he was about to get.

"For West Point?" Lip scoffed

"Going through my stuff guys?" Ian questioned the pair, Ivy still standing there with her eyes covered.

"I told him not too Ian don't bring me into this I'm just here." Ivy smiled

"Ian man you just graduated the 10th grade." Lip said as Ian got out of the shower and grabbed a towel

"I wanted to see what it takes to get in." Ian shrugged like it was nothing

"To West Point! Your kidding. Your serious about this shit?" Lip questioned.

"I was in ROTC for two years . So What do you think lip?" He sarcastically smirked in lips face

"I don't know I thought it was some kind of stupid fucked ip adolescent phase. I mean you really wanna get your ass shot off in some Stan somewhere." Lip fretted

"Stan?" Ivy questioned

"Yeah, Pakistan , Afghanistan iraqistan." Lip responded to Ivy

"I guess I'm a patriot." Ian yelled "don't worry lip it was really discouraging . I'd need like four point two GPA, a massive SAT score and a recommendation from the president of some shit only thing I know I can pass is the fitness test." He sighed

"So what the army requires straight A's now to get your leg blown off in Kabul?"

"Wait the army? You wanna sign up for the army!" Ivy mumbled , only just clocking onto the conversation they were having.

"Yes Ivy he does that's what we've been talking about All this time dipshit." He argued not noticing the offence Ivy had taken.

"Don't speak to her like that lip!" Ian barked back at him .

"Or what? Gonna stick up for your little girlfriend here." Lip pushed Ian

"I'll stick up for her yeah especially if my brothers being a dick!" Ian pushed back.

"Hey stop! That was stupid guys." Everyone then stopped and silence filled the bathroom

"You really want this shit?" Lip challenged.

"Yes." Ian answered staring at the floor as they both watched him.

"Alright then fuck it let's make this shit happen. Presidents a local boy , I can tutor you . You're a shoo in . still think this is fucking stupid." Then the boys chased each other into the bedroom leaving Ivy alone.

She sat on the toilet seat that was down by the way and started to take in what happened before being rushed out by lip as frank had lost liam

"Where's Liam!" Fiona yelled at frank who laid in Sheila Jackson's bed

"He's at his first sleepover." Frank tried to cover his tracks.

"He's 2!" Fiona snapped not having any of the bullshit.

"They sleep a lot at the age." Frank smiled before telling everyone who took Liam

Fiona then knocked on the door of the house that apparently had Liam the men then opened the door and pointed a gun at Fiona but she just walked past him and started placing money on the table infront of her.

"How much is that?" The man asked staring at the stacks.

"Don't know but we're good for it . Gallaghers pay their debts now where's our brother?" Fiona demanded for Liam back, watching Fiona in full on mother mode showed Ivy how much she should appreciate that woman for what she does for her and the rest.

A few seconds later another man walked in with Liam and lip took him from the man and walked out along with everyone else.

"Fuck you lot." Ivy mumbled as she walked out last .


"Goodnight Liam." Ivy whispered before going to the boys bedroom and going to bed .

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