Kings Game

By CeciliaOgilvy

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[Updates Daily] THE FINALE BEGINS!!! After losing friends and family, fighting in two wars, and suffering thr... More

Chapter 1 - All I have to do is die (1)
Chapter 1 - All I have to do is die (2)
Chapter 1 - All I have to do is die (3)
Chapter 1 - All I have to do is die (4)
Chapter 1 - All I have to do is die (5)
Chapter 2 - Kell (1)
Chapter 2 - Kell (2)
Chapter 2 - Kell (3)
Chapter 2 - Kell (4)
Chapter 2 - Kell (5)
Chapter 3 - Calm before the storm (1)
Chapter 3 - Calm before the storm (2)
Chapter 3 - Calm before the storm (3)
Chapter 3 - Calm before the storm (4)
Chapter 3 - Calm before the storm (5)
Chapter 4 - Murder (1)
Chapter 4 - Murder (2)
Chapter 4 - Murder (3)
Chapter 4 - Murder (4)
Chapter 4 - Murder (5)
Chapter 5 - The deal (1)
Chapter 5 - The deal (2)
Chapter 5 - The deal (3)
Chapter 6 - Nul (1)
Chapter 6 - Nul (2)
Chapter 6 - Nul (3)
Chapter 6 - Nul (4)
Chapter 6 - Nul (5)
Chapter 6 - Nul (6)
Chapter 7 - Karyn (1)
Chapter 7 - Karyn (2)
Chapter 7 - Karyn (3)
Chapter 8 - Going alone (1)
Chapter 8 - Going alone (2)
Chapter 8 - Going alone (4)
Chapter 8 - Going alone (5)
Chapter 8 - Going alone (6)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (1)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (2)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (3)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (4)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (5)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (6)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (7)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (8)
Chapter 10 - Aftermath
Chapter 10 - Aftermath (2)
Chapter 10 - Aftermath (3)
Chapter 10 - Aftermath (4)
Chapter 10 - Aftermath (5)
Chapter 11 - Hounds (1)
Chapter 11 - Hounds (2)
Chapter 11 - Hounds (3)
Chapter 11 - Hounds (4)
Chapter 11 - Hounds (5)
Chapter 12 - Turning point (1)
Chapter 12 - Turning point (2)
Chapter 12 - Turning point (3)
Chapter 13 - Preparations (1)
Chapter 13 - Preparations (2)
Chapter 13 - Preparations (3)
Chapter 13 - Preparations (4)
Chapter 13 - Preparations (5)
Chapter 13 - Preparations (6)
Chapter 14 - The Iron Gauntlet (1)
Chapter 14 - The Iron Gauntlet (2)
Chapter 14 - The Iron Gauntlet (3)
Chapter 14 - The Iron Gauntlet (4)
Chapter 14 - The Iron Gauntlet (5)
Chapter 15 - Favors (1)
Chapter 15 - Favors (2)
Chapter 15 - Favors (3)
Chapter 16 - The troll's gambit (1)
Chapter 16 - The troll's gambit (2)
Chapter 16 - The troll's gambit (3)
Chapter 16 - The troll's gambit (4)
Chapter 16 - The troll's gambit (5)
Chapter 17 - Blood debt (1)
Chapter 17 - Blood debt (2)
Chapter 17 - Blood debt (3)
Chapter 17 - Blood debt (4)
Chapter 17 - Blood debt (5)
Chapter 17 - Blood debt (6)
Chapter 18 - Family (1)
Chapter 18 - Family (2)
Chapter 18 - Family (3)
Chapter 18 - Family (4)
Chapter 19 - The reaper (1)
Chapter 19 - The reaper (2)
Chapter 19 - The reaper (3)
Chapter 19 - The reaper (4)
Chapter 19 - The reaper (5)
Chapter 19 - The reaper (6)
Chapter 19 - The reaper (7)
Chapter 20 - Home (1)
Chapter 20 - Home (2)
Chapter 20 - Home (3)
Chapter 20 - Home (4)
Chapter 20 - Home (5) [End of Part 1]
Chapter 21 - Moving Forward
Chapter 22 - History
Chapter 23 - Focus Markings
Chapter 24 - Death
Chapter 25 - Topple the Tower
Chapter 26 - Sentinels
Chapter 27 - The King's Army
Chapter 28 - Departure
Chapter 29 - Balaki's Dagger
Chapter 30 - Ice and Snow
Chapter 31 - Into the Dark
Chapter 32 - The Lower Crags
Chapter 33 - Darling
Chapter 34 - Labyrinth
Chapter 35 - A Father's Request
Chapter 36 - Kellsinora of Uhlara
Chapter 37 - Akanos the Librarian
Chapter 38 - Ascension
Chapter 39 - The Tomb
Chapter 40 - Foundations
Chapter 41 - Running from Shadows
Chapter 42 - Reunion & Chapter 43 - Custodian
Chapter 44 - The Duel
Chapter 45 - Phalyn the Spear Maiden
Chapter 46 - Defeated
Chapter 47 - Descent
Chapter 48 - Capture
Chapter 49 - Options & Chapter 50 - Rendezvous
Chapter 51 - Castle Uhlara & Chapter 52 - The Keeper of Lost Knowledge
Chapter 53 - The Fel Miner
Chapter 54 - Relatives
Chapter 55 - Storm Breaks [End of Part 2]
Chapter 56 - Letters from Abroad
Chapter 57 - Homecoming
Chapter 58 - The Invitation
Chapter 59 - King's Court
Chapter 60 - Diminished
Chapter 61 - Saboteurs
Chapter 62 - Disoriented
Chapter 63 - Brittle Edge
Chapter 64 - A Small Cache
Chapter 65 - An Excuse
Chapter 66 - The Pantheon
Chapter 67 - New Hand
Chapter 68 - Old Acquaintances
Chapter 69 - That Which is Lost
Chapter 70 - Blood of my Kin
Chapter 71 - Still Alive
Chapter 72 - The Devil of Chains
Chapter 73 - A Little Party
Chapter 74 - The Queen's Ball
Chapter 75 - The Archives
Chapter 76 - Royal Conundrum
Chapter 77 - First Blooms
Chapter 78 - King's Blood
Chapter 79 - Fog of War
Chapter 80 - Heart's Blood
Chapter 81 - Ashes [End of Part 3]
Chapter 82 - Off to War
Chapter 83 - The Old Man and the Sea
Chapter 84 - Flesh and Bone & Chapter 85 - Tasos's Wrath
Chapter 86 - Godspells
Chapter 87 - Storm Chasing
Chapter 88 - Blood and Steel
Chapter 89 - The Kingfisher
Chapter 90 - Mandella
Chapter 91 - The Courtesan and the Sellsword
Chapter 92 - Siege
Chapter 93 - An Offer & Chapter 94 - Sailor's Melancholy
Chapter 95 - Awkward Favors
Chapter 96 - Burning Isles
Chapter 97 - Dream of the Shore & Chapter 98 - Bartering
Chapter 99 - Like Father Like Son
Chapter 100 - The Sentinel and the Kingfisher
Chapter 101 - The Immortal
Chapter 102 - The Death of a Reaper [End of Part IV]
Chapter 103 - Death's Flesh
Chapter 104 - Nightmares
Chapter 105 - Ghosts
Chapter 106 - To Kill a God
Chapter 107 - Revisiting the Past
Chapter 108 - Stormfront
Chapter 109 - Old Wives Tale
Chapter 110 - Poor Decisions
Chapter 111 - Suffering
Chapter 112 - Fracturing
Chapter 113 - The Crownsguard
Chapter 114 - Sidelines
Chapter 115 - Soulstone
Chapter 116 - Final Request
Chapter 117 - Insanity
Chapter 118 - The King of Storms & Chapter 119 - Companion
Chapter 120 - Blank Canvas
Chapter 121 - Forgotten Cities
Chapter 122 - Traps
Chapter 123 - Final Moments & Chapter 124 - The Oncoming Storm
Chapter 125 - Kingslayer
Chapter 126 - A New Adventure [End of Kings Game]
Author's Diary: One Year Later (Updated 3/7)

Chapter 8 - Going alone (3)

20 5 0
By CeciliaOgilvy

On the morning of the Crucible, Roran felt giddy. He didn't feel any more confident than before, but he was excited. Whether it was for victory or death, he wasn't sure, but he was beginning to see each round in the Crucible as a changing point. Something would happen today. Something would change and, for better or worse, Roran looked forward to it.

After moving around and doing some stretches to limber up his body, Roran sat in a meditative position and focused on his breathing, calming his mind and heart. When the rations were delivered, he was tempted to ask for extra to help bolster his strength, but one look at Kamil and Denali handing extra food to Toth and Sephyr told him it would be a waste of time.

When a bang from down the hall announced that they were collecting volunteers for the Crucible, Roran rose to his feet and approached Murrin. The old councilman was sitting and chatting with Dorval and Marcus, a blind merchant that had worked closely with Murrin before the war.

At his approach, Dorval scowled and Murrin crossed his arms to look down his nose at Roran. "What boy?"

"I'll be going to the Crucible soon," said Roran.

"Yes yes, do well and make us proud and all that," said Murrin, dismissing Roran.

When Roran didn't move, Murrin raised an eyebrow and frowned at him.

"I'm going to need my sword and shield," said Roran.

Murrin chuckled and gave him a patronizing look. "Roran, I thought we had already discussed this. We're taking possession of those."

Confused, Roran pointed to the gate, "The warden will be here soon, I'll need them to fight in the Crucible."

"They give you loaner equipment, don't they? You can make do with those."

"My sword and shield will be better than anything they will loan me. It will help keep me alive."

Murrin rolled his eyes, "As we already discussed, boy, you won't survive in the arena for much longer. It will be better for Toth and Sephyr to have our good weapons when they go to fight for us."

Murrin's words finally caught up to Roran. They hadn't been confiscating the weapons so Toth and Sephyr could practice with them, they'd been confiscated so that Murrin could hold onto them in case Roran died.

"My weapons will be sent back here if I die." Roran wasn't sure how true that was but it was a point worth arguing. Plus, there were his weapons, gifted to him by Kell. They weren't for Murrin to take on a whim.

"We can't risk our weapons," said Murrin, "on a chance like that. You will just have to make do until the inevitable, boy." There was a knock on the gate and the warden looked in expectantly. "Be off now boy, go make us proud."

Roran's shoulders slumped in defeat. This wasn't a fight he could win. Not right now. He turned and headed for the door and the warden popped it open. Roran joined the collection of rag tag fighters from the other refugee cells. He was the only repeat fighter. At this rate, he was becoming a veteran. This was made even clearer when the warden said, "Didn't you have your own weapons?"

Roran waved the comment away. "It's fine."

The warden shrugged and they resumed the procession that slowly led them up the stairs, through the halls, and back into the room full of loaner equipment. With a sigh, Roran began digging through the equipment, trying to find a sword similar in length and weight to the one Kell had purchased for him. He managed to find one close enough, though the blade was notched and dull, and found a serviceable buckler for his off hand.

"Well look who's still alive!"

Roran whirled at the sound of the voice, a grin already spreading on his face.


"Hey Roran, how're you doing?"

"I'm still alive," said Roran, smiling. Chase's familiar face helped to ease the tension building in Roran's muscles. At least one person was glad he was alive. "I haven't seen you recently. Where have you been? How are the dogs?"

"Oh I've been busier than all the King's men combined. They're holding a special tourney in the Crucible and apparently they expect me to do all the work. I've been neglecting my poor hounds, they're starting to get grumpy with me. Well, all except for Herda, she's always grumpy with me." Chase laughed and clapped Roran on the shoulder.

"And you friend? How has the Crucible been? I hear you've been getting into trouble."

Roran blushed. "I uh...I killed a champion after the bell rang..."

"So it was you that bled out Gress. Well I hope you got paid for it, that bastard needed killing if you ask me. Hell, I've never seen a titled champion participate in the Crucible that didn't deserve killing."

Roran thought of what Kell had said, how all the champions fighting in the Crucible were just bullies picking on the weak. Not wanting to dwell on Gress, or his murder, Roran changed the topic.

"What's the special tourney?" asked Roran.

"It's a bloodbath is what it is," said Chase, rolling his eyes. "They have a series of matches with special rules and goals. You have to complete each round to move on. It ends with a special deathmatch where the winner receives a pile of coins and boon from one of the Kings. I think it's Tasos granting the favor this time but I would have to check."

"How much money?" asked Roran, an idea sparking inside of him.

"More than you'll ever make in the Crucible, that's for sure. But don't you be getting any ideas," said Chase, giving Roran the side eye, "A newbie like you would be shredded in the first round."

"What is the first round?"

"It's like a game of keep-away but where people try to stab you."

Roran nodded. That didn't sound too bad. The majority of his fighting experience was centered around running away and not being stabbed.

"But like I said," Chase continued, "don't even think about it. Tell you what, why don't you help me run the dogs again. I haven't had the time to do it and I could use the help. I could come fetch you at night and get you out of the dungeons for a little bit."

"You don't have to come fetch me," said Roran, digging his marker medallion out of his pocket and holding it up so Chase could see. "I have gladiator's rights."

"Well look at that, two rounds in the Crucible and you're already on your way. Good on you kid, if you keep going, we might be able to make a warden out of you."

"I could become a warden?" asked Roran.

"Yup, it's a hell of a lot safer than becoming a champion, that's for sure." Around them, people started shuffling towards the exit. "Looks like we're out of time. Well, think about what I said. Being a warden comes with decent housing, good pay, and you're less likely to have some punk stab you in the neck with a shard of metal." He winked at Roran.

Roran scowled but didn't argue. Being a warden would get him fresh air, sunshine, a decent place to live, and it would allow him to help his kinsmen. Though he shuddered at what Murrin would try and pressure him to do. Extra rations daily for sure, and the gods knew what else.

"Good luck out there kid," said Chase, and he left with the other wardens. Roran joined his fellow refugees and they headed for the stairs that would lead them into the arena. As they began marching up the stairs, and out onto the killing field, Roran wondered what Kell would say if he tried to become a warden instead of helping her. She would probably never speak to him again, and the thought made him sad.

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