A girl like you.

By Yoyohansson

325K 9.1K 5.3K

G!P y/n is Sebastian's younger sister, she is intersex and 28 years old and uses the pronouns she/ her. She i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43.
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.

Chapter 29

5.4K 185 89
By Yoyohansson

Tw ⚠️ fighting and a homophobic slur. ⚠️

As we walked out the main doors I felt someone grab me I tried to fight back but they had a tight grip on my shoulders before they pushed me over. I looked up to see Robbie. he kicked me in the stomach before punching me in the face. I saw Tom drag him off of me as I stumbled to my feet. "What the fuck was that, is that all you've got?" "If your boy toy would let me go you'll see what I can do." He argued back as i Clenched my fists. "Tom let him go." "Are you sure?" He asked confused. "Tom let him fucking go." I yelled causing Tom to let go of him. Robbie smirked as we both walked towards each other. He goes to hit me but I dodge it and land a strong hit to his jaw knocking his face to the side. He looked back up and did a stiff jab to my stomach causing me to bend over that's when he uppercut me. I look back up and spit the blood out of my mouth. I see Tom making his way over to me. "Tom piss off." I look towards Robbie and smirk. "Come on then Chris brown show me what you've got." I mock as his face whitens. "What you didn't think she would tell me? You know I was going to beat the shit out of you when I found out but I didn't, you know what stopped me?"  "What faggot?" "Your fiancé screaming my name." His head snapped towards me as his eyes widened. "You're a fucking liar." "I mean you could've asked her but her mouth was a bit full." I mean of course I'm lying but I'm not going to let him know that. "You fucking freak!" He yelled as he charged at me luckily I dodged it punching him in the back making him stumble forward. He quickly turned around and I hit him in the jaw but he didn't stop so I punched him square in the nose as he groaned. "Did you forget about your broken nose dickhead?" I mock as he looks up at me with blood streaming down his face. He tried to hit me again but misses so I jabbed his side. He grabbed my arm and kicked the back of my knees causing me to drop to to the floor. I tried to get back up but he kicked me in the jaw as I fell to the floor. I tried to get back up but my vision was slightly blurry. I rubbed my eyes and got back up as I saw him walking away. "Y/n stop that's enough Tom warned." I ran towards Robbie and drop kicked him in the back causing us both to fall to the ground. I stumble back to my feet as I kick him in the stomach. "You had enough yet?!" I yell spitting the blood out of my mouth as he got up. He went to hit me again but her voice stopped up. "Stop!" Lizzie yelled as she ran towards us. "Here's mrs arnett coming to save the day again." I laugh whipping my lip. Fuck that hurt! "What the hell is wrong with you?" She yelled at Robbie. "Me?!" He yelled back. "You fucking attacked me when I was just trying to go home it's your fault you fight like a pussy." I laugh suddenly feeling the aftermath of dropping flat on concrete. "I don't care who's fault it was Robbie go to the hospital." Lizzie ordered. "I don't need to." He argued keeping a tight grip on his nose. "She broke your nose again go to the hospital." She commands as he gets in my face until Lizzie steps between us he goes to hit me but Lizzie gets in the way so he landed a hit to her cheek and all I saw was red. I grabbed him by the collar and punched him in the face multiple times before he finally managed to shove me off, So I kneed him in the balls. He drops to the floor as I see the security guards come running towards us. They started yelling at us but I couldn't hear anything all I wanted to do was kill him. Tom grabbed my arms pulling me away from Robbie and rubbed them up and down as I started to feel myself calm down. Our eyes locked and I felt so guilty. "I'm so sorry Tom." "You don't have to apologise don't worry, I just noticed you weren't listening and I knew I needed to calm you down. It's okay it's okay." He soothed pulling me into a hug. "Thank you." I sighed.

"We're going to call the police." The small security guard spoke up. "Please can't we just settle this?" Tom asked. "As long as you all promise to never come back here again, we will consider the matter dealt with." "Of course thank you." Tom said gratefully as I looked toward the floor. "This man needs to go to the hospital though so come with us and we'll ring you an ambulance." The talker guard advised. "Whatever." Robbie huffed following the guards as me and Lizzie just gazed at each other unsure of what to say. I see the red mark on her cheek shit Robbie hit her. I rush up to her cupping her face. "Are you okay?" I asked worried. "I'll go wait in the car." Tom smiled as I nodded. "Y/n I'm fine but what happened?" "A lot." I laughed I mean where do I start. "Shouldn't you be with your fiancé?" "That's what I've been trying to tell you you idiot this wasn't a date, I never got back with Robbie and I never will." "What are you talking about?" "I was already here with scar for drinks. We had a long talk about everything and I realised I didn't want Him I wanted you. So I told him to meet me here so I could tell him and give him his ring back." "Wait what?" I asked confused as she held her left hand up. "Look." I smile as I cup her cheek and lean into a kiss but her hand on my chest stops me. "Stop." "What?" "Almost your entire face is covered in blood." She laughs and I can't help but join her. "Yeah I should probably go home and clean this up." I laugh gesturing to my face. "I'm not doing anything tonight, I could help." "Come on Olsen." I laughed lifting her up so her legs wrapped around my waist then a sharp pain went through my back. "Shit." I almost yell setting her down. "I'm sorry I didn't realise how much I actually hurt myself." "You beat the crap out of Robbie don't be sorry." She assured me as I laughed. "Okay." "But we're not coming here again." "I know we got banned." I say confused. " we'll yeah but even if we didn't we wouldn't be coming here again." "Why?" "That waitress, she was practically ready to fuck you right there on the table." She huffs out as I laugh walking towards the car. I open the for her and she mumbles a thank you as I lean down to her ear and whisper, "don't worry love you're the only person I would even consider fucking on that table." "Y/n" she whines as I chuckle at her flustered state. I close the door making my way to the other side. I slip in and strap my seatbelt as Lizzie took my hand in hers. I gave her a smile as Tom looked back through the mirror. "Home?" Tom questioned. "Home."

A/n: okay so what did you think? I wanted to write a detailed fight between y/n and Robbie but it was hard lol I don't really have a question lol so just have a good day ❤️.

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