Survivor // Lee Haechan

By PlanetNCT

295K 7K 1.5K

He was in a mafia gang, she was an innocent girl. When they cross paths, what would happen? •Mafia/soulmate... More

• Prelude
• Ch 1
• Ch 2
• Ch 3
• Ch 4
• Ch 5
• Ch 6
• Ch 7
• ch 8
• Ch 9
• Ch 10
• Ch 11
• Ch 12
• Ch 13
• Ch 14
• Ch 15
• Ch 16
• Ch 17
• Ch 18
• Ch 19
• Ch 21
• Ch 22
• Ch 23
• Ch 24
• Ch 25
• Ch 26
• Ch 27
• Ch 28
• Ch 29
• Ch 30
• Ch 31
• Ch 32
• Ch 33
• ch 34
• Ch 35
• Ch 36
• Ch 37
• Ch 38
• Ch 39
• Ch 40
• Ch 41
• Ch 42
• Ch 43
• Ch 44
• Ch 45
• Ch 46
• Ch 47
• Ch 48
• Ch 49
• Ch 50
• Ch 51
• Ch 52
Ch. 53
• Ch 54

• Ch 20

5.1K 134 12
By PlanetNCT

Before everything happened*

Hana was in her room. She's been awake ever since.. well you can say ever since last night really.

The boys left the house around 6AM and it was currently 8AM. Areum was still sleeping and Hana... well she was in a horrible state.

She was tired, exhausted and just overall done with life at the moment.

She was deep in thought as she was sitting at the desk in her room. Well, that was until she heard a big thud from downstairs.

Is that Renjun? No.. he's helping the boys with the mission...
Maybe it's areum.

She got up from her chair and headed out her room to go say good morning to areum. What she didn't expect was a man standing in the living room.

"Oh? Well this is nice. I didn't think my target would come to me instead of me trying to find it." He smirked.

Hana, still feeling a little dizzy, took a step back.

"And who are you?" She asked him.

"I'm the guy who will bring you to my boss. That's all you really need to know." He said as he slowly walked towards her.

"Who. Are. You." She asked once again as she took a few more steps back.

He sighed. "Listen here lady, all you need to know is I'm from the tigers. I'm trying to do things nicely so like, can you just come here?"

She stared at him.

"I mean unless you wanna get hurt. I don't really care." He shrugged. "But make your decision quick because I gotta go get the other girls."

"The.. other girls?" She questioned him.

He thought about if he should tell her. "Well... since you're gonna get captured I might as well tell you." He laughed. "I'm here to get the soulmates of the neos." He said. "You're the first one though. Only because you're the newest soulmate so it'll be easier." He laughed.

Hana didn't know what to do. She wasn't really in the right state to fight back. Of course, that doesn't mean she wouldn't.

She looked around her and saw a flower vase on the table stand next to the couch.

She slowly moved towards it.

"Well sadly for you, I don't think it will be that easy." She said to him.

"And why's that?"

"Because," she grabbed the vase and threw at him. "We won't go down without a fight." She then threw anything she could get into her grasp, at him.

"Fuck- you bitch!" He grabbed the pillow that was flying towards him and threw it on the ground.

Sorry boys, I'm gonna have to mess up your house.

She saw him coming towards her so she ran the other way, up the stairs and into the hall.

While running, she grabbed some books that were on some shelves in the hallway and threw it behind her, hitting the unknown man.

"You're getting real annoying!" He said.

Hana thankfully made it to her room and tried to close the door as fast as she could so she could lock it, but sadly he was faster.

He slammed the door open.

Hana moved back as the guy went forward.

"Now be a good little girl and come here." He hissed as he grabbed a pocket knife from his pants.

Not another knife...

She looked around her room. She was gonna grab a picture frame from the top of her drawer, but then she yelped in pain as she felt a sudden sharp object come into contact with her hand.

The man had thrown the knife at her and to his luck, he hit her.

She was bleeding from her right hand. The knife was deep in her hand that it didn't even fall out. It was just there... in her.

She had tears falling from her eyes. The sudden pain did not help her headache whatsoever.

"Finally, holy fuck." He sighed as he walked towards her.

She could tell he was a bit new to the mafia stuff as he didn't come at her right away when she was at the most vulnerable.
It's not like she can talk though since she's relatively new herself.

She tried to blink her tears away and make her vision more clear since her tears made her vision kind of blurry.

That's when she noticed the gun on the side of his waist belt.

She then wiped her eyes with her left hand and put her hands up, even though her right hand was in a horrible state right now.

"Okay fine. Just get this done and over with." She said.

He smirked. "Good girl." He let his guard down a little and this was a perfect opportunity for her.

She went for the gun on his waist, but sadly he was quick enough to dodge her. He then grabbed a dagger from his waist belt and stabbed her in the shoulder.

As much pain she was in, she didn't back down. She quickly kicked him in the stomach.

As he slouched a bit from the sudden impact, she quickly took the gun and did what any other person would do for their own safety.

She shot him.


She looked up towards her door and saw a worried Renjun with a gun in his hand. He then looked on the ground and saw the man lying there with blood coming out of his gun wound.

"A little late aren't you?"

Back to present..*

Renjun sighed in relief as he realized it wasn't her who got shot.

"Are you o-" but before he could ask her anything, she fainted and fell on the ground.

"Hana?!" He ran towards her, kneeling where she was.

He grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her up.

"Fuck." He hissed as he saw her right hand and left shoulder.

He carried her to chenle's emergency room before quickly going back to his room to grab his phone to dial the only other medic who didn't go on the mission.

"Fuck.. hurry up and pick up hyung.." he mumbled.

That's when the call connected.

"Renjun? Aren't you suppose to be helping with the mission? Why are you-"

He got cut off.

"Taeil Hyung! I need you to come to the dreamies hide out as soon as possible."
Renjun said.

"What? Why-"

"Oh my god- HURRY. Hana got stabbed- twice. She fainted and is currently in chenles emergency room."
Renjun said to him.

"Oh fuck- okay I'm on my way.
while I'm not there you need to
make sure she doesn't lose any more blood."
Taeil said as he was quickly grabbing his things and making his way out the 127 hideout.

"What- do I just add pressure to it?
Wait no actually I can't! She has a pocket knife in her right hand and a dagger in her left shoulder. Literally."

"Fuck," Taeil sighed as he started his car. "Don't take it out. If you do she'll lose more blood." Taeil thought about what he should tell Renjun.
"Just... just make sure she's breathing! I'll be there soon."

And with that, Taeil ended the call.

Renjun sighed as he put his phone down. He was gonna rush out his room to go where Hana is, but then he remember that he was in the middle of helping the boys with a mission.

"Fuck." He said as he quickly went to his computers and put on his ear piece.

"Shit, sorry guys but-"

Renjun got cut off by taeyong.

"Why did you come back? Hurry up and go check up on her!" Taeyong exclaimed in a hushed tone as he was still in the middle of the mission.

"Right, I'll leave the rest of this to you doyoung and winwin hyung!" He said as he placed his ear piece down and ran to the emergency room Hana was in.

He sighed in relief as he saw her chest go up and down.

He then heard the door creak open. He quickly grabbed his gun from his waist belt.

"Woah- it's just me-" Areum put her hands up.

Renjun put the gun down and placed a hand near his heart. "You scared me."

She then looked at Hana. "Is she... okay?"

Renjun shrugged. "She's breathing at least."

Areum walked up to Hana and grabbed her left hand. "Stay strong..."

That's when they heard the front door open and close.

"Where is she?"

Renjun and areum looked up at Taeil who practically ran into the emergency room.

Renjun pointed to the bed.

"Okay... she's breathing which is good." He opened up his case. "You guys can leave now. She's in good hands."

Renjun and areum looked at Hana again before leaving the room and closing the door.

"I wonder how Haechan is feeling..."

Renjun sighed at areum's comment. "Who knows..."


Everyone was looking at Haechan who had an unreadable look on his face. They then looked at shotaro who looked really worried.

Everyone heard Renjun over the ear piece and was shocked.

The boys who also have soulmates couldn't help but feel the worst since they had a soulmate themselves. They would hate to be in Haechan's shoes.


"Let's hurry up and finish the mission." Haechan said coldly as he walked up the stairs.

Everyone glanced at each other before sighing.


Don't worry guys, it wasn't Hana who got shot •-•

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