The Reincarnated Hybrid

נכתב על ידי VictoryForVictor

115K 2.3K 815

A guy who loved Fairy Tail, survived the end of the world with slight mental problems, get a chance at life a... עוד

The End, and The Beginning Of Reincarnation
A Place Your Always Welcomed
Our Paths Will Cross Again.
Conquering the Desert, and Noticed
Being Watched, and Rescuing a Ice Queen.
Fairy tales and, More Mysteries to be Discovered
The Fairy and The Spriggan
The Regional Tournament!
The Eternal Flame, and a Fellow Magic user.
The Chess Board
The Wizard, and Helping a Black Cat
The Fall Maiden
Reunion and Beacon.
Meeting the Black Wizard, and Team Troubles.
The Talk Of The Gods.
A Normal Day At School.
The Black Dragon, Acnologia!
Moving Forward.
Training, and more Mysteries yet again..
New Arrivals.
New Arrivals Pt. 2
Fusion Magic.
Going To Meet an Old Friend.
Mother-Daughter Reunion and The Declaration of War
A Secret Art? and Penny again!
The Adventures of Vic and Weiss! (A Small Side Story)
Confession, Secrets Revealed, and The Dance.
First Quest!
The Lesson From the Strongest Fairy.
The Sad Story of a God
The Fall of Beacon

The Nightmare, and Forever Fall Forest.

3K 74 20
נכתב על ידי VictoryForVictor

We see a short browned haired 16 year old male walking through the dull-grey halls of a school, the school is unknown, but it looks modern. He had glasses, and brown eyes, and wore normal looking clothes, a pale long sleeve shirt, and light-blue sweatpants.

He looked around, confused.. "Where am I.." he spoke, as he walked further and further into the school halls.

He saw a classroom door open, and he walked into it. He saw it was a normal classroom, it wasn't a dull-grey color though, it was all normal colors now.

His expression changed from blank to a smile, he walked towards the window, opening it. Outside was a sunny day, overlooking a modern earth city.

He placed his arm on the window, resting his chin atop his hand. He felt at peace, for some reason he hadn't felt that in a long time. He didn't know why, he didn't even know who he was.

He heard the door open behind him and turned, and saw a group of teenagers his age, he knew them, he remembered who he was, and who they were... They were his friends. They were all in casual clothing, Markus, had green eyes, and bright blond hair. Andrew had blue eyes, black hair. Catherine, she had brown eyes like him, and dark blond hair. Aria, she had grey eyes, and long brown hair.

Markus smiled as he walked over to him, "Finally found you, we were lookin all over the school for you Vic." He told the male who smiled.

"Sorry, I just.. Like this window, and are you going to keep calling me that?" He asked Markus.

Markus nodded with a smile, "Until I beat you in a game! I will keep calling you Vic, it's short for Victories which you keep getting!" He said, causing Vic to chuckle.

Andrew chimed in, "We've all been calling you it, it's your nickname now, no getting rid of it." he told him, who sighed a bit.

"I think it suits you in some weird way, so you should just accept it" Aria told him

Catherine nodded, "Yea, and I'm pretty sure everyone calls you it more than your real name by now.." she said.

"More.. than my real name.. Huh.. oh well, i'll just roll with it." Vic said as he sighed with a smile, and his friends smiled with him, Vic looked around, he felt something was off, he didn't know why.

"Something wrong Vic?" Markus asked him.

Vic looked around, "Are we missing someone.. I feel like we are?.." he questioned, all 4 of them looked confused at him.

"Nope, we aren't, it's always been us 5, are you feeling alright?" Catherine told and asked Vic, who nodded.

"Must just be me then.." Vic said as he shook his head to get it out of his mind.

Aria smiled, "We should head home, school ended a while ago, we've been looking for you for at least a hour.." she told him.

Markus laughed a bit, "To be fair, we should've checked this spot first" he told them, they all took a moment of realization before agreeing with him.

Vic smiled awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck, "Sorry, then we should head home then.." Vic said as they nodded, they were leaving the classroom, Vic was at the door as they started to walk down the hall.

Suddenly, the ground started to shake, a bit.

"What the hell?" Andrew yelled out as they all fell to the ground, they slowly got back up.

"Guess it was just a mini-earthquake- '' Aria went to say, but was cut off, by the windows nearby shattering, and after a giant roar was heard.

Vic went wide eyed, he could never forget this roar, it was ingrained in his mind. It caused him to remember everything..

"This.. isn't real.." Vic's voice fell, he knew he was dreaming, he knew this was fake. This isn't what he looked like anymore. He took off his glasses, and threw them against the ground hard. They shattered against the ground, and everything turned a grey color and stopped.

"This already happened.. Why must I see it again.." he asked aloud, to anyone, anyone at all. The memories replayed in his head.

First the earthquake, then the window shattering, then the roar. Then he saw the faces, the faces of his dead friends he could do nothing to protect. He watched their mangled corpses die and get crushed into paste. He could only watch as he was for some reason spared from the building collapsing, because of him being at the door frame.

It all replayed in his head, over and over again, as he watched it happen. He yelled out in tears, why him, why did it have to be him!? Why couldn't he have died instead, why couldn't he protect them. He couldn't do anything, he was useless.

"Why couldn't I be stronger then... to protect them.." Vic said as he fell to the ground, and hugged his knees. He finally remembered the reason for his name, because he kept winning, but he was a loser, the biggest of them, the biggest one in his whole planet, he couldn't protect his friends then, he didn't want the same to happen again.


Vic opened his eyes and sat up in a quick motion in his hammock, he looked around, as he panted a bit, as tears came from his eyes. He wiped the tears he had, and he looked out the window, it was the middle of the night. Team RWBY was sound asleep from what he could tell..

"That dream again.. Huh.." Vic whispered to himself, he grabbed his cloak and some other things before jumping down quietly from his hammock, he left through the door this time.

He knew he wasn't getting any sleep, so he wasn't going to try. He went up to a part of Beacon's roof through the doors for once, he didn't feel like climbing. He sat up on the roof, and looked at the stars, he decided to go over everything that had happened recently.

Cardin had backed off on Faunus, but he apparently now focused on Jaune. Vic was going to do something, like actually break his legs like Nora suggested, but Pyrrha told him not to. Vic trusted Pyrrha's judgement, maybe something good could come out of this. Vic couldn't always be there to save Jaune, he would have to save himself.

Vic did want to help, but he knew he had to let people grow.

He vowed he wouldn't let anything happen to his friends.. He was afraid to lose them, the one thing he feared, not being able to protect the people he cares for.

He knew he was strong, but he didn't know how strong truly. He didn't know if he was stronger than Salem. He wasn't afraid of her though, he had some ideas to beat her, though he didn't know if they would work or not. He wondered about the difference between his power and Salem's.

Vic sighed as he looked up at the broken moon in the night sky. Vic wondered a lot of things. Why did this or that happen to him, why did he deserve this, a second chance? What does the god have planned for him, he is obviously the one behind this.. But what is the cause? Why is the God doing this to him? Will I be able to protect them? Is he currently strong enough to protect them? The scariest thing he wondered or asked himself.. What happens if he isn't strong enough to protect someone he cares for.

Vic honestly doesn't know what will happen to himself if that happens. It scares him, what if he becomes like Acnologia because of it? What if he just loses himself? Vic couldn't deal with that pain again, and hopes he doesn't have to. He really hopes.

"Why am I so.. Weak.." Vic said to himself, the voices, the images, never left.. He knew he was weak.


Vic stayed on the roof the whole night, thinking of random things. He just stared up at the sky as he did this.

When morning came around, he watched the sun rise over the horizon.

He pushed the bad thoughts away for now, he had a good feeling about today, he hoped it was related to Jaune. He hoped he could finally stand up to Cardin, he has faith he can do it.

If he remembered correctly, today was the day of the forever falls field trip. Which meant he had to ride in a bullhead to the forever falls. He wasn't looking forward to it.

He had sort of practiced on his own by riding vehicles.. He wasn't successful.. At all. The troia rip off spell should help though, he hoped he could still keep using it. He's only used it 4 times, so he should be able to keep using it for a bit longer. How long? He doesn't know.. At all..

He felt his scroll buzz in his pocket, and grabbed it out, and looked at the caller ID. It was Ruby, of course it was.. He forgot to leave a note that he left, oh well.

He picked it up, "Yellow?" he answered his scroll.

"Vic! Where are you? We woke up and you were gone.. And you didn't leave a note or something like you usually do." He heard the worried voice of Ruby.

Vic cursed himself internally for not leaving a note, "Don't worry, I'm fine, just went for morning exercises. Sorry about that, I'll start making my way back right now." He told the girl, he didn't like lying but he rather not have them worry about his problems. He knew it was bad, but he couldn't help it.

He heard a sigh of relief on the other side of the scroll, "It's alright, and see you when you get here!" he heard Ruby through the scroll, he smiled.

"Yep, see you in a bit." he told her with a bit of cheer in his voice.

Ruby hung up and he sighed as he put the scroll in his pocket. He didn't like lying like that, he really didn't. He would rather not drag her or anyone into his problems, they were his alone, he knows he shouldn't say that. He's watched fairy tail, he knows he shouldn't.. But he's afraid.. Afraid what will happen when they learn the truth of who he really is.. Of what he really is..

He stood up as he looked towards the rising sun, the wind started to pick up as his cloak blew in the wind, he looked up as a bullhead flew overhead. He sighed as he turned around his cloak still blowing a bit from the bullhead that flew by, a couple dark orange small scales could be seen on his back, under his shirt..


3rd POV

We see team RWBY, JNPR, and CRDL, along with Vic and Glynda Goodwitch walking in the Forever Fall forest.

"Yes students, the forest of forever falls is indeed beautiful, but we are not here to sightsee. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so." Glynda told them.

In the back, Jaune was whistling while holding a bunch of jars, he ran into Cardin and looked away and whistled.

Glynda turned around, looking at them, "Each of you is to gather 1 jar worth of red sap. However this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will meet back here at 4 o'clock, have fun!" She told them. Ruby and Yang looked at each other smiling, and both walked off with the rest of their team, followed by Vic.

Jaune tried sneaking off but was caught by Cardin, "Come on buddy let's go!" Cardin said as he grabbed Jaune. Jaune looked towards Pyrrha and his two other teammates who were walking away, with a sad look he looked down as he turned a bit and followed Cardin, causing Pyrrha to sigh sadly.

Jaune was dragged off somewhere with team CRDL, and was forced to collect the red sap for them, after a bit of sap collecting jaune walked over with 6 jars of red sap, he dropped the 6 jars on the ground, then proceeded to fall on the ground himself.

Cardin stood up, "Hey, great work Jauny-boy, now that wasn't too hard was it?" he asked

Jaune brought his head up from the ground, "I think I'm allergic to this stuff.."

Cardin stood over Jaune "Great great great, so Jaune, i bet you're asking yourself why did my buddy Cardin ask me to collect 6 jars of sap, when there's only 5 of us?"

"That is one of the many questions I've asked myself today, yes." Jaune told him.

"Well, come with me and you'll find out." Card said.

They again dragged Jaune over towards the top of a hill that overlooked a certain Dragon Slayer who was laying down on a rock with a red jar nearby as he already collected the sap he needed to, nearby team RWBY, and _NPR could be seen collecting sap.

"Card what's going on?" Jaune asked, confused.

"Payback." Cardin said as he glared at the relaxed Vic.

"Vic...?" Jaune spoke, and was about to speak again but was cut off.

"That's the boy, orange hair, thinks he's so tough, and he embarrassed me in front of everyone." Cardin said as he pulled out a box with a W on it, "Alright boys last night o'l Jaune managed to round up a whole box of rapier wasps, and now we are going to put them to work." Cardin said as he smiled, "Now according to one of the essays you wrote for me last week, these things love sweets. I think it's time we teach him a thing or two.." Cardin said as they all stood up, and forced Jaune to his feet, "and you're going to do it." Cardin told him to push the jar of sap into his chest.

Jaune takes the jar, "Do what?" Jaune asked Cardin.

"Hit him with the sap, either that or I'll have a chat with goodwitch and you'll be on the first airship out of Beacon." Cardin told him

Jaune looked towards Cardin before walking over to the edge, he put the jar over his head as if he were going to throw it. He looked at Vic, then over towards Pyrrha and his teammates..

"No.." Jaune told them.

"What did you say?" Cardin asked as he raised a brow.

"I said no!" Jaune told him as he threw the jar at him, it broke on contact with his armor, and the sap went on his chest.

Cardin laughed as his teammates looked at him, "Oh you've done it now.." Cardin told him as he grabbed him and he and his teammates dragged him into the forest.

As they did this, Vic opened one of his eyes and vanished away from the rock.

They dragged Jaune a bit further into the forest before pushing him down on the ground, "You know that wasn't very smart Jauny-boy" Cardin told him as he picked Jaune up and then punched him to the ground again. "I'm going to make sure they send you back to mommy in teeny tiny pieces." Cardin told him as he held Jaune up by his collar.

Jaune looked Cardin in the eyes, "I don't care what you do to me, but you're not messing with my team." He told Cardin.

"What? You think talking like that makes you tough? You think you're a big strong man now?" Cardin asked him, then went to punch him, but before he could make full contact a white light appeared blinding everyone in the area a bit.

Jaune fell to the floor as Cardin dropped him. Jaune looked at his head and saw himself glowing a bit due to his aura. He was pushed forward by one of Cardin's teammates..

Cardin walked over to him, "Let's see how much of a man you really are.." Cardin asked, they were about to do something but a large growl was heard.

They all turned around and met the eyes of the Ursa Major that popped out of the tree line. It sniffed the air and smelled the sap on Cardin's chest-plate, and let out a roar.

"That's a big Ursa!" One of Cardin's teammates said as they all ran away except for Cardin and Jaune..

Jaune looked back and then at Cardin who was trying to defend himself from the Ursa Major, which knocked away his weapon like a toy.

Cardin tried to escape from the Ursa Major, by running away, but it slashed at him, knocking him down again. Pyrrha, Ruby, and Weiss arrived as this happened, watching Cardin fall to the ground. It was about to slash him again, but Jaune blocked it with his shield.

Weiss was about to intervene, but Pyrrha stopped her, "Wait.." she told the Ice Queen.

Jaune brought his shield up, knocking away the claw, and got a slash in on its belly, making it stagger backwards. It roared as it went to slash Jaune multiple times, but he dodged them all but the last, which knocked him away.

Jaune looked at his scroll, his aura was in the red. He let out a battle cry as he charged forward. As they got close to each other the Ursa's claw was getting close to him, Pyrrha held out her hand using her semblance, she moved the shield blocking the claw with Jaune's shield. Jaune was pushed to the ground a bit, but pushed up with his foot, and swung his sword and cleanly sliced off Ursa Major's head.

Pyrrha put her hand down, "Uhh.. what?" Ruby questioned..

"How did you..?" Weiss asked..

"Well Ruby has her speed, you have your Glyphs, my semblance is polarity" She told them.

"Woah.. You can control polls.." Ruby said.

"No you dunce, it means she can control magnetism" Weiss corrected her

"Magnets are cool too.." Ruby whispered.

Pyrrha turned to walk away, "wait where are you going?" Weiss asked.

"Yes we gotta tell them what happened!" Ruby said.

"We could.. Or.. perhaps keep it our little secret.." she said as she looked toward Jaune who sheathed his shield, both agreed as they walked away with her..

Jaune helped Cardin to his feet, "Holy crap Jaune" he told the boy.

"Don't mess with my team.. My friends! Ever. again. Got it?" he told Cardin, taking his silence as an answer, he turned around and walked away.

'Hm, what a lovely show.. I knew you could do it Jaune..' Vic thought as he was hidden away in a tree, he watched the whole thing..

Vic smiled as he watched Cardin go off to find his teammates. He jumped down from the tree, "Your strong Jaune.. You can become stronger once you realize what you can do." Vic said as he smiled, he sniffed the air. When his nose caught something, something he hadn't smelled in a long time.

"Dragon.. But.. this.. Feeling i get from it.. It's not an ordinary dragon.. It's strong.. Stronger than anything I felt.. The only person who could have this kind of magic.. it.. Is.. him.." Vic said aloud as his eyes went wide.



AHAAHAHAH I know what I did and I'm proud.

Seeing as people wanted it, I will be doing 5k-6k work chapters from next chapter and on.

The only reason this wasn't 5k-6k words is because I already had a plan for this one!

As always, hope you enjoyed the chapter! and See ya next one! MAUAHAHAHAH!!! AHAHA

I really am proud of doing this cliff hanger.. AHAHAHA

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