
By Tleven

108K 1.7K 135

Nineteen year old Jade Elise Sanders is on the verge of flunking out of college while struggling to live unde... More

A/n: Important details!


3.5K 61 8
By Tleven


"Maam, we're here," the driver pulled me out of sleep with a gentle tap on my shoulder.

Due to my eyes stinging from crying, I had fallen asleep during our short ride. We were in a parking garage full of other expensive looking cars.

I grabbed the driver's helping hand and climbed out. My things were already by his side and he led the way to a pair of double doors close by.

He rang the buzzer and we both waited for a response.

Not a minute later the lock turned, and Dácio appeared before us.

"Walk straight and turn left. Wait for me in the living room," Dácio immediately commanded.

"Damn, hello to you too."

"Yes sir."

I stepped into the spacious hallway that I believe the rich called a 'foyer'. As I made my way I heard the two converse, but not in English.

To my surprise, Latin rolled off of Dácio's tongue like water off a ducks back.

I turned my attention to the artwork hanging on the white walls that looked fresh out of a museum. The pieces were stunning and almost made me want to stop in my tracks, and I would have if the consequence didn't involve a punishment.

I entered the living room as promised and instantly faced windows that stretched from the ceiling to the floor. The city stared back at me as I observed every detail my eyes could find in the beauty.

I heard the faint click of doors being closed then footsteps follow shortly after. The small moment to catch my breath got cut short sooner than intended, and he stepped into the living room as well.

I despised how quickly I let Dácio's gaze effect me. He had the power to barely change his facial expressions and still make such an impact on a person.

He took a good look up and down my frame before locking eyes with me, then slowly sitting down.

"Jade?" He sighed, picking up a shallow glass of liquor already poured on the table.

I noticed a black box with a red bow tied neatly around it. It sat directly in the center of the glass table, laughing in my face dauntingly.

"Yes sir?"

"What is the rule when you first arrive here?" He sipped.

Strip: when in private you must always be naked unless menstruating or your dominant says otherwise.

I didn't think Dácio would make me so soon, but I didn't sign that paper for nothing.

I had insecurities about my body like every person does, but they weren't overwhelming. My figure kept me content and I truly could not complain. The problem wasn't that though, it was showing a man of his intensity my exposed frame.

I reminded myself that if it weren't for my looks I wouldn't be here, and hushed any self-conscious thoughts pestering in my mind.

"I-I'm sorry sir," I immediately apologized.

"I'll let it slide. It's your first day here," he reluctantly wavered.

I breathed a sigh of relief while continuing to stand awkwardly on the other side of the table.

"In that box are enough house slips to get you a week. I don't expect you to walk around fully naked just yet, but you need to get used to the feeling, so I expect you to wear nothing under them."

I bit my lip while listening intently. I realized paying attention to detail would be important when it came to Dácio because missing a single prompt could land me a punishment.

"Go ahead, change," he nodded.

I untied and picked up the box. As promised, I was met with my first silk slip. It was a pretty shade of pink and as soft and light as a feather.

"Is there a bathroom I can use?" I asked.

"Do I make you nervous, Jade?" He asked, a slight squint in his eyes.

"No sir," I lied, almost completely paralyzed by his gaze.

"So show me, and strip," he eyed me over the rim of his glass as he took a sip.

I bit the inside of my cheeks to hold in snarky comments threatening to spew. I had talked myself up these past couple of days for moments like this since it would be my life now.

"If you think you cannot handle my presence, I will allow you to go use the bathroom," he added after a minute of my mental debate.

I knew proving Dácio and myself wrong would feel more rewarding, so I took the leap.

I didn't let another second go by and began stepping out of my shoes. I gripped the hem of my shirt and raised it over my head, feeling the brisk AC fan my cleavage.

I shimmied out of my pants next and let the fabric pool at my feet before stepping out of those as well. I had maintained eye contact the entire time.

Until it came down to the last two items.

My bra and panties.

I sighed and adverted my gaze to the opened box instead. Anything that would make my stomach feel less queasy.

I reached behind my back and in a few short seconds unclasped the two hooks. The constricting clothing released instantly as I let it glide down my arms.

My nipples pebbled under the cool air as I dropped my bra at my feet, then reached for my panties.

My shaky fingers hooked the waistband and slowly slid them down my legs. I went to drop them as well until he called out.

"Ah- come place those in my hand," he demanded with an open palm.

I couldn't decide yet if I wanted to feel sick or turned on by the action. Dácio made me nervous but it was something about the desire in his eyes that kept a flame under my ass to keep going. He looked at me like he wanted me, and only me, and that was a dangerous feeling to have.

I did as told and stuck my barely worn panties in his hand once in front of him.

I made sure to place the part that covered my vulva directly against his palm, so he could feel anything I had spread onto the fabric.

I felt nervous but in the way someone would feel before sex. An excited nervous.

This was real.

This was happening.

"I'll finally get my life of luxury.."

"I see you attended your appointments," he smirked.

My breathing was short and somewhat controlled as I tried to focus.

His coarse touch gently caressed the curvature of my waist, gliding it's way down to my hips where he rubbed a small circle on the bone. His pant leg rubbed my smooth skin slightly since I stood so close, and the smell of his cologne overpowered me once again.

"Good girl..Continue," he allowed, removing his touch and continuing to sip from that damn glass.

I rounded the table again and grabbed the baby pink slip from the box. I smoothly glided it on and felt it stop around mid thigh.

The cool silk felt alleviating against my warm aroused breast, and my elated nipples eagerly greeted him.

"Perfect, it fits," he smiled, proud with his picking.

"Come sit beautiful," he patted his lap with one hand, the other setting his glass down.

I did as told and carefully placed myself on his lap. My feet hovered the ground as my legs hung over his, and his arms held my waist securely. My other arm wrapped around his neck, and I used that as my chance to stroke his thick hair.

"You only have to wear your collar during play time, or if I have company. You know that, but it doesn't hurt to remind," he reached up to stroke my cheeks gently.

"I'm going to leave you with my lap top and cards. Whatever you want is yours. Here," Dácio reached into his dress shirt pocket for a folded sticky note.

"Addres information, P.O. Box, any other stuff you'd need for shipping is on here. After all of your things come we can go shopping in person too if you'd like," he offered, sliding me off of his lap before getting up to walk through a door way not too far from us.

He returned with a sleek MacBook that looked fresh out of the box.

"There's no password," he added.

"Thank you," I smiled down at the two cards.

One had a black smooth design with a golden chip, and another clear with silver details. The two forms of currency put a smile on my face as I slowly opened up the laptop.

"You're welcome beautiful," his warm hands found my neck as he stood behind me while I sat on the couch.

His fingers gently cuffed my jaw as he briefly bent down to peck the crown of my head. The wholesome move made my cheeks burn slightly, and I quickly began looking up clothing websites to distract myself from the butterflies.

As Dácio made his way out again I almost let the one question on my mind slip away.

"Sir?" I called out.

"Yes sweet heart?" He turned around.

"Is there a limit?"

"It does not exist," he replied in a casual tone but I could tell he was being serious.

"Thank you master," I smiled.

My small gratification put a smile on his striking face.

"Of course," He gave a small nod then continued on.

I stared at the site ahead of me. Cards with copious amounts of money rest at my fingertips. The never-ending web was mine to roam, and I had a breathtaking view to enjoy while doing so.

"This, is what I was meant to do."

A/n: hey yall!

Most of this book is written. If you like it so far don't hesitate to vote, comment, add to your lists- just interact . Anything to let me know you guys genuinely like it and I'm not just posting for myself lol.

Love to all<3, more soon .

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