Just A Typical Gay Story [ Bx...

By felicitousapple

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REMINDER: Switching Point of Views I know this is so unprofessional of me (not that I'm really a professional... More

Just A Typical Gay Story
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight

Chapter Nine

89 6 0
By felicitousapple

Chapter Nine

Leron Angelo's POV

It was afternoon already. I am currently inside my art room, sketching. I really wanted to paint a person right now. I know I can just use one of my parents as my model, but I am still not confident with my hands and painting. What if it didn't turn out well? It's embarrassing. Even if they are my parents. My own flesh and blood.

And yes, I prefer to paint someone besides my parents. Just someone, anyone. I can pay them, I have my allowance and ain't short with it anyway.

Earlier in school, nothing much really happened. It's just almost the same as yesterday. Declan being suspicious, getting friendlier with me. But I discovered something new about him today.

That he had a tattoo on his middle finger, it is not that visible because he's covering it with his ring. I found it when I caught him playing with his ring that time. He noticed me staring at his hand, and to my surprise he let me have a near and clear view of his small butterfly tattoo on his middle finger.

I was blushing hard while he let me stare and caress at it. I hope he had not noticed it though. It will be very embarrassing.

“Knew you'd be here.” I almost flinch on my seat when the sudden voice of Arson echoed inside my art room. I sigh and glare at the cause of it.

“Hey, you really didn't know how to knock huh.” I sarcastically said.

“Man I've been doing that for almost a decade now. You have to get used to it. Really.”

“Yeah, whatever.” I said and get back with sketching a human face.

But so far I have only been able to draw up a neck and shoulders. No look, no face. I sigh heavily. It's so hard, but I still want to do it.

“So what's up with you and with your paintings? You look like you're in trouble.” I almost forgot that Arson is actually in here. The man sat on the ground near me and open the chips he's been holding on.

I look at him and explain to him what's bothering me.“Lately, I decided to paint a human.  A person, but I really can't do it without a model.” I whine after, slapping my drawing book on to my forehead. Expecting that ideas will come flow out after doing it, but nothing...

Is this what they called the artist's block? No, definitely not. How can I call myself an artist, when I don't even know where to start from painting a person?

Arson suddenly stand up, I watch him walk and stop infront of me. He snatch away the sketch book in my hands and face it to me, and set it beside him. And then he started posing like he was a model of some briefs.

I get what he meant. Actually he's right, I can just take him as my model and the problem will be solved. But whenever I am remembering what he did to my latest painting last summer, my mind is going blank.

How can I start sketching if my mind is blank?

I know that he was super drunk that day, but please, I spent my whole day finishing the poor paint and he's just going to pee-wee on it?

No, ain't letting him go with it. Ever.

I gave him a dumbfounded look and start putting my things together. His jaw drop, I snatch away my sketch book from him. I'm done for today, I cannot think of anything anymore.

“That's mean Angel! You don't want me? I'm your bestfriend, come on! I'm going to be your model for free!” the man said, but just like I said, no. Never.

“No, it's fine. I'd rather paint a dog—” he cut me off by making some childish noise. He even put both of his index fingers inside his ears while making that annoying sound.

“Stop that, I'll kill you.” I threatened.

“Roye? Why not get Roye as your model?” I froze and stop from what I'm doing after hearing what he said. Just from hearing his name, it make me feel chills down my spine.

I continue from packing my things and taking them to where they belong. “Why him?” lately, I asked. Because why would he offer Declan, when he can offer Codee first? Why Declan, but not our other friends?

Don't tell me he also found out about my feelings towards Declan?? Seriously, what is this man? Is he a detective or what?

“Why not? I mean,” he paused because he needs to munch the chips inside his sinful mouth.  “He's good looking, however I am still the best. He's athletic, and I am too. He's popular, the same as me—” I rolled ky eyes and immediately cut him off from lifting his own confidence.

“Stop! Stop! Stop! I understand. You can  stop comparing yourself to him already. Jeez.” I put my hands on both side of my waist, tilting my head a little and raising one of my eyebrows at him.

“But how am I going to approach him?” I asked as a matter of fact. How, how de carabao?

He turn his head to me and gave me a 'are you seriously asking me that question?' look, that earned a blank face from me.

”What? Just approach him naturally. If he declined, then your only choice is me—”

“Arson.” I can feel my vains twitching on my forehead because of annoyance.

“Alright, I'm stopping.” he start licking his fingers like a cat and I have to turn away because it's making me puke.

Well, this is enough.


Roye Declan's POV

“I think I'm going crazy.” I mutter in the middle of silence that's going on inside my house. I lay down on my spacious sofa, and one of my dogs Greta, the most energetic one suddenly jump on me.

The corner of my lips lifted as I stoke her fur and as she lay on top of my stomach. Her soft furs are curly and it's pure black. The only white spot you can see is the one under her body.

I turn my head to check on my other three dogs. Pepe is currently playing with his toy. Biting on it and sometimes barking at it like he's challenging the poor toy. This one's fur is white with brown spots. Siri, as usual is just silently sleeping on the corner. No one can disturb this one's slumber. Her fur is brown. No spots, just brown. And last but the biggest of them all, Jarvis my big boy. His fur are the combination of white and black. If one of my slippers are missing again, I don't even bother to react at it everytime he had it.

All of them have the same breed. Shih tzu, it is.

Well, anyway, they are not the reason why I said I thought I am going crazy.

The reason and the cause of it is the boy who had a cute permed hair. A beautiful doe eyes, had a thin but long eyelashes that almost touches his rosy cheeks. Plump red lips..ah those lips, how would it feel on top of mine?

I sigh and close my eyes. It's suddenly so hot in here. Yes, I'm damn turned on again just by thinking about him. How, how could a small man and a timid person like him be able to make me feel such an effect? Everytime I'm watching his reactions to everything, I found myself having a hard time to hide my erection.

I know I'm being creepy right now, and I am so fucking frustrated. I am confuse and at the same time so aroused.

Why am I feeling this? What is this? How about my girlfriend? Oh that's right, I do have a girlfriend...

In a swift move I sit up and put down Greta on the ground. I quickly walk while calling their attention towards their small room, it's just a small room with some of their toys.  I put all of my dogs inside their own cages, I cannot leave them alone. Cannot risk them going against each other until they start fighting.

After I made sure that all of them already had foods for dinner, I immediately left their room and walk towards my own. But I soon regretted that, it's so damn quiet. Hmm, whatever, I'm just about to leave anyway.

After putting some plain black shirt and a comfortable pants, I immediately grab my keys and drive my way out of my quiet house to Angela's house. I did not bother to text her that I'm coming over, it's not a surprise either. She'll probably attack me on the spot anyway. Since we haven't laid each other for awhile now...

And maybe that's just it. Yes, that's right. That's just it.

I shifted on my seat as I speed up.


When I arrived at Angela's house. I can't decide if I'm going to leave the car or I'm going to leave with the car and return to my empty house.

I fucking know that I'm just going to use her to forget about someone, and it's makes me feel me guilty. But at the same time I want to collect myself.  I want to understand what's happening to me, and I only thought about this as the solution.

If I only knew someone who can fucking answer this, I already contacted them in no time. But the problem is there's none, it's only me.

I raised my head, looking at Angela's house from the car. And if I am not mistaking, another unfamiliar car is parking not so far from their house. Damn, I think they still had a guest. It is still afternoon after all, it's not surprising. But still...

I chew on my lower lip. Should I still continue?

Ah, enough of this. Maybe it's fine. We're official anyway, her mother knew me already. After battling with myself like a mad man for how many times, I've decided to already left the car.

There's no one outside, I knock on their door because they also don't have a doorbell. I knock and knock but I guess no one can heard it. What now? I thought they have visitors?

I once again glance at the other car outside, remembering if I have seen that car anywhere before but no, I haven't. Barely hanging on with my patience, I tried to twist the doorknob to see if it was unlocked. But as soon as I twisted the thing, the door crack an opening for me.

I sigh in relief. There's no one inside. Maybe the owner of the car is not even inside this house in the first place. Man, I wasted my time for what?

“Ange—Angela?” I clench my jaw, what the fuck. That was close.

I shake my head to refocus myself and close the door behind me. I scan the whole floor with my eyes, looking everywhere for my girlfriend. It's so damn quiet in the living room, almost reminding me of my house. Obviously, her mother isn't here. But the fact that the door is open, she's definitely inside the house.

Where is that girl? I was expecting her to attack me once she saw me, but damn she is nowhere. I think I'm being too proud of myself lately, that's why I always got my hopes high and in the end, it will end up for nothing.

I wet my lower lip and look around me once again, should I come straight into her room? She would not mind it, for sure.

This time, I didn't waste any time anymore and just went straight ahead towards her room. I did not bother knocking on the door as well when I reached it, and just twist the doorknob of her room.


My words were left in the air when I saw the situation I had reached inside my girlfriend’s room. Or rather my ex girlfriend.

My eyes stay glued on them as Angela start rising from her bed, butt naked. The man did not even bother to flinch or cover himself, instead reach for something on the bedside table. Lighting the piece of cigarette on his hand.

No one bothered to speak. Angela is busy covering herself like she's not some slut fucking some random guy just a few seconds ago.

I lean on the door, my right hand resting on the doorknob and the other is slightly gripping on my hair. I let out a chuckle that made the other two heads to turn towards me. Probably thinking that I've gone crazy. Ah, I don't know what's so funny, maybe I'm frustrated and just doesn't want to show it.

But to be honest, I cannot feel anything right now. I cannot understand myself right now...

Leron's face just keep on flashing in my mind, then the situation right now.

That's right, the situation right now, Angela cheated on me and she's not saying anything at all. Was there anything to say anyway? Mm.. I guess there's nothing.

I straightened up, and faced the two properly with a blank face. The guy is already putting on his boxer, I thought he's going to put his other clothes as well to leave, but he's not. Instead he sat on the bed again and relax like he's not in a awkward situation.

What a man. If only I was head over heels for Angela, I will beat the shit out of him.

I cleared my throat and look at Angela who looks guilty somehow. She was about to oper her mouth but I immediately stop it by raising my right hand.

“We're over.” I said and give her my natural smile. I am ready to turn my back on her when she start walking towards me, and the next thing I knew, she's already hugging me.

“N-no, please Roye..I'm sorry..”

I didn't bother to hug her back and just look down at her with an emotionless gaze, begging for me to take back what I just said. What is this girl talking about?

I close my eyes in annoyance and make the effort to at least pat her head. I immediately open it back when I felt her smile a little. “Why are you smiling?” I asked her as I continue patting her head.

She shake her head and just start pressing her face on my chest, still hugging me. I sigh and rolled my eyes. Damn it, I can feel her tears and snot sticking to my clothes.

In a swift move, I immediately took off her arms around me, pushing her away from me. Her eyes widened as I gave her a mocking look with a smug grin on my lips.

“Stop hugging me. Disgusting shit.” I said in pure disgust, I'm actually talking about her snot and tears that got stocked on my shirt, but I guess she misunderstood it based on the shock and hurt that was showing on her face.

I sigh and immediately turn around one more time, this time not letting her to stop me again from walking away.

I left her house just like that. Without saying anymore words and without looking back at them. Thank goodness she did not come after me. I don't really have the patience to deal with something like this right now.

When I arrived at my house, the emptiness and silence attacked my whole system one more time. Sighing, I start walking towards my music room. At times like this, I cannot bear the silence and to get myself out of this mystery, I will play one of my instruments inside my music room.

I'm that desperate. No one to talk. No one to bond with. I will drown myself with my own music.

I take off my shirt and throw it somewhere.  Walking and sitting infront of my upright piano. I put my fingers on top of the keyboard, caressing it carefully. I close my eyes and feel the thing under my fingers.

And start playing a music with it.

I learned playing some of the music instruments not just because I wanted to get rid of the silence that's always enveloping me. If I can remember..I was very eager to learned all of this because I also wanted to impress my parents. I want their attention, not just because I felt lonely. I want them to praise me, and not just to satisfy myself.

The seven year old me thought, that they will stay longer in our house if I successfully learned how to play it. That they will put me in their priority first and not those businesses and works.

But guess what, I have never been better. Fucking paperworks and negotiations remained the best.

Who am I kidding?

Ah, I should be thankful right? At least, they still give me their money and wealth. Because of it I am still alive. Because of that I still have a roof over my head.

Yup, be thankful.

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