Guardians of the Galaxy

By SethCauble

39.2K 917 73

Blake Slader is Peter Quill's, A.K.A Starlord's, partner in crime. They went on adventures together as ravang... More

Blake Slader
Endings and Beginnings
Unexpected Turn of Events
Meet Peter Quill
Retrieving the Orb
Meeting the Guardians
In the Kyln
Meet Drax the Destroyer
Making a Deal
Prison Escape
Making Friends Everywhere We Go
Split up and Dominated
Making a Compromise
Plan out
The Battle Part 1
The Battle Part 2
It's her. It's really her.
Day in the Life of Danger
High Priestess Ayesha
Wounds and Scars
Rocket, you Idiot
It Can't Be
The Truth
The Talk
The Ravengers
Not what it used to be
The Escape Plan
Come a Little Bit Closer
We've gotta Save Quill
Let's End This
Final Battle Part 1
Final Battle Part 2
Final Battle Part 3
Goodbye Yondu
A Ravenger Funeral: Father and Son
The Christmas Special
Birth of a New Guardian
A Hurting Brother
An New Familiar Foe
A Kill Switch?!
No Way
Mission Preparation
Breaking into OrgoCorp
Hard to Cooperate
Planning Our Next Steps
Analogies and Metaphors
A Really Weird Planet
Not a Creator
It's a Face-off
The End of Counter-Earth
Ride or Die
Saving Rocket
Let's End This
No Sleep Till Brooklyn
Saving the Children
Rocket's Origin
I Guess This is Goodbye
Let's Celebrate

A Clue

617 17 0
By SethCauble

Blake's dream

I was a little boy, back on my home planet. I was playing tag with a little girl.

"Come on, Blake."

She said

"You know you'll never catch me."

"What if I will?"

I asked.

After going through the forest, I finally caught up with her.

"Ha! Got you!"

I triumphed.


She scoffed.

"You always have to act tough. You think you got everything."

"Hey. Sometimes I don't always had everything. We all need help from time to time."

I admitted.

"I don't."

She said with pride.

"I don't need anyone's help."

"I'm sure that you do need help."

"I've never asked for anyone's help."

"Really? No one at all?"

"Yeah. No one at all."

We stopped on a cliff to watch the Aurora borealis in the sky.

"Well, if you do need help, would you asked me?"

"Maybe. But if I do, and I probably won't, would you be there for me?"

I looked into the little girl's aqua eyes.

"I'll always be there for you, Zoe. I promise."

"That's good enough for me."

I put my arm around her and watched the lights in the sky.

Then the dream shifted.

It was the time when the planet came under attack.

Me and Zoe tried to make it to an escape pod.

Blake: I'll get this started.

Zoe: Hurry, Blake.

The Chitauri soldiers got her. I went after them to fight them off. The pod was about to take off.

Zoe: Blake! Go!

Blake: I can't leave you!

Zoe: Don't worry about me! Just go!

She pushed me backwards into the pod and the windows closed.

Blake: Zoe, no!

I saw her getting carried away by the soldiers as the pod carried me upwards and off the planet. Then I saw the planet explode.

Blake: NOOOOOO!!!

I awoke in my bed. I was in a cold sweat. It was morning. I decided to get out of my room to clear my head.

I walked into a room where I saw Drax sharpening his knives, with Quill, Gamora and Rocket having breakfast, and Baby Groot was dancing to "I Want You Back by Jackson 5". I will admit, he is cute and funnier as a baby.

Drax: Morning.

Blake: Morning, guys

Quill: Blake, what's wrong? Did you not sleep well?

Blake: I think I had a strange nightmare.

Rocket: A strange nightmare? I wonder what that means.

Quill: Maybe it was a bizarre nightmare. Like something that was hard for you to understand.

Blake: Look, it was my nightmare and it was strange. Alright?

Drax: So, what happened?

Blake: What? Do I have to waste my time with this? It's probably not that important.

Gamora: Blake. We're your friends. And we need to know what's bothering you.

I looked at them. Drax looked at Groot, who stopped dancing.

I gave in.

Blake: I was a little cub back on my home planet. And I was running through the woods. Only this time, there was a little girl with me.

Gamora: A little girl?

Blake: I know that sounds strange.

Rocket: Oh. Blake, you sly dog.

He laughed.

I got annoyed.

Blake: Can you please let me finish? Anyway, then I went back to the time when I escaped from my planet. The girl was with me, too. She was being carried off by soldiers. I tried to fight them away, back she pushed me backwards into the pod, and I left without her.

We stood in silence.

Quill: Maybe it's a message.

Blake: What do you mean, a message?

Quill: That could be the person that the Nova Corps found.

Gamora: That can't be possible. She would've been destroyed as well.

Quill: Unless she had her own way of escape.

Rocket: Either way, we don't have time for that, now. We've got another mission on another planet. A group of thieves are stealing from the markets and they're terrorizing people with the weapons.

I decided to suck it up and put my game face on.

Little did I realize what surprise I was in store for later.

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