The Reincarnated Hybrid

By VictoryForVictor

115K 2.3K 815

A guy who loved Fairy Tail, survived the end of the world with slight mental problems, get a chance at life a... More

The End, and The Beginning Of Reincarnation
A Place Your Always Welcomed
Our Paths Will Cross Again.
Conquering the Desert, and Noticed
Being Watched, and Rescuing a Ice Queen.
Fairy tales and, More Mysteries to be Discovered
The Fairy and The Spriggan
The Regional Tournament!
The Eternal Flame, and a Fellow Magic user.
The Chess Board
The Wizard, and Helping a Black Cat
The Fall Maiden
Meeting the Black Wizard, and Team Troubles.
The Talk Of The Gods.
A Normal Day At School.
The Nightmare, and Forever Fall Forest.
The Black Dragon, Acnologia!
Moving Forward.
Training, and more Mysteries yet again..
New Arrivals.
New Arrivals Pt. 2
Fusion Magic.
Going To Meet an Old Friend.
Mother-Daughter Reunion and The Declaration of War
A Secret Art? and Penny again!
The Adventures of Vic and Weiss! (A Small Side Story)
Confession, Secrets Revealed, and The Dance.
First Quest!
The Lesson From the Strongest Fairy.
The Sad Story of a God
The Fall of Beacon

Reunion and Beacon.

4.4K 95 28
By VictoryForVictor

Vic smiled as he looked behind him, and saw Ruby's smiling face after hearing his name, "The one and only." he smiled at her, "Ruby, let me handle this one though.." He said he earned a nod from said girl.

Vic's gaze hardened, he smelled a magic presence in the bullhead, it was barely there, it was being covered by dust, and aura. But he knew it was there.

He saw the fellow orange haired guy, panicked a bit. And yell something inside, "We've got a weird one!"

Vic just smiled, and he started to inhale, he was preparing a roar, both Ruby, and the Criminal visibly noticed the air shift a bit, "What the hell.." he heard the criminal comment under his breath.

"So.. cool.." was ruby's reaction.

Flames and blue lightning surrounded his mouth as he breathed in, 'Hellfire-Volt Dragon's Roar!!' Vic thought as he unleashed the large roar towards the bullhead, he saw the bullhead fly upwards upwards, just dodging his roar, he noticed the criminal was gone now, and replaced him, was a woman, for some reason, something was cloaking her. He couldn't see her face, like a darkness was covering her.

It reminded him of a Grimm, she shot some sort of flaming balls at him, he just stuck out his hand, catching the flames, and with a smile ate them.

Surprising the women who fired them. The flames tasted of magic, and he recognized the kind of magic, it felt toxic to him a bit. She was a maiden, he needed more information, but he couldn't risk Ruby. He would finish this, "This ends now." Vic spoke as he pulled back his left hand, and put a lot of magic power behind it.

He charged the multi-colored aura he was building up in his fist, 'Hybrid Dragon's Ending Flare!' Vic thought as he launched the bright ball towards the bullhead.

He saw the women step back, as the doors closed on it, the bullhead quickly tried to dodge, but was hit by it, knocking them away. He held back on purpose, he needed to protect Ruby at the moment, they could wait. The bullhead flew off in the distance..

He turned toward Ruby, to find her, and a guest, Glynda. She stared at him for a moment, Vic blinked, once, twice...

"RUN AWAY!!" Vic yelled as he tried to get away, he was promptly caught in a purple aura, "Aww.." Vic whined as he was brought over.

Glynda sighed at his antics, while ruby looked very confused, "Can't let me have any fun huh." Vic whined as he was set down on his feet.

Ruby didn't really care at the moment, in a red blur, she appeared and hugged Vic, who hugged him back. "Your back!!" She said as Vic smiled.

They stayed like that for a second, then Ruby broke the hug, "Dad and Yang are going to be so happy! I can't wait to see their faces!" Ruby told him, as she laughed.

Vic nodded, "I bet, i have so many things to tell you guys" He told her, they both heard Glynda clear her throat catching their attention.

Glynda looked at them both, "I apologize for interrupting your reunion.. But, I need you both to come with me" Glynda told them.


Vic was now in front of a smiling Ozpin, as they were both in the police department, Glynda was talking to Ruby apparently, and Ozpin would soon be as well.

Vic stared at Ozpin, "Alright, what's your game here? I know you aren't here to see me, what do you want with Ruby? Don't beat around the bush, just get straight to the point." Vic asked and told him.

"She has Silver eyes, and is one of the last of them, the silver eyed warriors." Ozpin told him.

Vic looked at Ozpin, "So.. special eyes with special powers?" Vic asked, earning a nod from the wizard.

"Indeed, these eye powers are useful for killing Grimm.." Ozpin told him, and explained the silver eyes' powers.

'So, it's basically this world's sharingan.' Vic thought with a deadpan expression, he shook it off, and sighed. "So you want to enroll her 2 years early, so you can keep an eye on her, and see if she can learn how to use these powers?" Vic asked Ozpin, who nodded with a smile.

Vic didn't say anything, he just sighed a bit. "Moving on from that, am I all set to come to Beacon?" Vic asked, he hasn't contacted Ozpin at all, since the Maiden thing happened.

Ozpin nodded, "Yes, you're all set up, you don't even have to take the team exam." Ozpin told him.

"Will I be on my own or will I be able to join a team of my choosing?" Vic asked

Ozpin seemed to think for a second, "Either should be fine, whichever is fine with you." he told the dragon slayer, who smiled.

"I'll decide when teams are made then, if that is fine with you." Vic said, and Ozpin nodded.

Ozpin heard his cue, and grabbed the tray of Cookies, and then began the talk with Ruby.

Vic waited outside of the room. He was happy, he knew Ozpin was most likely planning something, but he was just happy at the moment, he would get to go to Beacon with both Yang and Ruby at the same time. He hoped they would be on the same team.

He listened to their conversation, he heard the mention of Qrow, and how he taught her to wield a scythe, it was to be expected.

He just smiled, as he heard about Ruby getting into Beacon early and her reaction.

Soon it ended, and she came flying out of the room, looking around, and saw Vic, who was leaning against the wall after his talk with Ozpin.

She smiled and in a red blur appeared in front of him, hugging him. He smiled and hugged her back. "Vic.." She spoke as they hugged.

"Yes Ruby?" he asked.

"I'm glad you're back.." she said, Vic nodded.

"I am too, now let's head to go see Tai, and Yang. I'm sure they will be worried about you." He said as he smiled down at Ruby, who nodded, they broke the hug and made their way outside.

They soon made their way to patch, Vic had to use the Trioa rip off spell as to not fall victim to the motion sickness.

Ruby was excited the whole time, Vic smiled as he missed this, he missed her, Yang, and Tai.

"You have to tell me how you did those moves!" Ruby said, doing the sound effects for them.

Vic smiled at her, "Hm, maybe I will, one day." Vic told the girl who whined.

They saw the house coming into the distance, as they walked along the path. He remembered the day he first came down this path with Qrow, when he was pulling the small wagon thing.

They got to the front door, Ruby smiled, and knocked on the door. Vic heard voices inside.

"It must be Ruby! Finally she's back!" he heard the familiar voice of Tai, he could still recognize it, and his smell.

"Don't worry, I'll get it dad," He then heard a female voice, it was obviously yang, from the voice and smell as well.. He remembered all of it.

He heard footsteps come closer to the door, and it slowly opened, revealing Yang, she was about to speak, but her eyes landed on Vic, who was beside Ruby.

"Hey Yang.. I'm back." He said simply, she didn't say anything.

She walked up to him, and he could see the anger in her eyes a bit. She was definitely mad at him for leaving suddenly, but it disappeared, as she hugged him. "Welcome back.." She said to him, he smiled as he hugged her back.

He heard more footsteps, and saw Tai. "what's going on..." Tai spoke, but didn't finish as he saw Vic being hugged by Yang. He smiled, "Welcome back kid, glad to see you again." he said, Vic nodded, "how about we head inside, we can all talk in there." Tai suggested.

They all agreed, They all sat in the living room, Vic took off his cloak, and put it next to him with his bag as he sat in one of the chairs. They all started talking, and celebrating Vic's return, they also Celebrated Ruby getting into Beacon.

Ruby wanted to know what he did during his training, and this sparked Yang's curiosity, causing her to also want to know. Tai being Tai joined along with wanting to know.

Vic told them what he did during training, what land he saw, and what Grimm he'd seen.

Tai looked at the time "Alright, I think that's enough stories for now, It's getting late, you can always tell us more later." he said, causing both girls to whine. Vic just chuckled, "I want to talk with Vic for a second, so you both go to bed." he told them, they whined again, but did so anyway.

But not after hugging Vic though.

Both of them watched as they both went upstairs, they waited a bit before hearing doors slam, indicating they went into their rooms.

Tai looked at Vic, "So kid, you planning on going to Beacon?" he asked.

Vic nodded, "iv talked to Ozpin already, a lot has happened, short version, im getting into Beacon. Don't tell Ruby or Yang though, it's gonna be a surprise." Vic said, Tai smiled at him, and nodded.

"That's good, did you find anything about your parents?" Tai asked, Vic could tell he was nervous a bit when asking that.

Vic smiled, "Found one, and he was the last one alive apparently. I got a gift from him though, want to see?" Vic asked Tai who nodded.

Vic took off his shirt, revealing his dark red dragon tattoo that resembles Atlas Flame that was on his chest. "It has his magic power inside of it, it took the form of a tattoo or mark, it's for emergencies but I also have some of it on standby to use. Vic explained

Tai looked very surprised, "Damn kid, I'm sorry to hear about that, but glad I found out what happened to them" he said as he smiled, Vic smiled back, "The tattoo looks cool though." Tai said, and Vic nodded.

Tai walked over to Vic, "welcome home, officially." Tai said to Vic as he hugged him, this surprised the dragon slayer, he hugged Tai back with a smile.

After a bit, they let go, and Vic stood up along with Tai. "Your room, it's still the same, the girls didn't even let me or Qrow touch it at all.." Tai said.

Vic found another smile growing on his face, "Well, then we best get some sleep." Vic said, and Tai nodded.

Both went to their respective bedrooms, Vic entered his, and saw it really didn't change at all.

He set his things down by the side of his bed, hung his cloak up, and fell back onto the bed. It had been a good while since he had slept on one. He soon let sleep take him, and fell asleep..


Vic spent a week with them, and enjoyed it. It was as fun as he remembered, and he really did miss them. They all had a fun time, but Ruby and Yang had to leave for Beacon. Vic planned to leave after they did, and surprise them there. He wondered how he would do it too. He could plan that when he got there though. They were at the bullhead platforms.

Tai hugged both of them, as did Vic. "Don't worry, I'll hold down the fort with Tai, I know you guys are going to have fun" Vic said as the hug ended.

Ruby whined though, "But you just got back! Why do we have to leave so soon!"

Yang laughed a bit, but also was sad, Vic could tell, "Rubes, we can always come visit them, it's not that hard." Yang said, cheering up Ruby a bit.

Tai looked at the time, "You guys better get on it now, the bullhead will leave soon" Tai said, both nodded, and got on the bullhead after saying goodbye.

The bullhead soon took off, and went towards Vale.

"So kid how are you getting there, with your ways?" Tai asked, and Vic just smiled and nodded, he had his ways indeed.

"Same way as I left the first time, through the shadows." Vic said, making Tai smile.

"You better get going too then" Tai said to Vic who nodded.

Vic reached into his shadow, and pulled out his things, which was mainly his bag, and cloak. He had them stored there. Tai didn't even look surprised.

"Take care of them for me, alright?" Tai told Vic, who nodded.

"I will, I promise." Vic said to him.

"I know you will." Tai told him, smiling.

Vic returned the smile, "I'll see you later Tai" Vic told him, and Tai nodded.

"Yep, see you later." Tai said, with a nod.

Both Tai and Vic walked in opposite directions, with Tai heading home, and Vic heading to the nearest shadow, with nobody around. He jumped into it, and entered the world of shadows.

He slowly made his way to Beacon, using shadows as transportation.


He eventually made it to Beacon, it wasn't that far if he was honest, shadow transportation and blue lightning, made it very easy.

He didn't want Ruby or Yang to know he was here, actually, he didn't want anyone to know he was here. Not yet at least, he would make his presence known tomorrow. For now, he was going to sneak around in plain sight.

He finally made it to Beacon grounds and as soon as he did.. 'Yin Dragon's Total Concealment.' he thought.

It was let's say the better version, it concealed everything, his smell, his presence, his magic, and made it so he went by unnoticed to everyone.

He walked around the Beacon campus unnoticed as people ignored his presence, no one noticed him at all. A lot of new students were around, he walked through them without effort, not getting noticed at all.

He walked around, and heard an explosion, someone must be having a rough day. He sniffed the air, and smelled three familiar scents, one watching, and 2 next to each other.

He went over there to fight Ruby, Weiss, and Blake. Ruby and Weiss must've caused the explosion, he saw Blake off to the side, watching. She seemed to be hiding her Cat ears, a shame really, but she can do what she wants. At least she was turning over a new leaf.

He watched the small argument between Weiss and Ruby. He wanted to step in, but this could also be a sign of a future friendship, so he walked away. He hoped they could all be friends.

He kept walking around, and noticed people going into the auditorium, he followed, he saw a lot of people, he saw someone he recognized, Pyrrha Nikos. He saw Yang enter as well.

Vic looked up, and saw rafters, with a quick silent jump, he was sitting on them, overlooking everyone.

Soon Ozpin did his speech after everyone entered, it was really interesting. It felt like he wasn't there, in which Vic guessed he wasn't. But he didn't pry into that, for right now anyway.

Vic watched as they slowly filed out, he headed to the roof, it was where he would be sleeping.


Vic was awoken by what he thinks was someone shouting the name Ren? He looked at the sun, and saw it was rising, time to get up.

He got up, reapplied the Yin Dragon Slayer spell on himself, and headed out to look around without being detected.

He followed people as they made their way to the cliffs, he saw them standing on the platform things, he noticed them last time he was here, but never knew what they were for.

It now occurred to Vic, that Ozpin launches Students into the emerald forest, he can't choose whether to be mad, or laugh, he chooses neither as he sat in the shadow of the headmaster, sinking in, so he could watch.

Ozpin explained what they were doing, slowly one by one, he saw them get launched, he noticed Yang put on sunglasses before she was launched, and the blond boy who tried asking questions screamed off like a girl as he was launched.

He saw Ozpin smile as he looked up in the sky at them being launched, "Ah, I love that part." he said as he took a sip from his mug.

Glynda just sighed and shook her head, looking at her scroll.

Vic smiled as he remembered he was in this forest a month or so ago, and how he was ripping apart grimm left and right. Good times. Vic realized he spaced out longer than he realized.

He saw Glynda walking up to Ozpin, "Our last pair has been formed sir, Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren," she said, and Vic spaced out again. He glanced at Ozpin's tablet, and saw the pairings, he saw Pyrrha get paired with a Jaune Arc, Weiss, and Ruby paired up, and Yang, and Blake paired up.

This was working out nicely in his favor.

"What did you use as the relics for this year?" he heard Glynda ask, Vic already knew, because he could see them.

"Chess Pieces." Vic answered, as he formed out of Ozpin's shadow, surprising Glynda.

Vic just sighed as he laid on the ground. "I see you finally decided to join us," Ozpin said, and Vic nodded.

"Yep, saw the pairs already, looks like it will be interesti-" Vic said, but suddenly stopped and shot up from his position leaving both Glynda and Ozpin confused.

"Is something wrong?" Ozpin asked, Vic didn't respond for a second.

He felt the same concealed magic he had before, when he was in Atlas, "No, She's watching.." Vic told them as he stood up.

"What?" Ozpin and Glynda both said.

"Salem is watching, I can sense a magical concealed Grimm in the forest, the same kind I felt before when she was watching me in Atlas.. " Vic told them both as he looked towards the tree line. "I'll take care of it" Vic told them before they could respond, he vanished with a crackle of lightning.

Vic uses his senses to find the Grimm, he found it on the edge of Emerald forest, it was the same jellyfish kind. The same dark presence admitted from it, he could feel someone staring at him.

"I'm not afraid of you Salem." He said to the Grimm, he knew she was listening, he knew she saw him.

"Oh? So you can speak this time huh?" he heard a female voice speak from the Grimm. The old him would've been scared but he wasn't this time, he knew what she was now.

"Yes, I infarct can, unlike you who hides all day and watches from her pawns." Vic retorted.

"Hm, you interest me.. Vic.. your powers as well.. I've seen no magic like it before." She told him, but Vic didn't particularly care.

"Are you done?" Vic asked.

"Done? Done with what?" She asked.

"The whole like, blah blah, your powers interest me, blah blah, if you joined me, blah blah blah the whole evil joining speech, And if i don't join you, you will hurt my friends! Or can save them from an incurable injury" Vic said as he did a dramatic pose, "So, are you done?" Vic asked as returned to normal.

Vic could feel the negative energy the grimm was giving off, "HOW DAR-" she was going to speak, but Vic summoned a blade of light, and cut the Grimm in two, silencing her.

"So, guess that's a yes.. Now I have more problems to deal with.." Vic talked to himself with a sigh.

He would have to keep his guard up more now, and his eye out for Salem pawns, for now he would head back, he needed to see who ended up on whos team after all..


on a faraway island, with a big tree..

 we see a male and a female sitting on the beach side by side

"So.. Do you think he will be here soon?" the female asked.

a hum was heard, "I do think so.. after all.. he will be searching for us.. just like he did Atlas.. I have no doubt he will find us soon.. the book he has will provide enough information for him to search for us.. " the male replied

"I hope it's soon, I want to meet him, Zeref.." the female said to the male.

"I do as well, Mavis.. all in due time.." He said to her, and they both smiled.

Both of them leaned against each other, as they watched the sun in the distance..


Sorry if this was out later then expected! Life and stuff ya know. 

Hope ya enjoyed the chapter as always! 

See ya next chapter!

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