The Reverend's Daughter (Book...

By Jaidesmamasmama

1.3M 62.6K 4.5K

Violet Petals has found a maid that touches his heart. Charming, funny, and extraordinarily handsome, the pir... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six Part One
Chapter Six Part Two
Chapter Seven Part One
Chapter Seven Part Two
Chapter Eight Part One
Chapter Eight Part Two
Chapter Eight Part 3
Chapter Nine
Nine Part Two
Chapter Nine Part Three
Chapter Ten
Chapter Ten Part Two
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Eleven Part Two
Chapter Twelve
Twelve Part Two
Chapter Thirteen
Thirteen Part Two
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fourteen Part Two
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Fifteen Part Two
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Sixteen Part Two
Chapter Seventeen
Seventeen Part Two
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Eighteen Part Two
Eighteen Part Three
Chapter Nineteen
Nineteen Part Two
Nineteen Part Three
Chapter Twenty
Twenty Part Two
Twenty Part Three
Twenty One Part One
Twenty One Part Two
Twenty One Part Three
Twenty One Part Four
Twenty Two Part One
Twenty Two Part Two
Twenty Two Part Three
Twenty Two Part Four
Twenty Three Part One
Twenty Three Part Two
Twenty Three Part Three
Twenty Four Part One
Twenty Four Part Two
Twenty Four Part Three
Twenty Five Part One
Twenty Five Part Two
Twenty Five Part Three
Twenty Six Part One
Twenty Six Part Two
Twenty Six Part Three
Twenty Seven Part One
Twenty Seven Part Two
Twenty Seven Part Three
Twenty Eight Part One
Twenty Eight Part Two
Twenty Eight Part Three
Twenty Nine Part One
Twenty Nine Part Two
Twenty Nine Part Three
Twenty Nine Part Four
Thirty Part One
Thirty Part Two
Thirty Part Three
Thirty Part Four
Thirty One Part One
Thirty One Part Two
Thirty One Part Three
Thirty One Part Four
Thirty Two Part One
Thirty Two Part Two
Thirty Two Part Three
Thirty Two Part Four
Chapter Thirty Three Part One
Thirty Three Part Two
Thirty Three Part Three
Thirty Three Part Four
Thirty Four Part One
Thirty Four Part Two
Thirty Four Part Three
Thirty Four Part Four
Thirty Five Part One
Thirty Five Part Three
Thirty Five Part Four
Thirty Six Part One
Thirty Six Part Two
Thirty Six Part Three
Thirty Six Part Four
Thirty Seven
Thirty Seven Part Two
Thirty Seven Part Three
Thirty Seven Part Four
Thirty Eight
Thirty Eight Part Two
Thirty Eight Part Three
Thirty Eight Part Four
Thirty Nine
Thirty Nine Part Two
Thirty Nine Part Three
Chapter Forty
Forty Part Two
Forty Part Three
Forty Part Four
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty One Part Two
Chapter Forty One Part Three
Forty One Part Four
Chapter 42
Forty Two P. 2
Chapter 42 P. 3
Forty Two P 4
Forty Three
Authors Note *Not an update
Forty Three Part 2
Forty Three P. 3
Forty Three Part Four
Chapter Forty Four
Forty Four Part Two
Forty Four Part Three
Forty Four Part Four
Forty Four Part Five
Forty Five
Forty Five Part Two
Forty Five Part Three

Thirty Five Part Two

8.9K 449 29
By Jaidesmamasmama

Brutus and Michaels sequestered themselves in the galley upon rising. They broke their fast, while listing the supplies they would need to order for the refurbishing of the Wench.

Working diligently over coffee, ham and eggs, they were both in high spirits this morn.

Both men were excited to get started, as they eagerly anticipated the changes they planned for the old girl.

Improvements that had been a long time coming. Changes that would make all the difference in the world.

Once the Wench had been emptied of her contents, she would be dry docked, then ripped apart. Michaels had drawn up plans that included redesigning her bow, adding a full mast, and adding an additional gun deck. All of which, would make her that much more effective toward their cause.

Not only was she being made into a sleeker ship with the newly redesigned bow, but she would be a longer, therefore, larger ship.

With the addition of the new upper gun deck, they would increase not only their gun power, but they would also be increasing their intimidation factor as well.

In addition, the Wench would have more room to accommodate the children that they were after.

Brutus still could not believe he was being financed and supported in his endeavor.

Though he did, in hindsight, feel badly for Violet.

Violet had always had to make do with his wits, and a slow ship, all the while fearing prosecution from the Crown.

Brutus was blessed that he now sailed for the Crown, and he had license to pirate ships legally.

As long as they were not English ships, that was. One did not take from his own countrymen.

The King had been more than adamant about that.

Brutus chuckled, as he remembered Violet's face the eve before, when the King had voiced that amendment to their policies.

Violet had sat there, grinning widely, remembering the English spoils he had gotten away with stealing.

The King had spoken pointedly to Brutus, while doing his best to ignore the cheery pirate seated beside him.

Brutus had found it hard to maintain a straight face, and nod accordingly, as he kicked at Violet's shin under the table.

Damn, I will truly miss Violet.

Even as excited as Brutus was to captain a ship, he had never sailed without Vi before. He felt saddened that he and Violet would not work together any longer.

Brutus frowned his displeasure at the thought.

He did not want to think about that quite yet. It would still be a while before they would be going back out to sea. Mayhap, he could get used to the idea after some time had passed.

As he and Michaels finished their coffee, checking over their lists one last time, Brutus delayed their departure for a few more moments.

He wanted to make sure that Elizabeth had all she needed before he left.

Brutus informed his mate of his intentions, then made his way to the Captain's cabin.


Betsy sat upon the bed in heartbroken misery. Her throat squeezed tightly and her breath hitched, as she attempted to read the letter in her hand.

The words before her blurred, further frustrating her, as she tried to rub the blinding tears from her eyes and finish reading the missive.

Brutus approached the outer cabin, bracing his hands against the doorframe, he leaned in to see if Elizabeth was behind the crates.

Not seeing her there, he leaned forward more, looking to his other side, through the doorway to the bed cabin.

He saw Elizabeth sitting upon her bed. She was rubbing her fist across her eyes, rubbing away tears, as she attempted to read a parchment she held in her hand.

"Elizabeth," Brutus went to Betsy. Concerned for her, he searched her visage, as he sat comfortingly beside her. "Are you alright, sweetheart?"

Elizabeth lifted her huge, innocent eyes to Brutus's lovely face, "How is it, Brutus, that men can be so cruel?" Her eyes flowing over with tears once again as she spoke, her face crumpled and she covered it with her hands.

The letter dropped to her lap, as Betsy sobbed, while Brutus rubbed her back softly.

"There, there, what is it that has you so upset?" Brutus tried to comfort her, as she attempted to stop crying and breath evenly. She swiped at the tears that wet her cheeks and clung to her jaw.

Brutus looked down at the parchment in her lap, "Ah, you found the letters, I see." Brutus looked upon her questioningly, "Violet had not shown them to you before now?" Brutus could now understand her sorrow.

His heart broke for her, as he realized exactly what it was she had been reading.

"Brutus, what can it be that causes men to hurt those weaker than themselves?" She asked softly, looking down at the parchment, misery reflected in her downcast eyes.

Brutus wrapped an arm around her shoulder. He could only imagine how profoundly the written words must have pierced her tender heart.

The words were powerful enough to bring a grown man to tears, much less Violet's sweet, young bride.

The letters contained the undying gratitude of families, whose children the crew had returned to them.

The letter Elizabeth had been reading from, was written in the hand of a Ms. Carroway, an aunt to four small children. Much like Timothy and Jonah's aunt, Rebecca.

Ms. Carroway's sister and husband had been killed trying to shield the babes when their ship had been attacked by pirates.

Following a vicious massacre, the children had been taken captive, then held for weeks by the bloodthirsty pirates.

Wanting to thank Violet and his crew for rescuing and returning the children, Ms. Carroway had sent a letter through Pastor Fielding, expressing her utmost gratitude over the children's safe return.

Ms. Carroway had described, in full detail, all she had learned from her sister's children.

She wrote of the horrific things the babes had been subjected to before their rescue. The atrocities that had been perpetrated upon them, at the hands of the evil, ruthless men.

She explained further, that she wanted the crew of the Wench, to know exactly what fate it had been that they had saved the children from.

She had then gone on to describe the filth and starvation. The beatings the children had endured, and other many cruel abuses that the children had been subjected to, or had been forced to witness.

Ms. Carroway also wrote, she hoped that by knowing these awful things, the crew would continue to help other poor, unfortunate souls that also needed rescuing. That she could not imagine her sweet niece and nephew's lives if they had not been saved.

Betsy had been deeply touched, then horrified, as she read the woman's words. Her heart had shattered for those poor children.

Betsy thanked God that Redbeard had sailed into the bay that day needing Michaels' help. She thanked Him, that they had been able to get the children away from Redbeard, before they had suffered irreparable harm.

Elizabeth leaned into Brutus' side, looking up at him with wide, reddened eyes. "I just do not see how men can be so evil, when the children are so innocent, they must be horribly scared and traumatized already from the attack upon their ships. But then" Elizabeth shook her head sadly, she could not even say the words aloud, without her throat paining her and the tears threatening to flow once more.

Brutus nodded at her observation, then shook his head in sorrow, "I know not why some are inclined to hurt others, sweetheart." Brutus sadly replied, "All I have ever been able to conclude is, that sickness and greed cloud their minds to what it is they do."

Brutus rubbed at Betsy's back, as she sighed heavily.

"What I do know for certain is," Brutus lifted her chin with a finger, looking determinedly into her bewildered eyes, "Those letters that you read, they push us to find as many as we can. To get them a home where they can be safe and cared for."

Betsy sniffed again, rising to find a handkerchief. "I can certainly see why Violet has continued doing this for so long."

After locating a kerchief, and blowing her nose daintily, Elizabeth turned back to the Wench's new captain. "You have no idea how relieved I am that you shall continue, Brutus." She sat again beside him, still swiping at her nose, "I could not bear it, if Violet giving this up, meant others would be doomed to suffer with no one out there to try to help them."

Elizabeth patted the parchment in her lap, "It is horrible enough knowing there are frightened babes being subjected to that. If you were not going back out there, I would insist that Violet continue to help them."

Her sad, dark eyes thanked Brutus for his dedication. Still feeling as though her world had dropped out from under her, she tried to look for something positive in all of this. "At least with you out there, diligently seeking them, they have hope, whether they know it or not."

Brutus nodded, "Aye, and I shall do my very best, sweets. I promise you. Violet has taught us well, and now our chances shall improve even more." Brutus pushed himself up, looking down upon her, as she gathered the letters up into her hands.

Brutus then remembered his reason for coming down in the first place, "Do you have all you need, Elizabeth? I shall be leaving in a few moments, but if you should need my help with anything first...."

"Nay, I shall be fine," Betsy assured him, "I will have all the smaller things packed away before too long." She placed the letters into Brutus's hands.

"You should keep these, Brutus, you will need their encouragement as you continue on."

Brutus took the parchments from her hand, "You may be right about that." He smiled, nodding to her, before taking his leave.

Elizabeth sighed heavily, then reached behind her to pick up Violet's pillow. Hugging it to herself comfortingly, she breathed deeply, sighing again. Her husband's scent upon his pillow, and the knowledge that his head had rested upon it, gave her a seed of hope and peace that she needed for now.

Betsy held the pillow tightly, breathing in deeply, until she was comforted by the thought of her husband. It would have to suffice through the next few hours, until Violet could then hold her himself.


Alfred shook Violet's hand, his other arm coming around Vi's shoulder to pat it fondly, "I wish you and Elizabeth my very best. Do good things with this old house, Violet." Alfred drew back to look Vi in the eye, "I am very glad we have this opportunity to know one another before I have to leave."

Alfred had come to like Violet immensely, once Terese had played her hand, that was. And, once Terese had readily admitted to galling him.

After a good laugh over her antics, Alfred admitted defeat. He then told Terese she was very, very naughty.

She had inquired flippantly of him, with shining eyes, and great humour, "And which did you find naughtiest, my lord? My flirting shamelessly with your brother, or my being filthy rich?"

Alfred had looked to his lap and grumbled something. Something that she could not quite hear from his seat beside her.

"What was that, darling?" Terese laughingly prompted him to repeat his grumble.

"For both. Damn it, Terese." Alfred sulked.

This brought forth even more laughter from Marcus and Vi, as Terese chuckled, and patted his knee, "I am sure you will recover nicely, Alfred, as I certainly did last eve."

She had leaned over and kissed his cheek, then patted it fondly, bringing a smile to his face at his good fortune.

The next hour had passed very pleasantly, as Terese had actually broken the ice quite nicely.

After her performance, they had all relaxed and enjoyed one another's company in a light, humorous mood.

Violet held his brother tightly again for a moment, before pulling back and smiling ruefully at him, "I will have to see about sailing over some day, bringing Marcus along with me, of course."

"You had better take me along!" Marcus stated jokingly.

Marcus then turned to the beauty on his arm. "This has been a great pleasure, Lady Ferguson, I look forward to seeing you again this eve."

Terese smiled widely at Alfred's father, "As do I." Marcus bowed over her hand and assisted her into the coach.

Turning to Alfred, Marcus embraced his son, "Thank you for coming out so quickly, I am relieved to be able to lay your mother to rest."

Alfred had gone up to his mother's rooms, taking the heirlooms that he wished to keep, and leaving the rest of her belongings for charity.

"I am sorry not to have been more help." Alfred felt badly that her presence still resided here for Marcus at all.

Alfred had packed several pieces of old silver and jewelry that had come from Gwen's parent's estate, things that had been his mother's own inheritance. These were things he would not part with easily.

There had also been a great many other things that he had absolutely no compunctions over selling. His mother's own pieces and extravagances. By selling those, he should be able to pay for his passage, and still have a good amount to invest.

When he was more knowledgable about where to invest it.

It did sound as though he could just hand it over to his future wife, however, and let her do with it.......whatever it is that she did.

He shook his head slightly, as one side of his mouth lifted in a half smile. How in the world had he gotten so lucky?

Alfred patted his father on the back, as he congratulated him in advance of his wedding to Katherine.

"I am glad you understand, Alfred," Marcus had been worried over the suddenness of it all, "The King would not take no for an answer, and it is good that you will still be here to attend."

Marcus was also glad he and Alfred had come to know one another better recently. Their relationship being so much improved, to the point where Marcus now felt they at least had one. He was sorry Alfred was leaving so abruptly, yet, Marcus was extremely happy for Alfred to have found Lady Ferguson.

Marcus was convinced the two would be very happy together.

"I look forward to knowing that you are happy, father." Alfred assured him, believing his father deserved this chance at happiness, especially after having to endure Gwendolyn all these years.

Violet went forward and leaned into the coach to remind Terese, "You will try to speak to your father about the children?"

"I give you my solemn oath, Violet." Terese assured him, as she tucked her skirts in around her.

"Thank you, I can ask for no more, my Lady." Violet's eyes shone at the entertaining beauty, "I too, shall see you again this eve, have a pleasant journey back to town."

Terese stopped Violet before he could withdraw, "Violet, I think it would be advantageous if we both talked to my father this evening. Would that be agreeable to you?" After having seen Violet's passion towards his cause, she was sure he would appreciate any opportunity to do battle.

"It would please me greatly, Lady Ferguson. Thank you for caring enough to try to help me." Violet thanked her graciously, as he backed away from the coach, shaking Albert's hand once more before Alfred climbed in with his fiancée.

Violet closed the carriage door for them, securing it, before moving back to watch it depart beside his father.

"Well, that went well." Marcus observed.

Violet laughed aloud, "You seem surprised, Marcus."

"I am." Marcus laughed in relief, as they made their way back inside.

Marcus needed to pack, and give instructions to his staff, before he could then focus solely on his wedding as he desired to.


Pete had taken Timothy to his old neighborhood. They had a very important errand to accomplish this morning.

Finding a few old familiar faces, Pete had asked around, finding out before too long that he would be able to secure the item he was after.

Timothy was allowed to hold the small bundle as they returned to Rebecca's townhouse.

Hopefully, by being able to do so, Timothy would be more inclined to share with his brother once they arrived back home.

"Hold on to it carefully, Timmy, we would not want it ta fall." Pete admonished the boy unnecessarily, as Timothy already held the small bundle as though it were glass.

"I am Pete, I would not drop it." Timothy assured the large man beside him.

Walking up to the front portal, Pete opened the door, allowing Timothy to enter with his prize.


Rebecca sat upon the chaise, sewing, watching Jonah upon the floor with Paulie as they played with some army figurines that had belonged to her older brother long ago.

The men atop horses were Jonah's favourite pieces, yet he was being taught to share, giving Paulie two out of the five.

The regiments of foot soldiers, Jonah ignored in favour of the horses, as he made them gallop around the fallen men.

They all heard the front portal open, and all three pairs of eyes became glued to the sitting room doorway.

Timothy appeared with his prize held gently in his hands.

Jonah began to jump up, but Paulie stayed him, "Ye know the best way ta be going about this, Jonah?"

The wee boy looked to the elderly man impatiently, "I wanna see."

"I know ye does, boy, but sit still here, real quiet like, an' let it come to you."

Timmy smiled widely, setting his prize on the rug, as Rebecca clucked her tongue and melted at the cuteness before her.

Timmy set down the tiny, fluffy, black puppy. It sported brown markings about it's brows, chest and it's wee, little paws. It began running about somewhat haphazardly once placed upon the ground.

Tumbling to a stop in front of Jonah upon the rug, the puppy sat and gave a tiny bark, as Jonah grinned widely.

"Now let's him sniff yer hand, but move slow like, Jonah." Paulie supervised their introduction, as Pete came in and sat beside Rebecca, smiling at the small boy and dog.

"What kind did you get?" Rebecca asked Pete, as he settled down beside her.

"A rat catcher. A tiny, ankle biter that should be plenty of dog for you and the boys." Pete answered, as Rebecca wrinkled her nose a bit.

"A rat catcher?" She was not sure what he meant, as one usually procured a cat if they had a rodent problem. It did not sound attractive.

Pete laughed at her dismay, "The mama was a pretty, little thing, long, silky, silver hair, no bigger than my hands." Pete held his hands together to show her how small the pup would stay.

"Oh, well, that sounds fine." Rebecca nodded.

"What shall we name it?" Pete asked.

"I think we should name it Petie." Timothy stated, blushing slightly, as he sat on the floor across from Jonah to ruffle the pups fur.

Rebecca smiled, she could see Timothy's devotion to the large man, it resided deeply in his eyes when he made the suggestion.

Timothy darted a look at Pete, to see what he thought of the idea.

"I like the name Petie, myself." Rebecca agreed.

"Considering it be a girl puppy, I think Petie be the wrong choice for her." Pete informed them, amused and pleased they would choose to honor him in such a way.

However, the puppy looked nothing like a Petie at all, in Pete's eyes.

"Being 'tis destined to be so tiny," Pete suggested, "I believe you should give it a ferocious name, so when the other dogs hear ye calling her, they will tremble with fear."

Rebecca laughed at Pete, "And what would you be naming her?"

"Ah, a good solid name, such as Killer, or.......Bluebeard."

Rebecca burst out laughing, "Bluebeard, heaven's no, the poor thing." The pup approached Rebecca, curious at her tinkling laughter.

Rebecca scooped the tiny puppy up in one hand, settling it in her lap, as the boys crowded in around her upon the floor.

"I still say she shall be named Petie," Rebecca's eyes sparkled up at the large man beside her, "Then when you are away from us, we shall still hear your name all the day long."

Her eyes were smiling mischievously at Pete, as he blushed a bit, and ducked his head, shaking it minutely.

"Also, she was your idea." Rebecca added. "You were right when suggesting something that would not require so much exercise as a hound. We should have no trouble keeping up with this sweet, little thing." Rebecca brought the puppy up to her cheek, where Petie promptly kissed her repeatedly.

Rebecca laughed softly, and turned to Pete, adoration in her eyes.

Pete felt the blush rise upon his cheeks. If she did not stop making him feel as a conquering hero, Pete would have to think long and hard about marrying this woman. He was falling for her very quickly and really, he saw no way out of it now.

Hope you enjoy! Until next time :)

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