The Reincarnated Hybrid

By VictoryForVictor

116K 2.3K 817

A guy who loved Fairy Tail, survived the end of the world with slight mental problems, get a chance at life a... More

The End, and The Beginning Of Reincarnation
A Place Your Always Welcomed
Our Paths Will Cross Again.
Conquering the Desert, and Noticed
Being Watched, and Rescuing a Ice Queen.
Fairy tales and, More Mysteries to be Discovered
The Fairy and The Spriggan
The Regional Tournament!
The Eternal Flame, and a Fellow Magic user.
The Chess Board
The Wizard, and Helping a Black Cat
Reunion and Beacon.
Meeting the Black Wizard, and Team Troubles.
The Talk Of The Gods.
A Normal Day At School.
The Nightmare, and Forever Fall Forest.
The Black Dragon, Acnologia!
Moving Forward.
Training, and more Mysteries yet again..
New Arrivals.
New Arrivals Pt. 2
Fusion Magic.
Going To Meet an Old Friend.
Mother-Daughter Reunion and The Declaration of War
A Secret Art? and Penny again!
The Adventures of Vic and Weiss! (A Small Side Story)
Confession, Secrets Revealed, and The Dance.
First Quest!
The Lesson From the Strongest Fairy.
The Sad Story of a God
The Fall of Beacon

The Fall Maiden

4.2K 96 12
By VictoryForVictor


Vic had 1 year left of training, before he would keep his promise and return to Ruby, Tai, and Yang. He would keep this promise.

Right now he was in the middle of the forest, training, somewhere outside of Vale, he wasn't sure.

He felt a buzzing in his pocket, it was his scroll. Qrow gave it to him, it was a gift from Ozpin or something, he didn't really need it or use it.

Qrow was calling, he answered it and put it up to his ear. "Yellow?" He said.

He heard Qrow panicking a bit "Kid you're still in Vales forest? Because I need to call in that favor" He heard Qrow ask.

"Yea, I am, what do you need?" Vic asked, he owed Qrow a bit, after all he was the reason he met Tai, Ruby, and Yang, so he owed him a bit. He's also a good guy in Vic's book.

"it's about the fall maiden, we were wondering if you knew healing magic? Or some type of it, because we could really use it, the fall maiden is in trouble." Qrow asked.

"Where are you?" Vic asked, he would help, just because it's Qrow. Qrow told him the location. "Stay there, I'll be there within a minute." Vic told him.

"How are-" Qrow was cut off as Vic hung up and placed the scroll in his back pocket.

"Volt-Yin Dragon's Movement." Vic Spoke as he turned into a black lightning bolt that dove into a shadow, he traveled through shadow after shadow at a high speed, he used the wind to pick up Qrow's smell and found a magical presence, it was weak, and dying slowly.

He jumped out of Qrow's Shadow, who held the maiden, he didn't know her name, he didn't need to. "What the hell!?" was Qrow's reaction. Vic transformed back to normal and landed on the ground. "I'm not gonna ask, do you think you can help her?" Qrow said and asked

Vic kneeled down, half put a hand over here, half of her magic and soul were gone. What the hell happened to her? He had an idea, but he wasn't sure if this would work. 'Yin Dragon's Stabilization Aura' he thought, as a white light surrounded the fall maiden.

Qrow looked at him, "What's that?" he asked.

"It's not exactly healing magic, but it's a type of spell that will make it so she won't be dying. I've basically put a stop to her soul and magic dying, though it can't be stopped fully, so in replace im using my magic to stabilize it, for the time being, I might be able to find a permanent solution, but recovering the soul will take a lot of magic power, I would need the resources to do that." Vic told Qrow.

"Oz might be able to get something to help, what do you need?" Qrow asked.

Vic just smiled and pulled out a dust crystal "dust, fire, lightning, water or ice crystals to be exact.."

Qrow looked at him weirdly. "Why.." he was about to ask but Vic just threw the dust crystal in his mouth, and ate it. "I should stop asking questions with you." Qrow told him, and Vic just chuckled.

They waited a bit with Vic who watched over the Stabilization Aura, he needed to, because he's never dealt with someone with half their soul ripped out.

Soon enough a bullhead landed near them with Ozpin, and Glynda.

Ozpin looked surprised to see him, "Didn't expect to see you here Vic" he told the dragon slayer.

Vic just nodded, "I owed Qrow a favor" Vic said, Ozpin didn't seem phased, both him and Glynda walked over.

"What's this?" Glynda asked, referring to the glowing white aura surrounding the fall maiden.

"It's an aura of stabilization, in a sense, in exchange for the magic I provided when using the spell, I was able to stabilize her magic, aura, and soul, which was ripped in half." Vic told them, surprising them,  "I'll need a more permanent solution though, it will require a lot of magic though, which also requires resources." Vic said as he sighed, wondering what the hell he got himself into.

Ozpin looked at Vic with a confused face, "What kind of resources?" He asked, Vic just smiled.

"Dust Crystals, lots of it, Fire, Water, Ice, and Lightning." Vic said Ozpin and Glynda were about to ask why, but Vic just did the same thing he did with Qrow, he pulled out a fire dust crystal and ate it.

Ozpin and Glynda looked on in surprise. "How.. is that.." Glynda tried to question.

Qrow just laughed, "It's best not to question the kid, he's full of surprises" Qrow told them

Ozpin composed himself, "Yes, he is indeed." he agreed as he nodded.

Vic looked at Ozpin, "so, if you can get the dust, I can do it." Vic said to Ozpin. Ozpin's gaze shifted a bit.

He raised his brow, "What is the catch? I can get the dust, but there has to be a catch right?" Ozpin asked, Vic smiled, Ozpin was a smart man.

"Nothin much, you just owe me a favor, that's all" Vic told Ozpin.

Vic looked at Glynda, she didn't seem too pleased, "The nerve, we are trying to protect the world! And you ask for a favor for saving the life of somebody! The life of a maiden! How could you!" She told him as she walked up to him, Ozpin tried to stop her, but she walked past him.

Vic's happy expression turned dark, he frowned as his eyes turned dead cold. "Haven't you heard of the saying, everything comes with a price? Making the deal with the devil? I really couldn't care less about what you think, I'm asking this favor from Ozpin, not you. I have people to protect, and I will do what I have to." Vic said as he stared at Glynda with the cold dead eyes.

She backed down, and Vic looked at Ozpin, his eyes back to full of life, and his usual smile. "Do we have a deal?" Vic asked Ozpin, as he held out his hand towards the man.

Ozpin shook Vic's hand, "We do indeed. "Ozpin told the Dragon Slayer, who smiled.

They broke the handshake as Vic kneeled down over the fall maiden again, holding his hand out over her again, he added about a week's worth of magic power, to keep it stabilized.

"She should be fine for around a week, at least until it runs out, you are going to take her to beacon right?" Vic asked, and Ozpin nodded

"Yes, it's the safest place for her at the moment." he told the dragon slayer, who nodded.

"Alright, get Qrow to call me when you have the dust, and if it's not within a week, I'll drop by to give it some more to keep running." Vic told him.

"I will, thank you Vic" Ozpin thanked him.

Vic smiled, "No problem, just don't forget the deal." Vic said, Ozpin nodded, "You guys got it from here, see ya later." Vic said as he walked away, jumping into a shadow like it was a pool.


Vic waited for Qrow's call, and while he did, he trained a bit in healing, it was an oversight on his part, it would help with the future if he could heal.

So he trained, he helped injured animals around the forest, he felt good doing it.

He figured out a way though to heal the fall maiden completely.

Dragon Slayer Magic, usually meant to hit the Soul of a dragon, instead of its body. He could reverse this, making it use magic power to heal the soul, instead of damaging it. It, though, would cost more magic power, he didn't know if he needed the dust crystals, but he wasn't sure, and he wasn't going to take chances on it.

Repairing a soul was harder than damaging it, everything is easily damaged, but repairing it is harder. It's simple, and Vic knew that, which is why, even though he thought he would need more.

He trained his magic reserves as well, to get more. More power, and to master the soul healing technique. It was simple really though, he just needed to up his magic reserves, so he'd be able to do it. He also wasn't sure what would happen, her soul was ripped in half, he could repair it, but who knows what damages in doing that did.

There is a possibility that she wont wake up, at all. She will be alive and healthy, she just won't be awake, or never wake up. This was one thing that would be very possible, and there was nothing Vic could do about it as he couldn't repair it that much. He could repair the soul not repair the damages caused when it was ripped out.

He is pretty sure Ozpin is already aware of this fact though. Vic knows Ozpin is a very smart man after all, and Vic was aware of this obviously, so he had to play his cards right.

Now Ozpin owes a favor to Vic, and the favor will come in handy in the future. It will become very useful, Ozpin won't break the deal, because if he does, it means Vic wont trust him, he wants Vic to trust him, so he can help him better. Don't get Vic wrong, he wants to get rid of Salem too, but he had his own plans. They weren't much right now, but they were enough for the moment.

His plans consisted of, Protecting the people he cared for, Finding Tenrou, Dealing with Salem's Pawn's, and Dealing With Salem herself.

It was a simple plan, but it was enough for him at the moment. He needed more answers about Zeref and Mavis, he knew they had to be here. Or at the very least, perhaps their spirits or something, what Tukson told Vic, it was a sign. A sign that they are here, not even Ozpin who Vic thinks has been around for more then a while hasn't even seen the book.

He could tell Ozpin was telling the truth, over the years he's developed a little lie detector sense, it's useful, with his nose, and yin-yang dragon slayer magic. Ozpin also had no reason to lie to him, seeing as he wants him on his side after all, so it would be in his best interest to tell the truth.

Vic had some speculations about it, Tenrou island is under the sea, protected by the Fairy Sphere, like how it happened in the show. Or magic is at play hiding the Tenrou island from everybody else, it could be either. There could even be something else with it, Vic doesn't know, he hopefully would be able to find out.


Vic was sitting on a rock, right now he was somewhere in emerald forest, he was having a peaceful moment. Hm? Oh you noticed, he WAS having a peaceful moment.

Ozpin gave permission to explore the forest around the beacon, he could do so before because it was private property, so he decided, seeing as he was waiting for the call in from Ozpin, and he might as well be nearby, to stay in the emerald forest.

Apparently, there were still students here, over the summer, he wasn't told about this, and it appeared neither were the students, considering he felt himself being watched by someone, no ill intent was coming from them, it was pure curiosity.

He could tell they were a faunus, judging by their smell, he closed his eyes, taking in all the senses around him. He could tell the faunus was female, and a rabbit faunus, it was easy to tell.

She was hiding though, pretty well, but not well enough for Vic. He just kept sitting in the same place though, enjoying the peace and quiet, letting his cloak and scarf blow in the wind.

It really was peaceful, he smelled a new person coming though now, he just had to jinx himself again didn't he. He got up slowly, grabbed his things, and walked away. He didn't need to deal with this.

Before he left though, he turned his head to the rabbit faunus, scaring her a bit. Guess she really wasn't expecting him to notice her. He smiled before he decided to use his speed to appear like he vanished in thin air.

He soon found another place to camp at, deeper within the emerald forest this time. He sat down, enjoying his peaceful time once aga-

His peace time was YET again interrupted, by something, it was his scroll buzzing. He looked at the contact ID, it was Qrow, big surprise. He answered, "Yellow?"

"Hey kid, We've got a small crate full of dust crystals ready, do you think it will be enough?" Qrow asked, Vic thought about it..

"How many crystals?" He asked.

Qrow sounded like he was asking someone, "around 500 im told, pure fire, water, ice, and lightning dust crystals." Qrow told Vic.

Vic smiled, "Yup, that should be enough, i'll be there in a bit, less than 5 minutes, just stay with the fall maiden." Vic told him

"Alright, We are all here, Oz has someone he wants you to meet as well, so be prepared for that." Qrow told Vic, who wondered who Ozpin wanted him to meet.

"Alright, as long as they don't get in the way, I don't have a problem." Vic said as he heard Qrow chuckle a bit before he hung up. He put the scroll in his back pocket.

He stood up, with his things, "Volt-Yin Dragon's Movement." Vic muttered, as the same thing as before happened, he leaped into a shadow as a black lightning bolt.

He traveled from shadow to shadow, at a high speed. He made it to Beacon, where he kept moving in the shadows, avoiding people, and tracking the magical power of the fall maiden, and their scents. He smelled a new scent there, he wondered who Ozpin wanted him to meet now.

He arrived at the door, turning back into himself, and knocked on the door, "Come in Vic." He heard Qrow's voice from the other side of the door.

Vic entered, seeing Qrow, Ozpin, Glynda, a new guy, who looked full of business, he'd seen him somewhere. The fall maiden was currently in a bed, with several medical things to keep her healthy, still not awake though.

Ozpin greeted him first, "Good to see you Vic," Vic just nodded.

Qrow just took another sip of his satchel full of alcohol, "Still not gonna question how you get here so fast." he muttered to himself.

Vic just smiled, as he looked at the new person, he recognized him now, "And your James Ironwood, right? Nice to meet ya, I'm Vic" he introduced himself as he held out a hand.

He smiled, "Yes, I am indeed, I heard a bit about you Vic, pleasure to meet you in person." Ironwood said, as they shook hands.

They broke the handshake, and Vic looked towards Ozpin, "How much does he know? Like about me?" Vic asked.

Ozpin smiled, "Not much, only that you needed dust to help heal the fall maidens soul, nothing else. That is for you to tell, not me" He told the Dragon Slayer, who smiled.

Vic cracked his knuckles, 'well, let's not waste anymore time, and let's get started shall we?" Vic said, as the others nodded, "oh one thing, prepare for the unexpected." Vic warned with a smile, as he walked over to the fall maiden, and the small dust crystal crate.

Ironwood smiled to himself, "I've been around for a while, I've seen and heard it all, i dou-" he was about to say but he saw Vic pick up one of the dust crystals, and ate it like it was a piece of candy. He just stood with his mouth hanging open, in the background, Qrow could be heard laughing his ass off. "I take back my statement, continue" Ironwood told him.

Vic nodded, as he put his left hand out, and over the fall maiden, 'Hybrid Dragon's Soul Repair.' Vic thought, as multi-colored lights came out of his hands, and he closed his eyes.

He saw her soul, it was badly damaged, he slowly started to put his magic towards it, reversing the dragon slayer soul damaging, making it soul repairing, it was working slowly, he saw it being healed, like it was being stitched back together.

He looked at it closer, it was as he thought, he could repair it, but it wouldn't be the same, she wouldn't wake up, but she would be alive, in a coma like state, feeling no pain.

He kept repairing it, he reached for a couple of dust crystals with his right hand, and grabbed 4 of them, and ate them.

He felt his magic boost, and regenerate faster, he was losing magic at a decent past, so he just wanted the extra boost. He expected it to take more out of him.

He poured more magic into it, to speed it up, he slowly sped the repairing up.

Soon after 5 minutes, it was fully repaired, he grabbed 5 more dust crystals and ate them, so he could regain his magic back quickly.

He opened his eyes and faced the others, who looked at him in anticipation.

"Good news, and bad news." Vic said as he sighed, getting mixed reactions, "Which do you want first, Ozpin?" Vic asked, Ozpin thought about it.

"Good news first please, I have a feeling I know what the bad news is already." Ozpin said.

Vic sighed, "Good news is, i was able to fully repair her soul, thanks for the dust crystals, wasn't sure if i would need them or not, but they did help" Vic told Ozpin

"And the bad news?" Qrow asked.

Vic tried to think of the best way to explain this, straight forward it is, "Bad news is, even if her soul is repaired, the damage is already done to her, she won't wake up, she will be stuck in this coma-like state. There may be a way to fix it, but nothing I know of can." Vic told them, they had mixed reactions.

Ozpin looked at him, his gaze didn't change, "I figured as much, but thanks to you, we don't have to worry about her soul dying on us, and we thank you for that." He told the dragon slayer.

Qrow nodded, "yea thanks kid, you helped out a ton." he said, agreeing with Ozpin.

Vic just smiled, Glynda looked down, he could tell she was sad about it. Must've been close with the maiden or known her for a long time.

Ironwood, he looked like he was in thought, he had his fist clenched though.

Vic just sighed again, "Well, iv done all i can, do you guys need anything else?" Vic asked

Ozpin shook his head, "No, thank you for the help, we can take it from here." he told the dragon slayer who nodded

Vic left the room, and shortly after, left Beacon. He wished he could've done more, but he couldn't fix the damage that was made when ripping out half of the soul, he could repair the soul itself, but what is done is done.

He headed back into the woods, and towards the mountains, he had training to keep doing..


Vic at the moment, was training somewhere outside of Vale's City, he wasn't really sure where, but he wanted a change of placement for training, and nearby Vale seemed to fit.

He heard from Qrow over the months that Fall Maiden, Amber, he also learned her name, will be at Beacon or something. Underneath it? He wasn't sure, Ozpin wanted Vic to know apparently, in case something happens.

Vic was pretty sure he helped Vale's population of Grimm go down by a good amount because of how many Grimm's he's killed. He heard Beacon was starting really soon, Ozpin wanted him to join the school obviously.

Vic was ripping apart a grimm, when he caught the scent of roses, he smiled, he knew, he was finished with his training, he knew he was. With Beacon starting soon, it was time he returned to them.

In a flash of blue lightning Vic disappeared..


Ruby POV

Ruby watched as the orange haired criminal climbed the ladder of a building, getting away, "You okay if I go after him?" She asked the dust store keeper, he nodded with a 'uh-hu'

She ran over to the ladder, using her Scythe to boost her upwards, "hey!" she said as landed on the roof.

"Persistent" is all the criminal said, as air blew upwards, and a bullhead appeared, and he stepped in, and turned to face her. "End of the line red!" he said as he threw a dust crystal towards her.

She stepped back, watching the crystal fall at her feet, she then watched as he fired a bright bullet at it, it traveled towards her, she went to block, but heard the crackling of lightning.

The bright light and dust crystal exploded in front of her, but she didn't feel a thing. She looked in front of her as she heard the criminal go "Woohoo!".

The dust slowly cleared, her eyes widened as she saw a familiar scarf blowing in the wind, as well as a cloak, and familiar long orange hair. "Hey, Mind if I join in the party, Ruby?" she heard his voice, as dust cleared fully revealing him, he looked back at her with a smile.

"Vic.." She spoke with a smile, he was finally back..


Heya! sorry if this is coming out later then ya expected

had stuff to do, life and all, working on next chapter soon!

Anyway, as always, hope you enjoyed the chapter, and have a great morning/evening/night/day!

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