The Reincarnated Hybrid

By VictoryForVictor

115K 2.3K 815

A guy who loved Fairy Tail, survived the end of the world with slight mental problems, get a chance at life a... More

The End, and The Beginning Of Reincarnation
A Place Your Always Welcomed
Our Paths Will Cross Again.
Conquering the Desert, and Noticed
Being Watched, and Rescuing a Ice Queen.
Fairy tales and, More Mysteries to be Discovered
The Fairy and The Spriggan
The Regional Tournament!
The Eternal Flame, and a Fellow Magic user.
The Chess Board
The Fall Maiden
Reunion and Beacon.
Meeting the Black Wizard, and Team Troubles.
The Talk Of The Gods.
A Normal Day At School.
The Nightmare, and Forever Fall Forest.
The Black Dragon, Acnologia!
Moving Forward.
Training, and more Mysteries yet again..
New Arrivals.
New Arrivals Pt. 2
Fusion Magic.
Going To Meet an Old Friend.
Mother-Daughter Reunion and The Declaration of War
A Secret Art? and Penny again!
The Adventures of Vic and Weiss! (A Small Side Story)
Confession, Secrets Revealed, and The Dance.
First Quest!
The Lesson From the Strongest Fairy.
The Sad Story of a God
The Fall of Beacon

The Wizard, and Helping a Black Cat

4.1K 97 13
By VictoryForVictor

Vic Stared at all 3 of them, he could see Ozpin's shock, as well as the others. Vic just kept his blank face, he stood up in front of the rock he was sitting on.

Qrow looked at him a bit. "How did you know that kid?" he asked, and Vic just shrugged.

"I would also like to know." Ozpin added, as they both looked at him.

Vic just shrugged. "I have my ways, a little Raven helped though" Vic said as he smiled a bit, Qrow's gazed hard a bit.

"You talked to Raven?" Qrow asked, and Vic nodded.

"Yes it was quite a lovely chat if i say so myself, pretty sure she hates me totally though" Vic said as he chuckled, Qrow laughed to himself a bit.

Ozpin looked at the boy in front of him, "How much do you know?" He asked.

Vic crossed his arms. "More then you think, Maidens, Salem, and some other things." Vic told him.

Ozpin went to speak, but was cut off by Vic, "I already have a prediction for this, you're here to recruit me to the Light Side, so I can fight Salem with you." Vic said, Ozpin didn't say anything. "You want a new pawn, don't ya? Not everyday you see another magic user right?" Vic said as he created a pawn out of light and tossed it to Ozpin who caught it and looked at it.

"You-" Ozpin went to say again, but was yet again cut off by Vic.

"Don't beat around the bush with me Wizard" Vic said as he pointed towards him. "I gave this talk to Raven already! Light Side, Dark Side, it doesn't matter what side you're on, you're a pawn to the leader. Some pawns are more important than others. That's why you created the school, to make more pawns and find powerful ones, such as myself. It doesn't matter what side your on, a pawn is a pawn, one can be very powerful, and become a King" he said a pointed to Glynda who looked confused, "who supports their Queen, which is you Wizard" He said pointing at Ozpin, he then moved to Qrow. "Or the Branwen siblings, they both become Knights, thus the rule of a Pawn, they get exposed to the other side, advancing in rank." Vic said.

All 3 of them were shocked at his analysis, "It's Simple Chess, and Simple way it happens, Light Verse Darkness, it's a chess board." Vic finished as the White pawn piece Ozpin held vanished.

Qrow looked at the kid, he doesn't remember the kid being this smart, 'what the hell did you do while you were training kid..' Qrow thought.

Ozpin, he was impressed. He had such a good analysis skill, Ozpin thought about it, even if he didn't want to believe it. It was sort of true, it was a giant chess board. He looked at the orange haired boy. "Just who are you Vic? You're obviously smarter than you let on." Ozpin asked.

"I could say the same to you Wizard, you hold many secrets, as do I." Vic told ozpin.

"Indeed. So you do not trust me fully then?" Ozpin asked, Vic shook his head.

"I have some trust in you, but not fully, you have secrets, you're hiding things. But, it goes two ways, you don't trust me either fully, which is why you are here. You waited till I came back to vale to talk to me." Vic said to Ozpin.

"It is indeed true, i wanted to know your intentions, but trust can be built up over time can it not?" Ozpin asked.

Vic nodded, "It can, but i'm not interested in joining your little circle or whatever you have going for yourselves at the side of light yet, i've got training to finish." Vic said, as he smiled.

Ozpin looked at him with a raised brow. "What exactly are you training for? You must have a reason right?" Ozpin asked him.

Vic smiled and his fist lit up in flames and he held his fist up. "To protect those I hold dear, and I won't let nobody control me! Even if I am a pawn, I will not fail to protect them!" Vic told them, "If anybody threatens the people i care for, they will face my wrath!" Vic said as he let a bit of his aura out, and activated Hybrid Mode for extra effect.

The three watched as wind blew around Vic, as his aura shifted into forming a dragon, and it roared loudly.

Vic calmed down his aura as he deactivated his hybrid mode. They all took a deep breath. "Now, Wizard, moving on I have one more question for you." Vic said, as he pulled out a book, and walked over to them.

Vic showed them the Fairy Sphere book, 'The Fairy Island' "Do you know this book?" Vic asked as he handed Ozpin the book. "Also if you attempt to destroy or take the book for yourself, I will kill you, it means a lot to me." Vic warned with a smile, Glynda was about to say something, but Ozpin put up his hand, signaling her to not.

Ozpin opened the book, and slowly read through it. It was a picture book so it didn't take long. Ozpin closed the book and gave it back to Vic. "I'm afraid not, this is the first one I've seen." He said to him, which made Vic frown.

"Oh well, it was worth a shot," Vic said as he sighed.

Ozpin thought about something, he wanted to ask, "Vic, tell me what magic do you possess, it reminds me of a dragon.. Multiple in fact.." Ozpin asked.

Vic stared at Ozpin in the eyes, they spoke through their eyes. "Glynda, Qrow, back up for a minute." Ozpin told them.

"Sir are you-" Glynda tried to say and was met with Ozpin putting up a hand towards her.

She sighed as both of them backed up and away from the two

Vic and Ozpin stared at each other, neither one blinking. Vic's blue slighted eyes met Ozpin's brown ones.

Vic's arm was suddenly covered in an aura of different colors, Red, Purple, Blue, Light Blue, Dark blue, white, black, and yellow.

Ozpin quickly followed by holding his cane like a sword.

Both moved towards each other at a quick motion, Glynda and Qrow watched with widen eyes as they did this, they went to attack but stopped just short, Vic held his multi-colored aura fist right in front of Ozpin's head, and Ozpin held his cane right at Vic's Chest. Both stood still.

Both stopped their attacks, Vic deactivated his aura fist, putting it at his side, as Ozpin put his cane back on the ground.

Ozpin looked at Vic, "Hm truly a mystery still.." he said, as Vic smiled. "But that was my loss, so I shall stop asking questions.. For today." Ozpin said.

"Maybe next time Wizard." Vic said as he smirked.

"Hm, perhaps till next time then.." Ozpin said as Vic nodded, Ozpin walked back over to the other two.

He was about to speak, but qrow walked past him. "Give me a second, I need to speak with the kid" he said to them both, and walked over to Vic.

"Hm, what is Qrow?" Vic asked

Qrow leaned in a bit. "I don't know what the in oum just happened, but it's about earlier, were you talking about Ruby, Yang, and Tai?" He asked Vic, who nodded. "Don't bring them into this, please, they don't need to be brought into this." he asked.

Vic smiled, "Don't worry, I had no intention of it." Vic said, Qrow smiled, and nodded.

"I'll see you around then." Qrow said as Vic nodded, and Qrow went back into the bullhead with the other two.

"Well Vic, it has been a pleasure, I do hope we can talk again in the future." Ozpin said, Vic nodded and the bullhead doors closed as it started up.

Vic watched as the bullhead went up and flew away, he was never getting on one of those damn things.

He didn't really care what side he was on, He was on his own side, he'd fight a war for the people he cared about. But he'd be damned if he'd let Salem win. He semi-trusted Ozpin.

He knew the man had secrets, but he did as well. He knew there was something bigger, it could lead to a connection to Tenrou island somehow, he just needed to figure out how.

He looked at the book again, walking over to the rock with stuff, putting it away for now. It was time to train, 2 years, he knew they would fly by.



Vic trained his Yin and Yang Dragon Slayer Magic, he trained them both at the same time for balance, it just seemed right. Though he was taking a walk around Vale today, he decided to explore the city, he had his cloak on and hood up, so as to not get recognized.

He walked around a corner, and smelled a familiar scent, he followed it, and found himself in front of a store. 'Tukson's Book Trade'.

'No way.' Vic thought as he entered.

"Welcome! Sorry if it is a mess, just set up a bit ago" he heard a familiar voice from under the counter.

Vic looked around and saw some empty bookshelves, he was really just moving it.

Tukson came from under the counter. "Hello! What can I do for you." he asked.

"Well, it's been awhile." Vic said as he put down his hood, revealing himself.

Tukson looked on in surprise. "I'll be damned kid! You're alive!" Tukson said as he smiled

"Yep, still going strong" Vic said as he smiled, "How have you been? I see you're not in Atlas anymore." Vic said as he leaned on the counter

Tukson chuckled, "Yea, had to move, couldn't deal with the cold, so moved here to get away from it." Tukson said, "So what did you need?" He asked Vic.

"Well I actually have been wanting to ask you a question." Vic said as he pulled out the Book Tukson gave him. "Where did you get this?" he asked.

"You kept it! I'm glad, now let's see if I remember correctly." Tukson said as he scratched his chin. He snapped his finger, "Right i remember now, a man with black hair, wearing black and white robes, came into the village one day, it was the day after i set up my shop, he sold me the book, it looked interesting so i kept it, though i forgot about it after a bit." Tukson told Vic.

Vic's eyes widened in surprise.. 'Zeref..' Vic thought as he shook his head. "Thank you for the information." Vic said as he smiled, and pulled out a couple lien giving it to Tukson.

"No problem" Tukson said as he took the lien from Vic and smiled. "Glad to be of help." he told him.

Vic nodded. "Well I have places to be, and training to keep going, i'll visit from time to time, so i'll see you next time" Vic told Tukson as he waved and walked towards the door.

Tukson waved as well as Vic left the store.

Vic went back to the mountain after that, he had more questions, it always ended up being more questions. Questions that he knew wouldn't be answered for a long time..


He kept training, though one day while he was training, he wanted to head back to his camp, but he was lost. He knew he was in the forever fall forest though, judging by the land. But somehow he got lost, he wasn't really sure how he got here.

He was near a cliff with a train track edge, his ears twitched as in the distance he heard the train coming.

He watched it get closer, he sniffed and sensed a bit, he smelled faunus on it, and he looked closely with his eyes, they were on an outside part of the train car, and fighting robots.

The train got closer, and he saw one of them wearing a white fang mask, it looked different than Vic had seen, there was red stuff on it. The other was a cat faunus, she wasn't wearing a mask though for some reason.

The train got closer to Vic, he was an idiot. But he can't just ignore them, so he got ready to jump. He did have a sort of plan, but he wasn't sure if it would work.

When training he remembered a spell that Wendy used, Troia, but he wasn't sure if his version would work, since he's never tested it.

'Oh well, nothing like the present!' Vic said as he jumped off the cliff, and landed on a train car.

He felt it was hell. "Berh" he tried to speak but he almost threw up. 'Yin-Yang Dragon's Balanced Sense' Vic thought as he tried to not throw up. He saw himself glow in a black and white light, after a second, and throwing up once.

He slowly stood up, he patted himself on the stomach. He was fine! It worked!

He could be on transportation! Though he didn't know for how long, he needed to make this fast.

He ran down the cars towards where he heard the fighting. He watched as they were fighting the humanoid robots. He wondered something, 'Yin-Yang Dragon's Balancing Eyes.' Vic thought, as his eyes glowed white and black.

With this spell, he could see the good and evil within a person, as well as a few other things, it could give him a rough guess of their emotions, if they are negative, or positive.

He could see a lot of negativity in the bull faunus, like a whole lot, more than the average white fang member. He then looked towards the cat faunus she was on the line, with these eyes he could see she didn't want to be doing this. She had an internal conflict going on, these eyes were very useful.

He deactivated his eyes, as he watched the bull faunus finish off the last humanoid robot, he started clapping. "Good show, ooh good show!" he said, catching both faunus attention. He smiled at them.

"I wasn't aware there would be anyone else here? Who are you." the bull faunus asked, as he put his hand on his katana.

Vic just shrugged as he jumped down onto the cart, "Wanderer, traveler of the land, here to stop this, i also wouldn't do that if i were you, Mr. Bull." Vic told him, warning him that he knew what he was going to do.

"Blake" The bull faunus spoke, turning to his partner, who looked unsure. "Blake?" he asked again, Vic smiled


Blake POV.

Blake was on the edge, why did this have to happen now, she was planning on running today. She was going to get away from it all, all of this, she wanted to start over.

She just wanted to leave, she heard lightning crackle, he looked towards the orange haired man, he appeared in front of Adam, dodging his katana, and reappearing behind him, and kicking him away.

Adam flew all the way to the other car, and landed inside it as well..

She looked at him, he had orange hair, and had horns, it was weird, she'd never seen a faunus like him. Horns, sharp fang-like teeth, and his blue eyes, which his pupils were slits, like a lizard. What kind of faunus was he?

He had a cloak, and a whtie scarf that looked like it was made out of scales. Under the cloak he wore a black tank-top, and had short pants, and sandals. He looked around her age.

He looked at her before turning around. He didn't say anything as he walked towards where he sent Adam. "You can leave," He said to her.

"What?" she asked, confused.

"Hm? Don't you want to?" He asked, turning to her. "Leave the bull guy behind, and stuff, get away from the white fang?" He asked

She was confused, how did he know? "How.." she questioned, as he just smiled.

He put a finger up to his lip as he said "Trade Secret"

She saw his ear twitch and move his head to the left, dodging a sword blade, he ducked under another. He turned around, moved out of the way, stepping back towards her.

"Blake what are you doing! Kill him!" Adam said to her, he sheathed his sword and charged at him, he unsheathed it in a quick motion, but it was stopped in its place.

The guy smiled as he held Adam's blade with his hand. "Hm, not fast enough still.." he said as blue lightning crackled around, he appeared in front of Adam, picking him up by the collar of his shirt, threw him over both of them, and back where Adam and her fought the humanoid robots.

"Cut the Cable" The guy told her, she looked down and saw the car cable, both him and her were on the train part with the engine, without hesitation she brought out her weapons and did so. She saw Adam, who got up to look at her, as the train car he was in slowly started to stop.

She turned towards the orange haired guy, he smiled at her. "What are you going to do now?" he asked

She looked at him with a bit of confusion, she was really confused. "Nevermind that, why did you help me? Who are you?" She asked him, she wanted to know

His smile widened. "I said it earlier, just a wanderer, my name is Vic though, your Blake right?" he told her and asked, she nodded.

"But that doesn't explain why you helped me and how you knew i wanted to leave" She told him, he just kept smiling.

"Just wanted to be helpful, never hurts to help someone." Vic said to her as he put his hands behind his head, and started to walk off. "Anyway, you need a ride off the train?" He asked her as he turned his head back to her.

This was the moment she realized she didn't have a plan to get off of a high speeding train. She slowly nodded, and he smiled at her.

"Alright then, take my hand" he said as he held it out, she slowly took it, "now close your eyes" He told her, she looked at him with a confused look, he just smiled. She sighed, and did so.

For a moment, she felt herself floating, she felt her hair go up, then back down, and she wasn't floating anymore. "You can open them now" he told her and she did.

He let go of her hand and she looked around, they were in the middle of the woods, not even in the forever falls anymore.. "How.. Did you do that?" She asked, he just shrugged.

He pointed in a direction, "Vale is that way, so do as you will" Vic told her as he started to walk away, towards the mountains.

"Thank you.." She told him, and he nodded, she went off in her own direction towards Vale.


Heya! Hope ya enjoyed the chapter! have a nice day/morning/night/evening!

See ya next chapter!

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