The Reincarnated Hybrid

By VictoryForVictor

117K 2.4K 818

A guy who loved Fairy Tail, survived the end of the world with slight mental problems, get a chance at life a... More

A Place Your Always Welcomed
Our Paths Will Cross Again.
Conquering the Desert, and Noticed
Being Watched, and Rescuing a Ice Queen.
Fairy tales and, More Mysteries to be Discovered
The Fairy and The Spriggan
The Regional Tournament!
The Eternal Flame, and a Fellow Magic user.
The Chess Board
The Wizard, and Helping a Black Cat
The Fall Maiden
Reunion and Beacon.
Meeting the Black Wizard, and Team Troubles.
The Talk Of The Gods.
A Normal Day At School.
The Nightmare, and Forever Fall Forest.
The Black Dragon, Acnologia!
Moving Forward.
Training, and more Mysteries yet again..
New Arrivals.
New Arrivals Pt. 2
Fusion Magic.
Going To Meet an Old Friend.
Mother-Daughter Reunion and The Declaration of War
A Secret Art? and Penny again!
The Adventures of Vic and Weiss! (A Small Side Story)
Confession, Secrets Revealed, and The Dance.
First Quest!
The Lesson From the Strongest Fairy.
The Sad Story of a God
The Fall of Beacon

The End, and The Beginning Of Reincarnation

13.9K 154 72
By VictoryForVictor

The world was in utter chaos, the definition of apocalypse, the sky as red as blood, destruction everywhere. Building's destroyed, mountains shattered, everything was destroyed, and that included a lot of people. Billions of people died, there were only around a couple million left in the world, and that number is going down at a fast rate. Everything was in chaos around the world.

When the governments fell, people made their own factions, or some went on their own, but none who went on their own lasted long, radiation, wildlife, and other people too, all killing the loners. It was everyone for themselves, you couldn't trust anyone, it was survival of the fittest. The Apocalypse all began when a loud roar was heard all over the world, then they showed up, Monsters, from Dragons, to Demons.

One person who lived away from anyone, not trusting anyone, he didn't need anybody else's help, he survived on his own, for many years, by himself, he hadn't spoken to anyone, in a very very long time, due to the destruction and chaos around him.

He focused so hard on survival he didn't even remember his own name, not that he needed one, he himself was fine with it. The only name he could remember was Vic. he didn't know why himself, perhaps it was his name? Could it be he knew someone called it? He didn't know, and he doubted he would find out himself.

He survived for 5 years after the chaos started, dodging everything, and keeping himself in the middle of the woods, away from everything. Why you may ask? The cities were all deadly filled with monsters, and other things looking for easy meals.. Why was he alone in the first place?

His family? Dead, eaten by a Dragon in front of him.

Friends? He saw them killed, in front of his eyes when it first started and everyone was panicking.

Everyone else he cared for? Most likely dead by now. But It didn't matter, he was most likely soon dead himself, on a supply run, he ran into a monster, a dragon to be precise, and it had him cornered. He was weak already, he was barely surviving, barely getting through the days anymore, which is why he had to go on a supple run, all he had on him was handmade cloaks, and a few pairs of pants.

He thought it seemed fitting to die by a dragon's hands, seeing as his family was killed by one of them. He hoped he could see their faces when he joined them, but he missed them. Every other human he came across, either had an ulterior motive, or was trying to kill him. His trust issues were high and he barely trusted himself at this point.

He looked up into the dragon's eyes as it looked down on him, with its red eyes as it went in for the kill, he smiled as a single tear went down his cheek. "Thank you..." he spoke to the dragon as he was ready to die, accepting fate. The Dragon bite down on him in a quick motion, tearing him apart, killing him instantly...


Vic awoke in a strange place, nothing around him besides a white void, it seemed to stretch on for miles, he wondered if this was the afterlife. He tried looking for his family, friends, or anybody. He started to call out.

"Hello!? Anybody here! Please!" he cried out looking for someone he knew or anybody at all. "Please somebody! Anybody!" he cried out again, he kept looking around desperately.

He saw nobody though, he kept floating, in this endless white void, for how long? He doesn't know, but it was peaceful at least, something he hasn't experienced for a very long time. As he floated he remembered a lot of things, what he used to do, and what he used to do for fun. Watching TV, Playing games, and video games. He remembered his favorite anime and the first one he watched. Fairy Tail, an endless adventure.

He smiled as he thought about how obsessed with it he was, he even made an original character for it. A Hybrid Dragon Slayer, like that of God Serena. He wishes he could've used those magics, to save people, to slay the dragons that killed his family. He remembered his name by now, but that person was dead long before, that person died when everyone else he cared for did. Now he was just Vic, a wanderer and survivor.

As he was remembering a lot of things, he felt a calm, warm aura surrounding him. It was as if a warm blanket was being wrapped around him. He looked in front of him, as a light bright glowed, it soon diminished revealing a figure, it appeared to be a male, he had pale white skin, white robes, and long golden hair, his eyes white as the void.

"Who are you?" Vic asked as he looked at the figure who was giving off the warm and calm aura..

"I am the God of this Universe.. This Dimension.." God answered, as he floated closer to Vic. "You have been through a lot.. I apologize.. Your fate was supposed to be different.." God said as he placed a hand on Vic's cheek before moving back a bit, floating on an even level as Vic was.

"What do you mean?" Vic asked, he needed to know more, why was god talking to him? Why was this all happening? Why now of all times?! Why didn't he save him sooner!? Why, why why, why!. The calm and warm aura enveloped him once more.

"I can answer all your questions, my child. I am the one responsible for the apocalypse, it was a error in the dimension and time, causing a world wide destruction, I would've stopped it if I could have, i may be a god, but i have certain limits, I was only able to close the error, but what damage was done stayed. As for why this is happening, I am everywhere and nowhere, everytime one of you mortals die, I go talk to them.. Apologizing, some accept, some don't, I understand why they don't forgive me, and I don't expect them to." God talked as they both floated around in the white void, Vic had more questions, more questions than ever. "As we speak, I am talking to more of your fellow earth kind, I am giving them choices, i am letting them decide their path, some want to go to heaven, some want a 2nd chance at life, which i will be getting to in a bit. To answer another question, I couldn't speak to you until you die. I am too powerful for the mortal realm to hold. If I did, what happened on Earth would look like a child's birthday party. I wish I could've done something more, but it was out of my power to influence you more than I already did, and sometimes, influencing leads you in the wrong direction. I tend to stay out of influencing mortals, it has ended badly." God spoke as he floated around Vic.

"So.. it's your fault?" Vic asked, receiving a nod from the God in question, who floated in front of Vic. "Is my family okay? Are they safe now? Are my friends safe as well?" Vic asked, this was the only question that really mattered to him, it's why he lived, he wanted to live for them.

"Your friends, and family are indeed okay and resting in peace, they are no longer suffering.. Some of them are in heaven, some of them are doing their 2nd chance at life that I gave them" The God answered Vic.

Vic himself smiled, he was happy they were fine, he couldn't sleep most nights, due to nightmares about his family and friends suffering. It also didn't help that monsters woke him up a lot.

"I can't say I forgive you, for what happened, even if it was out of your control.. But I am grateful that you made sure that us mortals are resting peacefully." Vic said as he looked at the God in the eyes, who smiled softly in return

"It is my duty, and as I said prior, I do not expect forgiveness, I am here to repay for what I have caused. Now.. let us move on to deciding your path." God spoke and Vic nodded, he was ready for whatever was coming. "You get in a sense, 2 choices, the first, is to heaven, you can imagine what it is like, the most peaceful place in all of reality. Your family is there, though, when I spoke to them. Your parents asked me to suggest the other choice to you." God said as Vic raised an eyebrow.

"The other choice is a 2nd chance at life right?" Vic asked as he heard God mention it before.

"Indeed, a second chance at life, in a new world, has been what I've been doing, sending mortals who want a second chance, to a random world, making sure to not send more than one to the same world. Your parent's choice was to go to heaven, where they are now. Before I sent them there, they asked me a favor, to persuade you into choosing a second chance at life, they said they want you to be happy, and not to worry about them. I can not choose for you though, it is your choice." God said to Vic who took in the information, as he did, he clenched his fist.

His parent's wanted the best for him, and he knew that, Vic wasn't sure what to do himself. If he was going to a new world, he could just die again if he wanted to see his parents. He decided he wanted his parent's to be happy.

"It seems you've made your choice?" God asked, and Vic answered with a nod and slight smile. "Then for the world I am sending you to, you will need a power, usually, i would let the God Of Fate decide on your power, but for surviving for so long, on your own, i will grant you what power or powers you desire." God spoke to Vic whose eyes slightly widened.

Vic thought to himself as his eyes went back to normal, deciding on his own power? He could choose anything, he thought for what seemed like awhile. He thought of Fairy tail, and his parent's, his family wanted him to be happy, and make new friends. He wasn't sure if he was ready to meet people, but he wanted to try for his parents. He wanted to go on an endless adventure of his own, it seems this would be the only chance he would get.

"For my power, I want to be a Hybrid Dragon Slayer, but with my choice of 8 dragon slayer magic's" Vic said as the god smiled at him.

"What a lovely choice of power, the power to slay dragons, from a show of friendship and endless adventure. I think it fits you well." The God spoke, Vic was surprised he knew of it, but it made sense, God is an all knowing being. "I will go over the elements you will be given. These are straight from your mind." God spoke as he brought up his hand, and 8 crystals appeared.

"Hellfire Dragon Slayer, Volt Dragon Slayer, Arctic Dragon Slayer, Yin Dragon Slayer, Yang Dragon Slayer, Azure Dragon Slayer, Desert Dragon Slayer, and Plague Dragon Slayer Magic" God said listing them one by one, each glowing a bit when their name was said. Vic nodded as each was spoken, he could remember thinking of each of these elements when making it. God smiled as the crystals floated from his hand and went around Vic and went into his chest.

Vic felt a sort of rush go through him, he felt like he had a fire in his belly. Now he was quoting Natsu, the fairy tail spirit was already getting to him already. "I forgot to mention something, your appearance will also be changing, right now you are just a soul, i will be giving you a new body, it will be different from what your old body was like." God spoke, catching Vic's attention, who's brow rose at this.

"How much different are we talking about?" Vic asked as he wanted to know what kind of body he'd be having.

The god chuckled a bit. "Do not worry, I have made the body especially for you, to fit your powers and abilities, as well as room for you to grow. You will also have clothes and other things, gifts you could say from me, as another apology." God said as he smiled softly. "I believe that is all.." God said as Vic nodded.

Vic was ready, for a new world, and for an endless adventure. The people might have to wait, but who knows what fate will throw at him. He saw the god smile at him before his vision started to darken a bit.

"I hope you have a better second chance at life, Vic. I wish you the best of luck." God spoke as he smiled at Vic before Vic's vision completely darkened, and he passed out.

The god watched as Vic's body slowly vanished from the realm they were both in, with a smile as his body slowly changed, his white hair turned a dirty blond, and his eyes turned a brown color. "Hopefully, you can find people you care about there.." God said as he sadly smiled a bit, he turned to the left of him and opened a black portal, and left the white void room.


Vic slowly awoke and looked around, his vision was blurry, he blinked a couple times and rubbed his eyes, and slowly sat up from the ground. As he did this, his vision cleared and he looked at his hands. 'No, no, no, no, no! It couldn't be! This can't be happening!' he thought as he looked at himself. He was a child again, and he didn't like it one bit, God never said this would happen! He cursed to himself and the gods above quietly as he put his hands on his head.

In doing that he noticed, his hair was now longer, and it was orange. His old hair color was brown, but guess that's what God meant by a new body, while messing with his hair he noticed two things popping out of his head, the tip of them were sharp. God gave him dragon horn's, he wasn't complaining, but it was weird. They appeared to be hidden under his hair though, so he could worry about it later.

He noticed his clothes, he had a black tank top on, white shorts, and a pair of wooden sandals, he didn't mind the clothing, he actually liked the sandals, they were nice. His hair, was really long though, went down all of his back, he liked it though, his hair before was long as well, but he cut it a couple times so nothing would get stuck in it.

He stood up fully and looked around, he noticed he was in an old house, it was abandoned. Great God dropped him off in an unfamiliar world, in an abandoned house! This was just great!

He looked to his left and saw a small bag, he went over to it and looked through it. He found a couple pairs of extra clothes, as well as sandals. He looked deeper into the bag and found a familiar white scaled scarf.

He smiled softly as he remembered this scarf, it was Natsu's, or he guessed his now. He wrapped it around his neck like Natsu would and kept looking in the bag, he found some weird plastic cards with weird L's on them, in the middle of them they had a world, perhaps it's what the world looked like?

Deciding it would be best to question this world's currency later, he put the clothing back into the bag, as well as the weird currency and picked it up and slung it over his shoulder. As he did this, he noticed something on his shoulder, and the bag, a red fairy tail guild mark was on his right shoulder, and a black one was on his bag. He smiled as he touched the guild mark, it felt like it was a part of him, which it was he guessed.

He walked a bit around the house, he noticed how great his smell and hearing was, he could hear a lot of things, it was kinda getting annoying though, as well as the smell. Everything was so loud and smelly here. He looked around quickly for anything, before leaving the house.

He exited the house through the front door, he was in the middle of the forest. Great, as if an abandoned house wasn't enough, now he's in the middle of the forest, in the middle of the day! He looked around and noticed he could hear the slightest things, and smell a lot of different things, like his senses were out of control. It could be because of him being a child again, which he still didn't like.

He decided to just go straight, not like it could get any worse.. Right?


Oh it was way way worse! Why did he have to jinx himself like that! You see right now Vic is being chased, by something he would call pure evil, the stench it gave off, it smelled as if it was an evil incarnate! To make it worse it reminded him of a bear. Monsters in his old life and even more in his new life!

'Wait this is a chance to test my magic!' Vic thought as he kept running. 'Wait, how do I use my magic in the first place?!' he thought again in a panicked way.

Vic in his own thoughts kept running as the evil thing chased him. He was getting tired though, he is in a child's body, so it's to be expected. Vic decided to just wing it.

He turned around meeting the beast made of evil and bone, it went to jump at him, claws sharp and ready, Vic barely dodged it by jumping out of the way. The creature turned towards him, and Vic inhaled deeply, closing his eyes. He looked for as natsu would call it, the fire in his belly, searching deep for it. He saw multiple lights in his head, the same lights God had shown him.

Vic grabbed the lights in his mind, he opened his eyes. "Hybrid Dragon's..." he spoke as he remembered Natsu unleashing his own, but exchanging Hybrid for Fire. "Roar!" he yelled as he unleashed the giant multi-colored roar towards the creature, it was hit by the roar and completely destroyed on contact. The roar kept going for a second before it stopped completely.

Vic felt something inside of him go down a bit, perhaps it was his magic? He didn't know but he looked towards where he roared, he saw he destroyed a good amount of the forest in front of him. Vic, deciding he didn't want the blame for this, walked away fastly. He wondered how powerful he was actually compared to this world, and if he could learn to control it.

Vic took one last look at the destruction he caused, he sighed a bit to himself, before turning back around and kept on walking with his small bag slung over his shoulder.


Vic traveled through the forest for the whole day, not finding anything, and night approached, he looked over at the rising moon- 'wait what the fuck happened to this world's moon!? Why is it broken!?' he questioned in his mind as he looked at the broken moon.

He sighed and shook his head. He shouldn't be questioning things about this world, he doesn't know how it works at all, so he shouldn't act surprised.

While the day went on, he ran into many of those creatures, he used them as testing dummies, he got hurt a good bit, but he managed, somehow. He wasn't used to his new body, he doesn't know what age he is, but he'd guess around 8 years old. He managed to get a good hold on his magic though, and how to use it, or at least the basics.

So far, he could use all of the roars, and iron fist of his slayer magics, as well as use the magics to a certain degree, like making something with them. Though he still had no control over the destructive capabilities of them. He would work on that though, hopefully anyway.

He kept walking though, he didn't want to be out here with those creatures, not at least by himself anyway. He suddenly picked up some new scents, he had gotten used to his enhanced smell a bit better, hearing though it was still rough. These new scents smelled human, though he wasn't sure, considering he was new to this whole enhanced smell thing. He sniffed again, he smelled old wood, abandoned house? He also smelled the evil creatures again.

He ran towards the scents and made it to the abandoned house, and saw a blond haired girl, around his age, a girl with black hair with a bit of red in a wagon. In front of the girls, 3 sets of the red glowing eyes of the evil creature.

He didn't know what was happening, but he felt the need to do something, he didn't want to watch anyone die in front of him again. It was as if time slowed down, blue lightning crackled around him. He took a step forward, vanishing in a blue flash and appearing in front of the blond, who didn't have any time to react besides widening her eyes


Hope you Enjoyed the First chapter!

If you have any questions feel free to ask! I plan on updating when I can! 

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