Just A Typical Gay Story [ Bx...

By felicitousapple

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REMINDER: Switching Point of Views I know this is so unprofessional of me (not that I'm really a professional... More

Just A Typical Gay Story
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight

Chapter Three

149 6 2
By felicitousapple

Chapter Three

Leron Angelo's POV

A tweak of jealousy flows in my belly as I watched the person who's smiling and talking to me just a second ago stand up. I am not looking at his face now, but I bet that he's smiling as he speaks through someone on his phone.

I huff, irritated with myself. He's a man. A straight man to be exact. He had a girlfriend. I don't have the rights to be jealous. What the fuck, Leron. The person is just being friendly, I don't need to add any meanings to his every approach.

Stop, I need to stop this. I'm being delusional. I'm being pathetic. No one wants a gay. No one. Fuck, I think I'm about to cry. I'm such a loser. I want to hit myself with something.

“Dude, you okay?” Sudden voice of Arson speaking pulled me out from my thoughts. I immediately collect myself and look at him straight in the eyes. The sudden feeling of wanting to cry earlier, vanished. I lick my lower lip and nod at him multiple times. “Yes,” I breathe that word out, and block off immediately any remaining words that's just about to come out from his mouth, by drinking from my water.

And when he did not open his mouth again, I'm quite surprised that he totally accept it and back off. Because the Arson I knew will not stop until he gets something he wants.

“So, what is your plan for your date—”

“Tommorow evening, 7:00 pm at the amusement park.”

My friends got silent after I said those words bluntly. Didn't notice that I am almost glaring at my poor water bottle and that they are already staring at me due to my bluntness. I immediately pull myself together and force a grin, shaking my head in the process.

“I mean...is it a good? I really need your opinion.” I raised my head to look at them, it did not take awhile for them to almost lean on me. Especially Felix and Arson, both patting my shoulders and telling me that my idea is great.

They keep at it, praising my idea that just randomly pop up in my head, honestly. I mean I didn't even think about it properly, how can I thought about it in just a blink of an eye?

Because the truth is, going out is what I truly desires after what happened. I just really want to focus my mind on the other things. Maybe this is not a bad idea at all. This date is not a burden to me at all. Maybe it can help me to relax and pulled the bad thoughts away that has been passing in my mind.

I don't want to do it, I don't want to do those things. Not because I'm worried about myself, that it's going to be hurt. I'm more worrying about my parents. They are precious to me. I don't want them to get hurt.

But it will not hurt them if they just don't have a knowledge about it, right?

“Hey, I heard you're out of materials. Arson and I are going to the mall later, want to come with us?”

I stare at Codee. Only noticing that all of us are already standing and walking back to our classes. Shit, how lost am I getting? I swallow the lump in my throat. Arson, Felix and Emman are a little bit far from us. Declan is nowhere in sight. Maybe still talking to her girl from another school.

“I'm asking you, Leron. Are you sure you're alright?” I glance up at Codee once again, before my eyes landed on his back, where the other three are at and currently talking about something. I immediately caught Arson's eye, looking at us but immediately facing the other way when he saw me looking back.

I frown. He's weird today. What's up with him and Codee? I bet he's also the one who said that I'm out of painting materials to his cousin. It's not that I don't appreciate it. It actually warms my heart but if he was Arson James Rosario, he will not waste his time running around the bushes and will just run out straight.

He's obviously using Codee to approach me.


When I heard that voice of 'him', I immediately tap Codee and leave a 'Yes' and nod at him before walking away from all of them without looking back. Later, after I bought the things I needed, I'll worn myself out from painting. I needed it.

I'm kinda guilty with my attitude towards Arson and Codee. It's not their fault that I am feeling like this. No one's at fault in here, actually. It is just me. And it's all because I'm different. That I am gay.

They don't know about it. No—they don't have to know.


Walking outside the classroom, I immediately remembered about going to mall with Arson and Codee. Also remembering that they have practice today, so what now?

I sigh heavily, just thinking about going in the gym to ask them both personally made me  wanted to just go alone. But I don't want to leave the two either. Because if I go there, a chance of running at Declan is high. Very, very high.

I frustratedly rub both of my hands on my face. And while I'm busy at it, I heard laughter coming from the other way of the hallway. Raising my head to look up, my brown eyes immediately met with the familiar eyes of my bestfriend. Beside him is Codee who is smiling about something and when he also look at me, he wave his hand immediately.

Why, they are such a life saver. I noticed that they keep on saving me from myself today. I'm lucky, aren't I? I can't believe myself, I'm being such a pathetic asshole today. I'm glad that I know this two. Too bad for them, they knew me.

I walk towards them in a swift move. Hiding my hands in my pocket that is currently doing what it wants. I have this habit of mine whenever I'm getting nervous about something. My index finger automatically scratching my thumb finger.

Arson knew about it, and I don't want him to know that I'm nervous. Why am I nervous? Because I'm guilty that I thought of leaving them earlier. They are the one who cheered me up, and I have the audacity to thought of them in that way.

If Mamu can only hear my thoughts right now, she will definitely scold me to the bones. I suppress a smile just thinking about that.

“Are you ready, lover boy?! Let's go get you some nice clothes as well for tomorrow's date.” Arson put his arms around my neck, more like jumping on my back while saying that. He's so hyper. Well at least, he's back to the old him.

“Yup. Pick my clothes for me, will you?” I said back at him and he just laugh while nodding his head. Codee shaking his head beside us, as he unlock his car not so far from us.

And of course, before that I will not forget about their practice. I should ask them first if it's okay for them to ditch they're practice just for this. I know how they love basketball. Even if they are jerks sometimes, they never ditch or missed any practice.

“By the way, how about your practice guys? You know we can just do this later or—” Arson cut off my words by slapping the back of my head, harder than he could. I hissed at him while holding my head with both of my hands.

Shit, I thought I lost my head there.

He laughed at my reaction and it's so irritating. Standing up properly, I send him a death glare and said the words that I cannot say infront of my parents.

“Fuck you Arson James. Go to hell.” I said though gritted teeth and he just laugh at it again. Louder than the first one, to be exact. He's even clutching into his stomach right now and his face is turning red or purple. I can't help but to grin.

What's so funny about hearing me saying those words??

Both of us turn our heads at the car when it honk. Indicating that Codee is already inside and just waiting for us to come in. Oh, I suddenly felt bad making him wait while we do stupid things.

Anyway, without wasting any more of our time, I run to Codee's car. And at the same time, Arson is running too. But as soon as my hand landed on the passenger's door side I laugh and stuck out my tongue at Arson.

“I got it first, now move, dumbass.” I said to him and he let out a defeated sigh while both of his arms are in the air. I shake my head and open the car to finally settle in.

Our silliness are making me tired.

And as soon as all of us got comfortable on our seats, I ask them about their practice again. Facing Codee more because I know that I can get a more proper answer at him.

“We don't have practice today, don't worry. The coach is having an emergency meeting about something we don't know, he didn't tell us either and just said to attend tomorrow's practice, then leave.” he explained carefully. As expected of Codee.

I nod at him and just sat silently afterwards.


While we're walking after entering the mall, my mind drift to the date Arson just set me up. Thinking about it now, makes me nervous. And the habit of mine is back.

Arson said he will find some clothes for me with Codee. I nod at them and enter the National Bookstore to pick my things. And at the same time, pulling out my phone and type a text to send to Olea.

I know that she's aware about the date, because Arson said so, but I want us to talk about it already for this to end quickly.


Hey, it's me Leron. : )

Turning my phone off, I focus on getting materials for myself. I didn't expect her to text back after all—

My phone buzz.


Hey, is this about the date? Omg, I can't wait.

My eyebrows shot up. She texted back. That's fast.

I chew on my lower lip and type a text again.


You're right, it is about the date.


Yes, and what about it?


I've decided to do it tomorrow evening. At an amusement park. I just want to know your address so that I can pick you up at 7:00.

One minute already passed but she's not texting back. So I decided to put my phone back in my pocket and put an end to this little shopping of mine.

And when I finally finished, I immediately exited the store and look for Arson and Codee. But then my phone rang, this time it was a call. I know that this is not one of my parents, because I texted them earlier that I'm going out with the two.

Probably Olea?

When I look at my phone, I'm right. It's Olea. Why is she calling?

“Hello?” I talked first.

“Oh why hello, where are you right now? Because if you're going to say that you're also at a mall, I'm not going to stop myself from approaching the cute permed hair I am seeing right now.” my eyes widened and look around me. Without even suffering from looking, I saw Olea in her school's uniform. In her back, someone is standing but the guy is talking to someone on the phone.

She wave at me and I wave back, smiling gently. We both walk towards each other, the big guys still in her back following her. Oh, maybe her brother?

When we got face to face, I didn't expect her to hug me in a friendly way. I don't know how to respond, so I just pat her back one time. When she pulled away, the guy who's standing next to her made an eye contact with me.

Oh, I know this man.

The Gerald guy tilt his head while looking at me. A frown is growing on his face, as if he's concentrating with something in his mind. Furrowing, I look away from him. Hiding my face at the uncomfortable gaze he's giving. And my fingers are back at it, so I tried to hide it.

“Wait, you are the guy at the gym before right?” he immediately blurted out while pointing his index finger on me. I breathe heavily and nod at him.

“Uhm, you know each other?” my eyes darted at Olea who has a confuse look and at the same time, somehow, I can see amusement in her eyes.

I am the one who answered her question. “Actually, not really. We just bump to each other.” I said, not expecting the big guy to interrupt and correct my answer.

“Actually too, that's not the whole story," he look at Olea and explain to her what really happened between us. Including Declan and the team. He really told her everything. Great. I think he's even proud of what he did that day.

Yes, he's the basketball captain of our school's rival team. The one who almost blew my head.

Olea laugh along with him as she playfully slap his bicep and I just stand there awkwardly, watching them like a bestfriend who just laugh at anyone who passed them. They are fun to watch, but I hope Arson and Codee come for me.


Gerald caught my attention after saying that out loud, as if it was really meant for me. I look at them and looks like they are finally done with their chika. The man look at me and then look back at Olea. The girl rolled her eyes before she stands beside me. I just watch her.

“Actually, we have a date tomorrow. Right, cutie?” She said, putting an arm on my shoulder. She's tiptoeing a bit and I gave a little sympathy on her by crouching a little, as I nod my head at her in agreement.

I don't hate Olea, actually I like her. In a friendly way. I wanted to be around people like her. I want her to be my friend, to be honest. Just friends. Because she's actually acting like one right here, right now. She's giving me an Arson vibes, girl version that is.

“A date?” The guy chuckle after hearing that. I turn to look at him with a frown on my face. What's so funny?

“Why are you laughing?” I asked him but he just shook his head. Olea letting go of me and kicking the man on his shin, but the latter avoid it easily. Really, what are they, five?

Plus looking at this Gerald guy, he's not giving any demeaning aura just like the first time I saw him. He's looking more like a carefree person right now. A good boy.

Wait, he's never been the bad boy at the first place right? So what if he wants to harass the man his girlfriend replaced her with? I stare at him. Guess, I judged him too easily.

“Anyway, let me introduce the both of you to each other.” Olea said while looking between us. “Gerald, this is Leron Angelo. My date for tomorrow and my friend from now on,” she paused.

“And—wait, can I call you Angel? I heard one of your friends calling you that, and since that nickname suits you, I've decided to call you that too. That is if it's alright?” she said giving me a puppy eyes.

Is she Arson's long lost twin? They are very much a like.

Shrugging, I said “Suit yourself. Call me whatever you want.” she clap her hands, sounding happily like a child. I smile at that.

She cough. “Anyway, let's go back to introducing this big guy here.” she held Gerald at the his arm and pulled her forward. So close to me, that made me take a few step back away. Him doing the same thing.

“Angel, this is Gerald, my big brother.” and there she finally said it. I'm really itching to ask them what are they to each other ever since I saw them. And shit, did Declan really just taking random people with him without looking at their background?

It such a relief to know that he's dating the guy's ex girlfriend, and not the little sister. I imagine something worst happening right now.

“It was nice to finally meet you in a nice way, Angel. And sorry again for the last time. I swear the ball is never meant for you, it just happened that you're near that guy.”  he said, emphasizing the word 'guy.'

I quickly nod at him and take the hand his currently offering.

“Yeah, nice to meet you too. And forget about it. It already happened.” I smile as he smile back. Letting go of his hand, I heard a familiar voice calling for me.

“Leron! Damn, kid. Thought we lost you. You aren't giving any attention to your phone.” this is Codee scolding me. Not caring about the others what might think and I really don't care either. I'm used to him. He's just super caring, like a mother.

I smile sheepishly at him as I took my phone out from my pocket. “Oh, sorry, didn't notice it.” he shake his head, finally looking up at the two people beside us. His face quickly turning into a serious one. I gulp and look behind him. It's good that Arson is not around. I don't think I can handle that one.

Thank goodness Codee is calmer than him.

I let my index finger to scratch on my thumb, nervously thinking of a way on how to get out of this situation, before something blow out.

However Codee noticing the discomfort I'm in, he immediately stop my fingers and held it in his. My lips parted looking at him, but he just stared at the people infront of us.

“Hey, um, I need to get Leron right now because we're still buying something...” he carefully said those words, however it also turn out to be a little bit awkward.

Olea is the first one who responded who seems to noticed the awkward atmosphere. And I thanked her mentally. “Of course! We're seeing each other tomorrow anyway,” she look at me. “So just see you tommorow, I guess? I'll text you my address later.”

I nod and we said goodbye to each other. Gerald nodding his head before turning his back on us and walking away with his sister.

Codee let go of my hand and guiding me to wherever Arson is. He said the idiot is still picking clothes for me. I shake my head hearing that. He's really into it.


Declan's POV 

“Where are the others?” I asked Felix who just got out of the toilet. He looks surprise to see me, but immediately cover his reaction with a confuse look over his face.

Even though he hadn't answered my question yet, both our heads turned to Emman who just got out from the toilet too. I'm aware that these two are in here, I followed them after they both said that they are going to the canteen. Yes, comfort room is the new canteen.

I noticed Felix turned pale as he glance at me and not daring to look at Emman, as if a secret will be discover if he did. The grumpy man just scratch his neck with his usual face. Serious and silent. Nothing new, so why Felix is acting weird?

Looking at them with a confuse face, I also noticed their lips are red. A little bit swollen and their hair are both messy—

“Did you know where are the others? I heard them talking about going to a mall. Let's follow them, if you want?” Felix broke the silence that is enveloping us after awhile. I blink a few times before shaking my head.

“I mean, sure. How dare them to leave us out.” I accused, completely forgetting about earlier, my mind drifting on the three instead.

On the three?

Yea, perhaps Angelo is with them.

Yup, Angelo.

I shifted on my seat, remembering how he avoided me earlier.

Emman said that be brought a car with him and that he will take Felix, therefore I am by myself as I drive to the nearest mall. Since when are they this close again? It seems like they don't want to be apart from each other.

Anyway, Felix said he texted one of the boys earlier to inform them. If we even got the wrong mall, then so be it, it's not like we can't live without seeing each other.


The three of us are already standing outside, when Felix said Codee just texted back. The three of us read it.


Okay, find us if you can. ; )

With a dumbfounded look on our faces, we only thought of the one person who can push us on our edge like this. And it's definitely not Codee.

That mother fucking Arson doesn't want us to know their exact location. Why though?

“Let's just find them. This mall is not that big, I'm gonna kill that guy when we see him.” said Felix as he walk towards the entrance of the mall. Me and Emman following him behind.

The sun is just about to set once we entered. Looking outside through the mall's windows, I stare at the sky who's now in the middle of battle, wether it's going to be pink or orange. Purple or yellow.

Remembering my parents are currently on a business trip just by looking at the sky. I mean, they are always on a business trip. On a plane to work overseas. And doing all of that shits without even bothering to say hello to me, or even asked me if the house is still okay.

I snort. Whatever. I have my dogs with me, they are my family.

“Look! There they are!” Felix took my attention and look at where he's currently pointing like a child. Emman immediately make a hold of his hand to stop the other boy.

And there's Codee, with Angelo beside him. Holding Angelo's hand like nothing, and Angelo not minding him the touch as well. I can feel myself getting curious that's why I walk to them first. But then I just noticed that there are two other people infront of them.

Immediately recognizing the man and the girl infront of them, my confusion started to grow even more. Also include the slight irritation I can feel.

Why the heck Gerald is with them? And that's Angela's girl friend right?

As I walk in a fast pace, the four of them start separating. Codee and Angelo walking to the other side while saying something to the smaller boy that made him chuckle. I frown and was about to catch up with them, when Felix stop me from grabbing into my arm.

With eyebrows both shot up, I look at him almost irritatedly. When he noticed it, he back away a little. Emman holding his back because he almost walk on him. Realizing what I'm doing, I took a deep breath and relax my mind.

What am I so eager about? Why am I irritated? Damn, this feelings are getting nonsense.

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