Secret Twins of Oh Sehun

By SGPresents

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Exo Sehun is a father and It's a secret. More



10.6K 316 61
By SGPresents

C H A P T E R   T H R E E

I felt relief when I got to the office on time. As soon as I step at the entrance, I suspect the people around. I realize everyone was busy and none was not involved in their job.

Everyone seems to focus on their work. I couldn't help but cringe at the thought.

It's Sunday yet everyone else feels hectic.

When I got to our department, Sohyun welcome me with a sigh of relief.

"Haeun! Thank goodness you're here!"

Sohyun was hastily waiting in my office chair. She looks like she got chastise by the monster.

"What's happening? It seems like chaos."

I place my bag over my table. None of the employees next to my cubicle even greeted me because they were too busy mending their computers.

"Seriously, I'm too lazy to work! Do you know the boss called for a one-minute meeting before you arrive?"

It made me lour in doubt.

"I didn't get an update about that."

A one-minute meeting is a very rare circumstance in the office. The CEO would only call it if there is an extremely crucial or urgent occurrence that arose outside the annual schedule. It only means that the company is in trouble.

"No one was. I came in and they told me to get straight to the lobby since he's announcing the problem to everyone."

"What was the meeting all about?"

Sohyun stood up from my chair with a scowl on her face.

I guess I would take her reaction as bad news.

"It's all about the competition in the market. I heard the company against us was expanding to China and we all know how our boss is targeting that country to extend his affiliates."

I couldn't believe what she said and chuckle afterward.

Who wouldn't feel threatened if the biggest boy group in South Korea right now is representing the other company?

They have gathered all the attention at this moment and the market might've shattered because of their sudden expansion.

"Anyway, I don't want any more stress. I wanna know how was your date yesterday with the twins. I saw you went out to see a movie on Jiwoo's account."

I instantly recalled our bonding from last night. The usual stroll we do was fun and eating in a fancy restaurant once in a while was marvelous.

We have always been rooting to do it in the last few days. Fortunately, I had my chance yesterday. So we took my free time and enjoyed everything.

"It was fun! The twins requested to watch a kid's movie at the cinema. How about you? What's your plan last night?"

She frowns and that me chuckle. Seems like the world has been thrown unto her face at the moment.

"Nothing much and I hope you'd realize how lucky you are to have such adorable twins. I really envy you, Haeun. I wish we could have a baby sooner this year."

I nearly chuckle for I forgot how eager she was to have a kid these days.

"It will come in time. I guess, for now, you and your husband need to spend more time with each other. Besides, you only got married for a few months."

I'm confused why she's giving all the effort to nurture a kid before the year ends. I mean- she's young. Sohyun is two years younger than my age. and so does her husband. I suggest they both should enjoy each other's company for a while.

Moreover, having a kid is different responsibility. Though I knew she's gonna be the best mom in the future.

"I know. But there's just something in me that has the need to have a baby this year. I don't if its fate or probably because I promise to myself that I prefer to have a baby at a younger age."

Then I realize, people really do have different perspectives in life. Some wanted a kid sooner and some doesn't.

I suppose our lives really goes on different paths.

"Speaking of kids... We were trying it out last night."

The last phrase she said nearly got me choke. I look around to see if everyone notices it, but it seems they're quite occupied.

"Keep your voice down. Someone might hear us. You're crazy."

Sohyun laugh almost ousting her sight as her eyes smile with her cheeks.

"C'mon, Haeun. It's not like we're single ladies. It's normal they would hear us talk about these things.."

That burst me into laughter too. But I keep my voice down.

"Hajima! You should go back to your desk and do your job. If the boss find out we're doing nothing, we are gonna be so fired."

"Aigoo- Stop acting like a virgin, Haeun. You have twins already."

What she said astounded me. I was about to hit her but Sohyun was too fast and escape to her own cubicle. She even gave me a wink from afar.

That girl and her bold mouth.

"Haeun, can you see me in my office?"

I turn around only to meet my boss looking straight at me.

His face always look serious and his voice sounded strict that it made my heart pound in nervousness.

"Y-Yes, sir."

I attend from his behind until we reach his office that is on the same floor as ours.

We went inside and he closes the door before me.

"Have a seat."

I did what he instructed. Thankfully, I was always prepared for this kind of situation. I had time to grab my pen and notebook from my table before I followed him.

Mr. Eunwoo settled himself on the couch in front of my seat. There's a table separating us and I could see how anxious he is because of what happened.

"I know this could be all of a sudden, "

He sighed and I was hoping he wouldn't say I'm in trouble.

"But I might send you on a trip this week."

That caught me off guard. "Neh?"

"There's a client I want you to speak with. I know that this isn't your task. But I just sent my secretary to Europe to settle some business and she won't be back until Wednesday. You're one of my excellent employees the reason why I chose you to do this meeting."

"But sir... I-I have kids at home and my brother still has his school. I got no one to look after them."

He sigh and pat his forehead. "Shoot. I forgot about that."

It appears like he's too occupied to think thoroughly about his decision.

But as much as I'm aware of, I'm not the only employee who can do this task and not the best at this line. For sure they're more adequate people than me.

"I can send a nanny and few security guards to your house while you're gone. If that's sufficient to heed your concerns just to make you approve this trip."

"But, Sir-"

"It'll only take two days, Haeun. As soon as the meeting is done, you can pack your bags and go home and I will let my pilot know to prepare a plane for you. I literally just need this contract to get approve and I know you are the only one who can convince them."

His eyes were moreover pleading to get my response. I know he is expecting a good answer but how can I do that when I'm torn between my kids.

They were a minute of silence cramming his office when I couldn't find any words.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been pressuring you this way."

His awkward laugh made me feel uncertain.

"No, sir. You don't have to apologize. I'm just shocked. I have never had close a contract before and if this really important to you then I suggest lowering your expectations..."

Mister Eunwoo stared at me in silence.

He's probably thinking of an alternative if I ever reject his request. But it makes me feel bad if I do that.

He's my boss. It's my job to follow his command.


"I'll give you more time to decide. I will wait and if you're ready just come to my office so I could prepare everything."

"Neh... I'm really sorry, Sir."

I stood up and bowed at him before I walk out of his office.

I thought I was getting fired but it happens to be way worse than that. How can he thought of sending me to see a client?

I don't even have the confidence in myself!

"I think our boss secretly likes you."

It's already lunchtime yet Sohyun couldn't stop fussing about what happened earlier.

She said everyone was wondering why he had visited me by himself when he could ask someone to do that. But from my perspective, I would do the same as he did since what he proposes was relatively private.

"Stop talking nonsense, Sohyun. You are overthinking things."

"Well, why'd he ask you out of all these people in this building? He had hundreds of employees in total yet he sticks his decision unto you. Which is actually not surprising at all."

I frown at her. "What do you mean?"

"Duh. Don't you realize how he's been checking you out all the time. he would even put special treatment on you and out of all the people, you're the only one who has his personal number which should be confidential by the way. That's why most female employees envy you. They think you're special to him."

Glaring, I took a spoonful of salad and eat it.

"They're assuming things wrong. I have his number because he once forgot a file that he was supposed to ask from me during work. But since he forgot about it, he asks his secretary if he has all the list of employees' contact numbers to get to me. Other than that we never talk to each other through the phone."

"Anyhow, why'd he have to appoint you for that meeting abroad? And how about the kids? Who's gonna look after them?"

Thinking about that made me feel frustrated again. Mister Eunwoo only gave me one day to decide and there's only a couple of hours left for me yet I still couldn't choose which is which.

"Two days is short but for the kids, it'll felt like a year that I haven't been with them and I've never gone somewhere without them either."

Sohyun purses her lips.

As if she's thinking of a way how to solve this conflict and suddenly she said,

"I think I know what to do."

"What is?"

A weird smile slowly crept to her lips.

"I can look after the kids while you're gone and in return, ask him if we both could take a week off while you do the job abroad."

That's somehow a nice idea.

"But how about your husband?"

"Easy. We will team up to take care of the kids. Besides, he wouldn't be that busy at his work and jiwoo could still focus on his study. What can you say?"

The twins are very much close to Sohyun. Perhaps it wouldn't make that much conflict if they stay at the house and besides, we both will benefit from a week off.

"Sound like a plan!"



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