Harry Potter Crossover (Percy...

By ilcadampaot

32.5K 552 178

Okay. So apparently, I have a wizard, a few demigod, and a mortal for cousins... wait. That's messed up. But... More

I Hate My Darn Luck
My New Weird Cousin
I Hate Airplanes And Hermes
The Truth
My Cousin's Friend.
The Order in the House
I Look Like My Cousin's Twin
My Cousin Can Split Himself
Why Did I Agree?
I Heal With Magic
I Am Not Lazy
The Demigod's Weird.
My Dream About A Haunted House
The Quest And The Truth
My Wound Bleeds Again
The Offer
The Quest Talk
The Return Of The Couple
I Get A Red Head Visitor
I Feast In A War
My Dinner's Here!
The Conversation
The Mischief
The Wedding In A War
Wedding + Zone Out = Confused Demigod
The Start Of The Quest
The Good Memory
The Locket Conversation
The IM With Wise Girl
Percy's Not Hungry
The 'Quest'ion Of The Day
Get To Plan! Or Work Is Fine
Flashback + Dream = Flashdream?
My Cousin Has Flashback Too?
I Dress Like A Wizard... Wait
The Quest Start
Not A Chapter
The Ministry Of Magic In The Bathroom
The Bickering
Something Valuble Broken
One Genius + One Genius = A Headache.
Percy And His Awful Understandings
I Am Terrified... Am I?
The Scream And The Snake
The Flashback
The Return Of Ronald Weasley
Hermione's Wrath
Will He Help?
Bill And Fleur
The Ghost Village
Meeting Gandalf
The Secret Passage
Old Friends
Let's Stun A Teacher!
Death Eaters And Bravery
Oh Hades
No Such Luck
The Lost Diadem
The Resurrection Pill's Use
The Last Words Of Severus Snape
The Truth Tend Hurt
The Forest And The Sacrifice
Fight And Survive
The Fight For Life
The Last One Standing
The Last Chapter
Thank You!

I'm Not Alone... Am I?

656 10 0
By ilcadampaot

Harry POV
A loud crash came from outside. In walks Remus, carrying a half-concious George.

"Bloody hell." Ron whispered.

"Hurry, Molly!" Remus shouted.
            Mrs. Weasley returned with her medical bag and starts to bandage George.

It's all my fault. If it wasn't for me, no one would've gotten hurt.

Ron and Hermione seems to notice my great displeasure and walks towards me. "It's not your fault, you know. It's you-know-who's fault for wanting power." Ron comforted me. I smiled, "Thanks Ron."
Just then, Percy groaned.
"How are you feeling, dear?" Mrs. Weasley asked.
"I feel ok."
"Good. Harry here, poured water on you." Mrs. Weasley said as she sent a glare my way. I grinned sheepishly.
"Oh good. Can you some pour more water on me? Preferably a whole bucket. Water heals me."
           Mrs. Weasley looks worried. "Dear, I think you might've bonked your head." "Harry! Did you not tell her anything?"
"Well, I tried but then the others came back so..." I explained. Percy groaned and made a ball of water and shaped into a girl, then a pegasus. Mrs. Weasley, once again, was speechless.
"H-how-?" she stuttered. She looks like she's seen a ghost. Which she had at Hogwarts but yeah.
"It's possible for me because I am the son of Poseidon. Harry's not lying." Percy grinned at me. I grinned back.
"Oh, and I didn't catch your names. I just call the girl," he pointed at Hermione, "walking encyclopedia. Him," he pointed at Ron,"The smallest red head, and I don't know the rest of you."

Hermione looks shocked at her nickname while Ron gave him a weird look.
"Oh. My name is Molly Weasley but you can call me Mrs. Weasley." Mrs. Weasley introduced.
"I'm Ron."
"My name is Hermione. Nice to meet you." Hermione held out her hand. Percy took it but not before wincing a bit in pain. "Sorry. I forgot." Hermione said sheepishly.
"S'ok. I've had worser injuries before." Percy replied. Worser injuries? How is he still alive then? I look at Ron and Hermione. They look like they're wondering the same question. Mrs. Weasley just looks horrified.

"George! You're awake!" someone spoke excitedly.

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