DC Universe Gets A Clean Up

Par La_Flame20

280K 7.1K 3.4K

After Accidentally Killing The Joker, Y/n Is Forced To Deal With The Consequences That come With Killing The... Plus

Day 1
Day 2
Day 2.5
Day 2.6
Day 2.9
Day 9
Day 9.2
Day 9.2 (Harley)
Day 10
Day 16
Day 16.2
Day 18
Day 19
Day 21
Day 22
Day 22.1
Day 41
Day 41 (night)
Day 41 (night 1.2)
Day 42 (Dawn)
Day 42.1
Day 43
Day 43.1


6.1K 178 37
Par La_Flame20

Batman stood straight with his cape covering his whole body. The officers surrounding him weren't sure if what to do. A rookie aimed his gun at Batman but his commander immediately yelled at him to stand down.

Ramirez: But sir, he--

Captain: I said stand down, Ramirez. *He cleared his throat and turned to Batman* What happened?

Batman: Someone wanted to keep Zsasz quiet. I intend to find out who.

Nightwing had just returned after escorting the guards out of the prison. He glanced at the body and frowned.

Nightwing: Wow. I leave for like a minute and this happens. What happened?

Batman: Unknown Drone. I'm going after it.

Before Nightwing could even protest, he called the Batwing and slingshot into the air just as it arrived. Nightwing sighed and turned to the officers that were looking up at the sky. He tapped his comlink and this time the signal went through. He immediately held his ear as Robin screamed into it.

Nightwing: Ow! What the hell is wrong with you?

Robin: Get back! Ha! *Sounds of fighting* Gahh!

Nightwing: Robin, what's going on?

Robin: Nightwing?

Nightwing: Where are you?

Robin: The control room. There are zombies here.

Nightwing: I'm sorry, What!?

Robin: Just get here!

Nightwing quickly ran towards the control room. He got there in time to see Robin get thrown out the door into a wall. He knelt down and helped him up and they both turned to the door.

The guards and criminals stiffly walked out, all of them now Jokerized and groaning while black blood leaked out of the holes in their bodies. They stopped for a second before dashing at the duo with anguished screams. Nightwing frowned and without hesitation threw sticky grenades at each of them. The bombs detonated, blowing up their heads instantly.

They slumped over like ragdolls and Nightwing turned to check on Robin, looking him over for injuries.

Robin: Hey, get off! I'm fine. Even if they are zombies, I didn't get bit.

Nightwing: Just checking. Where did they come from?

Robin: I don't know. I felt a sonic wave and then the dead guards came back to life and attacked me. Where Batman? I couldn't reach him.

Nightwing: He's chasing a drone that might-

Robin: Look out!

he suddenly pushed Nightwing out of the way as a headless zombie came up behind him and tried to swing at them.

Nightwing recovered quickly and kicked it in the chest but it grabbed his leg and slammed him into the wall. It's head had regenerated up to an eye and it tossed him at Robin, who was attacking with the sword raised. He moved to the side, jumped off the wall and sliced it cleanly through down the middle before dismembering it.

Nightwing threw more bombs at the other zombies who were now making their way to them but they all suddenly jumped out of the way and dashed at him with their hands stretched out. Robin passed by and their limbs fell off but the last one dodged his sword strike and punched at him.

Nightwing whacked it on the neck and slid under it, kicking it over onto it's back and Robin tried stabbing at it's heart. Another zombie grabbed his arm before he could but he switched the sword to the other arm and lobbed it's head off. The downed zombies started screaming and their regeneration became even faster as the attacked the duo.

Nightwing: Regenerating zombies, Soo not fair.

Robin: Shut up and concentrate. *block* how do we kill them?

Nightwing: The good old-fashioned way. *He jumped back and baited the closest one. Once it got close, he flipped over it and took out a tiny can from his gauntlet.* If the head won't die, burn everything.

He shoved the can into it's open mouth and ducked. The can exploded and burnt the zombie to ash in fifteen seconds flat. He turned to the other zombies but they began backing up, their expressions showing their fear.
He frowned slightly as he watched them but Robin took advantage of them being stunned and dashed through them, cutting holes into them and leaving behind more bombs that exploded and burnt them to ash.

Robin: That was suddenly easier than I thought. Damn. Should have kept at least one alive. It would have made for a good test dummy.

Nightwing walked over and slapped the back of his head.

Robin: I'm kidding.

Nightwing: I know. But you're right. Now, we have no idea what turned them.

Robin: You turn to tell Batman. *He turned and walked back into the control room* I did it last time.

Nightwing sighed as he tapped his comlink. And here he thought he would have a quiet day.


Two fiqures were staring at a screen with a view of the prison control room and they had just watched Nightwing and Robin's fight. Another screen lit up and a voice came through.

Voice: The test was mostly a success. Now we know what to adjust for.

The first person sighed and rubbed his long goatee before nodding.

???: Yes, but Batman would soon be on the trail.

Voice: No need to worry. I'm sure he'll soon be too busy to stop us. The stage is set. It's time for our hero to shine.


Later that day,
Somewhere in Gotham

Y/n sneezed, reaching for his nose to scratch it but instead could only rub his mask helplessly. He groaned but decided to ignore it.

Soo itchy. *Achoo* Need. To. Scratch  *achoo*

Oh give it a rest.


I sighed and landed on the roof of my building. I crawled down the side of it till I got to my window and was climbing in when someone reached out and yanked me onto the floor.

Jason: Three seconds to tell me who you are else I start blasting *cocks gun at my head* onee, twoo,

Y/n: Relax dude it's me.

Jason: Y/n?

Y/n: Yep.

Jason: What are you wearing? *He lifted me onto my feet and put his gun aside. I dusted myself and tapped the side of my neck, showing my face.

Y/n: It's my new suit. You like it?

Jason:Ehh. Did you steal it or something? Because we both know you're broke.

Y/n: Ouch. I'm not broke and I didn't steal it, well technically I did, but he said I could have it.

He looked up and down at me before he gasped in shock.

Jason: Batman... Batman gave it to you? Wow, and he made me wear underwear and a shirt.

I laughed and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

Y/n: Maybe you should have just asked for a different outfit. Or maybe you just wanted that one.

He shrugged and sat down on a nearby chair to read a comic. I tapped the wrist control and my suit loosened up for me step out of and hang in the closet, taking off my shirt and starting to take off my pants. At that moment, Harley burst into the room with her bat raised high.

Harley: You messed with the wrong house, fool.

She blinked when she saw me shirtless with my pants around my knees and Jason sitting in the chair then she grinned and quickly took out her phone and took a picture of me before running out the room laughing.

Y/n: Goddamn it! Harley, get back here!

I chased after her while pulling my pants back up. Jason smiled to himself before tripping me.

Y/n: Gah! What the hell was that for?

Jason: Giving her a head start. At least until Ivy sees it too.

Y/n: Great just great. *I grumbled and jumped to my feet.* I'll deal with you later.

Jason: You'll try.

I ignored him to chase after Harley but I saw her returning with Ivy, both of them smirking and looking at me with hungry eyes. I gulped and hurriedly stepped back.

Y/n: Now, now, don't.. don't... Whatever you are thinking.. stop thinking it.

Jason patted my shoulder and flashed me a smug smile.

Jason: This is for drugging me. But I still feel bad.. no, no I don't.

Y/n: You little... *I turned back to the two ladies infront of me, my mind racing as I thought of a way out* ahem, Harley, you said you had an awesome idea you wanted to tell me about?

Harley: Huh?

Y/n: Yeah, I was with Ivy and then you called but we couldn't talk because we were being chased but then you said you would tell us when we get back. Remember that?

Harley: Oh yeah, I remember now. *I let out a sigh of relief while Jason shook his head* okay get this. We take down the legion of Doom.

Jason and I choked immediately and Ivy began to check Harley's temperature. She began nodding.

Ivy: That explains it, sweetie, You have a fever. That's why you're talking crazy.

Harley: I'm not. And get off. *She brushed away Ivy's hands* just hear me out. What do people think you are?

Ivy: Eco-terrorist

Jason: Batman, but with guns.

Y/n: God's gift to man.

Harley: ...Villains. People think we're villains. And I'm not saying that's a bad thing. But I'm also tired of being a villain.

Ivy: So, going straight? Is that it?

Harley: Oh heck no. I wanna be a super villain. And taking out the legion of Doom just the thing we need.

Jason: I'mma let you finish but I can't. I've got things to do in Gotham. Not ready for a new side quest.

Ivy: I'm with him. With the data y/n and I stol- *ahem* retrieved from the lab, I'll be busy for some time to come.

Harley: Oh.... I see. I'll just be on my way then.

Y/n: Oh, Harley. C'mon, we don't mean it like that. Once we're done we'll help you. right guys? *I hugged her and turned to the others.*

Jason simply shrugged and Ivy nodded with a smile.

Y/n: See?

Incoming. At least 20 or so.

Impossible. No one knows about this place. Harley has been here all week and so has Jason. The only one...

That's what I'm thinking.

Y/n: Ivy, when did you get here?

Ivy: Last night. Why?

Y/n: Did you go back to your place before?

Ivy: Yeah I had to get some things. Why? What's going on?

Jason seemed to sense it too as he quickly put on his helmet and jacket before grabbing his guns. I grabbed my suit and wore it then sent out a Sonar scan, revealing at least a dozen armed men in the hallway outside my door. I tapped the side of my neck and the mask covered my head, my eyes glowing a deep purple and the suit turning pitch black with eerie red veins crawling along the arms.

Jason: Okay now that's cool. I'm so jelly.

Y/n: Hehe. Thanks, man.

I raised my arms and extended my wrist blades, Ivy dropped seeds that quickly grew and wrapped around her, red hood aimed at the door and Harley.... run at the door, swinging her bat while yelling.

She burst through it, crashing into the unprepared men. We looked at each other before jumping into the fight. I hooked onto the sides of the door then swung into the goons, feet first. I mule kicked one into the room and Red Hood shot him in the head then turned and shot another two before shoulder blocking another at Harley's waiting bat. Harley smacked him in the back once he fell, then tripped another that Ivy slapped out a window.

Red hood broke someone's arm then punched his head into the wall, instantly turning to shoot two more in the head. I jumped and kicked a guy who was creeping up on Ivy and she whipped another into the floor. The remaining guys tried to regroup but Red Hood and I kept charging them, hitting them down for Ivy's vine spikes to impale them and Harley to bash their heads in. It didn't take long for all the goons to either die or get life threatening injuries.

I leaned against the wall to catch my breath. My neighbors door opened and a little girl stepped out. Red Hood quickly moved infront of her, blocking her view.

Red Hood: Hey there, kiddo. Where's your mom?

Annie: She's in the kitchen. What are you doing, Mr Hood?

He peeked over his shoulder at us and the dead bodies. I shrugged and began pushing them down the garbage chute. Ivy and Harley also started helping.

Red Hood: Just cleaning up the hall. It's a bit dirty.

Annie: I wanna help. I'm a big girl now and mommy let's me do the dishes. Sometimes.

Red Hood: Oh yeah? That's great but it's okay. We've got this. Why don't you go back inside. We wouldn't want mommy wondering where you are, would we?

She nodded and run off into the apartment, closing the door behind her. Red Hood stood up and grabbed the leg of one of the alive goons and dragged him into my apartment. I stopped him before he could enter.

Y/n: What are you doing?

Red Hood: I'm just going to have a nice chat with this fine gentleman. What's the prob?

Y/n: I know that. But err, can you do it without any blood getting on my carpet?

Red Hood: Okay.

He stepped to the side and dragged him in any way. I began grumbling and Ivy hugged me to her chest, patting my back and cooing at me. Harley pushed us in and lifted the door behind her.

Red Hood tossed the goon onto a chair in the corner and Ivy tied him to it using her vines. I kept hearing his laughter and frankly it was irritating.

What could possibly be so funny?

Hehe. Aren't you forgetting something?


Nope. Figure it out yourself. You don't appreciate my help.

I could almost see his upturned nose.
I frowned and turned to Red Hood, who was slapping the goon awake.

Red Hood: Come on, buddy wake up.

Goon: Get you're hands off me, asshole, and go fuck yourself.

Red Hood: Now that's not a very nice thing to say. Try *in an Italian accent* 'Please, I've three kids and a pregnant wife at home. Don't kill me'  how about that?

Goon: Fuck you.

Red Hood: Okay then. *Pulls out knife* I call hands.

Harley: Legs. * test swings bat* I call legs.

Ivy: Or I could just kiss him and he'll tell us everything we want to know.

Y/n: Noo! I cannot allow that.

Aww. Is the big baby jealous? *She pushed me aside* let's get this over with. I've got things to do.

Red Hood put his knife back then stepped away from the goon, allowing Ivy to pass. I grumbled but instead went to stand by a window. I could hear them in the background as I observed two black SUV's driving around the area. a shady looking van was parked in an alleyway opposite the building.

Is that what I think it is?

Uh huh. I said 20 didn't I?

Hmmm. I'll just wait until they come up. Shouldn't take long. It's the classic defend your position. Wave after wave of bad guys until something happens, usually a timer runs out.

I don't think that's what they have in mind.

Harley: WHAT?!

Startled, I turned to see Red Hood running out the door and Harley following right behind him. Ivy was standing over goon nervously biting her fingernails, whiles he stared at her with a dreamy look on his face.

Y/n: What's happening? What did he say?

Ivy: They're Black mask's men. And they are here because they followed me here to kill you and Red Hood. But his group was to keep us busy until the others blow this building up.

Haha haha haha. Told you.

Asshole, no you didn't.

I jumped out the window and hooked onto the wall by the van, dropping onto the van the rolling and kicking the first to step out. I fired the hook into the second guy's chest, ripping out a chunk of his chest and killing him once I pulled it back. I could hear the others loading their guns so I punched through the side of the van and dropped a grenade in it, swinging away as it exploded behind me.

The other cars pulled up in front of my building and six men jumped out and run into the building. I dived down at them but they dropped before I got to them. Red Hood walked out and stopped by one of the goons and placed his gun at his temple.

Red Hood: Where's the bomb.

Goon: I ain't gon' tell you. So just kill me.

Need help?

Just tell me where it is. Please?


What do you want?

Hmmm. I want tommorow.

no way. Six hours.

Fine. twelve.


Hehe yeah boy. Basement, under the elevator, the door to the third and fourth floor stairs and finally the room under yours.


I quickly relayed the message to Red Hood, Harley and Ivy. We turned to leave but another group of cars showed up.

Y/n: God damnit. Can't I catch a break?

I shot the hook at a light post and swung around it to slice the tires of the car in front then pushed it into a pillar nearby, totaling it instantly but a dropped a grenade just in case. The other one crashed into me before I could dodge, sending me flying before I shot my hook straight through the windshield, pulling myself through it into the car and stabbing the driver right through head with my wrist blades then turned and did the same to the passenger.

Two guys in the back shot at me but the bullets bounced back and hit them. I punched one and elbowed the other then when the car was to crash I jumped out and rolled into a cool pose.

A sniper nicked me in the side.

I grappling away before he hit me again then baited him into revealing his location then slingshot shot/fenris wheeled my self up into the air. I spotted him try to aim at me but grappling onto him then stomped him out of the air into the ground.

Y/n: That was fun. I'm tired now.

Red Hood: Y/n! Are you alright?

Y/n: Yeah. Guess what, I snagged you a sweet sniper rifle. Good enough to get through heavy armor plating. Did you get the bombs?

Red Hood: Yeah. I've got them. Already disarmed them. And I know just what to do with them.

Y/n: Alright! I'm coming back. Time to take down Black mask.

Continuer la Lecture

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