Evil Awakened (Dare to love #...

By _Nerdrabbit_

162 7 2

A once upon a time tale. Book 2 in the dare to love series. Read book 1 forbidden love before you read this... More

authors note
Prologue (Emma)
Chapter 1 (William)
Chapter 2 (Emma)
Chapter 3 (Snow)
Chapter 4 (William)
Chapter 5 (Snow)
Chapter 6 (Emma)
Chapter 7 (William)
Chapter 8 (William)
Chapter 9 (Snow)
Chapter 10 (William)
Chapter 11 (Snow)
Chapter 12 (William)
Chapter 13 (William)
Chapter 14 (William)
Chapter 15 (Snow)
Chapter 16 (William)
Chapter 17 (Snow)
Chapter 18 (David)
Chapter 19 (Emma)
Chapter 20 (Snow)
Chapter 21 (Emma)
Chapter 22 (Snow)
Chapter 23 (Snow)
Chapter 24 (Snow)
Chapter 25 (Snow)
Chapter 26 (William)
Chapter 27 (David)
Chapter 28 (William)
Chapter 29 (William)
Chapter 30 (Snow)
Chapter 31 (William)
Chapter 32 (Snow)
Chapter 33 (William)
Chapter 34 (Snow)
Chapter 35 (Neal)
Chapter 36 (Snow)
Chapter 37 (Emma) part 1
Chapter 38 (Snow)
Chapter 39 (Emma)
Chapter 40 (Snow)
Chapter 41 (Snow/Emma)
Authors note
Epoligue (Emma)

Chapter 37 (Emma) part 2

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By _Nerdrabbit_

"Well done sister," comes a voice from behind the tree, snapping my head around I see James holding my dear Hope who has begun to cry. Taking the dagger in one hand, the only thing that can now kill me, I flip it once, throwing it in the air before catching it and sliding it into my belt. Only then do I walk over to my baby, snatching her from James hands to soothe her.

"I thought I told you to keep her inside," I spit angrily, frowning at my daughter who has just seen her mother kill a man. "Shh, baby, Shh," I sigh, rocking her from side to side to calm her, "Shh it's okay, mummy was just collecting power so she can get her revenge, shhh," I whisper, repeating it until she begins to calm, her blue eyes staring at me.

Killians eyes.

"Sorry, we didn't want to miss you becoming the dark one," my brother smiles, looking at the dagger in my belt, "It was a special, glorious moment and we felt it rude of us to miss," creating a smile on my face.

"Now Rumples dead, we are the only ones who know how to wake William and I have the combined more of me and all the dark ones," I smile, and he nods in agreement.

"This is indeed a good thing for now we have all the power we need to cast the curse. Now, all we need is to finish the curse for your brother," and like me, James sounds really happy, looking at me with one very big smile that goes ear to ear. Laughing at his happiness I give him my daughter and shake my head in disbelief.

"You are right brother, the curse isn't long away, now, go back into the warmth, I am going to stay outside I little longer," I tell him, wanting my daughter to be in the warm of the castle in this cold night and I feel like after all that's happened today I just need a second alone.

I'm the the dark one.

"Of course," he nods, looking at me with a hint of concern, "But don't be to long, we have some celebrating to do," and then we nods at me again, turning around and walking away. I look at him as he leaves, waiting until he is swallows up by the shadows until I turn around.

I'm the dark one.

And as this thought swirls around my head, I feel happiness with only the slightest, tiniest tint of fear. I'm not sure what the future holds, apart from the curse, but I know it can only be good. It can finally just be me, my daughter and James, all of us happy because well, we have our revenge.

My plan is finnaly falling into place. I've been getting reports from George on the family, and he's safe, for now. It won't remain that way for long. George has served his purpose, (distracting my parents and passing on sensitive information) and soon he won't be needed anymore. And what do you do with things that aren't needed? You throw them away.

And for a moment, as I think of the future of me and my daughter I swear I feel a hands on my shoulders, a presence. Turning around I could almost faint.

For standing their are the ghosts of Killian and Grace, each staring at me with tears in their eyes. They look me directly in the eye, as I do the, before they disappear.

I blink.

I'm not even sure if they were there.

So yes as I said, short chapter but I couldn't leave this in part 1. It just didn't seem right. Anyway since this is it I'm also publishing chapter 38 today. :)

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