Can't Help It ; Natsu

By mandouyi

1M 39.5K 56.2K

[complete] Life was a continuous, repetitive cycle. Things pass, perhaps stopping even a second to wave. Ev... More

1 - Beginning
2 - Photos
3 - Rocks
4 - Angels
5 - Friend
6 - Idiot
7 - Parent
8 - Clueless
9 - Contest
10 - Temptation
11 - Strangest
12 - Progress
13 - Accidents
14 - Afternoon
15 - Choice
16 - Running
17 - Faithful
Surprise! Miss me?
Author's Note
I'm Not Suicidal!
Nightmare in My Dreams
Strawberry Jelly Cake
A Wandering Child
Three Loving Words
The Infirmus Heart
Don't Leave Me!
My Other Half-Literally
Date with Him
The S-Class Job
The Fallen Girl
Natsu's Forgotten Presents
Don't Let Me Down
Life's Weird
His Departure is Nearing
You Must Be Joking
A Day Full Of Tears and Grins
Two Weeks And Counting
A Week Left
Hospital Recovering Time
Quick Preparations
Time Together
Hargeon Town
My Favorite- The Ferris Wheel
How About A Family?
Our Sweet Days
Surprise! Like Her?
It's Not Personal, She Says
Rescue Mission!
Lucas's Paper Crane
Well...I Had Drinks with Cana?
Babies Aren't From Stomachs!
This Lady
The Child Demands His Baby!
Is Gruvia...A Thing Yet?
The Man Who Laughed
Spying on Juvia and Gray
In Sickness and In Health
Who...Will You Choose?
Rin- And Rin
Who Eats and Who Refuses
Dragon Breath
Zoos and Peacocks
Hey...I Know You!
The Dusted Cobalt Sky
The Way Back Home
Him- Sick
The Feeling, Dreaded
Worst of Me
Not Actually Serious?
Jealousy and Rage
With My Emotions- Disappear
Our Mixed Relationship- Confusion
Something- Familiar?
Unresolved Problems- The Woman
Rin- Prophecy Child
Consumed- Darkly Matters
As A Team- Together
An Unsteady Feeling- Lost
The One- You?!
My Thoughts- Unfortunate
Half Murderess, Half Daughter
Christmas Special
Silhouettes Against The Wall
I Left You
Power Duo
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞

The Time We Spent

16K 605 2.1K
By mandouyi

This chapter contains steamy time

The numbers of the guards were quickly dropping like flies. Soon, only Akira was left. He growled slightly, seeing his dis-advantage.

Despite all the wrongs Akira had done..You still wanted to help him. You still wanted to trust him. More than anything, you wanted his friendship back.

But that'd never happen.

You bitterly look at him. "The door's that way. I'm sure you know what to do."

He smirks, and suddenly appears next to you. Holding a knife to your waist, he grins. "I'm sure you all know what's ne-"

His words are cut off as a gunshot rings into the air. Lizabeth's dark face stares at him, as Akira slowly falls to the ground, limp.

Your eyes widen as Lizabeth turns around, smiling. Her tear-filled eyes shock you. "Why are you crying..?" You murmur, reaching out for her.

She wipes her tears. "I guess I'm just not good at goodbyes." She smiles, and shoots a stern look at Natsu.

"Be good to Ojou." She winked, and laughed.

Those were her last words as she disappeared.

"Lizabeth.." You trail, staring at the place she was just seconds ago. Natsu's presence calms you as he steps closer to you, wrapping an arm around your waist.


Electricity fills the air as you feel his familiar touch. "Right, we'll be off, then!" Plume energetically drags Happy away.

Natsu raises his eyes to look at you. "I want to be so mad at you right now." He whispered, flicking your forehead.

You raise your eyebrow and whisper, "why're you whispering?"

He grins. "You look amazing." Your mouth falls slightly open at his unexpected compliment. "T-Thanks.."

"...You look amazing too." You admit, smiling at his messy hair, sexy grin, and his dirty, torn clothing. He glances down at himself. "Meh."


It felt so good to be back in casual clothing..You quickly wash the onions, careful to not let the water splash onto the T-shirt.

"It feels so good to have you back." Natsu says, lightly slapping your ass in the kitchen. Your face turns bright red. "Natsu!" You hiss, tugging your short jeans.

He only gives you a childish smirk. Happy and Plume were being cared by Mira today. Their absent presences made the apartment seem so quiet.

You suddenly start feeling a tear form as you slice the onions. Sniffling, you shakily continued to cut. Not realizing the blurry vision was affecting the cutting, you feel a sharp cut on your thumb.

"Oh. I'm bleeding.." You set down the knife, and raise your fingertip. Bright red liquid began to leak out.

"(Y/N)??" Natsu comes up from behind you, and quickly runs off to grab the first aid kit.

After bandaging your hand, he kisses it. "Why are you so clumsy.." He muttered, "I swear, you're killing me."

You give him an innocent look, and kiss him lightly on the lips, feeling him slightly stiffen, as your lips interlock with his. Twisting and turning until they fit together.

Like a puzzle piece.

"Good damn, woman." He grumbled as he hoisted you up in his arms. Not realizing you had both just passed into the bedroom, your eyes widen.

Gently setting you down on the bed, his lips smoothly slide across your cheeks, collarbone, and clothes.

"Natsu.." You breathlessly call his name, watching him struggle to stop. Your fingers hesitantly slide his shirt off, touching the scars on his chest.

He smiles against your lips, tugging at your T-shirt, as if asking to take it off. You stiffen, unsure what to do next.

Natsu stops, his concerned eyes sweeping over yours. You cover your face with your hands, suddenly self-conscious, and embarrassed.

"Do you want to continue?" His teasing voice is heard as he whispers into your ear. You looked at him, your face red.

"I'm not going to answer that!"

He grins. "That's an agreement, then." With one quick move, he tugs your shirt off, exposing your skin. You shiver at the sudden coldness.

He nods, and smiles. "As I thought. You're so beautiful, (Y/N)."

The sunlight came peeping through the curtains, lighting the room up. You stir in bed, and open your eyes.

You slowly sit up, and realize you're naked. Ducking back under the covers, you turn away from Natsu.

"Mmm, (Y/N)?" He hugs you from behind. You turn pink when you feel every part of his body. "Eek, Natsu!" You quickly separate him from your body.

"Oh, (Y/N), where are your clothes?"

"You shouldn't ask that when you're the one who took them off!" You shoot back at him, pressing your hand against his chest.

His cheeks slightly flush pink.

You grin, and tell him to cover his hands as you change into your clothes. "Come on." You slip on your turquoise chiffon dress, with white flats.

He ducks under the covers. "Five more minutes..." You hear his muffled voice. You sigh. "We all know that means twenty more minutes, Natsu.."

You stumble into the kitchen, your legs feeling weird. After a clatter, you fall to the ground, your legs giving way.

Not a moment later, Natsu rushes into the kitchen. "(Y/N)?!"

Your brain takes a moment to process the image in-front of you. There Natsu stood, naked as the day was born. "Go put on something!" You cover your eyes, your ears burning.

"Oh." He chuckles, and kisses your cheek. After peeking through your parted fingers to check if he was really gone, you finally haul yourself up.

"Ahhh..." You manage to stumble over to the table, and finally sit down. The pain seemed to numb. Just in time, Natsu appeared into the kitchen, eyeing you concernedly.

"(Y/N), you can't walk?"

You nod, giving him a look that said, 'this is all your fault.'

He smiles guiltily. "Do you wanna just go to Fairy Tail?" You stare up at him. "I can't walk, though." He thoughtfully thinks for a while.

After a moment, he carries you in his arms. Bridal style. You look up at him, struggling to not blush and trying to make yourself lighter.


"Thanks, Natsu." You grin at him, watching him wolf down his food. He doesn't respond, as he munches on his rice.

Raising a piece of chicken to your lips, you suddenly feel sick. Quickly scrambling to the nearby bathrooms, despite your complaining legs, you run into the stall.

Raising your head over the toilet, you vomit.

After washing your face in the bathroom, you walk back to the table where Natsu sat, his face concerned. He seemed to make that face a lot, lately.

"(Y/N), you okay?"

You take in a deep breath, and smile brightly at him. "I'm fine."

Why were you vomiting? You never get sick..



What do you think happens? Why is she sick?

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