DC Universe Gets A Clean Up

By La_Flame20

280K 7.1K 3.4K

After Accidentally Killing The Joker, Y/n Is Forced To Deal With The Consequences That come With Killing The... More

Day 1
Day 2
Day 2.5
Day 2.6
Day 2.9
Day 9
Day 9.2
Day 9.2 (Harley)
Day 10
Day 16
Day 16.2
Day 18
Day 19
Day 21
Day 22
Day 22.1
Day 41
Day 41 (night)
Day 41 (night 1.2)
Day 42 (Dawn)
Day 42.1
Day 43
Day 43.1


6.2K 187 61
By La_Flame20

The Bat family had arrived at Blackgate Prison and had swiftly dispatched the criminals that instead of trying to escape, were roaming the prison yard, beating on the guards they had rounded up. Not that they could escape since the police had surrounded the prison. And now they were ready to enter the prison building, where the really nasty villains and criminals were.

They snuck around the prison, stealthily taking down as many as they could on the upper levels before the came to the ground floor. In a corner of the dining area, a group of convicts holding guns were holding down some of the guards.

In the middle area, more guards were knelt down and Victor Zsasz was walking around with a bloody knife in his hand, giving a grand speech about why they had to die and then stabbing or cutting them in the arms or legs. Not enough to kill them but extremely painful.

Robin clenched his fist when he heard the screams of pain but he focused on his task, heading to the control room. Blackgate had a bunch of securities in place for just such an occasion. The fact that they haven't been activated means that the criminals have disabled them.

There were two armed convicts in front of him, standing with their backs to him. He smirked and dropped down silently from the air vent he was in and tackled one to the ground, rolling off him to kick the legs of the other. Before either could get up he whacked their necks with his katana, knocking them out. He stepped over them and stuck to the wall when he heard voices ahead of him.

Convict 1: Hey, you think Batman's gonna show up?

Convict 2: What's the matter, don't wanna get your ass handed to you again?

Convict 1: I mean.. come on, every time we attempt a breakout, he shows up and beats us to hell and back.

Convict 2: I know what you mean. A cousin of mine is still at Gotham general because of him. Broke his arm in three places.

Convict 1: I know right. I mean at some point, you gotta ask, does he have some kind of fetish or something. Like is he turned on by beating guys like us up.

Convict 2: He's just the worst.

Convict 1: Agreed.

Robin jumped out of the corner and slammed his elbow into one's face and kicked him in the side of his neck then turned to the other one only to see he had knelt down and closed his eyes with his arms stretched towards Robin.

Robin: What are you doing?

Convict 2: Huh?

Robin drew his sword and placed it at the guy's throat, drawing a bit of blood.

Convict 2: Hey, hey, wait... wait.. I'm surrendering. Look man, I get paroled in a couple of weeks. I ain't even gonna be out of my cell if it wasn't for my cellmate. Fucker keeps trying to kill me. So, I'mma lie down here and you gon' slide on by and we both pretend this didn't happen. You feel me?

Robin narrowed his eyes at him then smirked. He sheathed the katana then stepped closer.

Robin: Sure. But first *whacked him over the head with the sword* okay. We're done here.

He run down the hallway till he suddenly jumped back as a blade sliced through the air in front of him. Black Spider tossed the knife in his hand and turned to Robin.

Black Spider: Look at that. The bat's brat all by himself. Would be a fool to igno--

There was a muted pop and a hole appeared in his chest then two more before he fell dead. Robin stood there in shock before running to check on him. He looked around but he couldn't see anything that could have done it. He tapped the comlink in his ear.

Robin: Batman.

Bzzz.. bszzz

Robin: Batman. Are you there?

Zcsszz. Bllitz....

Robin: Damn it. Someone is jamming our signal but how?

With no answer and not being able to contact Batman he decided to just go ahead and reach the control room. He found the door wide open and the guards that were supposed to be in the room where on the floor with a bullet hole in each of their heads. A lone person was sitting in the chair by the monitors.

Robin cautiously approached and turned the chair around when the person didn't react. It was the Head security officer and he was also dead. But the weirdest part was his face was a ghastly white and twisted into a horrible grin.

Robin: Oh no.


Batman was perched on a pole waiting for Robin's signal to jump down and engage the convicts that were rioting below him. Nightwing leaned forward to observe the situation.

Batman: Odd.

Nightwing: What?

Batman: Zsasz. He's not as aggressive as I thought he would be.

Nightwing: I didn't know criminals being nice was a bad thing.

Batman: He doesn't know we're here.
And even if he did, that doesn't stop him from killing the hostages.

Nightwing: Well, let's take him down before he starts.

As if on cue, all the lights went off and gas begun to fill the place. Batman jumped down and immediately took out two convicts. Nightwing knocked out a Convict who had stumbled into Batman. They began moving through the smoke as quickly as they could because in a few more minutes the safety systems should activate and they needed to get the hostages out of the area before it happened.

Zsasz: I know you're here Batman. You can't hide from me. *He lifted one of the guards up and put the knife to his throat* I'm going to kill him and there's nothing you can do about it.

A batarang came through the smoke and almost hit him in the head but he ducked in time.

Zsasz: Missed me, Batman.

It spun back around and hit his wrist causing him to scream in pain and drop the knife. The guard elbowed him in the side and pushed him away when his hold loosened. Zsasz tried to grab him again but Nightwing broke his hand with a swing of his batons then kicked him him in the side of his head.

Zsasz dropped to his knee and tried to take a second knife from his pants but Nightwing kicked him in the face, breaking his nose and then flicked the baton into his chin, sending him flying.

Nightwing knelt down by the guards and freed those that were handcuffed and began to follow them out, stopping any convicts that came close. A siren began blaring and mini drones came flying in, firing taser darts at any who moved.

At the same time, the main gates opened and the GCPD began flooding in, quickly immobilizing the Convicts that were still stunned by the gas that was everywhere.

Batman walked up to Zsasz, who was trying to crawl away, then lifted him by the neck. Zsasz smiled when he saw who was holding him.

Zsasz: Batman. You ruined my day. But at least I got my self some new beautiful marks, swish swish. *he glanced down at his chest and then burst into laughter.*

Batman followed his eyes and saw a twin set of fresh tallies, both crossed out. He clenched his fist and punched him across the room into a wall. He was standing by Zsasz before he could get back up.

Batman: Who caused the breakout?

Zsasz: Why would I know something like that?

Batman: Tell me. Or I break every bone in your body.

Zsasz began to laugh even more. He stopped to take a deep breath and relaxed.

Zsasz: A few broken bones never hurt anyone or does it. It doesn't matter. You'll never get me to talk. And you can't kill me either so you should just give up now.

Batman was about to punch him again when a continuous Sonic wave hit the building, shaking it to it's core and deafening all the people inside. Batman quickly activated the dampeners in his helmet and fired a drone into the air that scanned the frequency and nullified it. It was only then that he noticed a drone flying above him, one that didn't have the prison markings on it.

A part opened and it shot a high powered laser at Zsasz's forehead, killing him a split second before Batman pushed him out of the way.

Batman fired his grappling gun at it but another drone interfered, allowing the first one to fly away. Once it was out of view, all other drones deactivated. It wasn't long before the GCPD officers recovered but they were shocked at what was in front of them.

Batman standing over the corpse of Victor Zsasz.


I yawned and stretched before before bending over to add the finishing touches to my suit. Alfred had long since gone up to the Manor leaving me here alone. I put the micro chips in place and then began to charge the suit. I smiled to myself as I imagined me wearing it and going out into the city. I knew Batman wanted me to stay here where it's "safe" but I don't take orders from him.

Besides, I've got things to do.

Yeah, lots of people to kill. Speaking of which, you know she doesn't like killing. So how do you think you'll get her to like you?



You didn't think about that did you?

Look. I didn't ask for any of this. But if I can help make Gotham a safer place then I'll do it.

But that doesn't answer the question of how we get the girl.

You mean me. I get the girl.

Tomato, tomato. You know what I mean. Now answer the question.

I'll deal with it when I deal with it. Now stop bothering me. I need to get this done.

Alfred: Is something the matter?

Y/n: Ahh! Alfred. You shouldn't sneak up on me like that. How long have you been standing there?

Alfred: About six minutes. Your awareness of your surroundings is practically non-existent. It's a miracle you've survived this long.

Y/n: Okay then...

But I knew if there was any danger, I would immediately be alerted.

I turned back to work on my suit and Alfred sat behind me reading a book. I worked for about five minutes before straightened up with a satisfied smile.

Alfred: Is it done?

Y/n: Yep. *I wiped my forehead with a nearby towel* Thanks Alfred couldn't have done it without you.

Alfred: Of course. *He put down the book and stood up.* Are you ready to put it on?

I nodded, eyes still staring at the masterpiece. It was a streamline body suit with web patterns all over it and a large red spider/bat on the chest. It had wrist mounted grappling hooks, taser darts, retractable blades and some type of adhesive on the fingertips that would allow me to stick to surfaces.

It had all the usual tech and armor that Batman had in his suit minus the infinity belt he had around his waist. I sighed softly. Ahh the perks of being rich.

Alfred: Well then young man. Let get it on you.

In less than a minute, I was ready with the suit fully equipped. I then attached a jetpack/backpack to it before leaving the room to test it. With a flick of the wrist, I hooked into a part of the cave and began swinging around the place. With the hooks on both arms, I could easily change direction and the hooks could also wind up quickly, pulling me forward.

Swinging back around, I saw Alfred with him back turned to me and I smirked. Dropping down at the right moment I reached out my hand to grab his book right out of his hands.

A defenceless old Butler. Too easy.

Hehe... Black Butler reminder.

Huh? Oh shit!!

He suddenly spun around and kicked me right in the face, sending me flying into some equipment in the corner. I couldn't feel my face and I could tell my nose was broken.

He walked over lifted me up and then snapped it back in place before handing me an ice pack.

Alfred: Once again, you didn't pay attention to your surroundings. Which is much different from what I've heard and seen. Do you switch it on and off or are you just that easy going?

Y/n: Groan* mostly the first one. *Rubbed my jaw* didn't expect that. I mean you work in a mansion miles away from the city and for the richest man-- Ohhh, I see now.

Haha. Dummy

Alfred: Yes. I raised Master Bruce myself after his parents died. Trained him for the better part of his formative years before he left to complete his training.  You'll find I'm a much harder opponent that you expect.

Y/n: Noted. *I glanced down at the touch pad attached to the under of my arm.* Shit.

Alfred: Language.

Y/n: Sorry. Anyway I've got to go. Harley was planning something and I think I better be there for it.

Alfred: You think hanging around with villains is a good thing?

Y/n: Harley and Ivy are good people just stuck in the bad choices they made when they were younger. Which you already know.

Alfred: And what about you? Throwing your life away for a foolish dream. Killing criminals won't change anything. It just makes you one as well.

I smiled a little before firing my grappling hook at the entrance to the cave.

Y/n: I'm sorry to tell you this but I'm already dead. I ignored everything around me and hid myself so I won't have to deal with it. But now I have a much better way of doing that and I've never felt better.

I activated the winch and was pulled forward. I turned and saluted him.

Y/n: I'll see you later, Sensei. Save a cake for me. Oh, and thank Bruce for me.

Here we go. Off killing again.

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