Wolf Bite || BL

By this-bsh-empty

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Monday, August 1 Dear Isaac, if you're reading this, that means you've turned eighteen. Congratulations, I'm... More

Chapter 1 || Hunting
Chapter 2 || Getting Lost
Chapter 3 || Way Home
Chapter 4 || Collecting
Chapter 5 || Potions
Chapter 6 || History
Chapter 7 || Setting Up Traps
Chapter 8 || Trust
Chapter 9 || Home
Chapter 10 || Exstinct
Chapter 12 || Talk
Chapter 13 || Quiet Day At Work
Chapter 14 || Getting To Know You
Chapter 15 || Feelings
Chapter 16 || Hurt
Chapter 17 || Crush
Chapter 18 || Chased
Chapter 19 || Alone Together
Chapter 20 || Dream (A/C)
Chapter 21 || Festival
Chapter 22 || Poison
Chapter 23 || Taking Down Traps
Chapter 24 || Love Story
Chapter 25 || Confession
Chapter 26 || They're Back
Chapter 27 || Reveal
Chapter 28 || Next Step
Chapter 29 || Change (A/C)
Chapter 30 || Research
Chapter 31 || Caught
Chapter 32 || Old Friends
Chapter 33 || Plan
Chapter 34 || Full Moon
Chapter 35 || New Hideout
Chapter 36 || Safe
Chapter 37 || Jail Break
Chapter 38 || Hit
Chapter 39 || Side-Effects
Chapter 40 || Powers
Chapter 41 || Tired (A/C)
Chapter 42 || 'Help' (A/C)
Chapter 43 || Escaped
Chapter 44 || Out
Chapter 45 || New Plan
Chapter 46 || A Place To Stay
Chapter 47 || Staying The Night
Chapter 48 || Sleepover
Chapter 49 || Diversion
Chapter 50 || Make Yourself At Home
Chapter 51 || Secret Room
Chapter 52 || Privacy
Chapter 53 || Privacy (A/C)
Chapter 54 || First Time (A/C)
Chapter 55 || Morning After
Chapter 56 || Secret
Chapter 57 || Truth
Chapter 58 || Chores
Chapter 59 || Journal
Chapter 60 || Rain Day
Chapter 61 || Urge
Chapter 62 || Distraction
Chapter 63 || Dinner
Chapter 64 || Continueing The Plan
Chapter 65 || Busted
Chapter 66 || Explanations
Chapter 67 || And Then There Were Two
Chapter 68 || Control
Chapter 69 || Showing Off
Chapter 70 || Thirst
Chapter 71 || Shopping
Chapter 72 || Long Time No See
Chapter 73 || Starting To Make Sense
Chapter 74 || Apologies
Chapter 75 || Guilt
Chapter 76 || That Night
Chapter 77 || Not His Fault
Chapter 78 || Party Trick
Chapter 79 || Adiction
Chapter 80 || Intervention
Chapter 81 || Getting Ready
Chapter 82 || Money Problems
Chapter 83 || Desperate Times
Chapter 84 || Desperate Measures
Chapter 85 || Nevermind The Plan
Chapter 86 || Poisoned
Chapter 87 || Dont Do This
Chapter 88 || Antindote
Chapter 89 || Free
Chapter 90 || Betrayal
Chapter 91 || No Other Choice
Chapter 92 || Finding A House
Chapter 93 || Tying Up Loose Ends
Chapter 94 || The End
Valentines Day Extra

Chapter 11 || Memories

16 3 0
By this-bsh-empty

Isaac POV*

I woke up the next morning, excited to get Ava and go try and restore our friendship. Okay maybe that was a bit overreacted, I just felt really bad for the way she feels right now. Maybe I had ignored her a bit lately.

I got up, got dressed, and went out, on my way to her place. I knocked on the door and to my surprise, her brother opened the door. "Callum..." I asked as he stared at me. "Is Ava awake yet?" I asked, half-joking. He nodded and called for her, she got to the door and said goodbye to her brother before following me.

"So what do you have planned anyway, I mean, I'm following you but I have no idea where we're going..." She asked as I led her through the forest. "Just somewhere. I just wanted to spend some time with you, like old times." I said back, she smiled as we continued.

A few minutes later we reached our destination. We turned the corner and there it was. Ava stopped and looked at me. But I was lost in thought as the memories came back

*10 years ago*

"Hey, Mom look!" I happily yelled as I continued to climb the tree. "I'm so high up, I can see the town from here." I laughed.

"That's great sweety, now be careful up there, I don't want you to fall." She yelled back. I could hear the worry in her voice. But I wanted to climb a little higher. But I quickly learned my lesson.

I took another step but when I put my weight onto the brach it snapped and fell to the ground. But luckily I was still holding onto the tree.

"Isaac, are you okay?" My mom yelled a little louder. "I'm Fine!" I yelled back. "But I'm coming down now." I heard her sigh of relief as I went down.

I jumped the last meter or so before posing proudly in front of my mom. "See, I'm totally fine." I spun around.

She laughed, "Yes, you're right. But why did you have to climb up there anyway?" She asked as I stood next to her.

"Well, I wanted to see if it was strong enough!" I smiled. "Strong enough for what?" She asked confused. "Strong enough for a treehouse of course," I yelled enthusiastically.

"Oh and who going to build that?" She laughed. "We are!!". She looked at me surprised. "Oh, are we know?"

I nodded as I walked around the tree. Just imagined what it was gonna look like when we were done. "I don't know about that... Maybe you should ask your dad." she laughed nervously. "No I can't," I said peeking out from behind the tree,

"Dad is too busy doing his thing in the shop, he won't do anything won't me." she smiled at me sadly as she walked to the tree as well. "Well okay then, where do we begin?" My face lit up as I enthusiastically explained my plans to her.

We went home shortly after, and I decided to make a huge drawing to explain better. "Okay, so here would be the main clubhouse part of it, and then down here would be the ladder to get in and out wait maybe we could even build in a slide!" I excitedly showed her as I continued to edit my plans.

"Whoah there- don't go overboard now, I'm not sure we can handle all that." she laughed. "Sure we can!" I smiled.

"What are you laughing about?" suddenly my dad appeared at the door. " Oh nothing, just our treehouse" I answered enthusiastically.
my das looked at us confused, along up. "You what now?" my mom laughed as she made room for him to look at our drawing, "he found a tree at the edge of the forest and insisted we build a treehouse," she explained as I continued drawing. "It's gonna be awesome!" I smiled.

After we finished the drawing went to bed, and the next morning we headed to the tree to start our work. Building together bit by bit. At the end of the day, we had the base done, I got more excited about the whole thing the more planks and bits we built. We went back to the tree every day for a few weeks, building more and more, until, about a month later, we were done.

We took a step back, admiring our work. I smiled up proudly. "We have to show Dad!" I yelled as I turned around about to head home. "Wow, there buddy. Not so fast." my mother stopped me. "We still have to clean up." she laughed, gesturing to the pile of supplies we didn't need. "Do we?" I complained.

"Yes we do, we have to finish everything." I sighed debut helped my mom clean up. Later that day we got Dad to look to. I climbed up to it and surprised him as Mom led him over.

"Isn't it awesome?" I smiled brightly my day laughed. "It sure is, good job" I laughed as couldn't up the slide, quickly slid down, running up to my parents, "We mad sit all by ourselves" My dad happily petted my head. "Awesome job you two" We both hugged my dad and went home.

For the first couple of weeks, it was great, we went to the tree almost every day, but one day my mom got sick, can't didn't look at me. It was fine at first, I took Ava instead, and we made it our secret base, even though it wasn't very secret.

I thought it would get better, I thought my mom would get better, but she didn't, she only got worse. Until one day, she died. It hurt a lot, and at that point, the treehouse was nothing but a place for me to hide out, the day I heard about my mom dying, I went there. And sat crying the whole day till my dad had to come to get me. I didn't take Ava there anymore. It wasn't a fun place after that, only a place with too many painful memories.

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