Golden Light, Silver Light

By taybabie

1.3K 220 7

What happens when an Earthling has a soulmate from another planet? *pause* You don't know! Read the following... More

Golden Light, Silver Light
Scene 001
Scene 002
Scene 003
Scene 004
Scene 005
Scene 006
Scene 007
Scene 008
Scene 009
Scene 010
Scene 011
Scene 012
Scene 013
Scene 014
Scene 015
Scene 016
Scene 017
Scene 019
Scene 020
Scene 020A
Scene 021
Scene 022
Scene 023
Scene 024
Scene 025
Scene 026
Scene 027
Scene 028
Scene 029
Scene 030
Scene 031
Scene 032
Scene 033
Scene 034
Scene 035
Scene 036
Scene 037
Scene 038
Scene 039
Scene 040
Scene 041
Scene 042
Scene 043
Scene 045
Scene 044
Scene 046
Scene 047
Scene 048
Scene 049
Scene 050
Scene 051
Scene 052
Scene 053
Scene 054
Scene 055
Scene 056
Scene 057
Scene 058
Scene 059
Scene 060
Scene 061
Scene 062
Scene 063
Scene 064
Scene 065
Scene 066
Scene 067
Scene 068
Scene 069
Scene 070
Scene 071
Scene 072
Scene 073
Scene 074
Scene 075
Scene 076
Scene 077
Scene 078
Scene 079
Scene 080
Scene 081
Scene 082
Scene 083
Scene 084
Scene 085
Scene 086
Scene 087
Scene 088
Scene 089
Scene 090
Scene 091
Scene 092
Score 093
Scene 094
Scene 095
Scene 096
Scene 097
Scene 098
Scene 099
Scene 100

Scene 018

16 4 0
By taybabie

Scene 018

As Karr placed his call to Valdiar, he wondered why Amy had instructed that he places the call and not Turk. Interrupting his thoughts, the com-unit announced. "Valdiar here. How may we be of service?"

"This is the Valdiar Star calling with a message for Commander Beauf Kalfas," said Karr, quickly.
"I will put you right through," said the voice from the Com-unit.

Beauf filled Karr's viewer. He was looking at some paper work. "Navigator Karr of the Valdiar Star is calling in a report upon the request of Amy Heir." With that statement, Beauf's attention shifted to the viewer. "I am reporting an attack by Zoidiarian pirates. We have one fatality."

Beauf's face filled with concern. He cut in rapidly, asking, "Why didn't Commander Jac Fledge call in this report? Who is your fatality? Why are you calling and not Turk?"

"Sir, um, sir." Karr stammered. He hadn't worked with Commander Beauf before. The anger radiating from the Commander was making him nervous. "Our fatality was Third Engineer Roulf. Amy Heir said Commander Jac would call you as soon as he was able. Amy didn't want to speak to Turk. She was very adamant about me calling in the report."

"Navigator Karr, I've logged in your fatality. Proceed with the funeral. Also, tell Commander Jac that Dammarow Heir and I will be expecting his report soon." Beauf cut off the transmission.

I'm glad I don't have to do that every day, thought Karr. Breathing a sigh of relief, he then called Amy's cabin and left a message with Cat.

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