Butterflies || MarkKit

By starrytown

39.3K 2.3K 1.9K

❝Me? Fall in love? In your dreams.❞ ♡ Kit is a Medical student aiming to become a doctor. He's hard-working... More

CHP 1 || Mark.
CHP 2 || A Change of Heart
CHP 3 || A Proposition
CHP 4 || Kid, No Less
CHP 5 || Round and Round
CHP 6 || Brink Of Collapse
CHP 7 || Deal?
CHP 8 || Smooth Bastard
CHP 9 || Impossible, Really.
CHP 10 || What's This?!
CHP 11 || Yes or No?
CHP 12 || Absolutely Not!
CHP 13 || Cutie.
CHP 14 || Friends?
CHP 15 || Kit.
CHP 16 || Missing... Something.
CHP 17 || Kit Wants An Explanation
CHP 18 || Such An Annoyance
CHP 19 || That One Kid
CHP 20 || Annoying, Annoying, & Annoying!
CHP 21 || Peace of Mind
CHP 22 || Stuck With You
CHP 24 || The Evening After
CHP 25 || Heavy On My Mind
CHP 26 || Way Into My Heart
CHP 27 || I'll Prove To You
CHP 28 || Are You Falling in Love?
CHP 29 || The Moon Under My Care
CHP 30 || Not So Cliche, Not So Romantic
CHP 31 || He's Not Attractive to Me!
CHP 32 || Secretly, My Weakness
CHP 33 || P'Kit's Gorgeous to Me
CHP 34 || Fervently, My Heart Approves
CHP 35 || Intoxicate Me
CHP 36 || A Look I Can't Fathom
CHP 37 || Before I Fall
CHP 38 || Fully to You, I'm Addicted
CHP 39 || His Touch of Fire
CHP 40 || Fight.. or Flight
CHP 41 || Bane of My Existence
CHP 42 || I Confess to You
CHP 43 || My Addiction
CHP 44 || The Beauty of the Moon
CHP 45 || Kit, My Love

CHP 23 || Strangely Beautiful

839 43 20
By starrytown

●○● A/N: So I wasn't to publish a chapter yet since I wanted to release another upcoming book first to sort out my extremely-messy-posting-schedule, but I can't help but post this because I miss my MarkKit babies so much and I wanted to share them again with ya'll <3 Hope you enjoy!



I was clapping my hands like a kid in excitement, seeing Kit approach me from afar. It was finally the weekend, and we were finally going out to the movies! I have to admit, though... that getting Kit to agree was a struggle. I thought that it had been it when he agreed last time we were having dinner together, but goodness, it was not

Kit did throw a fit for not wanting to go. A manly fit, obviously, since I would probably get killed than giggle at how cute he was when complaining. But really, isn't Kit just too cute? He was glaring at me with those specs of his, listing an entire world atlas on the reasons why he didn't have to go with me, but I was having none of it. I just continued staring and smiling and asking, and he finally gave in. 

And so, I was currently at the entrance of our city's mall, standing by the glass doors, waiting for Kit to arrive. And he had arrived! Right on time, as expected, since he's so punctual.

But why is he looking so angry as he's approaching me?!

"Freaking hate you." A punch had reached at my arm the moment he got close enough to throw his fists, and he huffed right past me, ignoring my little cry of pain.

"Phi!" I jogged alongside him until I was able to sync with his steps, rubbing my arm, "Phi!"

His legs were shorter so it was harder for me to keep up with his short angry strides, but it's okay!

"You know," Kit crossed his arms, standing so suddenly that I almost bumped into a passing lady, "This is such a waste of time, that I don't even have the words to express how annoyed I am right now."

"What waste of time?" I had a puzzled expression, "This is our first proper outing together, aren't you excited?"


"Okay, let's go!"

I heard Kit huff again but I tittered when sounds of him following me were evident. The mall wasn't that crowded but it wasn't that empty either. We took an escalator to reach the movie theater, and I chose that moment to turn around and stare at Kit, who was one step below me.

"I really like that hat on you." I commented, staring at his outfit up down.

Am I checking him out? Possibly. Does he have to know? No.

Kit said nothing but tsked, crossing his arms and looking over at the passing shoppers below. Beneath the rim of his bucket hat, I could see how he was scowling. His outfit consisted of neutral colors, a white T-shirt and dark beige pants- but his bucket hat was red and matched perfectly with his sling bag, which he was wearing around his chest and shoulder. I had to admit, I still wasn't getting used to seeing Kit in casual outfits. Most of my interactions with him consisted of him wearing his uniform, so this was a change.

A cute change. Not that I don't like Kit in a uniform. Kit in a uniform is so cute as well.

"If you don't turn right the fuck around, you're gonna fall." Kit suddenly pointed out without even looking at me.


And I caught myself just in time from tripping, for the escalator had already reached the second floor and I wasn't aware.

"Told you." Kit said breezily as he passed me, not caring to realize that I was hobbling on one foot, "Anyways, so you've already ordered the tickets online, haven't you?"


"Great, the sooner we get this over with, the better."

"You're being so cruel right now. Can't you at least pretend you're enjoying it?"

"No, that would be lying."

"That would be feeling sympathy for me." I pouted as I inched my way closer to Kit as we walked, "I feel really sad already."

Kit peeked at me with a roll of his eyes, "According to that grin on your face, you're not."

"I'm just happy that you're here with me, P'Kit."

There was a short silence and Kit swatted my arm away, "Stop getting so close, I'll trip."

"No worries, I'll be there to catch you, P'Kit."

"Can you stop?" Kit turned around fully to glare at me as he walked, "I don't know what you're trying to achieve by sweet-talking me, but believe me, it won't work."

There was a beat of silence.

"So you admit that I'm sweet-talking you?" I couldn't help the smug look from erupting on my face, "Oh P'Kit, you're ever so intelligent." 

"Heaven's sake, I don't know why I even bother..." Kit raised a hand to his temple, "Nevermind."

I stopped teasing him for a few minutes, but that is only because I couldn't stop grinning. Seeing him react to me so angrily and huffingly was only urging me to tease him even more, but I know sooner or later Kit will seriously do something to stop me. Maybe like punch me again.

We arrived at the cinema shortly, and I made Kit wait at one of the sofas till I was able to grab our snacks. Kit insisted he didn't want any popcorn, but I got him his own bucket of popcorn anyway. I also got a plate of nachos and drinks and a large bag of crisps because I saw the opportunity. 

"Great, it's already dark." Kit snapped, the moment we turned the corner after entering the theater.

"That's not a problem, P'Kit. The movie won't start for another ten minutes." I was trying to balance the snacks in my arms, while at the same time trying to rummage for my phone so I can open the flashlight.

"That's not the point." Kit was so close behind me and I could feel his hand touching lightly at my back, "Where are our seats? Don't tell me they're at the top."

"...They are at the top." I responded before I heard Kit groan, "Who the heck sits down here, Phi? Not unless you want to fracture your neck by looking up."

"Fantastic." I felt Kit's closeness leave me, and he takes a step next to me, intending on taking more steps up the stairs before I stopped him with a whine.

"Can you carry this bag please?" I handed him the bag with the popcorn, "Need to find my freaking phone, I don't know where it went."

"Okay, how about you do all this a little bit deeper down the row because people are trying to pass." Kit took the bag out of my hand before gesturing at someone behind me, whom I didn't notice not until she had spoken out at the same time.

"Excuse me..."

"Pardon me, ma'am." I quickly stepped into of the rows, a bit startled by how close the girl was, and also a bit guilty for completely forgetting, "Sorry."

I could see that the girl smiled at me kindly, "It's alright."

When she passed Kit, the glare on Kit's face was evident through the glow of the screen playing the advertisements, "Nice going."

"What? I forgot." I responded, fucking finally getting my phone out of my bag, "Um, wait for me, Phi!"

He was already leaving me and I surely didn't want him to trip, so I quickly scuttled after him, aiming the beam of light to the ground.

"Be careful."

"I don't need you to fuss over me. I can see where I'm going, I'm not blind."

"That's not the poi-"

Which is what Kit said before he nearly tripped and I caught his arm just in time, gripping him as hard as I can. 

"Careful." I repeated, "You speak too much sometimes."

He yanked his arm away from me as fast as he could, but he didn't say anything more. 

Once Kit and I were seated, I busied myself with handing Kit his popcorn and eating a little bit of mine. Kit did refuse to accept the popcorn at first, but I was happy enough to see him pop a kernel into his mouth after he gave in to my persistence. Settling in happily, I was ready to focus on the screen, but I suddenly heard great rustling coming from the right side and I turned my head to see who it was.

It was the girl from earlier, the same one who I've blocked the path for, and I unconsciously stared at her, a bit annoyed by the sounds of the plastic bag when she suddenly looked up from her rummaging. Before I could look away, she waved at me with a smile and I awkwardly waved back, not wanting to be rude. 

"The hell are you doing." 

"Uh... that girl from earlier, she waved at me." I cleared my throat and quickly looked over at Kit, "She's a few seats away, don't know how she spotted me."



If it wasn't for the loud openings playing on the big screen right now, then the silence between us two would have been deafening. Kit just munched on his popcorn quietly, not sparing a single word. As for myself, I sipped on my drink, not knowing when's the right time to speak. I was feeling very tensed though, as I could feel that someone was eventually staring at me.

And a gut feeling told me it was the same girl.

"Erm... P'Kit?"

"Yeah?" Kit's reply was nothing but monotone. 

"Wanna switch seats?"

"What for?"

"Cause..." I shifted a little uncomfortably, gesturing in the girl's direction lightly with my head, hoping that Kit will catch on.

"Yeah, fine. Whatever." Kit stood up and we quickly switched seats, causing me to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Phi."


But the silence was still evident, and Kit didn't seem like he wanted to say anything else. The movie has already started by now, which was perhaps one of his reasons for said silence, but he truly didn't seem to want to comment or anything- which made me a little sad.


"Yes, Mark?"

"Do you not like the movie?" I questioned.

"I like it." 

"You're not saying anything though."

"What is there to say?"

"Uhm..." I thumbed at the straw of my drink but I didn't know how to respond.

I know that Kit was already grumpy since the beginning, but right now he was grumpy grumpy. Like, actually grumpy.


"What?" His tone of voice held a little more impatience and I inwardly flinched, but I continued talking anyway.

"You know I'm really happy that you're here with me today, right? I know it's something out of your comfort zone to come to a place like this with someone like me, so I really cannot be more grateful than I am right now. Thank you."

"...Do you always talk this much during movies?"


"Shush then." Kit dropped another kernel of popcorn into his mouth, but I could see how his once frowning eyebrows have softened down a little bit more, "If you want me to watch more movies with you, then you gotta do it my way. So be quiet."

He wants to watch more movies with me?! 

I couldn't help glancing over at him every now and then, unable to stop the beam on my face. Really, it's like every time I see Kit, I am grinning. Pouting too, but grinning overtakes it. 

We watched the movie in silence between us, but this time, it was a less icy silence. I was commenting every few moments or so, but I never got a response back from Kit, but it was okay, since he seemed deeply immersed anyway. 

"Mark." He suddenly spoke in a low voice, once we were almost halfway through the movie.

"Yes, P'Kit?"

"You know what 'dep la' means in Vietnamese?" He jerked his chin at the screen, moments after one of the main characters had said that same exact word.

"Uh nope, what does it mean?"

Kit kept his eyes on the movie, "It means 'strangely beautiful'. Pretty neat, right?"

"Ooh." I cooed enthusiastically, "Since when do you know Vietnamese, Phi?"

"I have two Vietnamese friends. They're brothers, actually, so we hear them talk quite often."

"Teach me?"

"No." Kit snorted, but I heard no harshness in his tone, "Learn it yourself."

"...Strangely beautiful, hmm." I leaned into the headrest, eyes on the screen.

Strangely beautiful.

My gaze was making its way towards Kit before I could stop myself. I could see how the movie was reflecting off his eyes, giving him a little bit of sparkle. There was a little crease of his dimple at his cheek, and this was possibly the first time I've seen it on my own record when he's not laughing at me or scowling at me. It seemed like Kit had an aura around him, really, for I could not stop looking at him. The way his bangs fall gently against his forehead, the way his cheeks reassembled one of a chipmunk when he ate, the way his eyes seem to sparkle like a starry night sky falling upon the horizon.

"The animation is really pretty, I'll applaud them for that." Kit suddenly spoke, and my gaze cast away as fast as it had appeared.

"Yeah." I sunk further into my seat, biting my lip to suppress my smile.

Contrary to Kit's complaints, I'm thankful for the darkness here.


●○● A/N: I think I'm in loveee again..  💘

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