Kamen Rider x Boku no Hero Ac...

By Kaitou-Saikyou-Zeta

38.1K 780 160

This is the continuation of my Kamen Rider x BNHA in the old account. Hope you enjoy it. (A/N: This story is... More

Bio of Tatsumaki Takeru
Bio of Seiryuu Musashi
Bio of Sawatari Kazumi
Bio of Shiroki Yumi
Bio of Kurogami Daigo
The Encounter & Fate
Grease & Red Riot
The Unpleasant Meeting
Here We Go
Passion of Grease
Dangerous Jaw & Hopping Rabbit
Saving Eri
Farewell & New Beginning
Win Over the Kids
He Return but Not the Same
School Festival
Preparing for the School Festival
Gentle Criminal
Let's Enjoy the School Festival
The Japanese Hero Billboard Chart
Endeavor, Hawks & Saber vs Hood
Special Chapter - The Smart Hero
Challenge By the No.9 Hero
The Joint Training of Class A & Class B
Class A vs Class B: First Match
Class A vs Class B: Second Match
Class A vs Class B: Third Match
Class A vs Class B: Fourth Match
Class A vs Class B: Fifth Match
Class A vs Class B: Sixth Match - Part 1
Class A vs Class B: Sixth Match - Part 2
New Power & All For One
Takeru's Birthday
Heroes : Rising Part 1
Heroes : Rising Part 2
Heroes : Rising Part 3
Heroes : Rising Part 4
Heroes : Rising Part 5 (Finale)
Rise of New Enemy
Merry Christmas
Power of AML Lieutanents
Off to Endeavor's Agency
One Thing at A Time
Seal, Dragon & Bat
Kurogami Daigo: Origin
Get Ready

Charging In

441 18 0
By Kaitou-Saikyou-Zeta

Finally, the heroes and police has started their operation in saving Eri from Shie Hassaikai. They put a search warrant on them and able to rush into the resident. Ryukyu Agency are dealing the thugs outside while the others rushing into the resident.

(Shie Hassaikai Residence)

"Shie Hassaikai, we have a search warrant to search your premises on suspicion of manufacture and sale of illegal drugs!"

"Who the hell are you?!"

"What, what are you bastards?!"

"We said we're here to investigate, didn't we?!"

Mr. Brave: Please calm down!

Kesagiri Man: Clear a path! If you fight without thinking about the consequences, you'll regret it!

"They sent everyone out just to buy time?! That's so self-destructive..."

Mr. Brave: Leave them to us and go on ahead!

Sir Nighteye: We're counting on you!

Fat Gum: It's an emergency! Excuse us for not taking off our shoes!

They entered the house and head on.

Fat Gum: They haven't done anything suspicious yet!

Lock Rock: I'm getting kind of worried, man. We have no choice but to keep going now that we've started, though.

Amajiki: I wonder if someone leaked information to them! I feel like they're all gathered in one place for some reason...

"If someone had, I think they'd be avoiding us more smartly. They should all be used to working together with one will already."

Zolda: Then it show something isn't right.

Aizawa: They devote their all to their bond with their boss and brothers. They might feel ashamed now, but that makes them put more importance on their old bonds. This commotion... And Chisaki and the top brass haven't shown themselves yet. They're probably underground getting ready to hide or flee right now.

Kirishima: That's no loyalty!

Kazumi: And not manly!

Kirishima: Forcing their henchmen to take responsibility and running away themselves isn't manly, like Kazumin said!

Kazumi: Let's show them our passion of manliness, Kirishima!

Kirishima: Yeah!

Nighteye look forward at the hallway and remember what he see with the Foresight on the member of the Hassaikai he encountered. They keep up until they reach a certain area where the secret passage is. They reach a flower place.

Sir Nighteye: It's here. There's a device here to open a hidden passage. By holding down these woodens floorboards jn a specific order... it'll open.

He tap a the wood plates and the secret door behind the wall start to open.

Bubble Girl: It's like a ninja residence! Right?

Centipeder: If you hadn't seen it with your Foresight, we wouldn't have noticed it. Be careful of Quirks we haven't seen yet.

When the secret door slowly opened, three thugs with weapons in their hands come out rush to them.

"What the hell, bastards?!"

Centipeder: Bubble Girl! Take one of them!

He use his Quirk and grab two of the thugs with his centipede part.

"Damn it!"

When the last one tries to hit Bubble Girl, she activate her Quirk and produce some bubbles. And one of them pop directly at the face of the thug.

"Ahhh! My eye!"

Bubble Girl: Right, sorry!

She grab the man and slam him to the floor.

Bubble Girl: I'll make them stay here and not follow us. *look at Nighteye* Please go on ahead.

Sir Nighteye: Let's go!

Bubble Girl: I'll join you again soon!

They quickly head down stairs into the underground facility.

Sir Nighteye: We're almost there!


When they turn around, there's a wall in front of them that aren't supposed to be there.

"It's a dead end...! You sure you're not mistaken?"

Lock Rock: Explain yourself, Nighteye!

Takeru: Lock Rock-san, can you please shut your mouth even for once?

Lock Rock: What?!

Takeru: That wall isn't suppose to there.  Once I look in the place, there's nothing change without reasons. Which means, that wall was created by someone's Quirk! Lemillion, please take a look through that wall.

Mirio: *take off his helmet* Okay. I'll go take a look.

Kirishima: Lemillion-senpai, wait! Your clothes might--

Amajiki: It's all right. Mirio's costume is made of a special fiber made from his own hair. It's made so it becomes permeable when he activates his Quirk. 

By using his Quirk, Mirio take a look at the other side of the wall. And it actually a thin wall in order to distract them.

Mirio: *in mind* Like Build said. The path continues, just like Nighteye said.

He turn back others.

Mirio: It's just been blocjed off by a wall. But it's pretty thick wall.

Lock Rock: With Chisaki's ability to break down and restore things, even this is possible?

Fat Gum: A cheap trick...

Midoriya: It's like he's telling us he'll be in trouble if we go this way.

Kirishima: Yeah. *harden his fist* Good luck to him if he thinks that'll stop us!

Midoriya: *in mind* One For All... Full Cowling! Shoot Style!

Kirishima: Red Gauntlet!

Both of them punch the wall and crush it, showing the path in front of them.

Lock Rock: You guys aren't too bad...

Fat Gum: They beat me to the punch.

Zolda: Well, that show the growing of these kids.

Mirio: Let's keep going.

They continue their advance. While at that, Mimic, are far in front of them. He take out an injecter as he inject himself at his neck with the power up called Trigger. He grows back to his original size and get into the wall as he merge with the whole underground facility. When it happened, Mimic use his Quirk and starting changing the route and make them moving like wave.

Kirishima: The path is rolling...!

Kazumi: And waving...!

Midoriya: It's changing!

"It's not Chisaki! It's different... The only one it could be... is the director, Irinaka! Irinaka's Quirk, Mimic, lets him go into objects and control them freely from within! He's gone into the concrete that makes up the underground, and it's turned into a living maze!"

Lock Rock: But it's too big of scale! He shouldn't be able to enter and control objects bigger than a fridge!

Takeru: The answer is simple! Quirk booster drugs!

Fat Gum: Geez, you stole my line! But what you said is true! I was bein' careful about what he'd turn into, but I didn't think he'd turn into the underground! This has got to be hard on him physically. Eraser, you can't get rid of it?

Aizawa: Not if I can't see the main body...

Amajiki keep thinking that it's going to be hard because of the changing part of the underground. However, Mirio keep thinking forward as he quickly keep moving forward and use his Quirk to get past through the walls while the others fall into a hall.

Mimic: *in mind* He's slipping through, huh? But... even if he reaches them, he won't be able to do anythinf by himself.

(Underground Hall)

They all fall into a hall.

Kazumi: That's hurt...

Midoriya: A hall?

Lock Rock: We're getting further and further away from our goal. It looks like they've got us good!

???: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Some government authorities have fallen from the sky. Strange things happen, huh?

In front of the only path where the exit to continue, three from the Eight Bullets of Hassaikai are there, Setsuno Toya, Yojo Yuu and Tabe Soramitsu. They might not look much but they are powerful enemies.

Fat Gum: It looks like they're really ready for a fight. It's about time we showed them the strength of pros!

Kazumi: I'll--

Before he could dash ahead, Takeru stop him.

Kazumi: Whoa! Ta-- No, Build! What was that for?

Takeru: Don't go on rashly. Those three may not look much... but they're dangerous!

Setsuno: Oh? You quite smart for a kid!

Takeru: Kid...?!

Amajiki: *hold out his left hand* Build's right. And save the strength of pros for the goal later. For the ones stalling for time... I'll be more than enough.

Kirishima: What are you saying? Let's work together!

Setsuno: Yeah, work together. I'll kill all of you.

Zolda: Everyone, keep away your weapons. That's Setsuno. His Quirk allow him to steal any items he wanted at will.

Setsuno: You figured it out, huh? Oh, well. *dash ahead* It just makes it easier to go wild!

Aizawa: We won't let you. Throw away your sword.

He use his Quirk on Setsuno to prevent the activation of the Quirk. Setsuno tries to use his Quirk but failed.

Setsuno: I can't use it!

Hojo: *take out his gun* He erase his Quirk? An inferior version of Eri's Quirk. I've heard that a hero like that exists. But it doesn't matter. What we should be doimg is blocking them. That's all.

Fat Gum: Swords and bullets will just sink into my body. It'll be better for you if you give up now.

Setsuno: Threats like that just make you sound like you fear for your life.

"Since Eraser's erasing your Quirk, we can use our weapons! Resign yourselves and surrender!"

In that instant, Amajiki use octopus large tentacles and grab all three of them at once along with their weapons.

Amajiki: Larceny, Setsuno Toya. Hojo Yuu, Crystallize. Tabe Soramitsu, Food. I've looked over the documents with their info!

He slam them at the wall.

Amajiki: I'll take these guys on. At Fat Agency, we eat tons of takoyaki, so I'm really good at using octopus. Since I was shot before, I'm more alert to things like this.

He turn his right hand into crab pincer and crush the weapons.

Kirishima: But Senpai--

Kazumi: Let's go, Kirishima.

Kirishima: Kazumin?

Kazumi: Even if we here, we'll just got in the way.

Amajiki: It won't do any good for us to all fight against them. With so many pro heroes stopped here, we're playing right into their hands. We should save the pros' Quirks including Eraser Head's, for later! We should save the power to grt through the wriggling underground, too. And the police officers and their guns! Fat Gum! If it's me, I can completely shut down all three of them! Fat! To the door!

Setsuno: Hey, hey, hey! Wait, wait!

Before he could use his Quirk, Aizawa erase his Quirk again.

Setsuno: Again...!

Takeru jumps and kick Tabe in the face, knocking him out temporary. Then the group head through the door and continue their way in order continue their objective. Before Amajiki could even bind them, the effect of the Erasure wear off and Setsuno the one who move first. He slash one of Amajiki's octopus tentacles and it shows that he hide a knife under his mask.

Setsuno: You were suprised and pulled back without thinking, huh? I know you're in a hurry, but you can't shrink back. Since you're fighting people who're like trash. You don't know what we have under our masks.

Hojo: *stand up* The Quirk of that scruffy man from earlier's stopped working, too.

Hojo use his Crystallize and break free from the tentacles grip When Amajiki create a clam, Setsuno steal it from Amajiki.

Setsuno: It's a handicap for you guys to not able to kill us, isn't it? Lucky you.

Amajiki: *in mind* Larceny... It lets him move anything his opponent wearing to his own hand instantly. *back away* Does my shell also count as something I'm wearing?

Setsuno: We've thrown away our possessions and our lives! When I was caught by a hero when I tried to jump to my death, I felt so hopeless! We're people who couldn't see the point of living! You can't understand that!

Hojo: The young head picked up that trash and foind a new use for it. Even trash has its pride. If someone has expectations for us...

He land a strong crystal punch right into Amajiki's face.

Hojo: ...then we need to meet them!

Amajiki remember when Mirio keep giving him some advice and keep giving him support even he see himself as a very hopeless person. He cover his right hand with crab shell and block the punch.

Amajiki: I'm... *crush the crystal* someone who eats even the sun, Suneater!

Hojo: *in mind* He uses the octopus arms that are pure muscle to absorb the shock and makes multiple layears of shells to protect from the crystal damage.

He trying to land another punch. But Amajiki have layered crab shells at his face as a protective mask that prevent the crsytal from harming him.

Amajiki: Vast Hybrid... Chimera Kraken!

He create multiple manifestion of large octopus tentacles and hard crab shells. He keep lashing everything around.

Setsuno: Hey, hey... Hey, hey, hey! Is this how is it?! Tabe, wake up! It's time to eat!

Immediately, Tabe wake up. He take off the mask to uncover his mouth as he take a bite of Amajiki's octopus tentacles.

Tabe: Octopus, yum!

He continue to biting and eating the octopus tentacles.

Setsuno: With those teeth and jaws, he can eat anything in an instant! And he's got a stomach that digest everything he eats in a second! Tabe's stomach will never get full! You two are a great match!

Amajiki: *in mind* Build took him out because he knows about his Quirk and how it works. But it's fine, I can surpass his movements! 

Suddenly, Setsuno steal the crab shell mask from Amajiki's face. And it give Hojo the chance for him to land a hard solid hit into Amajiki's face but able to barely create an extra crab shell to shield his face. But it wasn't enough when Hojo land another strong punch. Amajiki allow Tabe to eat his octopus tentacles in order to let him be paralyze with the octopus neurotoxin. However, Setsuno once again steal and this time it's the octopus tentacles before Amajiki's plan could even start.

Setsuno: It was too big for me to steal it before, but if it's this small, it's no problem.

Hojo attack again as he punch Amajiki into the wall and pin him.

Amajiki: *in mind* Their teamwork flows together...

Hojo: We're trash, but we have strong bonss as trash.

Amajiki: Y-You all will be arrested soon... Even if you beat me, you have no future!

Setsuno: *steal Amajiki's pouches* What about it?

Hojo: We haven't had a future for a while. One was unable to fit into society and was thrown away. One was betrayed by his lover and made to bear various debts.

Setsuno: *look into the pouches* It's all food. So is it like you can turn the things you eat into power?

Hojo: One was used as a tool by someone obsessed with money, but when it was discovered that the gems he produced were worthless fakes, he was called useless and beaten half to death. To us, that man said...

Chisaki welcome them to Shie Hassaikai.

Hojo: Who cares about what happens after this? For the man who gave use worth... I'll kill anyone who gets in his way!

Amajiki: *in mind* They're not following him out of fear. It's almost like they're brainwashed...

Hojo produce more crystal at his right hand while Amajiki still pinned at the wall.

Amajiki: *in mind* My attack got eaten... My defense gets peeled off... Then...

He change his left leg into chicken leg and flick one of the broken crystal on the floor, hitting Setsuno in the face.

Setsuno: Ow...

Amajiki: *in mind* ...I'll throw off their teamwork from the start! Larcery only works on things he can see! That's why the police couldn't their guns at him!

Hojo: Die...!

He land a punch of long crystal at Amajiki. However, a crystal shield also protected Amajiki from the punch.

Hojo: Crystallize? Don't tell me... you ate my crystals?!

Amajiki: That's exactly it!

He make even larger chicken leg and grab hold of Hojo.

Tabe: Eat! Eat! Eat! Eat!

Before he could even eat, Amajiki point Hojo in front of Tabe that cause him to close his mouth to prevent eating Hojo by accident. When they all in a straight line, Amajiki bash them at the wall at once, knocking all of them unconcious.

Amajiki: You had good teamwork where you trusted each other. I can't understand your circumstances or anger or sadness... But I do understand your strong bonds...

He change his left foot back to normal and let them go.

Amajiki: You're not just using each other... Right? You can't eat you friends.

He panting heavily after the three-on-one match that he barely able to win. He walk slowly toward the door.

Amajiki: The octopus poison should be in your bodies now. You won't die, but you probably won't be able to walk very well for a while. Also, I took off your masks. I don't know what's built into them. That took too long. Was everyone else able to keep moving forward?

As he head to the door, his body already weakened.

Amajiki: I need... to go, too...

Slowly, he lost balance and he falls onto the floor.

Amajiki: Huh...? My face... At this point...


The others who stayed behind are currently still busy fighting off the thugs that are fighting back at them. Seiryuu, in Cross-Z Charge form, is currently fighting off the thugs while trying to calm them down.

Cross-Z: Everyone, please calm down! We have a warrant so the search is legal! Also, if you cooperate, I'm sure it'll work somehow!

"Work somehow, my ass!"

One of the thugs slam at metal bat at Cross-Z's head.

Ryukyu: Cross-Z!

"Hehe! Serve you right!"

Cross-Z: Hey...

Instead of taking damage, Cross-Z armor slowly engulf in flames as the metal bat melt away. He turn around and the thug making him trembling in fear.

Cross-Z: I told ya to calm down...

He grab the thug at the face.

Cross-Z: So please calm down!!

He pull back before the throw the thug right into the resident, hitting some thugs in the resident zone and they crash into the wall.

Cross-Z: *sigh* Can't these guys understand the situation?! I barely even hold myself. Fighting in narrow or tight space prevent me from releasing my full power, that is why I decided to stay behind...

Uraraka: *smile wryly* Don't mind, Cross-Z. Don't mind.

Cross-Z: Please don't compare me on what happened to Sero in the last Sports Festival. I didn't even reach the one-on-one fight thanks to Mineta...

Hikari: I know that everything in U.A. is desperating, but...!

She grab two more thugs and slam them at the wall.

Hikari: You need to focus with what in front you right now!

She taze the thugs, knocking them unconcious. When another one trying to hit her with a metal pipe, Hikari merely raise her right hand without looking back and caught the pipe. She electrocute the thug by surging the electromagnetic current into the metal pipe and taze the thug. When the man fall, she throw away the pipe before glancing back with her fierce-cold glance.

Hikari: I said before... Attacking from woman by suprise is a bad idea.

Present Mic(Intro): Elec Hero: Sparks! Quirk: Electromagnetic! She can create magnetic field, electric field and even light at will. She also can small amount of electricity in order to taze anyone she touch and knock them out and even pull anything that conduct electricity that close to her!

Uraraka: Wow! Takeru-kun's mom is amazing! But scary at the same time!

Tsuyu: Ochaco-chan, we use our hero name here.

Uraraka: Oh, right!

Ryukyu: That is why she was called as U.A. Demon Princess when she still a student.

Uraraka: Demon... Princess?

Hikari: *smile* Ryukyu, please. That is already things that happen in the past. I don't think that I'm not that cold or fierce like in old times.

Ryukyu: *sweatdrop* You still look scary even when you smile, you know that?

She still pin down Rikiya to keep him from making even more damage than before. In the underground facilities, the main raid team are currently trying to go after Chisaki and save Eri as fast as they can while Mirio keep running ahead by himself.


"I'm still feeling worried about leaving Senpai behind..."

"Damn it... This place shifting again!"

"With that Quirk that makes you strong only when you excited... what can you even do?"

"My passion is burning!!"

Next time: "Passion of Grease."

"Go Beyond, Plus Ultra!"

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