Kamen Rider x Boku no Hero Ac...

By Kaitou-Saikyou-Zeta

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This is the continuation of my Kamen Rider x BNHA in the old account. Hope you enjoy it. (A/N: This story is... More

Bio of Tatsumaki Takeru
Bio of Seiryuu Musashi
Bio of Sawatari Kazumi
Bio of Shiroki Yumi
Bio of Kurogami Daigo
The Encounter & Fate
The Unpleasant Meeting
Here We Go
Charging In
Passion of Grease
Dangerous Jaw & Hopping Rabbit
Saving Eri
Farewell & New Beginning
Win Over the Kids
He Return but Not the Same
School Festival
Preparing for the School Festival
Gentle Criminal
Let's Enjoy the School Festival
The Japanese Hero Billboard Chart
Endeavor, Hawks & Saber vs Hood
Special Chapter - The Smart Hero
Challenge By the No.9 Hero
The Joint Training of Class A & Class B
Class A vs Class B: First Match
Class A vs Class B: Second Match
Class A vs Class B: Third Match
Class A vs Class B: Fourth Match
Class A vs Class B: Fifth Match
Class A vs Class B: Sixth Match - Part 1
Class A vs Class B: Sixth Match - Part 2
New Power & All For One
Takeru's Birthday
Heroes : Rising Part 1
Heroes : Rising Part 2
Heroes : Rising Part 3
Heroes : Rising Part 4
Heroes : Rising Part 5 (Finale)
Rise of New Enemy
Merry Christmas
Power of AML Lieutanents
Off to Endeavor's Agency
One Thing at A Time
Seal, Dragon & Bat
Kurogami Daigo: Origin
Get Ready

Grease & Red Riot

835 19 1
By Kaitou-Saikyou-Zeta

After the encounter with Chisaki of Shie Hassaikai along with his daugther, Eri, Midoriya and Takeru felt unpleasent about it after they left Eri with Chisaki when they really want to save her. While they done with unpleasent feeling while back at school, the others like Uraraka, Tsuyu and Seiryuu are with Hado while Kirishima and Kazumi are with Amajiki. They got busy from their current work studies.


While it shown to be a peaceful night, it actually not. Two giant villains are currently fight each other in the middle of the city.

"The villain groups are fighting each other! There are two with gigantification Quirks! Espa Way's caught in their fight! Send heroes immediately!"

As the battle continues, Hado in her hero costume, flies over to the scene with her Quirk. She stops and aim her Quirk toward the two giant villains.

Hado: Full charge, output level 30... Spiraling Surge... Gring Wave!

She blast swirl of wave toward both of the villains, causing both of them to fall down to the ground.

Hado: Hey, why are you fighting? Is it because your Quirks are the same? That's so weird. *turn around* Do it now, you two!

With the debris in the sky and from the surroundings, Uraraka able to make dozens of them float. She and Tsuyu is riding on the large ones.

Uraraka: Ultimate...

Tsuyu: ...Move!

Uraraka release her Quirk while Tsuyu use her long tongue to sent some debris toward the villains.

Uraraka: Meteor...

Tsuyu: ...Fafrotskies!

The debris crash to the villains but both of them still standing.

Hado: You still standing? Huh, isn't that weird? Seiryuu-kun, if you please!

On top of the building near the villains, Cross-Z Charge is standing there. He shout as he engulf himself with raging blue flames.

Cross-Z: Raaahhh!!

The blue flames burst throughout his armor and body it form into dragon form. He run over the edge of the building and boost himself toward the villains.


"A d-dragon?!"

Cross-Z: Dragon Dynamite Impact!

As he crash into the villains, it cause a massive explosion that blow almost everything around. Even some nearby building have the window breaks while some parts around melt due the extreme heat of the flames. With both of the villains down, they back to their normal size and the police arrest them. But it hard able to do much due the heat.

Hado: That was great! Yeah, that was really great! Were you nervous?

She walk to Uraraka, Tsuyu and Cross-Z who holding his side in pain after the effect of his own move. Along with them, the Pro Hero who took them in for the work study, Ryukyu, also with them.

Uraraka: Phew, I was able to do what I was supposed to!

Tsuyu: Ribbit, I was calmer than I thought I'd be.

Cross-Z: Ow, ow, ow... My whole body is hurt. And I'm feeling very hot after that blast.

Ryukyu: As expected of those recommended by Nejire. You three both great at this. *turn to Hado* Nejire, you've also fixed the timing for your attack.

Present Mic(Intro): Hero Billboard Chart, No.9... Dragoon Hero: Ryukyu! Hado Nejire, a third year and parr of the Big Three at U.A. High School, is her work study student. Class 1-A's Uraraka Ochaco, Asui Tsuyu and Seiryuu Musashi are also working for her!

Uraraka/Tsuyu/Cross-Z: *bow* Thank you for taking us on.

Ryukyu: Of course.

Cross-Z: Ryukyu-san, no matter what the situation, you always be my favorite hero! I been working hard to be a hero because I admire you! Being taken in for work study is the best day of my life!!

Tsuyu: *sweatdrop* Seiryuu-chan is so excited.

Uraraka: *smily wryly* He's like Deku-kun...

Ryukyu: I see. I'm glad. Thank you for your support.

Hado: Hey, Ryukyu, these two couldn't go to the heroes from their internships! Did you know that first years can only go to agencies with a good track record of accepting work study students? Did I tell you?

Ryukyu: Even if you're still students, now that you're here for a work study, you're a legitimate part of our forces! You three seem like you'll be able to play an active role in that matter.

Uraraka: "That matter"...?

Tsuyu: Ribbit...?

Cross-Z: What kind of matter?

Ryukyu: A request to team up from All Might's former sidekick, Nighteye.

Uraraka: Nighteye's where Deku-kun and Takeru-kun went for his work study...

Hado: Oh, "team up" means for hero agencies to worm together. You knew that, right?

Tsuyu: What's the request to team up about?

Ryukyu: The investigation and siege of designated the villain group, Shie Hassaikai. It's a big job that might lead to the League of Villains.

Cross-Z: *in mind* Shie Hassaikai... If I remember, they are the yakuza group that was under the watch of the governement. What is so big until we need to team up?

Steam still come out from his armor because of affect of the flame.

Tsuyu: Seiryuu-chan still burning...

Uraraka: Anyway, Seiryuu-kun.

Seiryuu: *turn to Uraraka* What?

Uraraka: Didn't Takeru-kun told you not to use that move with almost closed area? He said it will damage the surroundings and it really did.

Cross-Z: Huh?

He look around and he saw the damage he made.

Cross-Z: Ahh... *sweatdrop* Sorry, I was so excited to work alongside Ryukyu and I want to test out my new move quickly if it works against real villains... Hehehe...

(Shie Hassaikai Resident)
(Underground Area)
(Meeting Room)

Shikaragi meet with Chisaki to discuss about depending on the situation that he and the League of Villains will join Shie Hassaikai. Shikaragi even complain about the undergound routes before sitting at the couch in front of Chisaki and Mimic. 

Chisaki: We don't know who's watching or from where, nor do we know what our guests are thinking. A number of underground routes lead here. This reception room is also one of our hidden underground rooms.

Mimic: We've been able to survive until now because of small details like this. Anyway! What you said the other day on the phone... You mean it, right? That you'd join us as long as certain conditions were met.

Shikaragi: Don't interpret it in your favor. *put his right leg on the table* You guys want the name of our League of Villains. We want to increase our strength. Our needs coincide.

Chisaki: Put your foot down. It'll get dirty.

Shikaragi: "Will you put your foot down, please?" That's what you should be saying, young head. You should really be bowing to me. First, we won't put ourselves under you. We'll move however we want. Half... in other word, a joint partnership. If that's what this is, then we'll help.

Chisaki: So those are the conditions?

Shikaragi: *point at Chisaki* One more thing. The plan you said you had. Tell me what it is. That's a reasonable condition. I want to consider whether or not there's merit in lending you our name. For that matter--

When he shove his right hand into his jacket, the aide of Hassaikai in the room, Kurono along with Mimic take action. Kurono point a gun at Shikaragi's head while Mimic's large arm grab Shikaragi's shoulder.

Kurono: Don't get ahead of yourself. You're doing too much of what you want.

Mimic: Who do you think you are, you punk?!

Shikaragi: Who do you think you are? One of your disposable small fry versus our Hikishi. Those lives are not worth the same. Plus, the worth of one of Compress' arms. If we don't get some concessions from you, then it won't be worth if for us.

Chisaki: Stay back, Kurono, Mimic. He came all this way with his offer. Let's hear him out to the end. You weren't finished, continue.

Kurono put away his gun as Mimic reattract his giant arm into his body.

Shikaragi: Tell me the details of your plan. Well, I have some idea of what is it, anyway.

He take out the inject bullet that was used to prevent Compress from activating his Quirk before.

Shikaragi: It has something to do with this, right?


While at that, Amajiki along with Kirishima and Kazumi are having a work study with a Pro Hero named Fat Gum. While doing a patrol with Fat Gum, he is eating a tray of takoyaki.

Fat Gum: Those punks and hoodlums keep gettin' into so many fights these days! It makes me starvin'! *look back* Yeah, the hero agencies 'round here have been wantin' a fightin' type. Red Riot, Grease, you both perfect.

Kirishima: *tap his fist together* I look forward to working with you! Fourth Kind wasn't taking work study students, so I'm grateful to you for taking me on!

Kazumi: Yeah! Me too! *sweatdrop* Though I never went to any internship due late enrolling in U.A., though...

Amakiji: *in mind* If only Mirio'd been free...


Kirishima/Kazumi: Amajiki-senpai, please introduce me to whoever you do your work study with! Please! Please! Please!

Amajiki: Your spit--

(Flashback Over)

Amajiki: *in mind* You two keep coming at me. It was scary.

Fat Gum: If Tamaki could only do somethin' about his weak mind, he'd be a great talent!

Amajiki: That pressure leads me to even lower lows... It's always like this...! This man scouted me in order to torment me! It's power harrassment! I want to go home!

Kirishima: Maybe he's trying to encourage you! That's how it sounds to me, anyway. Right, Kazumin?

Kazumi: Right. Don't think about negative stuff, Amajiki-senpai.

"Fat, eat ours! I just make some hot takoyaki!"

Fat Gum: I will tomorrow!

Amajiki: I can't be cheerful and positive like you or Mirio.

Kirishima: I feel the same sometimes. There are lots of times I can't do anything when everyone else is frantic. The gap in ability and experience between me and my classmates has gotten bigger... So I want to least close the gap so I can stand next to them!

Kazumi: Actually, I just same as Kirishima. I have a lot of gap between myself and others. That is why I work hard and be a hero that able to close that gap!

Amajiki: That's called "being positive," first year.

"It's a fight! Somebody, help!"

They turn around and saw some men are running away through the streets.

Fat Gum: Speak of the devil!

They keep running away from the people who are chasing them. They clearly some thugs who doing some illegal business in the area. Before they could get away, Fam Gum jumps in front of them and trap them into his fat body and sink them.

Fat Gum: I won't let you!

"I-It's fat!"

"Oh, no! I'm sinkin'!"

Fat Gum: I'm Mr. Fat, here to make you sink!

"Damn it!"

One of the men use his Quirk to slip through.

Fat Gum: What're you doin' anyway?! Your Quirk's the same as Edge's!

Before he got away, some octopus tentacles grab him. It is Amajiki's Quirk.

"What's with this octopus?!"

Amajiki: That's mean...

Kirishima: No, wait, that's not an insult! He's talking about how it looks!

Kazumi: That's right, Amajiki-senpai!

Amajiki pull the man closer with the tentacles. With the fingers in his right hand are octopus tentacles, he change in right hand into clam shell before slaming it into the man, knocking the man onto the ground.

"I didn't get... an octopus..."

Before he could stand, Amajiki change his left leg into chicken leg, and a pair of wings appear at his back.

Amajiki: Clams are handy. They can be used for offense or defense. That's whg I make sure to eat some every day.

Present Mic(Intro): U.A. High School third year and part of the Big Three, Amajiki Tamaki. Quirk: Manifest. He can manifest characteristics of things he eats in his body! By the way, right right arm was from takoyaki, his left arm from clam preserves, and his wings and claws are manifested from fried chicken!

Amajiki: I didn't need the wings.

Kazumi: *in mind* What a fast reflexes...

Kirishima: *in mind* Wow... I mean, I didn't get to do anything again...

Amajiki: *look down* I wonder... if I did okay...

Kirishima: It was amazing! You were so fast and so good at using your Quirk!

Fat Gum: Our Suneater's skills have long been as good as a pro's!  He still needs to work on his mental weakness, though. Right?

Then crowd start to cheer for Amajiki.

"Good job, Suneater!"

"You're so cool!"

But this really makes Amajiki very nervous because it makes him think that he just being look down at. Among the crowd, a man who is panicking take out his gun and point it at them but Fat Gum notice it.

Fat Gum: Look out! Get down!

The man shoot at them.

(Shie Hassaikai Resident)
(Meeting Room)

Shikaragi: Right after this was shot into Compress, he couldn't use his Quirk for a while. What is this? What are you planning to do with this? Tell me.

Chisaki: I'm going to break the status quo. I heard All For One ruled by stealing Quirks. I fine-tuned his method a little. I already hage my roots spread out across the entire country. Little by little... Little by little, preparations are going according to plan...


The man shoot at Amajiki but he is unharm.

"Aniki, run!"

Kirishima/Kazumi: Senpai!

Fat Gum: Suneater! Red Riot! Grease!

The man shoot twice. The first bullet hit Kirishima at the forehead but bounce off because of his Hardening. The second bullet head to Kazumi but also bounce off because of his bulletproof helmet.

"They bounce off?!"

Kirishima: Let's capture him!

Kazumi: Yeah!

"What's with this piece of junk?!"

Amajiki: *sit up* It hurts less than I thought it would be...

Kirishima: *look back* Senpai! Are you okay?! So cool!

Then the man drop his gun and run away.

"G-Get outta the way!"

Kazumi: Crap! He's running away!

Kirishima: Let's after him!

Amajiki: I'll catch him with my octopus...!

When Kirishima and Kazumi went to after the man, Amajiki tries to activate his Quirk but he couldn't. The tentacles barely come out from his fingers.

Amajiki: *in mind* It won't activate?!

Kirishima: *from distance* Wait, you!

Kazumi: *from distance* Get back here! Don't think you can run after shoot at our senior!

Fat Gum: Wait, don't go runnin' into things! If you're not careful, it might come back to bite you! *turn to Amajiki* Suneater, if you're unhurt, then I'll leave this place to you! Other heroes will be here soon, so work with them!

He went after Kirishima and Kazumi.

Amajiki: I'm not hurt, but my Quirk won't activate!

Fat Gum: *stop & turn around* What?! Is Eraser here or somethin'?!

(Alley Side Streets)

The man run into the closed area where that doesn't have much people. Kirishima and Kazumi still chasing after them.

"Don't come near me! Stop chasin' me!"

Kirishima: Then don't run away!

Kazumi: If you want us to stop chasing you, then you better stop and surrender!

Kirishima: At least finish saving your friends!

"What're you getting angry about?!"

Kirishima: Running away scared after shooting someone...

Kazumi: That kind of act...

Kirishima/Kazumi: ...isn't manly!!

Kazumi's helmet folded back as he take out the Sclash Driver and attach it at his waist before taking out the Robot Jelly container. He twist the cap and insert it at the belt and quickly push down the lever.

Robot Jelly!

Kazumi: Henshin!

Tsubureru! Nagareru! Afurederu! Robot in Grease! Buraahh!

He engulf in golden splash before appearing in his Rider form.

Kirishima: Fast! Also, when did your helmet can fold?!

Grease: Well, Tatsumaki was the one that design it!

They keep chasing after the man and reach a dead end. The only escape route for the man is the way where Kirishima and Grease blocking.

Kirishima: It's a dead end!

Grease: Prepare yourself!

"You're too loud!"

He turn around and create blades at his right arm. He slash them with the blades but Kirishima's Hardening and Grease's hard armor block the blade from hurting them. At the same time, both of them land a punch at the man in the face.

Kirishima/Grease: Red Counter! / Golden Knuckle!

It sent the man away and he fall onto the ground.

Kirishima: That wasn't our full strength!

Kazumi: Just stay down and surrender, you gun maniac!

Suddenly, the man start whimpering.

Kirishima: Huh? You're crying?

Kazumi: Are you okay?

"It's not fair... All I've got is a Quirk that lets me pop out blades less than ten cm long... That's about as long as a box cutter...It's not fair... I wanna save my bros, fool! But I'm scared! You should be praisin' me for getting the courage to shoot!"

Grease: Are really an adult?

Kirishima: No way! Besides, you're gonna cry about being scared, then don't do bad stuff to begin with!

Grease: *help the man stand up* Come on, can you stand? Man up, geez.

"I wanted... to become strong... If I hung out with strong guys, then I coulf get stronger, too."

Kirishima: Hey, we understand how you feel, but...

"If I followed my bros, then I could get a hold of power... For a guy who can become a hero to say they understands without thinkin'... Don't say that!"

Secretly, he take out an injector from his sleeve and inject the liquid inside it into his neck. After the injection, the man felt pain all over his body.

Kirishima: What did you do?! What'd you give yourself?!

Grease: Hey! Are you okay?!

Suddenly, razor sharp super long blades come out from all over his body, making Grease let go of the man. He and Kirishima jump away from the man.

Kirishima: Wh-What is this?! What's going on?!

Grease: That injection... could it be...!

The man smile sadisticly at them. The blades from the man's body still keep extending until reach the walls of nearby buildings.

Kirishima: *in mind* He suddenly powered up...! I've seen this before on the news... A drug that boosts your Quirk... If this ends up on the main road, it won't end with just a tragedy!

Grease: Use a drug to boost your Quirk... how unmanly! Kirishima, whatever it takes, we need to stop him! And there's still citizens behind us!

Kirishima: Yeah! *turn around* Everyone, get back! Get somewhere that this guy's blade can't reach!

When the man extend his blades again, Kirishima and Grease protect themselves with their arms crossed bu the blades able to cut through the Hardening and the armor.

Grease: *in mind* No way! My armor...!

Kirishima: *in mind* He cut through! His blades are sharper than my Hardening and Kazumin's armor!

"I can't get close, then! You got too full of yourself, huh, kid?! It's cause you're playing at justice so proudly! My bros said the age of heroes'll will crumble soon, you know! *attract his blades* They said it'll be the age of those like ys that live in the shadows next! Man, I feel like I'm on such a high! Move, kids! I feel like I could save my bros now, like you told me to earlier!"

The man extended his blades to the surroundings again. Kirishima remember the time when All Might gave him some advice and talk to his friends. Kazumi also remember about Takeru give up him tips about what he actually can do with his Quirk.


Takeru: Huh? Tips for your Quirk?

Kazumi: Yeah! Can you help me with that? I mean, I and Kirishima are going to work study with Amajiki-senpai!

Takeru: Hey, Rising isn't my Quirk, it yours.

Kazumi: But you're a genius! That is why I need your help!

Takeru: *sigh* Kazumin, what does your Quirk?

Kazumi: Huh? Uhh, it makes me strong when I get excited...

Takeru: Then use that. Use the thrill during a fight or whatsoever you facing. Despite the hardest obstacle you face, you feeling excited about it, right?

Kazumi: Y-Yeah...

Takeru: Use that! Use your opponent's strength against them! The more you excited, the stronger you gets! 

(Flashback Over)

Kirishima: *in mind* Get harder...! More...! And more...! My body... and spirit! Get harden! Harden!

Grease: *in mind* Get stronger...! More! I use... my excitement against my enemies! I'm getting excited!

Kirishima/Grease: *in mind* Together... get even stronger and harder! And become... a wall that never fall!

When the blades reach them, it didn't even pierce through Kirishima's Hardening or even Grease's tough muscle and the blades breaks.


Kirishima: *in mind* After intensive training to improve my Quirk, this is the highest hardness level I can achieve right now!

His body fully harden and shape himself like a monster.

Kirishima: Red Riot Unbreakable!

"Wh-What's this sound? Is his whole body creaking?! And the muscle gets tougher?!"

Kirishima: *in mind* I can only hold this for 30 to 40 seconds! But during this time, I cannot be brought down!

Grease: Let's go, Kirishima! Let's show him our manly combo!!

Kirishima: Yeah!!

They run toward the man.

"I'll bring everything to one spot... and push you away!!"

He blast burst to blade toward them. However, they able to break through the wave of blades because their will to take the man down and protect the people behind them. They break the blades and get in the point-blank range at the man.

Grease/Kirishima: Ultimate move...!

They land a double punch into the man's gut.

Grease/Kirishima: Gold-Red Twin Turret!

They punch the man away as he tumbling across the ground. The people there are impressed with what they can do.

"They're young, but they got guts..."


Both Kirishima and Grease panting after their last attack and usage of Quirk.

"D-Don't come near me...!"

Grease: Just what is wrong with this man? Back to his crying state.

" *backing away* I just wanted to get stronger... Please, let me go...! I'm just a pitiful man who wanted more power!"

Kirishima: No, you shot Senpai.

Kazumi: And we said we understand how you feel, we really mean it.

Kirishima: Yeah. In the past, I...

"Who cares about you, moron!"

The man extend the blades from his back and jump away. Kirishima and Grease able to bream the blades but the man is escaping. Before he could even escape, Fat Gum appear in front of him. 

Fat Gum: Sorry I'm late!

Kirishima/Grease: Fat Gum!

Fat Gum: When you're squaring off, the villain can win by killin', runnin' away, beatin' us up so bad we can't recover, et cetera! On the other hand, there's only one way for us to win... capture without casualties! Remember this when you leave, Red Riot, Grease!

When the man tries to break through Fam Gum's fat, it useless even with the blades. They went to Fat Gum as Grease take off his Rider visor.

Fat Gum: The key to fighting villains is... How fast can you make them lose the will to fight!

Present Mic(Intro): BMI Hero: Fate Gum. Quirk: Fat Absorption. He can absorb and sink anything into his body! Tottoro!

Kirishima: *in mind* We gave it everything we got and just barely held on our own, but he was done in instant!

Grease: *in mind* Fat Gum isn't just big... He's an amazing hero!

Kirishima/Grease: Thanks for the help!

"Thank you, young 'un."

They turn around and look at the people who they protected.

"You were amazin'! I'm head over heels!"

"You two were tryin' to keep him pointin' the blades at us, weren't you?"

"I can tell after watchin' heroes for so long!"

"Most people'd get scared of the blade guy like that!"

"You really saved us! Both of you!"

Fat Gum: What a spectacular debut. Completely different from my first job. You two really helped us today! You'l be an amazing hero someday, I'm sure of it!

Kirishima/Grease: Thank you!

"Young men, what's your hero name? What you're called?"

Kirishima: I'm Red Riot!

Grease: I am Grease!

"Red Riot and Grease, huh? I won't be forgettin' that!"

"Thank you, Red Riot, Grease!"

Kirishima/Grease: *bow* Thank you!

Both of them bow to the people. At the same time, they also having a flashback about their childhood. They remember how bad they really was back then and how useless they are.

Kirishima/Grease: Th... Thank you very much!

(Time Skip)

After arresting the man and put him with the rest of the gang, Fat Gum, Kirishima and Kazumi, who have de-henshin himself, meet with Amajiki. Kirishima and Kazumi tell everything to them. 

Fat Gum: His Quirk powered up? That drug's banned in Japan, right? Based on how short the effects lasted, it must've been an inferior version made in Asia. The ones made in America last at least an hour or two.

Kirishima: You know a lot about it! Wow!

Kazumi: As expected from Fat Gum!

Fat Gum: In the past, I'd work with the coppers and catch guys like that all day.

A police officer came and report about the gun.

"Fat! About the gun that guy fired... It's been broken into pieces by someone's Quirk. Also, this isn't a normal gun. Anyway, I'll investigate and report back.

Fat Gum: Thanks for goin' out of your way to let me know.

"I see..."

Kirishima: Senpai, are you okay?

Amajiki: *pull his hood* It sucks.

Kirishima: To make it so you can't use your Quirk... What a terrible way to treat a hero! Right, Kazumin?

Kazumi: Yeah, of course!

Amajiki: Anyway, you two defended me. Just like Mirio, you're a person who shines brightly, like the sun.

Kirishima: If you're going to say that, then you're like the sun, too, for introducing us to this place!

Kazumi: This is all because of your help, Amajiki-senpai.

Amajiki: Just like that. You're amazing, you know.

Fat Gum: Why don't we have them take a look at you at the hospital? There's something I want to investigate there, too. Why don't we stop by at the agency first and then go?

Amajiki: Okay.

Kirishima/Kazumi: Yes, sir!

Fat Gum: *in mind* I understand drugs that boost someone's Quirk... They were originally proposed to help those with weak Quirks. But drugs that completely prevent someone from usin' their Quirk...? I never heard of 'em. I've got a bad feelin' about this...

They head back to the agency. Kazumi look at his Sclash Driver and it quite beat up after fighting with the man.

Kazumi: Oh man, this pretty beat up. *sigh* I wonder if Tatsumaki can fix this...

Kirishima: Don't worry, Kazumin! I'm sure he can fix it!

Kazumi: Yeah...


"Wow! You got popular in the internet!"

"This thing... is made by human flesh and blood..."

"Some "Love and Peace" fighter I am...!"

"We want... to protect her!"

Next time: "An Unpleasant Meeting."

"Go Beyond, Plus Ultra!"

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fluff filled adventures with deku and todoroki! (all of these are crossposted from my ao3: prettyinwentz!)
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𝘉𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘢𝘴 𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘺 𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘴, 𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘳...
154 8 8
Takes place after When All Cake Breaks Loose. The school is attacked. After clean up, the young heroes get to spend the day at the beach. Can Urarak...
273K 7.8K 57
Picked for Todoroki Wanted by bakugou Please your family with the good boy or disappoint with the bad boy.