Guardians of the Galaxy

By SethCauble

39.2K 917 73

Blake Slader is Peter Quill's, A.K.A Starlord's, partner in crime. They went on adventures together as ravang... More

Blake Slader
Endings and Beginnings
Unexpected Turn of Events
Meet Peter Quill
Retrieving the Orb
Meeting the Guardians
In the Kyln
Meet Drax the Destroyer
Making a Deal
Prison Escape
Making Friends Everywhere We Go
Making a Compromise
Plan out
The Battle Part 1
The Battle Part 2
A Clue
It's her. It's really her.
Day in the Life of Danger
High Priestess Ayesha
Wounds and Scars
Rocket, you Idiot
It Can't Be
The Truth
The Talk
The Ravengers
Not what it used to be
The Escape Plan
Come a Little Bit Closer
We've gotta Save Quill
Let's End This
Final Battle Part 1
Final Battle Part 2
Final Battle Part 3
Goodbye Yondu
A Ravenger Funeral: Father and Son
The Christmas Special
Birth of a New Guardian
A Hurting Brother
An New Familiar Foe
A Kill Switch?!
No Way
Mission Preparation
Breaking into OrgoCorp
Hard to Cooperate
Planning Our Next Steps
Analogies and Metaphors
A Really Weird Planet
Not a Creator
It's a Face-off
The End of Counter-Earth
Ride or Die
Saving Rocket
Let's End This
No Sleep Till Brooklyn
Saving the Children
Rocket's Origin
I Guess This is Goodbye
Let's Celebrate

Split up and Dominated

895 24 1
By SethCauble

We were all pretty shook up by what just happened. Quill quickly closed the orb and went outside.

Gamora: How could I think that Tevan could contain what was in the orb?

Rocket: What do you still have it for?

Blake: We can't just leave it inside. Someone could touch it or steal it.

Rocket: I can't believe you had that in your purse.

Quill: It's not a purse. It's a knapsack.

Gamora: We have to get this to the Nova Corps. There's a chance that they can contain it.

Blake: What are you, nuts? We're wanted by the Nova Corps.

Rocket: Yeah. Let's just give it to Ronan.

Quill: Why? So he can destroy the galaxy with it?

Blake: He's got a point. We can't just give this to a powermad maniac.

Rocket: What are you guys, saints all of a sudden? What has the galaxy done for you guys, huh? Why do you guys wanna save it?

Blake: Because we're all the idiots who live in it!

Gamora: Quill. Slade. Listen to me. We can't give this to Ronan. We've gotta give it to Nova.

Blake: Nova? Why can't we just give it to Yondu and pay him back? Whatever happened to that plan?

Quill: We can't give it to Yondu, either. Who knows what he plans on doing with it.

Blake: Quill! Don't you dare play that game with me! We're going to give it to Yondu!

Quill: Things are different, now. I'm sorry, but right now, the world is at stake. And this is no time to be selfish.

I have about had it with him.

Blake: Then I can't be your partner no more.

I just walked away.

Quill: Come on, Blake. I didn't mean it like that.

All of a sudden, Ronan's ship appeared. Drax was standing in front of it.

Blake: That idiot.

"Quill! Slade! Don't you two move!"

It was Yondu and his gang. Quill ran off, but I stayed and surrendered.

Blake: Yondu! No! Take me! Don't take Quill!

Yondu stopped in front of me.

Yondu: What 'chu playin' at, boy?

Blake: I'm the one to blame for this. Please don't take Quill.

I had to protect him.

Yondu: Bring him to the ship. Imma have a word with him.

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