More Reverse Batfam Trash

Morally_Gray tarafından

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--stock photo appreciation-- Sequel to 'Reverse Batfam Trash'. It's kinda what got me started on Wattpad, nd... Daha Fazla

Damian Babysits for the Weekend
Nighty Night Small Bird Child
Boys in Trouble (Part One)
Boys in Trouble (Part Two)
What Are Little Brothers For if Not to Terrorize?
Our Weird Step-Brother Isn't Even Human
Which is the Problem Daughter (Genderbent Robins AU)
Jason Todd's Guide to Babysitting a Five Year Old
Biggest Brother Jay
Femme Robins Travel through Time
Our Weird Step-Brother Still Isn't Human (Part Two)
Family Reunion
Femme Robins Travel through Dimensions
Sneaking Out Like a Star-Crossed lover
Overprotective Brothers VS Bringing a Boy Home
Halloween Night (Chapter One)
Halloween Night (Chapter Two)
Halloween Night (Chapter Three)
Just a Plain Old Hogwarts AU
Very Truly NOT What Wally West Expected
Robin's New Teammate (Impeachment Special)
Robin's New Teammate (Part Two)
Polyamory (Proof That Wayne Boys Simp for Redheads)
He All Grown Up
Very Truly NOT What Willow Expected (Part Two)
Security Blanket
The Baby ...i.e Bruce Wayne: tired mom
Hogwarts AU Part Two!
Bats Babysit the Team
The BEST Big Brother (The Baby Boye returns)
Sidekick SadBoy Hour
The Dumbest, Best, Moron of an Older Brother (i.e Jason Todd)
Damian's Little Brother
Babysitter Jay, his Girlfriend, and their Boyfriend
Jason Graduates Highschool
Sidekick Sadboy Hour Part Two; Mother-Hen Roy Harper
How to Spot ADHD in Young Birds
My Attempt at a Chanukah Special
Bats Vs. Winter (Part One?)
Clash of the Dads
How is This my First Christmas Special?
Laser Tag
Hetero (Birdflash Angst)
Part of the Family (Wally West)
Roy Learns the art of Big Brother-ing
Jason Probably got Inspired by This... (TimKonBart)
Not my World, Still my Family(Part 50!!)
Reverse Superfam?! (Teaching Jon the art of Big Brother-ing)
Not my World, Still my Family (PART 2)
Boy Wonder (Trans AU)
Becoming a Boy (Trans AU)
Coming out to Wally
The Sibling Squad (Part 1)
Sibling Squad (Part 2)
Evaluation Day
Soon-to-be-Stepfamily (Superbat)
Two Dates and a Playdate (Ft. TimBart & JayRoy)
Meta Bats AU
Almost a Member of the Family
Valentine's Snow Day (Dick and the Redheads)
Circa 1966: The Adventures of Batman and the Robins!
High Jason Vs. Drunk Tim
Teen Titans Face off Against Brotherly Love
Brothers Vs. Bullies
Big/Little Brother (Almost a Member of the Family Part 2)
The World's Best Vlog
Teen Tight(an)s "Documentary" episode 13: The Justice Hideout
Spooky Season with the Sirens
Dick's Polyamorous Team-Dating
Dick's PolyTeam (2): Things get Violent
The Stormy Sleepover
Mother's Day with Alfred Pennyworth
Another New Friend
Fluffy Baby Drabbles
Big Bad Bat's Baby Bat-Birds (Part 1?)
Pride with Your Baby Brother's friends (Part 1?)
You'll Always Be Our Little Brother
Pride vs. The Press
Pride Vs. The Press (part 2)
Bats Go Live!!!
Big/Little Brother Turns One!
Bedtime for Big Bat's Baby Bat-Birds (part 2)
Batbros Social Media (Gay Edition)
Super For the Weekend
More Deaged Dickie Drabbles
The Suffering of a Middle-Child
Duke's Night out
Frankenstein's Monster
The Fog that Overtook Wayne Manor
The "Haunted" Doll
They're Creepy and They're Kooky...
BatGirl Begins
Trick-or-Treat! (Black Cat's Bad Luck)
Stormy Sleepover Part Two

Little Wing

1.2K 34 1
Morally_Gray tarafından



Damian - 16

Tim - 13

Jason - 8

"Awww c'mon!" He whined, arms crossed. "Why do you hafta be like this!? list'n, I ain't got any beef with you! let me go and we're fine!"

"Master Bruce specifically said you aren't to leave until you've finished your dinner." Alfred said, unimpressed with the child's attempt to threaten him.

Jason scowled, who were they to give him rules? He moodily picked at the food; don't get him wrong, it was incredible! But he couldn't sit still for more than twenty minutes! Not in this place!

He took a deep breath, as if trying to free up more room in his stomach (Bruce kept saying that he needed to eat big meals now that he's here). Jason leaned forwards and began scarfing his food down as Alfred looked on with disapproval.

"DONE!" He wiped his mouth and sprinted out before Alfredc could say anything

Jason paced to the room they'd given him, eyes closed to avoid getting distracted by the splendeur of the manor.

The oldest kid stepped around him, heading the opposite direction. "Keep to your right, Todd." He muttered under his breath.

"What didyw say?!" Jason whipped around, fists balling up at his sides. 

He turned around, meeting Jason's eyes with the same chilly indifference. "Keep to your right in the hallway."

"Oh yea?" Jason snarled, lip curling as he glared him in the eyes. Damian turned away without worry and started striding off down the hall. Jason's face burned, NO WAY he wasn't gonn' let this rich kid asshole talk to him like that!

Damian didn't even turn around; he stepped to his left to avoid his sucker punch. Jason fell forwards onto the carpet. Growling, he shoved off the floor and lunged for the older boy. Without so much as flinching, Damian grabbed his arm and twisted it, shoving Jason against the floor again.

"Be smarter." He said firmly, but without emotion, pinning Jason down.

"GET OFF!" The younger boy yelled, struggling. 

"You're new here, Todd; Know your place. You are not -nor will you ever be- the top of the hierarchy here." Damian said.

"GET OFFA ME!" Jason ordered, kicking and throwing around all of his eight-six lbs to try and Dislodge the oldest Wayne boy.

"DAMIAN! Get off of him!" Bruce snapped, hurrying down the hallway. 

"He started it." Damian grumbled, climbing off of Jay's back. 

Jason staggered to his feet and took a swing, only to feel Bruce's firm hand pull him back. "HEY! LEMME GO MOTHE-"

"Who started this?" Bruce asked, expertly ignoring Jason's attempts to free himself. 

"Todd threw a punch."

"Cause you haddit coming!" Jason thrashed, considering biting Bruce to free himself, but even he had the common sense not to do that.

"Not really." Damian said cooly. 

"What did Damian say?" Bruce asked.

"He..." Jason realized how stupid it sounded that Damian had just told him to keep right in the hall. "He was being an elitist dick!" 

"I told him to watch where he's going in the hallway." Damian told his father.

Bruce sighed. "I'm guessing there's no chance you'll just apologize and move on?"

"NO!" The boys chorused with varying levels of agression.

Bruce let go of Jason. "Alright, go your different ways." Damian slinked off, leaving Jason fuming. Damian had developed the skill to aggravate people without raising a finger, just as Jason had developed the skill to be aggravated by absolutely nothing.

Bruce followed Jason to his room. "Did you finish your food?"


"Good. I want to make sure you're eating and sleeping enough."

"I'm fine!"

"I'm sure, but I want you to be good. You aren't nearly as healthy as a boy your age should be-"

"I KNOW! Will ya shut up about that?" Jason snapped, turning around.

"I just want you to be healthy. Then I'll consider letting you take over Tim's place."

"What's Robin got to do with eating so much? All you gotta do is punch people and make quips!"

"Robin has to be healthy and strong, which means eating, sleeping, taking needed medication, and appropriate physical activity." Bruce said. "You aren't at any of those levels, yet."


"We'll work on it. Keep eating, sleeping nine-to-eleven hours, and training when we say it's okay."

"LAME! Can we fast forward it?"

"Tim lived with us two months because he became Robin."

"Well he's a skinny short-ass." Jason replied. "He may be Robin, but I bet I could beat him in a fight!"

Bruce struggled to repress a smile. "I'm sure. Get some rest, you can come train with us at seven."


Jason toppled forwards again onto the mat as Tim sidestepped his attack. "HEY!" He staggered to his feet, Tim let him. Jason stormed him with another sucker punch that Tim dodged with little to no effort.

"You only do head-on attacks, you can't change directions easily. You'll need to diversify your attacks to be less predictable." Bruce remarked, watching Tim dance around the mat as his new little brother charged at him.

"I'M TRYING!" Jason exclaimed through grit teeth, stumbling to a stop and lunging to attack again.

"And Tim, you could've held Jason down when he fell, but you didn't. You haven't attacked at all."

"I'm giving him a chance!" Tim defended.

"I don't needyer fucking pity!" The child yelled, tackling Tim as he was mid conversation. 

Tim rolled back on his shoulder blades and kicked Jason off, before somersaulting upright again. "Wow! Nice one, Jay! You're getting so good!" He encouraged.

"Shut up!" Jason growled, getting back into it, despite the fact Tim's compliment was still glowing with warmth in his chest.

Bruce's monitoring was distracted by a beeping from the computer behind him.

"Two Face." Damian said, full of malice. He got up from the desk chair to stretch it out in preparation for the busy night ahead of him.

"AWESOME." Jason said, forgetting the fight.

"Robin, you and your brother will take your cycles up 15th, I'll approach from the north, we'll block them off before the GCPD get there.

"Roger that."

"Hey! Wait- I can help!" Jason insisted, chasing after them down the cave. He was getting better! He swore he was!

"No. Jason. Stay here with Alfred." BRuce ordered, tugging pu his cowl to align the lenses with his eyes. 

"What? Tim! I'm getting better, You saw!" He shouted. "Tell 'im I'm better!"

"Sorry, little wing, we gotta blast." Tim smiled, patting his new little brother's head and vaulting over to the bikes.

"HEY! You can't just leave me!"

"We are." Damian replied, pulling on his helmet. 

"Why can't I come? I'm tougher than all y'all! Two Face can't fuckin' scare me! I'm from the streets!" 

Damian stared back at him, unimpressed, as he flicked down his visor.

"Alfred, make sure Jason gets to bed." Bats ordered, sliding into the batmobile.

"Yes sir."

"Hey!" Jason protested. "I'll go to bed whenever!"

"No later than ten." Bruce ordered. The batmobile growled to life and hurtled from the cave.

"Bye Jay! Seeya in the morning!" Tim slid down his visor. Both he and Damian's cycles sped off, after the car, trying to run each other off the road.

Jason huffed, scowl morphing into a pout. This was SO unfair! He's probably been in as many fights as both of the Robins combined! He'd been mugged for his third-hand sneakers, no weird guy in a suit with a thing on his head could scare him!

"Master Jason, do you plan to stand here all night?"

"I can do what I want." Jason muttered, arms crossed.

"Within master Bruce's restrictions." Alfred corrected. "And I believe it's: 'whatever I want'."

"I can do whatever, whether B likes it or not!"

"I advise against that, master Jason."


"I'm surprised you don't know, considering you were caught attempting to steal the wheels off the batmobile..." Alfred said, sparing a glance at the back of Jason's mahogany hair.

Jason pouted in silence for a few minutes, watching where the bats had departed from. "How do I get B to make me Robin?" He asked eventually. "He doesn't want me to be Robin."

"I find that hard to believe. Master Bruce just thinks you are under prepared. and I'm inclined to agree."

"HOW?!" The boy uttered. "How ain't I prepared??"

"Well, the other lads had to train intensively before they were considered fit to be Robin."

"So... how do I do that?" Jason turned around to face the butler, steely-blue eyes wide in the dark, highlighted by light from the batcomputer's screensaver. 

"I can retrieve some of Master Timothy's training regimen from when he started as Robin, if you'd like."



"Yes, please." Jason conceded. 


The next hour was spent with Jason trying to read Tims notes (occasionally getting help with the difficult words), and doing his best to repeat. Of course, Tim was already a lot fitter when he started this regimen, so Alfred supervised to be certain that the boy didn't hurt himself.

"Master Jason, I should warn you that you're meant to be in bed in twenty minutes." Alfred said, watching the boy puzzle over some terminology he'd never heard.

"But I'm working!"

"I don't think Master Bruce would be pleased to find you stayed up late." Alfred thought over his next words. "And Robin is supposed to follow orders..."

"fine..." Jason conceded. "Can we do this again tuhmorrow when they're at school?"

"Certainly, if you want to." Alfred was just ecstatic to have a way to entertain Jason while he was supervised. 

"Wait- but you can't tell B that I'm doin' extra training." Jay said, he wanted to surprise Bruce with his improvement. "Promise you won't tell?

"If it'll get you to bed, then yes, I promise." 

Jason looked at the butler distrustfully, but extended his pinky finger. "Promise?"

Alfred, amused by the Boy, linked his finger with the boy's. "I promise."


Alfred didn't let Jason keep the notes in his room, too worried the boy would pretend to sleep, then stay up all night training, that's what Damian used to do, and what Tim was caught doing every month or two.

Jason fussed, but relented when he was assured that Alfred would keep the papers safe. He showered and put on the brand new pyjamas Bruce had bought him, unsatisfied with Jason's current 'wardrobe'. And (relatively) peacefully crawled into bed.

That's how Bruce found him when he got home, hours later: Curled up under the duvet, hugging a pillow, and snoring softly; all with the bedside lamp on (the old manor was spooky, can you blame the kid?). No matter how bloody or battered Bruce was, he always headed upstairs right away after patrol to check on Jason. It took a weight off his shoulders to know that the precious little boy was still sleeping safely under Alfred's watchful eye.

"Was he good to you?"

"Quite good, by his own standards."

Bruce smiled a little. "He's getting better."

"Indeed, sir. He is very eager to improve." 

Bruce's smile widened, despite the pain his body was in. "I'm eager to see him improve. We all are. Tim told me the other day that he's thinking up new names incase Jason wants to be Robin..."

"I think that's very wise. I can assure you that Master Jason will make a talented Robin."

"I know." Bruce said, unable to keep the pride from his voice.


Jason was trailing after Alfred around the grocery store, he wasn't allowed to be left home alone yet, when something caught his eye.

Tim had told him that when he replaced Damian, Bruce had the Robin costume, as well as the soles of his shoes, customized to make him look like Damian's Robin. So, If Jason ever became Robin, he'd have to be able to pass for Damian and/or Tim. Skin colour wasn't a huge issue since he was usually in the shadows, so no one would get a clear enough look.

But one thing clearly separated him from the other boys. Maybe this could help him solve it.

Jason tried to pocket the item, only to remember in anger that Alfred had sewn his pockets shut after the last time he shoplifted.

"Is there something you'd like to purchase?" Alfred asked, noticing his odd behaviour.

Jason turned, looking guilty (which was a clear improvement). He sheepishly help up the box. "I'll have to pass for the other Robins..." Alfred eyed the box of black hair dye suspiciously. "...please?"

"We can buy the hair colouring so long as you never use it without supervision."

Jason reached out, locking pinky fingers. "I promise."


"And that's how I became Robin!"


"Uh huh! I still have the old notes- well, Alfie does. I swear by 'em. So when You wanna take over the mask, you can use em. Or maybe I can teach you, I'm actually pretty good..."

"Jason, it's past Dick's bedtime." Bruce called. 

"Oop, sorry baby bird! Seeya in the morning!"

Okumaya devam et

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