Darling [h.s]

By xAshleighElizabeth

229K 5.3K 5.8K

"Darlene, I want you to fuck me like you hate me" Harry pushes, taking a step closer. "I do hate you" I spit... More



3.3K 65 64
By xAshleighElizabeth

Song For This Chapter:

Everytime We Touch- Cascada

"'Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling.
And everytime we kiss, I swear I could fly.
Can't you feel my heart beat fast?
I want this to last.
Need you by my side."


Darlene's POV:

"Do any of you know how to play poker?" Niall asks as we finally approach the casino. The smell of cigarettes invading my senses.

"No clue"


"I Wish"

We each respond. I wish I did, it seems like fun. But I honestly wouldn't even know where to begin. I just know cards and obviously poker chips are involved. I should've tried to learn before we came here but it completely slipped my mind. I highly doubt I'd be able to win a game in Vegas. The people who play here are most likely really good.

We've formed a mini circle right outside the carpeted area of the casino that holds all the slot machines.

"Me either" Niall says with a chuckle and a shake to his head. I guess we won't be playing that tonight. I would enjoy observing a game more than I would playing, I'd assume it's stressful.

"I know how to play blackjack though" I add with a shrug. It's not the same but it's still a card game.

Harry gives me an impressed look but I brush it off. It's honestly not that impressive when you know the reason, I learned from a minigame on my Super Mario Bros DS game. But I'll leave that detail out.

"How about we do some slot machines first and if we win anything we'll play blackjack" Harry suggests. We all to come to an agreement, liking Harry's plan. I get distracted by observing the people around me, people of all ages just enjoying their time in Vegas.

I'm broken from my hypnosis when I'm being tugged into Maya,

"I get Darlene first" she says triumphantly, my heartbeat quickened at the unexpected movement but it settles down once I'm stable again.

Niall huffs, "Fine I get her second" he rushes out, snapping his head to Harry who just nods. But his jaw is clenched, I can tell he's trying to hide his frustration.

"Okay let's go" Maya says dragging me away further into the casino. I have no idea where she's tugging me to but she seems to have a destination in mind.

She finally stops in front of a Titanic themed slot, my face immediately turning into a grin.

"I saw this last night when Niall and I played pool, I was going to surprise you but Harry had to one up me with the whole exhibit" She says rolling her eyes playfully, looking at me to see my reaction.

The amount of excitement it brings me it honestly concerning. I observe the machine seeing scenes from the movie playing.

"Leo is so hot" Maya says with a dreamy sigh, as she turns to observe the machine as well.

"Hottest man I've ever seen" I say shaking my head in awe, completely forgetting that I'm staring at a slot machine.

"Hottest? Ouch way to bruise my ego babe" I hear the familiar british voice say from behind me.

I look over my shoulder to see a smirk on Harry's face, as him and Niall take their last step until they are right behind us. Clearly they decided to follow, I'm not complaining but I assumed they'd want to go off and do their own thing.

I ignore his statement, "Harry look! Titanic" I say in excitement, pointing at the slot machine that's clearly in front of him and that he's clearly seen. But I still felt the need to point it out to him.

"I can see that" He says with a chuckle placing his hands on my shoulders and urging me to lean back against him. The small gesture for some reason makes my heart want to explode in my chest.

"Hey paws off Styles" Maya says turning to us, swatting his hand off me before pulling me towards her, "it's not your turn yet"

Cock block, what the hell.

I can't say I hate that they're all fighting over me, makes me feel kind of...good. But if they keep tugging me, my arms going to fall off, or I'm gonna stumble and fall on my face, whichever comes first.

"In fact I'm kicking you out" Maya says sternly, holding me in place by my shoulders.

"Kicking me out?" Harry raises his eyebrows in amusement.

"Yes, you too Niall. Shoo" She says motioning them to get away with her hands.

"Well that's not very nice" Niall responds with a dramatic pout, staring at Maya.

"Sorry, just give me thirty minutes okay?" her voice softening when she talks to him. God they are already in so deep for each other.

Maya's gaze snaps over to Harry when she feels him approaching which makes her shove me behind her, her body shielding me away from Harry.

"What do you think you're doing" She questions in an accusing voice.

I huff behind her but I also find this slightly amusing. She's being protective, but I know it's only because she's convinced I'm a good luck charm. They all are. They're fighting over me like preschoolers fighting over a toy. I would know, I worked at one.

"What so I need permission to kiss her now?" Harry say defensively but clearly entertained by the situation, his eyes briefly locking on mine from behind Maya's shoulder.

There's a pause before she begins speaking again, "Fine, I'll allow it" she responds apprehensively, stepping away from me and making her way to Niall.

She does realize I have my own free will and if Harry did try to steal me, I'd just walk back over here right?

She stands next to Niall, his eyes fixated on the screen of the slot machine. He's definetly drunk, he seems hypnotized.

Harry steps closer to me making me turn my attention to him, he has a satisfied smile on his face.

"She's really stealing you huh?" Harry jokes, looking down at me.

I let out a breathy laugh, "Not all night, you'll get your turn. Don't be greedy" I state playfully rolling my eyes, throwing his words from earlier back at him.

Harry just hums, his hands grabbing my hips to pull me closer against him making me have to tilt my head up even more just to see him, "Kiss for good luck?"

I smile up at him shaking my head before grabbing his chin to bring his lips down to meet mine for a simple kiss. He kisses back, pressing his lips harder against mine. I can taste the alcohol that still lingers on his lips, making me take a mental note to make sure I go to the bar in the casino for more drinks. I feel a small grin forming on his lips before I pull away, not needing Niall and Maya to witness anything more.

"The luck will wear off eventually so I'll need to come back at least every thirty-" I roll my eyes playfully letting out a chuckle trying to push him away to urge him to go back to Niall.

"Run along now" I say teasingly interrupting him.

"Okay fine" He groans playfully, removing my arms that are putting force against his chest, holding them in each hand. He leans down quickly to steal a quick kiss before he let's me out of his grip. I smile at the gesture, wishing I could just take him back up to our room right now. Him being all cute mixed with the activities from at the club makes we want to explode, I'll need a fix soon.

He finally turns back to Niall and makes his way over leaving me behind.

They walk away, already conversing as they making their way into another part of the casino.

"Did you put him out of his misery? I mean I see the hickies but he still looks just as flustered " Maya says with a giggle, sitting down in the chair in front of one of the machines.

She's the one who convinced me to drag Harry to the bathroom, not that I didn't immediately love the idea. I went in there with the intention of giving him a blow job but the second my lips met his I became a pathetic desperate mess.

I didn't realize how worked up I was until I got him in a room alone, I wasn't expecting myself to be so needy. But I can't say I regret it, I'll have my way with him later. Trust me.

"No" I huff, "someone knocked on the door in the middle of him putting me out of my misery" I state, leaning my hip against the machine with my arms crossed, glancing down at her.

Maya's jaw drops but her face still holds amusement, "Oh hon, are you doing okay?" she asks genuinely despite finding humor in the events.

"I think I'll manage" I say back with a giggle, taking my seat at the machine next to her. I can't resist playing a Titanic themed slot machine, I'll let it take all my money.

The symbols on the machine are all themed from the movie, the screen occasionally playing a scene when you match certain symbols across the payline. We play for a bit in silence, focusing on our own games.

"Darlene" Maya says apprehensively, causing me to turn my head to her. She's staring at her screen in disbelief.

"What does this mean?" She says slowly like if she talks to fast it will force the image off her screen.

I stand up, moving behind her to take in her screen. She matched three heart of the oceans, a pop up waiting for her to tap on it to take her to another screen. Whatever it means it must be good.

"I have no idea" I say quickly, the anticipation making me want to crawl out of my skin. Now I know why everyone was rushing me last night.

"I'm gonna click it" She says letting out a breath before her hand reaches forward to tap the screen. She's taken to a wheel, but this one has credits along with other spaces like, 'heart of the ocean', 'making it count', 'pick up', 'the safe'.

Without hesitation this time she's reaches forward to spin the digital wheel, the wheel landing on 'making it count'. She glances up at me with confusion on her face but I just shrug. I didn't even know these machines existed so I have no god damn clue what's about to happen.

The scene of Jack waiting for Rose at the top of the stairs after the dinner party begins playing,

"Fuck" I groan at the sight, getting distracted from the actual task at hand. I'm drunk and horny, and he's hot. I can't help it.

"I'd let him do so-" Maya begins but cuts herself off when another pop up appears on her screen which just reads 'touch to start'. She glances back at me quickly before turning forward to press it. The music from the party scene begins playing as the symbols change on her machine and the slots begin spinning rapidly.

I'm so confused right now, but I'll just let it do it's thing.

The symbols finally slow down and she matches what appears to be the clock from the scene across the payline. Since I don't know what that means for her, I impatiently wait for something to flash across the screen indicating what the hell is happening and if whatever she just matched is even good.

Finally the clocks begin to reveal points, my jaw dropping when I see the amount just from the first one. They continue to reveal the amount of points behind them, going across each reel. I'm about to lose my shit but I'm cut off when the slot begins spinning again.

This time when it stops, her clocks are scattered but replaced with wild spots.

Both of us frozen in shock as the slots keep spinning getting replaced with wilds left and right, the points just increasing even more. Finally it comes to a stop and brings her back to the normal screen, the points being counted into the ones she already had. The total being flashed on the screen.

"Is that-"

"A thousand dollars" I finish for her in disbelief once she trails off.

She just slowly nods her head in disbelief, both of us in shock. We have no idea what the hell just happened but whatever it was just won her a lot of money.

"Maya, you just won a thousand dollars" I say, reality slowly sinking back in the longer I stare at the total on her screen.

She snaps her head to me as if this is new information that I'm sharing with her.

"Holy shit" She says jumping up from her seat quickly and taking a step back from the machine.

"Holy shit" She repeats a smile now forming on her face. I watch her closely not really knowing how she's going to end up taking this.

She squeals in runs towards me wrapping her arms around me, bouncing on her heels.

"You are a good luck charm" she states in thankfulness, squeezing me tight, "holy shit Darlene, the boys are gonna be so jealous"

"Maybe you're the lucky one now" I say through my laugh, hugging her back as we sway side to side quickly.

"No, no it was definetly you" She says in complete seriousness, before squeezing me impossibly tighter.

I laugh at her actions, she's taking this surprisingly well. Maybe it will sink in more when she's sober.

"Wanna go rub it in Harry's face?" I say pulling back and wiggling my eyebrows at her. I know he's going to just be happy for her though.

"Yes" She responds nodding her head frantically causing a satisfied smirk to grow on my face.

We both quickly print our receipts that determine how much money we won. I only won 80 bucks, but I already had my moment yesterday.

We walk around in a rush, trying to spot the boys. I squint when I spot a blonde and brown haired boy sitting at the bar. I recognize Harry's shirt, since I've been drooling over it all night. It's a hard sight to forget.

"Over there" I say pointing my finger in their direction, taking Maya's hand to pull her along with me.

Their backs are still turned to us, not even aware of our approach.

"Why aren't you guys gambling?" I question, making them turn around in their stools at the sound of my voice.

Niall smiles when his eyes meet mine, "Waiting for the good luck charm"

"Yeah well the good luck charm just won be a grand" Maya says casually causing Harry and Niall's eye to widen.

"Okay, let's go Darlene" Niall says hopping down from his stool and immediately dragging me away. The sudden movement makes my head spin, I have to blink harshly a couple times to get my sight back in check.

"Maya you can finish my drink" Niall raises his voice a bit as he glances over his shoulder, continuing to move us forward.

"Alright, you pick the machine. Just let your intuition guide you" He says dramatically once we're back near all the slot machines.

I chuckle at his theatrics but scan around, not liking any that I initially see. I grab his wrist to guide him further into the area, glancing left and right. I finally pause and stare at one called 'Wild Panda', I don't know the panda on the screen just caught my eye.

"That one" I say pointing over to it.

Same drill as with Maya, I sat next to him and played as well on my own machine. He hasn't said anything, seeming drilled in on whatever was happening on his screen. I don't mind though, it's a nice way to spend individual time with them, even if it's just comfortable silence, I just enjoy their company. Plus I haven't gotten to do that as much with Niall recently.

We play for a good amount of time, I print out my receipt when I hit 100, not trying to test my own luck. I have a feeling it's being syphoned out of me by everyone else.

Niall is printing his receipt a bit later, causing my eyebrows to furrow in confusion.

"I won $700" He says casually making my eyes widen. Why is he so calm about this, why didn't he react when he saw it flash on his screen?

"I'm gonna go double it at the roulette table" he continues confidently, extending his hand out for me to take so he can guide us away.

"Are you just internally freaking out right now?" I ask curiously, there's no way he isn't excited about this.

"Yup" He says, his response making a smile grow on my face. I have a feeling once he's back in the hotel he's going to let out all of his pent up excitement. I can't wait to witness it.

I quickly pull out my phone to text Maya to meet us at the roulette tables, if Niall is able to double his money we should all be here to celebrate with him.

We weave in and out of the isles of different machines before we finally see the roulette tables in the distance, Maya and Harry already standing in front of it distracted by whatever conversation they're having.

Once  we are close they both turn towards us. Maya's face lights up before extending one of the drinks she's holding to me, "I got you a screwdriver, sounded fun" she says happily with a shrug.

She definetly drank more, I can tell from the redness of her cheeks. At least I know that Harry would have cut her off if he thought she was taking more than she could handle, so I'm not too worried.

"Thanks" I say accepting her drink gratefully.

Niall wordlessly hands his money to the employee in front of the roulette table, without speaking a word.

"He won 700, he's trying to double it" I clarify, taking a sip from my drink.

Harry moves from my side and approaches the table without a word to us, handing the dealer something. He talks briefly with him, pointing down at the table before returning to his spot near me.

"What was that?" I question before I suck the drink through my straw, the citrus flavor being refreshing. I realize the only liquids I've drank tonight were alcohol, I need to chug water once I get back to our room.

"I just bet 1000" Harry says, still looking forward. His hands causally in his front jean pockets.

What the hell is it with them all being casual about shit like this today. Like hello?

"What?!" I say in shock raising my eyebrow at him, making sure I heard him right.

"But you didn't even play the machines yet, thats a lot of-" I begin ranting out worriedly, now I know why he tried to talk me out of this last night.

"Seeing if I get lucky" He says with a smirk raising a suggestive eyebrow at me.

"Harry, this isn't a joke. That's a thousand dollars." I say in emphasis trying to get him to come to the realization but I have a feeling he's well aware of his decisions.

"Darlene, you bet five grand last night. He'll be fine" Maya chimes in causing me to turn to her, giving her a look that says 'not helping' but she ignores it.

It's different when it comes to me. I won that money so it wasn't coming from my own pocket. Half of the money Harry just bet he didn't win. I just don't want him to lose a bunch of money because I like...care about him or whatever. But despite this I just sigh and nod my head to signal I was done protesting.

I don't even know what they bet on as I see the ball rolling which makes me even more anxious. I feel like time slows yet also moves way to fast at the same time. When the ball finally stops Niall and Harry both cheer, making me let out a sigh of relief.

I didn't realize I was clutching Harry's arm in worry until I feel it get tugged when he moves to give Niall and high five with his other hand.

"Holy shit" Niall says in excitement, going to retrieve his ticket that says the amount he's won, making Harry do the same.

I'm just grateful that we all were successful at the casino in general. The amount of luck we all had was well...lucky. They may claim it was me, but they all had their own luck tonight.

"Told you" Maya says bumping her shoulder into me with a smirk. I just smile back shaking my head, I'm honestly just relieved and also excited for both of them.

I decide to down the rest of my drink in celebration, a huge smile now on my face.

I'm in Vegas with my friends. We all won money. We're all happy. Things couldn't be any better.

Harry looks down at me with a grin, "I didn't pussy out this time" he says wiggling his eyebrows at me, the excitement radiating off of him.

"Looks like you are lucky" I comment in approval, meaning the statement in more ways than one.

His grin turns into a smirk as he scans my face, taking the glass from my hands and placing it on top of the trash can behind him.

He turns back to Niall and Maya, "I'm stealing her, it's technically my turn now" Harry states, Niall and Maya nod before they continue to converse excitedly.

Before I can say anything, I'm being dragged away. Jesus, I'm going to dislocate my shoulder at this rate. He pulls me back into the area of slot machines, I'll just let him tug me along until he finds one that he likes.

But he doesn't even look like he's checking the machines at all, just dragging me through the area. He must just have a specific one in mind.

I see the other end of the carpet that surrounds the area we're in, Harry guiding me right through it.

Alright, now I'm just confused.

He pauses for a second, glancing around before pulling me to the left even further away from all the machines. He approaches poker tables, but these ones aren't even in use. The area doesn't even have the lights on overhead but he still pulls me into the area. We make our way further and further in, until he turns us down a hallway that leads to an employees only door.

"What are y-"

I'm cut off when Harry's lips smash to mine hungerily, the force causing me to step back until I'm against the wall. I move my lips in a similar desperation, feeling a relief from being able to really kiss him again. I loop my arms around his neck to tug him closer to me, the desire for him that's been building all night getting impossibly higher.

Harry's lips move to my neck, his absence against my mouth allowing me to take in quick breaths. His leaves frantic wet kisses down my neck, making me shiver and goosebumps to rise on my skin. My hand moves to the back of his head, tugging at his hair and keeping it down against me. He trails up to kiss under my jaw causing me to tilt my head back in bliss.

"Harry" I pant out. I don't even know exactly what I'm saying it for but it escapes my lips anyways.

He nips at my neck just about my shoulder which makes me let out an involuntary moan, the pure desperation I had shove down before slowly resurfacing again. He groans in response, pulling his head back to look at me once again. His chest moving rapidly due to his labored breaths.

"Fuck" He says under his breath as he looks me up and down. When his eyes finish their journey back up my body he tilts his head back and squeezes his eyes shut in agony.

Trust me. The feeling is mutual.

"Fuck Darlene"

I can't stand the loss of contact any longer so I take advantage of the exposed skin of his neck and lean forward until my lips attach him, causing him to tilt his head back down with a soft groan. I trail my lips down to the exposed part of his chest making his hand go to rest on the wall next to me to steady himself, as he lets out a whimper.

"Let me take you upstairs, please" He begs desperately, pulling my head back up to look into my eyes.

"What about-"

"We can come back down" He says breathlessly, moving back to my neck, desperate for contact. His lips trail to my collarbone making my eyes flutter closed.

"Want you so bad angel" he needily states, his lips moving across my chest above the hem of my top, causing a swarm of butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

"We really shouldn't" I whine back. I sure as hell want to with the way just his lips are making me feel, but I know that we won't be down here much longer anyways.

"You're right, we really shouldn't" Harry agrees through his pants, hiking one of my legs up on his side so he can get impossibly closer to me.

Despite us agreeing, we still continue.

He grinds himself into me, making me throw my head back and squeeze my eyes shut. I want to cry with how worked up I am right now. I tug Harry's hair to pull his lips up to meet mine, kissing him with every ounce of desire I have.

He's making it so hard right now to do the right thing.

"We should probably stop" Harry says between kisses, his hips still moving against me, giving me only temporary relief.

"Yeah probably" I say breathlessly as I hover over his lips, before desperately attaching them to his again. The kiss getting sloppier the more frantic we become.

He picks my other leg up so both of them can wrap around his hips as he holds me against the wall. Making me be able to feel his movements against me even more. I whimper out, the desperation I have being almost painful. He takes this as an opportunity to slip his tongue in, exploring me, making me hum against his lips in pleasure. I tug harshly at his hair making him groan softly against my lips.

"On second thought" I breathlessly state once I detach my lips, "we could go upstairs and then we can come back down"  I 'suggest' looking into his eyes with desperation.

There's no way either of us can go back over to Niall and Maya after this and be anywhere near okay. We've been itching to do something this entire night, we almost made it through but clearly we failed.

"Good idea" he states in relief, his breathing still rapid.

He reattaches his lips to mine again, his hips moving against me again which causes me to hum at the feeling. My heart is pounding against my chest rapidly. Adrenaline, desire, frustration, desperation along with alcohol all flow through my body in overwhelming amounts.

"Harry" I pant detaching my lips from his again, enjoying this way too much but needing to go upstairs. His looks to me, his cheeks red from the heat of the moment the alcohol he's drank.

I take a mental picture of him and his cute rosy cheeks.

"It will take us less than 5 minutes to get to our room, please let's go" I state looking into his eyes filled with lust.

He quickly attaches his lips to mine before pulling back, "Gonna be the longest 5 minutes of my life" he says in dread before placing my feet back on the ground.

Honestly same. The desire I feel now is already so much worse than the amount I felt at the club. But he seems just as desperate as me, if not more.

He quickly tugs me along, but this time I don't even care about the sudden movement. I let him guide me through the casino, our pace fast and purposeful.

We make it to the elevators, the wait for one to open seeming antagonisingly long. But the second one opens up we step in quickly, Harry quickly pressing the button to our floor and continuously hitting the button to close the door.

The second these doors close my lips will be back on his, mark my words. I'll use the elevator as a checkpoint from here to our room.

But I feel my dreams being crushed when another person steps into the elevator with us, Harry and I both looking at each other is disappointment. The man presses the floor number right below us, I mentally groan in frustration.


The elevator ride feels painfully long but finally the man finally walks out onto his floor.

When the door closes Harry and I both hold ourselves back, knowing that we're close to our destination anyways and kissing right now might just slow us down.

The elevator dings signaling we're at our floor, Harry grabs my arm and drags me out shoving his other hand in his back pocket to pull out the key card. His hands frantically fumbling with it to turn it the right way causing him to drop it,

"Shit" he mutters under his breath causing me to laugh as he bends down to retrieve it off the floor. Even in my desperate state I'm still amused.

"Not funny" He says but clearly he also finds humor in it judging by the grin in his face.

He flips the card around so the barcode is facing out, "It's a little funny" I say with a chuckle clutching his arm as he puts the card up to the door to scan it. The sensor flashes green and Harry is quickly turning the handle and pushing the door open.

The second we're inside he's shoving me against the door and connecting his lips to mine. Both of us relieved to be able to do it again, despite us only having to stop for a few minutes. His arms wrap around my waist, forcing me to arch into him. Despite how good this feels I detach my lips,

"Our room" I state, my breathing already becoming more labored again.

He just groans in response before he picks me up by my waist to throw me over his shoulder. I gasp at the sudden movement, it being so quick I don't even process it until we're halfway to our destination.

When he walks in he kicks the door closed with his foot, and reaches his hand back to the door handle, to turn the lock.

This is something we forgot to do at the club, that could've ended horribly.

He takes a couple more steps in the room before placing me back down on the floor and grabbing my face with both hands to reattach his lips to mine frantically.

I hum in relief pulling him closer by the loops of his jeans, our tongues clashing in desperation. I need more though, now that we're finally back I know we can finally get what we want.

Once again I detach our lips causing Harry to huff, "You're killing me here" he says in frustration.

"Get on the bed, I need to take off my shoes" I say through my labored breaths, already lifting one of my feet to begin to try and unclasp my heel. He thankfully doesn't protest, quickly unbuttoning his shirt as he makes his way to the bed.

I huff in annoyance when I continuously lose balance having to place my foot back down to stabilize myself again. The alcohol being a big factor in my struggle.

I hear Harry let out a chuckle once I finally get the first shoe off and throw it to the side. I glance up to see him sitting on the end of the bed, his tattooed chest now being fully exposed. If my thoughts weren't already clouded by need, I probably would be drooling at the sight.

"Not funny" I huff, reaching down to undo the buckle of my second shoe.

"It's a little funny" He says with a amused smirk on his face.

I sigh in relief when I finally kick the shoe off my foot, quickly making my way over to him on the bed.

He begins to scootch further back as he sees me approaching but he doesn't make it very far before I'm straddling him and pausing his movements.

His hands begin to move towards my hips but I take both of them in my own pinning them above his head, forcing him to lay down. I finally bring my lips to his, immediately slipping my tongue in to lead the kiss. Surprisingly he doesn't protest, still kissing me back in a way that shows his desire.

I don't even realize I'm grinding against him until he bucks his hips up with a whine against my lips. The desperate noises that have been leaving him tonight have all gone straight to my core, and I determined to draw even more out.

I move my lips to his neck causing a shaky breath to escape him. I trail my kisses from each of the marks I've already made on him from earlier to the other, each time I graze one he shutters slightly from the sensitivity of the skin.

Seeing him like this is making me want to roll my own eyes back in pleasure. He doesn't even realize how attractive he is when I have him under me like this.

I lean back briefly to move his arms closer together above him so I can hold him in place with just one hand, I'm barely able to wrap my fingers around both of his wrists but I press them further into the mattress to keep him extra secure.

He's staring at me his eyes filled with nothing but lust, his lips the most swollen I've seen thus far. I think we've done more kissing tonight than we have in the past month combined.

I lean down to give them a quick kiss, before I trail them back to his neck but this time slowly working my way down. I put more effort into my slow movements on his hips, pressing myself against him more, causing him to throw his head back with a breathy moan.

Seeing him lost in pleasure might be one of my favorite sights to ever exist. He's so pretty like this. Every noise, every blissful expression, every desperate movement, he's a mesmerizing sight.

I descend further down his chest, stopping occasionally to leave small marks scattered down his torso. I have the nagging urge to mark him all over, just for tonight. I want us to have something to remember this trip by, even when we've already left. Even though they'll fade, maybe they'll prolong this europhic feeling between us.

He begins to desperately squirm underneath me the closer I get to his waistline the movements causing a soft moan to escape my lips due to the added friction, I keep eye contact with his eyes that are glossed over in pleasure and desperation.

I move myself to straddle his thighs, the lack of friction against my core making me want groan in frustration. But I keep my composure, wanting to please him more than anything right now.

I finally get to just above the hem of his jeans, leaving soft kisses across the skin. His squirming just continues, his chest rising and falling more rapidly. I trace my fingers lightly across where my lips had just trailed causing his hips to buck and a pleading whine to escape him.

I snap my eyes to him, I've never seen him this worked up before. His teeth are biting down on his bottom lip to desperately keep his noises in.

I lean back up so I'm hovering over him, my free hand resting beside his shoulder to steady myself.

"I thought we've been over this," I say my thumb running across his bottom lip to detach it from his teeth, "I want to hear you Harry" I say in a sultry voice, hovering my lips over his.

I briefly flick my eyes up to his, them silently pleading for me to do something. My eyes move down to his lips, making him lean up in attempt to meet mine but I pull away, sitting up straight again.

He throws his head back with a frustrated groan, I know how turned on we both are right now but I still want to tease him, just a little bit.

"Keep your hands above your head, got it?" I command urgently, looking down at him to make sure he understands. He nods his head quickly making me smile in response, removing my hand that holds his wrist together.

He's so desperate that I don't even think he's registered how in control I am right now. If working him up this much is how to get him to listen to me than I know exactly what I need to do in the future.

I scoot my way back down, sitting on his thighs before my hands reach to undo the buttons off his jeans. Once I have that done I slide myself off of him, standing in front of the bed to tug them off as fast as I can.

I struggle a bit causing Harry to sit up and move his arm down in attempt to help me but I catch his wrist in my hand.

"I said keep your arms above your head, did I not?" I scold raising an eyebrow as I give him a warning look. He lets out an annoyed huff but flops back down on the bed and returns his arm to it's rightful spot.

I have a feeling he's too scared to test his luck right now. I'm too turned on not give us what we both want but he doesn't need to know that, especially if he's needy enough to actually listen to me. I intend to take advantage of the opportunity.

But if he pushes me far enough, I may just have to get myself off. I really would rather not, but he needs to understand that he isn't going to hold all the control.

I give one good tug which is enough to get it down enough to where Harry can kick them the rest of the way off his legs. I quickly crawl back over him attaching my lips to his making him sigh in relief, I waste no time in trailing my hand down to knead him through his boxers.

He removes his lips to let out a relieved moan, his eyes rolling back from the simple touch.

"Darlene please" He begs, staring up at the ceiling his eyebrows furrowed in pleasure as he blinks harshly a couple times. His breathing becomes shackier the longer I continue to touch him.

Seeing him fall apart from such a simple touch causes a moan to escape my own lips, making me tilt his chin down to attach his lips to mine briefly. The fact that I have him in this state again is prize enough.

"You can touch me" I say my own desperation being revealed in my voice. Despite loving the reaction I get from him when he can't, I'm just as desperate as he is. I'm just hiding it much better.

He sighs in relief, leaning up to give me a brief needy kiss of his own before his hand find the hem of my top. I sit up having to remove my hand from working him to lift my arms so he can pull it over my head, leaving my chest bare. He eyes scan over me, going from analyzing my face, to trailing down the rest of my body, a soft look overtaking his features. My eyes trace over him as well, until our gazes finally meet again.

I smile down at him, a brief pause from our frantic state. Staring like we're seeing each other for the first time.

"Perfect" He says under his breath, his eyes holding so much wonder.

I whine, he's mixing softness with lust. The sheer amount of emotions coursing through me is making my head spin, "Baby you can't say stuff lik-"

He cuts me off when he leans up on his hands to capture my lips in a soft kiss, this one contrasting our chaotic and desperate state we've been in for the past 20 minutes.

My need for him only increases causing me to stop the kiss to slide off of him, removing my skirt and my underwear in one go. He must understand where my head is at because he frantically removes his boxers and shuffles up the bed, until his back is propped up against the headboard. His chest rising and falling in anticipation, as he watches my every move.

I walk around to the side of the bed, getting on and making my way to him until I'm sitting in his lap again. His were back on me before I've even settled.

I attach my lips to his neck, loving the sounds he makes when I find a certain spot that he likes.

I grind myself against him, the contact giving us much more relief now that there's not fabric in between. We're both panting, the feeling being relieving but not even close to what we both need. My arousal coats him, the sight making him intake a deep breath to try and compose himself.

"I need you to do something" He pants out in desperate frustration his eyes flicking from my movements and to my face that's scrunched up in pleasure. He tries to sound demanding but he fails desperately, I can't say I don't enjoy seeing his power struggle.

I smirk at his attempt but I hum in acknowledgment, "Something? You have to be more specific than that" I taunt through my rapid breathing.

He looks up at me un amused, "Darlene, I'm really not in the mood to-"

I place my hand over his mouth to cut him off causing him to glare at me, "Let's try that again" I state in a sweet voice, one of my hands wrapping around his throat as I stop my movements against him. I can tell the loss of friction affects him, though he tries to keep the scowl on his face.

I remove the hand that cups over his mouth, waiting for him to speak up. I may appear to be waiting patiently but in reality I'm throbbing and I'm about to explode, but apparently I'm good at hiding it cause he doesn't seem to suspect a thing.

He stubbornly stares up at me, seeming to be to silently scolding me.

I just shake my head at his persistence.

He knows I'll give him what he wants if he talks yet he's still too stubborn to wanna listen to me. Making him obey is borderline impossible, which is why I'm determined to do it.

I sit further back, my weight now resting against his thighs, "I can get myself off perfectly fine Harry, so I dare you to kee-"

"Darlene." He interupts with a plea his face now filled with desperation and agony, reaching to grab the side of my hips in attempt to pull me closer, but I don't budge making him huff.

He's pleading but I have no idea what for.

"What" I state sternly, letting my frustration peek through my tone. He reaches for my arms this time to pull me closer, but I let him.

His lips meet mine needily, pulling away keeping his forehead pressed to mine.

"Please fuck me" He whines softly as his lips hover over mine.

I'm relieved, fuck I'm relieved. I wasn't bluffing, I would have gotten myself off just to prove a point. But thank fucking god he decided to save us both from having to endure that.

I whine at his statement, not being able to hide how desperately I was hoping he'd say those words. I lean forward to connect our lips, letting him lead the kiss this time. I know he is used to having every bit of control, so I'll let him be able to control something, even if it's just as simple as a kiss.

I know neither of us can wait much longer so I pull away to hover myself over him, taking his length in my hand. I guide him to my entrance, both of our breaths hitching in anticipation. I don't feel like wasting anymore time, so I begin sinking down on him slowly so I can adjust while my hands steady myself by gripping his shoulders.

We're both moaning out in relief, Harry's hands moving to my hips to help me keep me stable. The feeling of finally being able to have him in the way I've been craving all night makes me want to cry in relief.

I get too impatient which makes me sink the rest of the way down abruptly. The action causing any noise that wanted to escape me to get caught in my throat, my hands squeezing Harry's shoulders as my head falls to his chest. That might not have been my smartest idea.

He intakes a sharp breath, letting out a grunt once my hips rest completely against his, trying to steady his shaky breathing .

My own breathing picks up as I adjust to his length, the feeling is overwhelming but in a good way. I can feels his rapid heart beat from where the top of my head rests against him.

One of his arms goes to wrap around my waist in response.

"You okay?" He asks softly in concern, leaving a soft kiss on my shoulder.

I nod against him, finally picking my head up again now that I've adjusted. Before he can say anything else l lift my hips and slam them back down against him, not wanting to wait another longer.

"Fuck" Harry moans out in surprise, his hands going back to each of my hips and squeezing harshly. I set a relatively fast pace due to my desperation, strangled moans escaping me. He's hitting me in all the right spots, this position being a lot more overwhelming than I thought.

I'm whining and whimpering, going to rest my forehead against Harry's and he takes the opportunity to connect our lips.

He kisses me with hunger causing me to moan against his lips, almost forgetting about kissing him completely due to the consuming feeling shooting through my core.

"You're doing such a good job angel" Harry praises against my lips once he detaches them to steady his breathing. I let out a sigh at his words, the pleasure is already building in me rapidly and if he continues to say shit like this I really won't last long.

But it does encourage me to go faster. I remove my arms from his shoulders and place them behind me on his thighs.

I begin moving myself back down on him again, this position being a lot less tiring on my legs. Harry's hands still hold my hips, helping me keep my pace which I'm grateful for.

The new position draws out sounds of pleasure from both of us. His eyes lock on mine, his rosy cheeks making my heart want to explode.

Despite our current sinful actions, he looks like an Angel. There's an innocence that comes along with allowing himself to be vulnerable like this for me.

I'm cherishing this moment, I'm not taking it for granted.

My eyebrows are furrowed in pleasure, my bottom lip caught between my teeth trying to keep myself from letting out any sounds, scared of how desperate the noises will be.

His hands begin to run up and down my body, tracing my skin lightly making me shiver. The feeling just adds to my bliss.

My thighs are already shaking from pleasure and from the burn of my quick pace. Harry is panting and I know his pleasure is building just as fast as mine. His hands guide my hips more now, relieving some of the pressure off my legs.

I moan in desperation, feeling my high begin to slowly building. The sensation is almost torture, knowing it's so close yet still so far.

"Darlene, I-fuck" Harry says panting in desperation, "so close, please" he whines desperately throwing his head back briefly.

This is torture for both of us but I'm determined to have control the whole time.

"Soon, I promise" I struggle to say through my moans, "You're being so good for me H" I pant out, the comment making him whine.

Praise kink? Noted.

I just wanted him to know I appreciate that he's holding himself back. I know how badly he's probably itching to take over. This is definetly new for him.

I frantically sit back up, my hands finding his shoulders again, wanting to get us both to our release as fast as I possibly can.

I keep my movements going, too scared if I stop for just a second I'll have to build up to my high all over again.

I begin to grind against him, dragging my hips back and forth, this movement being much easier and allowing me to go faster.

The noises I was trying to hold back escape my lips from the new feeling, it starts out as a squeak before I'm throwing my head back and letting out a pornographic moan of relief.

Harry groans at the sound, grabbing me by my throat to pull me closer. He's clearly close and frustrated. I know if I let him take over we'd be finishing in seconds, but I want to see him fall apart from my actions.

I know it will be worth it.

Just as I hoped, my release begins building at a much more rapid pace from this position, causing me to whimper.

I whine out his name, not knowing exactly why but everything just feels too good. It's maddening.

"I know baby" He struggles to get out through his pants as I clench around him,

"Fuck bab-come for me yeah? 'm so close" Harry encourages, making me nod my head. I use up my last ounce of energy to speed up even more with the help of Harry's hands on my hip.

The movements finally bring me to my peak, Harry's eyes locked on mine both of our faces contorted in pleasure.

He gives me an encouraging nod, the simple gesture being enough to send me over the edge, my back arching from the pure bliss of the sensation.

The relief causes a loud moan to leave my lips and the second the sound escapes my mouth Harry is throwing his head back with a groan as he releases, his hands gripping my hips tight as he keeps the movements going so we can ride out our highs.

I'm a whimpering mess, the sensation lasting a lot longer than usual. It's overwhelming in the best ways possible, but it makes me lose control of every sound leaving my mouth.

Despite this, I take in every expression on his face and every noise that Harry lets out. The sight of him being consumed in euphoria making my hard work worth it.

Harry's groans turn into soft grunts as he comes down from his high, while mine is still slowly coming to an end. My body weakly holding itself up from my grip on his shoulders, my legs stuttering.

When the wave of pleasure finally stops, I'm slumping against Harry with a whimper. He's quick to wrap his arm around my waist to stabilize me, his other arm rubbing my back soothingly.

I enjoy being on top, don't get me wrong but that shit is tiring.

After my breathing begins to steady more, I lean myself back to find Harry's face, his eyes surprisingly pretty alert. Then again, he didn't have to do much work.

He leans forward giving me a passionate kiss, despite my lack of energy I move my lips similarly against his, conveying my own passion.

He pulls back and gives me a soft smile.

Harry moves me off of his lap, pulling out of me making me hiss in sensitivity. He grabs tissues from the nightstand to clean up the mess as best he can, throwing the tissues in the garbage once he does.

"I'll be right back okay?" Harry says softly placing his hand on my shoulder. I nod my head, closing my eyes needing to rest them for a few seconds before I have to force myself to go back down to the casino.

He walks towards the bathroom and I hear water begin filling the tub. There's some more rustling around causing me to sit up on the side of the bed, my feet dangling over, waiting for Harry's return.

"Come on let's get cleaned up" He says standing in front of me, holding out his hands for me to grab.

"We have to go back down, Niall and-"

"They texted saying they went to walk down the Vegas strip"

I sigh in relief, nodding my head, taking his hands so he can pull me up. The minute I'm on my feet my knee completely gives out causing me to clutch Harry's shoulder frantically for support. He also quickly wraps around my waist to pull me up.

He lets out a soft chuckle and despite wanting to tell him it isn't funny for the second time tonight, I find myself laughing too. Once my legs adjust I let go of the grip on his shoulder,

"Okay I'm good" I say through a soft laugh, but Harry keeps his hold on my waist as we walk into the bathroom.

When I look down at the tub I see a small amount of bubbles coating the top.

Awe he put bubbles. I'm gonna cry, that's so cute.

While we wait for the bath to fill up more, I move to the counter to grab a wipe. Removing the makeup from my face that already looks a bit rough from our recent activity.

I throw the dirty wipe in the trash as Harry turns off the water and steps inside motioning me to come towards him. I obey, going to walk to the other end of the tub but his hand catches mine keeping me on the side he's on and tugging my arm to signal for me to get in.

He guides me to sit between his legs, so my back is against his chest. The second the warm water surrounds me I sigh in relief. 

We relax for a minute both of us recovering from minutes ago, Harry lightly rubbing my shoulders causing my eyes to close in content. There's a comfortable silence between us, I could honestly fall asleep. His body heat mixed with the warm water would enough to lull me to sleep in just a few minutes.

"On a scale of one to ten, how tired are you?" Harry asks as he brushes all my hair to one shoulder. I open my eyes, already feeling a bit better now that I've relaxed for a bit.

I let out a laugh, "Like a...4 or maybe a 5?"

He just hums in response, attaching his lips to my neck causing me to take in a sharp breath. "How sensitive?" he speaks against my neck.

My breathing becomes shaky from his actions, geez I just finally got my breathing back to normal like 2 minutes ago, here we go again.

"I don't know...I guess a 4" I whisper, the feeling of his lips against my neck already making my head spin.

"I can work with that" he mumbles against my neck, before tilting my head back to meet his eyes, "We never finished what you started at the club" he states in a tempting tone.

I know what he's implying my eyes widening, "Harry I don't know if I ca-"

He hums in disapproval making my mouth shut, "I think you can" he states confidently but also using a stern tone.

No cause he doesn't understand, I literally don't know if I can, the only time I finished more than once was when him and I had 'make-up sex'. I was surprised even then. It's usually a one and done kind of thing for me. I'm lucky if a guy can even give me one in the first place.

But I'm already falling under his dominating spell now that my goal of pleasing him was met. So I just nod my head slowly making a satisfied smirk grow on his face as I turn forward again to avoid his intimidating gaze.

"Are you gonna be good for me? It's only fair, I was good for you wasn't I?" his voice low and raspy against my ear. I nod against him, as his hand trails down my arm slowly.

I don't have the energy to give him attitude, not that I even want to in this moment. I have no reason to. There's nothing to even give him attitude about.

"Words Darlene" He urges, but not in a demanding like usual, he sounds like he's simply just reminding me of the 'rules'.

"Yes" I say back softly, the anticipation rising now that his hand has dipped under the water and found its way to my inner thigh.

I have a feeling this is to let him regain some ounce of control, but I sure as hell don't mind if this is how he does it.

His hand finally reaches my core, I shutter the second his fingers brush against me causing him to chuckle softly behind me.

He slowly begins circling his finger against my clit, making my breath hitch as I press my back harder against his chest.

"How about we just pick up right where we left off?" He says with a taunt. I nod my head frantically, already desperate to feel him despite still being sensitive.

His fingers sink into me and he sets the same rapid pace from just hours ago. I throw my head back against him, whining and squirming against him. The sound of the water hitting the sides of tub being mixed in with my own noises.

The feeling is overwhelming but so so good. Tears almost prick my eyes from the waves of pleasure I'm experiencing right now, they're intense.

His lips find my exposed neck, adding to the pleasure shooting throughout my body. I know I'm going to finish embarrassingly fast at this rate. All my focus being solely on the feelings Harry is inflicting on me.

I squeeze my eyes shut when he begins curling his fingers. I let out a strangled moan, every pleasurable sensation being heighten from my sensitivity. My head rests lazily against his chest, my arm reaching back to hold his shoulder to keep myself from slipping down him in exhaustion.

My release begins building quickly from his new motion,

"Please don't stop" I beg breathlessly.

My plea makes Harry speed up more, making an overwhelming amount of bliss build, I'm beginning to be scared of my release never having one that built up this much.

The feeling is almost torture, being so close to toppling over the edge but instead more and more baggage is being added on.

"Harry please" I beg, wanting to cry in frustration that my body won't just let go but hoping he can do something to help. My plea makes him speed up his movements even more, but more and more baggage just keeps being added on.

The knot in my stomach is tighter than ever before. But I begin to feel myself finally start tipping over the edge and the knot finally begin to loosen.

"Say you're mine" Harry pleads desperately in my ear, the tone of his voice not matching the theme of his actions at all.

Despite the unraveling tension in my core, my attention hones in on his statement.

"I'm yours" I whisper back after a desperate moan leaves my mouth.

The second the words are uttered I'm being sent off the edge for the second time tonight. The knot unraveling abruptly making me arch my back off his chest, the hand I have grasped on his shoulders keeping me from slipping.

I'm mumbling out a series of praises along with his name, but I couldn't tell you what exact words left my mouth because I have no damn clue.

I see stars invading my vision, that's how intense the feeling is. I swear everytime Harry and I sleep together or do anything it gets more and more intense each time.

It only gets better with him.

His fingers continue there movements to help me ride out my intense high and the second it comes to an end I'm pushing it away in reflex, now being even more sensitive.

I'm breathing quickly, my mind trying to catch up and process everything. My body fills with exhaustion, the two orgasms I had taking every ounce of energy I had left in me. The four hours of sleep I got is catching up with me as well.

"You okay?" Harry asks softly from behind me after he lets me catch my breath. I nod my head in response.

The fact he checks on me in moments like this warms my heart. He's the first guy to do that.

"Can we go to sleep?" I ask in a tired voice, turning my head up to meet his eyes.

His features soften the second my tired eyes come into view, "Yeah, right after our bath" He states softly, his hand going to hold my chin to angle it up so he can catch my lips. I kiss back softly, as much as my tired state will let me.

He pulls back, his thumb stroking my chin.

He scans over my face just seeming to appreciate and reflect over the past hour and a half. His comforting movements combined with the warmth of the water is going to lull me to sleep even more now but I think he can tell when my eyes begin to get heavier.

He helps me wash my hair, massaging my scalp making my eyes close in bliss. His actions are soft and delicate, almost like he's afraid if he's too rough for just a second he's going to break me. He washes his own hair and cleans himself up before stepping out of the tub and grabbing the two towels he placed on the ledge.

He wraps his around his waist, securing it so it doesn't fall before extending his hands down urging me to take them so he can help me up. I comply, knowing the faster I move the quicker I'll be able to get in bed.

He wraps the towel around me, even ringing out my hair before guiding me to the counter, giving me my toothbrush with toothpaste on it. I grab it and tiredly clean my teeth, the alcohol beginning to make it's way out of my system making me even more exhausted.

Once I'm done I turn towards him, he has my facial moisturizer clutched in his hand. Without me even asking he rubs the lotion into my skin, the feeling being relieving due to how dry the hotel soap made it feel. I close my eyes as he continues to rub the lotion in, only opening them when his hands are taken away.

His eyes look down observing me with the same look on his face from earlier, he leans in and leaves a soft but brief kiss against my lips. A lazy smile grows across my face as my eyes flutter open again to meet his, seeing a similar smile on his face.

He's going to make my heart explode. Fuck. He's being so gentle right now. I can't handle it.

Harry quickly goes to open the drain in the tub and
without any words exchanged between us, we go back into the room. I slump down on the couch next to my suitcase but before I even have a chance to unzipper it he's is handing me one of his shirts.

I lazily stand up, dropping my towel and pulling the shirt over my body.

I realize Harry is in the same pair of gray joggers from last night as I watch him remove the decorative top sheet from our bed since...you know.

He bunches the blanket up and places it in the closet before shutting the door, out of sight out of mind.

I walk up to him, causing him to halt his movements when he sees me approaching. I just lazily rest the top of my head against his chest, this being a action I seem to do a lot now.

He lets out a soft laugh, wrapping his arms around me making me turn my head to the side to lay it flush against him.

"I didn't mean to wear you out this bad" He states in amusement, a bit of guilt laced in his voice.

"I may have lied when I rated my tiredness a 4" I mumble against his chest.

The confession causing him to pull me off him until my face his in view, I just give him a guilty smile causing him to shake his head in amusement.

"I was probably like a solid 6 maybe even a 7" I confess causing him to roll his eyes playfully.

He picks me up from my waist, putting me over his shoulder. The action doesn't even phase me anymore, I'm used to it at this point. But this time I'm practically a dead weight, so I feel a bit bad.

He places me gently onto the bed, I immediately shimmy under the covers as he walks to to his side doing the same.

He flicks off the lamp next to him as I scoot closer. I flip onto my stomach, draping my arm across his torso and putting my head on his chest.

I tangle my legs with his as he uses his own arms to hug me closer. One of his hands begins drawing up and down my arm in a soothing way.

"I missed you" I tiredly mumble out, not even sure if he heard me over the AC blowing.

I meant I missed this, it came out wrong, but I'm just too tired to correct myself.

"I always miss you" He whispers as he continues to rub my arm, "But I missed this too" he says, placing a kiss on the top of my head.

I want to respond but I can't help the sleep that takes over me, my eyes falling shut as I drift off in his arms.

In this moment,

I'm happy.

We're happy.


A/N: Okay I lied....this chapter was even longer than the last. I DIDN'T MEAN TO THO. Anyways, the cute moments in this chapter made me get up and literally pace my room cause I was so overwhelmed with emotions. I'm sad their Vegas trip is coming to an end :((((((((( Like actually genuinely upset.

But get excited because school is starting soon for them :p.

vote and comment. Y'alls comments got me cracking up, I love reading them.


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