SCARS | 𝖠𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖲𝖾𝖺𝗌𝗈...

By obx_cult

66.8K 1K 757

❥︎ "JJ is missing Pope! What do you not understand about that? He could be getting tortured right now and we... More

1 - John B and Sarah are gone
2 - Heywards Offer (part 1)
3 - Heywards Offer (part 2)
4 - The Phantom
5 - Helping JJ
6 - Breaking the wall
7 - Changes
8 - The Fight
9 - Run away
10 - Thoughts
11 - Still children
12 - Comrades
13 - Truth?
14 - Kiara's missing
15 - "Is that a hickey?"
16 - Pogues don't keep secrets
17 - "Stay the hell away from our daughter!"
18 - Depression?
19 - Parents
20 - Break in
21 - Plans
22 - Drugs
23 - Breaking Kie out
24 - Small Confessions
25 - Friday evening party
26 - Aftermath of a party
27 - Cover Up
28 - Friends or Lovers?
29 - Arrested
30 - Here Again
31 - Assault
32 - Heyward's Sacrifice
33 - Kicked Out
35 - "Just us?"
36 - Last summer's boat ride
37 - "This shit has got to stop!"
38 - First Day of School
39 - "Like father like son"
40 - Ending of our Childhood
41 - 1 month later
42 - "It's not a request, it's an order"
43 - "Did you do that to yourself?"
44 - The Shooting
45 - The End of the Pogues
46 - The Raven Haired Boy
47 - The Hooded Figure
48 - Missing Person
49 - Where is JJ?
50 - Drug Runnings
51 - The Gun Shot
52 - He's alive!
53 - Attempted Escape
54 - Rescue
55 - Life Support
56 - Luke Maybank pt.1
57 - Luke Maybank pt2 /// Jiara

34 - Scars for a Maybank

1K 17 10
By obx_cult

TW: Abuse, violence and drug misuse.

{ JJ POV }

I have no idea what he means by me having to 'pay off my debts' but it is my dad afterall, so I should always assume the worst of things.

It's been a pretty... tense evening, he hasn't said a word to me since we were in the car. Which I'm actually glad for, because I don't exactly want to talk to him either.

As of right now I'm just in my battered old room, packing the bags which I said I was going to do ages ago but never got round to it.

I took out my jett-black rucksack for school and another one which is forest green to pack all my other stuff in.

I took some weed and ciggies out of my dad's $3,000 drug supply.  I don't even know how the hell he can afford all of this shit. He doesn't even have a job, I'm the only one in this house with one.

I picked up a few beers from the cooler and staggered back to my room with them all.

I enclosed the drugs into a hidden pocket on the inside of my bag and then I chucked the beers into the bigger compartment.

I smiled to myself, look at me.. being all organised for once.


I was in the shower when someone started furiously pounding on the door.

"DAD, WHAT!?" I called out, turning off the water and wrapping a towel round my waist.

"Your phones going fucking crazy, boy! You got some bitch texting you?"

"Alright, I'm coming" I sighed, flinging open the door just to have my brick of a phone thrown into my face.

"Owch" I quickly grasped the phone before it fell to the floor.

"Sort it out" My dad growled, folding his arms.
I opened the phone and saw that I had 19 missed texts and 4 missed calls from Kie.

"It's just Kiara" I said
"Oh that curly haired slut that you always hang around with" he sneered

My jaw clenched.
"She is not a slut" I said, slow and steadily.

"I'll tell you what she is!" He snapped "she's an attention seeking whore! Did you really think she was hanging round with y'all just because she wants to be your friend?"

"- SHE JUST WANTS THE DICK" he bellowed.

"SHUT UP" I screamed, punching him straight in the jaw.

He stumbled back in surprise.
"I'd be careful, if I were you..." and to my astonishment he didn't act back. He just simply walked away. I bet that he's gonna go off and get drunk now.

I huffed and stormed back to my room, slamming the door shut - locking it too.

It's a good thing he's sober at the moment or else I would of gotten a good and proper ass beating for that.

I unlocked my phone and checked all the messages from Kie.

Mama🐻💛 :  Yo JJ, u ok?
                        : Wanna ft?
                        : Cmon bro, I'm bored asfff
                        : Want me 2 come pick u up?

                        2 missed calls

Mama 🐻💛 : yk I ain't gonna stop until I know ur ok

I missed call

Mama 🐻💛 : Istg JJ you better have a good reason

12  more unread messages...
1 more missed call...

"Holy shit Kie" I mumbled to myself.

Me: Jesus girl, do u ever give up!?

Mama 🐻💛 : Finally! Where the fuck where u, are u ok?

Me: yh I'm okay Kie, wbu?

Mama 🐻💛 : I hope ur telling the truth Maybank... Ok look I'll see you tmo, and I'll explain everything to you there.

Me: ok then see ya ig

I heard loud music playing and I poked my head out the door just to see my dad swigging down a shit tonne of alcohol and he had all his drugs lined up on the table.

Nice I thought sarcastically
Tomorrow is gonna be great!


I woke up after the first full night of sleep I've had here in like weeks. It was 11am and it's a Sunday. Today is the last day of the holidays. pfftt some holiday this's been!

I quickly got changed into some grey shorts and a white shirt, it looked pretty sunny today.

I sauntered to the kitchen and saw that my dad was sat by the table on the porch. He's never up this early, he looked tired and his eyes were bloodshot. He was obviously drunk and probably high out of his mind too.

I felt satisfied seeing the dark red bruise I gave him yesterday, on his jaw.

"Morning dad..." I said scratching the back of my neck.
He just grunted in reply.

I rolled my eyes, and started to walk away when he suddenly spoke up.

"How old are you again? 15, right?"
I sighed, he doesn't even know my age.
"No, dad I-im 16"

"Bullshit! Already?" He exclaimed
"Mhm" I responded blankly

"Well than as much as you don't deserve this, it is family tradition so..."

"what..." I asked confusedly.
Is this so called family tradition going to be another beating?

He stood infront of me intimidatingly and rolled up his sleeves. What the fuck! I haven't even done anything.
I stood back abruptly, preparing myself for what was to come.

"What are you doin?" He asked.
"I - what are your doing?" I replied sheepishly.

He took one of his many rings off his finger and held it infront of me.
It's just a thick slab of silver coiled round to fit a finger and it has the letter 'M' slapped straight in the middle, with little gold chains weaving in and out.

"This is our family ring, fathers for generations have been passing this down to their sons on their 16th birthdays-"

"-little late, don't you think" I cut him off.

"Watch the attitude son" he snapped

I knew I was playing a dangerous game with him but I don't really care anymore. I can't let him push me around all the time.

"Anyways - uh here, take it" he shoved it further into my face.

I scowled at it.
If this comes down from a long line of abusive, alcoholic father's than I don't want anything to do with it.

"I don't want it" I replied bluntly
"JJ, take it, now!"
"Oh wow you actually remembered my name" I said, sarcastic as ever.

"Your asking for it. I swear one more time boy and your gettin it!" He hissed.
I just scoffed.
He gave me a fierce glare.

"Just take the goddamn ring" he roughly opened my fist and slammed the cool metal into it.

"Why 16 though?" I asked
"Because that's the age your great great grandfather had his fist child"
"Oh of course he did, I'm not surprised at all" I muttered sarcastically.

I threw the ring to the floor and started a speed walk back to my room.
"Hey!" He yelled, grabbing my arm and harshly yanking me back.

"What's wrong with you!? Do you really want a beating? Is that what you want huh?"

"No" I replied dully

"So than take the fucking ring, it's a family thing -"

I knew I was being stubborn and if I wanted to avoid trouble I could of just taken it. But of course me being who I am, I felt like I need to make my point clear. I am not going to back down.

"- if this rings comes from a line of abusive alcoholic father's, than I don't want anything to do with it! I don't want to have our last name, I don't want your stupid ring! Because guess what dad!? I will never be like you!" I shouted, daring to voice my opinions.

I know this isn't helping me in the slightest, but I'm used to this by now. I just had to say it.

It took him a minute to get fired up and I saw the evil slowly pool into his eyes.
He took a deep breath and I looked at him warily, waiting for his next move.

"Is that what you really think, eh?" He said in a low growl.
I nodded, trying to keep my breathing rate normal.

"Well then! If you won't wear the ring, then there's only one option left..." He flicked open his lighter.

"Wha - oh no, no - dad please y-you can't do that" I stuttered, fear beginning to consume me.

I don't have time to go back for my rucksacks, I just need to get out... NOW!

I quickly bolted, rampaging through the house with my dad right behind me. I slammed my body against the front door, desperately trying to turn the lock with my shaking hands.

"Shit, shit, shi-"  I was cut off when he took a fistful of my hair and punched my abdomen, knocking me slightly off guard.

But I didn't go down yet. He had to kick my shins and forcefully throw me to the floor.

I swear that I heard something snap, but that wasn't top my concerns right now.

He launched himself ontop of me, pinning my arms above my head, I tried to resist but he was too strong.

I felt my ribs beggining to crush under the weight of a fully grown man.

"Dad..." I groaned
"Please let's just think about what your doing - dad" I gasped, struggling to breathe.

"Don't 'DAD' me you bitch. How dare you have the audacity talk about your family in that way!"

'Oh wow, new word of the day?'  I sarcastically thought to myself.

"Now, If you want to go the easy way than you better stay still you little shit"

"You don't have to do this, please! I'll take the ring - I'll take it!" I desperately yelled, having to stop for air a few times.

If he goes through with this than I'll be marked for life.

"Too late for that, you've already talked smack on your family legacy. My father did the same to me" he said lifting up his shorts to reveal the letter 'M' branded onto his thigh.

What the actual fuck!

"Please..." I begged.
He ignored me and took out his lighter.

I took this as an opportunity to try and escape while he's busy burning the ring.

I kicked off, trying to get his fat ass off me but he just punched me repeatedly until my flaying arms went back down.

I already felt weak and exhausted, I've given up. I'll just let him do what he has to. I don't see the point in fighting anymore, I'm never going to win.

He kept it in the flame for about a minute and then he held the glowing red ring infront of my face. I could feel the heat illuminating off the metal.

"Listen to me boy, you so much as move a muscle, I'll punch that pretty little face so hard that know one will ever be able recognise you again!" he threatened

I just nodded meekly.

"Where should we do this" he whispered, surveying my entire body.

My heart was beating uncontrollably and my breathing rate had picked up rapidly. This caused my chest to rise up and down frantically, which made it hurt even more.

"Stop that" he demanded, slapping my chest.

But he than sighed and lifted himself off me.
I let out a deep exhale as all the pressure was released off my chest and abdomen.

He lifted up my shirt and hovered the ring over my stomach in an attempt to scare me.
"No" I cried out "please, not there."

"Fine" he said. And instead he went down to just above my hip bone.

"Perfect" He menaced, swiping my hip with his finger.

I was now shaking horribly but I kept silent, hoping that he might have second thoughts on this. But I knew that this was unlikely, he gives no mercy.

I stood a fighting chance but I felt weak and my torso was already in agony from the way he brutally attacked it.

"You are a Maybank through and through..." was the last thing I heard before my ear piercing screams filled the air.

The boiling metal pierced into my skin like a thousand knives as he held the ring down for much longer than necessary.

He truly was a sadist if he's just able to listen to his own son's haunting screams.

Finally after a good few seconds he removed the glowering metal. Little sobs were still escaping from my mouth as my whole body was jumping from the shock of it.

I looked down at my freshly branded hip, it was glowing red and cracking as the skin was burning.

I could see the letter 'M' now scarred onto my body, I could even see the faint lines were the little chains coiled around.

"There's no escaping it now, your a Maybank forever" he cackled.

I couldn't tell if he did that from the overdose of drugs or if he actually meant to do it. He does all sorts of physcotic things when he's high but this is by far the worst.

The excruciating pain was spreading to all areas of my body as I attempted to get up, falling over in the process.

I felt like I was about to pass out but I held onto the wall and stumbled to my room.

Fuck this shit, I'm out!

I'm so sorry for this, but I felt like another chapter with his dad was necessary.

My poor bby 🥺💔

This is one of the longer ones, eh (2208 words). Also sorry for the cringy ass heading for this chapter, I had no idea what to call it so I just did the first thing that came to mind.

Stay safe y'all and I'll see you in the next one.
~ Lexi

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